Pole Vaulter and Runner

By Logan Prejean

Published on Oct 2, 2022



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P.S. This is my story, enjoy them but don't be a dick please

Storytime! In the second of my "real life" stories, this took place my senior year in high school as I was starting to accept who I was, and more specifically WHAT I wanted.

My high school was likely one of the smallest in the state, or at least it felt like it. The thing is it wasn't all bad; with only 78 students in my class we all knew each other really well and we only had 32 boys - and more than our fair share of really hot guys.

Now that I was 18 and just starting to come to terms with the fact that I liked boys and that I had no interest in girls. I think most knew this before I really did. My family was really well known in the city and well-liked, this certainly helped in that I didn't get as much teasing as you would think. I was 5'11 after a solid growth spurt in my Sophomore year, which allowed me to shoot up from 5'6, and since I was a distance runner, I got into great shape. I was 140 pounds, and while I wasn't ripped by any remote stretch, I was lean and had some powerful legs.

That same year, I started hanging out during track and field practice as I had a lot of friends that were on the team, from the long jump to high jump to sprinting and distance. Towards the end of the season, a good friend who was a junior at the time, and who I had a huge crush on, talked me into running distance with him. I was hooked on the tranquility of running long distances and the feeling of pushing myself. By my junior year, I was competing and doing rather well and became the best distance runner we had and I grabbed my letter jacket from Track!

Senior year was just packed with stuff. I had most of my academic requirements completed so this year I was working on doing as much as I could to have as much fun as I could. I tried out for the Spring Musical and while I didn't get the male lead (it was a good thing because it required a lot of kissing and physicality with the lead female) I was in a solid supporting actor position and we practiced every day for about 2 hours right after 9th period ended. This means that it was still light out when rehearsal ended, but it was dusk; and while each day things got a little lighter a little longer, I still felt compelled to run at least 5 miles each night to be ready for when the meets started in just a few weeks.

Enter Sean. Sean was a really great guy. Even now that we were both 18, we had known each other since grade school. We went to different elementary schools, but he lived right across the street from my uncle's house. I spent most of my summers there at my uncle's house because he had a huge pool and I always invited Sean over to join us. We had so much fun.

In junior high school, when we started going to the same school together, we were fast friends because we knew each other and spent so much time together for just about every summer leading up to and including junior high. By the time we entered High School we spent most of our summers at the country club playing golf 4 days a week. Sean got a job at the club, working as a caddy on the weekends and Wednesdays. He then got to play for free all of the other days of the week. My grandparents were members of the club and I got to play as much as I wanted.

During football season, Sean was the star quarterback. He helped lead our football team to state competitions both Junior and Senior year and so he was clearly the most popular guy in High School, and I was known as one of his best friends. I never missed one of his games.

Sean went skiing for Christmas break and I always went to my grandparents' Florida house to bake in the sun. Being from the Midwest, getting out of the snow and ice was something I always looked forward toboth during Christmas and spring break. When we got back it was time for basketball season and Sean played - again we had such a small high school we kinda all did just about everything. So we didn't see each other much until early March when we started track practice.

Sean had always loved Pole Vaulting, and damn was it fun to watch him. As basketball season was beginning to wrap up, he quickly and gladly switched over to his main love, pole vaulting.

The first Monday in March of our senior year we had our first day of practice. I loved the track team because while we were competing as a school, we also were really competing as individuals so it really pushed you to do better every day. We headed to the locker room right after school and the coach greeted all of us. He handed out to all of the seniors our uniforms for this season, and it turns out one of the local businesses had donated our uniforms this year. The uniform included a black tank top with our numbers on the front and back along with our last name on the back, as well as a black nylon and lined half zip pullover for warm ups. We also got a pair of black spandex compression running pants, a pair of black spandex compression shorts with about a 9" inseam and a pair of modesty nylon over shorts that also had our numbers on them. These were loose-fitting and clearly meant to be worn over your compression shorts or pants.

We all got changed into our new uniforms being so excited to try them on and I was able to see more than a few of the guys starting to chub up a bit as we all chose to put on the pants rather than the shorts as it was only 42 degrees outside. Fuck, I am going to love senior year.

"Damn, these are tight, huh? They feel kinda hot though, I like them!" Sean said to me patting me on the back. Damn, I love it when he touches me, not that he does it a lot, nor does he do it in a sexual way, but wow did I love to dream that one day it possibly could happen!

"Yah, they are! Glad we got these overshorts cause they would be xrated without them!" I said laughing which got a few of the guys laughing as well. We headed out to the track and all broke into our primary pods. I say primary because none of us could really just compete in ONE area, we had to do multiple events if we wanted our team to be able to compete with all of the other larger schools. I seemed to only be good at distance running so I ran in all of the 400 meter and up races but my jam was the 1600, or the mile. That seemed to be the perfect sweet spot for my skills. So I always tried to run at least 3 miles, preferably 5 though, each day after everything. This frequently meant running the last few laps in the dark lit only by the parking lot lights next to the track.

Musical practice started on Tuesday so I informed my coach that I would be practicing late on the field to still get my conditioning in and that I would try to get my weight training in on the weekends. The coach was really supportive, she was friends with my father who was an assistant football coach. Being a coach got him keys to the locker room, and he trusted me with them so that I could change late and even shower before I left if I wanted. Damn, it was nice being a senior and running the school!

I got out of practice on the stage and headed right to the locker room to change. There were a few guys in the shower changing before they headed out after practice; I got to cop a few glances and shared a few `what's ups" with several of the guys. We were all basically friends, not too much asshole jock machismo going on here at all because we all were teammates if not this season then in the last or in the upcoming. Sure there were a few guys that I didn't like, but still was nice to, wasn't worth the effort to be ugly.

I got changed and slid into my running pants that were so damn tight, but felt so good to run in, I was already warned by my mom that she wasn't washing these every day, so I better buy myself some additional sets, figured I would do that tomorrow. I was fully geared up and headed to the track, passing a few guys that were headed back into the locker room. There were a few guys that I didn't know that well, freshmen and sophomores this year, but I nevertheless exchanged the standard "what's up" with them. I stretched really good, and took off my warm-up hoodie and set it down on the bench near the pole vault pit.

Sean and I said hey to each other as I stretched out a bit and he was trying to break in a new pole the coach had gotten for him. This was going to be one hell of a year for him if he had anything to say about it. So I start off with my laps keeping a close eye on Sean.

He looked so good in his spandex pants and his tank top. About my third lap around the field I notice that he takes off his nylon over-shorts and as I pass by him I shout out, "Who are you trying to turn on there, stud?" I laugh a bit, and Sean shouts back, "I figured I owed you a show, Logan." He laughs, before adding, "Seriously they keep catching on the bar, so I tossed them." I was impressed with his bulge, but for the first time I am seeing that near-perfect ass of his too, that ass that, even in those black running pants at dusk, I could make out the silhouette of each cheek as I made my laps.

"Hey, it's getting too dark, it's not safe anymore," Sean shouts as I make the curve on my last lap. "Hey you got keys, right? I really need to get back into the locker room!" Sean says.

Winded, I lean down catching my knees and breathing deeply, "Yah, I have keys, we can head in. Need any help with your poles?" I say and Sean just looks over at me and winks.

"You flirt! You know I can always use help with my big pole!" Sean says and we both start laughing. We had both begun joking sexually with each other since this past summer on the golf course. His new uniform for the club had these really tight khaki shorts that showcased his bulge and I got to tease him a bit about it. He teased back just as good as he got. "Logan, why are you always looking at my junk, you just have to ask if you wanna see it up close! Just ask, Logan!" All in good fun, but I also suspect he knew that I kinda would love to inspect his pole a bit closer.

I grab two of his poles and my hoodie, Sean grabs his stuff as well along with his new pole and we head inside. I help him stow his poles in his storage area and lock them up for safe keeping, these things were crazy expensive. And then we head to the locker room.

We make our way in and I turn on the lights for us as someone had already closed up for us. We both head to our lockers and as I pass by Sean, he says, "Damn, Logan buddy. You are ripe!"

"Yah, I am going to shower, as I sweated through everything. You?" I say.

"Yah, I guess I better too. Don't wanna get my funk all over my car seats, my dad would kill me." He sits down on the bench and slowly starts taking off his shoes and replacing his cleats. I take off my shirt, the nylon shorts and am down to my spandex pants. I am already feeling kinda frisky, I always get so fucking horny after I work out as I start chubbing a bit. I sit down to take off my shoes and socks. Then I stand up and begin to skin off my pants which have clung to me as tight as a second skin.

"Having trouble there, buddy?" Sean says as I am rolling down my pants, and truth be told I am having a bit of a problem.

"Yah, I am struggling here a bit, when you start sweating it makes it harder to get these to come off. But I can't get over how sexy they are. I am happy to wear these pants all the time. I am going to order a few more pairs of them tomorrow." I finally get them down to my knees and so I sit down, bare-assed, on the bench a few feet away from Sean. I finally get the pants off, fully nude now. I toss my clothes all in my duffle and I grab my shampoo and conditioner (shower gel is already in the shower and provided) and head into the gang shower. "See you in there!"

I make my way into the really large room that has 15 shower heads all around the perimeter of the room. The white tile looks perfectly clean and at the same time the room is thick with humidity and just drips testosterone and that musky slight mildewy smell that if you have ever been near a high school boys' locker room, you know exactly what I am talking about. No wonder I am getting hard.

I decide to take the showerhead in the center of the room. I wanna test something here, as this is the first time that Sean and I are alone, nude and alone, and I wanna see how this plays out. Shit, I gotta be careful though, I am already halfway to fully hard and I don't want to ruin a friendship, but fuck this guy is hot and I wanna fully check him out.

I have seen Sean in the shower many times before. He has a really nice cock, though I wonder how big it actually gets. I have seen him chubbed up a bit, but never fully hard. He is cut, I can tell that, and has a really nice head on his cock that appears to be just slightly larger than the base of his dick... though who knows when he is fully hard?

Sean comes up beside me and takes the showerhead right beside me on my left. I kinda look at him and he says, "The water gets hotter faster if we shower beside each other, trust me!"

"Oh, I am not complaining, man. I typically am in here by myself when I run late, so it is nice to have company." As I say this I get a good look at him, top to bottom, and he catches me looking and just smiles back at me. I can't help it but I am nearly completely hard at this point and I am turned a bit away from him until I figure, well fuck it and turn so he can see me, completely as I wet my hair.

"Wow, Logan, you happy to see me? Dang, you packing a nice piece of meat there, brother! I never knew!" Sean says.

I laugh and say, "You think so, well yah, I guess those pants have me all worked up, they are so sexy and all."

"Oh, the pants, sure. Dude, you can admit it, I know you have had a thing for me, and that is cool. Actually, I am flattered, buddy!" He says, "In fact, it is kinda a turn-on, really!" He says as he turns to face me and he is nearly completely hard himself!

"Fuck dude, you do have a nice cock! I thought you might, that is, if you don't mind me saying so." I say as he reaches down with a soapy hand and strokes himself a few times. "Fuck, what are you 8"?"

"Yup, I am. Good call. Yah I guess you were right, those pants are quite sexy and must have made me hard too!" Watching him stroking himself a bit more I grab a pump of the shower gel from the wall dispenser and give myself a few strokes too. We are both watching each other stroke ourselves and I figure this is one of the hottest things I have ever experienced.

"Fuck, this is kinda hot, Logan! You ever get off in the locker room before?" he asks me.

"Yah, I once jacked off sitting there on the bench by our lockers. I was kinda thinking about you when I did it."

"Oh really, what exactly were you thinking about, buddy?"

"Well, I was thinking about getting on my knees and taking your cock in my mouth and sucking you off right here in the locker room," I said to him, watching his face while darting my focus back and forth from his eyes down to his cock. He just squeezed out a drop of precum. Fuck.

"Really, you would do that for your buddy? You would give me a blowjob?"

"Sure, between friends, why not? I guess you would just have to ask," I say to him, I don't want him to get weirded out by this so I want him to be a full participant and want this to happen. He keeps stroking himself and he keeps watching my cock but not saying anything. I grab some more shower gel and I turn around and wash off the last round and I begin washing my ass really good, in full view of Sean. I stick a finger inside my hole as deep as I can go and then add a second finger, cleaning myself and touching my prostate - fuck, that feels so good.

"So, let's do this. It could be fun and it's been over a week since I have gotten off, so let's have some fun, Logan. I think we both knew this was coming sometime, let's do it now and end the `will they won't they'."

I walk over to him and take my soapy hand and grab hold of his cock and sink down to my knees. I rinse his cock off really good, and then I run my tongue from the base of his cock up to this tip. I look up into his eyes leaving the tip of my tongue at the tip of his cock. Locking eyes with him, almost begging for permission, until he finally nods at me.

As soon as he gives me permission, I dive down onto his cock taking as much of it into my mouth as I can. I do my best to cover my teeth with my lips but with my tongue I keep contact with the underside of his cock as I bob up and down on his cock.

"Fuck, Logan! No chick has ever done this good on my cock, fuck yah buddy!"

I keep going on his cock and only using my mouth on it, I reach around and grab his perfect ass cheeks and push and pull them to help thrust his cock into my mouth making sure to give him the best blowjob of his life. Fuck, I hope this isn't a one time deal, so I need to really make sure I get him going.

I run my fingers down the crack of his ass, feeling the thin hairs that lightly cover his ass and into his crack. The muscles in his glutes are so fucking powerful, I have never felt muscles this strong before. As he makes it into my mouth, he tenses up and then relaxes back - it makes his ass feel absolutely amazing! I can tell he is enjoying this - he moans a bit as I finally fully deep throat him. Fuck, he stretches my throat out, I think this is the first time I ever got to deep throat someone like this, fuck I am glad he was the first for that. Looking up into his eyes, it seems clear he is glad too!

Next thing I know he is pulling me up, back onto my feet again and as I make it up and look at him face to face, he leans in and gives me a quick peck on the lips then spins me around so I am leaning up against the wall of the cold shower. Grabbing my conditioner, Sean says "I think this will work best and not burn either of us, but I think we both need this!"

He starts spreading the conditioner up against my hole, perhaps inspired by the show I gave him just about 10 minutes ago, fuck. I was going to get fucked by the star quarterback, the stud of the school and one of my best friends.

He starts rubbing his cock up against my ass, fuck, it seems clear he is going to go in bareback. Fuck, I don't know about this.

"Shouldn't we use a condom, Sean?"

Laughing "What for, Logan? You think I am gonna knock you up? Look, I use condoms with all the girls I have fucked, this is just us. We have been friends since we were kids, if either of us had anything we would know, so yah... I'm going in raw... fuuuuuuckkkkkk." Just as he says that he slides his cock into me, slowly but solidly. He keeps the pace moving forward and keeps sliding into me. I am moaning at being stretched like this so quickly, but feeling so good at the same time. This isn't the first cock I have taken, but it might just be the biggest. Still, I was damned if I was going to show the slightest pain or even discomfort, this was about Sean and him having a good time.

Sean wraps his arms around me and by the time he is balls deep inside of me he has his hands cupping my pecs as he starts to assault my ass with a solid fucking.

"Fuck, Logan you feel so fucking good! Damn, your ass is soo fucking hot. Better than any pussy I have ever had. Fuck, thank you for this. Fuck dude!" he keeps grunting in my ear as he holds me tight and pounds my ass. The steam of the shower fills the room as our grunts and moans are drowned out by the water.

Sean runs his hands from my chest down to my stomach and ultimately to my cock where he gives me a few strokes before his hands end up on my hips as he really starts to pound me. "Logan, Jesus why the hell didn't we do this before! Shit man!"

"Fuck me Sean, damn you feel so fucking good deep in my guts!"

"Buddy, I am not going to last much longer. I've never got to cum inside someone before, but brother you are going to be my first, OK? You want my load?'

Fuck, just as soon as he says that I start to cum! Just the thought of me getting his load, the first load he has ever shot into anyone - me! FUCK yes! "Fuck yes, Sean! Fuck, cum inside me!"

"You got it, buddy here I cum! Fuuuuuuucccckkkkkk Dude... fuck yah... " he slams into me and holds his cock deep in me as he fires deep inside me. Shot after shot I feel him firing. As he is coming, his arms come up around my chest holding me in a tight hug.

"Fuck yah, that was so hot Logan!" Sean says as he stays deep inside me feeling my body up and down and finally grabbing my cock and squeezing the last of my load out of me and onto the shower floor. "Fuck, man, I felt you cumming. As you shot you clamped down on me so hard. It was the best feeling of my life buddy!"

He starts to pull back and his cock withdraws from my ass, as he runs his hand up and touches my asshole - almost as if he is inspecting the damage he just did.

"Hey, that was fucking amazing. You are ok, right?" Sean says to me.

"Fuck, I am great, man! That was amazing! Shit dude, I can still feel your load up inside me!"

"Fuck that is so hot, fuck! Tell me that we can do that again sometime, ok? Promise me!"

"Anytime you want my ass, you can have it, brother! Anytime!" He leans in and gives me another peck on the lips and then pulls back and slaps my ass cheek as he goes back to his showerhead and rinses off really well. I do the same.

Drying off at our lockers, Sean says "So this isn't weird, right? I fucking love what we just did, and I would love to do it some more... but I also don't want to hurt you. You know I am dating Rebecca and well, I don't really want another relationship. That being said though - you are my best bud, especially after today. We good?"

"Sean, we are so good. I totally get it! I am not going to start stalking you or anything, but I will take that cock for a ride again, so we need to make sure that will happen."

"Count on it, OK. We gotta get out of here!"

I turn off the lights and lock up and follow Sean, getting to watch his perfect ass walk out.

-------------------- A week later, Tuesday night, seems a rather slow night for the school so again Sean and I are left alone out on the field. Every time I pass Sean as I make my laps I see him smile at me, and then he starts saying things to toy with me.

"Getting tired yet?" "Looking kinda slow today, Logan!" "Did you eat your Wheaties?" "Maybe you need more protein" Finally I made my last lap around the track and ran right up to where Sean was packing up.

"All done?" Sean said to me.

"Yah, wanna fuck?" I said back to him and he starts laughing.

"Fuck yah, I do. Here, take my pole." And we both start laughing.

This scene seemed to play out just like last week. As we make it into the shower, we don't play around this time, and we get right into it. We help wash each other down, and I get to grab hold of his cock while it is still mostly soft, something I find so damn hot. Getting to grab a cock and have it get hard right in your hand, so fucking hot.

He starts stroking me as well, and leans in and kisses me. Unlike the last time, this is a full on kiss, opening his mouth and moving his tongue into my mouth, which turns me on so much. As he starts to pull away from me, I nibble on his bottom lip, which clearly turns him on. Suddenly, he spins me around, grabs my conditioner and lubes up his cock and my ass.

"Fuck Logan, I have been thinking about your ass all week, fuck. This is amazing. Damn I love your ass!"

He starts pounding me, and damn I am loving it. He is pounding right up against my prostate in near expert fashion. Damn this is feeling so fucking good. He wraps his arms around me again and pulls my head back to his and he begins whispering in my ear.

"Hey, don't freak out but it appears we have an audience; he has been there for about 3-4 minutes watching us. I thought he would move on, but he seems to be enjoying watching the show," Sean says to me as he continues to pound my ass.

"Fuck... who is it... do you recognize him?" I say to him as I wrap my arms around his, pulling him even closer to me.

"It's Jason, Jason Miller. He seems to be enjoying himself watching us." Jason was a 19-year-old who got held back a time or two, but dang he was looking good and seemed to be in a trance watching us.

"Jason, you can come closer if you want a closer look, you seem to be enjoying yourself," Sean says a bit louder. Jason move a bit closer, but doesn't come any closer than the bench at the first row of lockers.

I swear the musical theater side of me starts coming through, feeling as if I need to perform a bit, so I get a bit vocal. "Fuck me, Sean, fuck yah give me that huge dick of yours!" Which really turned him on and he starts taking that out on my ass. Sean grabs onto my hips and really starts laying this fuck into me. I can see Jason out of the corner of my eye as he is stroking himself while watching us so closely.

"Fuck yah, Logan, I am getting close, man. You gonna let me flood your guts again, just like last time?" Clearly speaking louder for Jason's benefit.

"Yes, man. Flood me with your load, cum inside me Sean, breed me!" I say to him as I reach down and start stroking my cock. I begin to fire my load up against the wall of the shower again and this sets off a chain reaction causing Sean to fire as well.

"Fuck yes, YES... FUCK... I am shooting so deep into you, Logan! Fuck yah!" he cries giving me and Jason one hell of a show. I look over and Jason is gone.

"Fuck, that was so hot. You think we have to worry about him?" I ask Sean.

"No, fuck what is he going to do to us? We are the two most popular guys in the school, nobody would believe him and the ones that did would get in line to fuck us. So it would actually be great if he did."

Sean and I fucked at least 4 more times after this and we had a blast doing it. We lost touch after graduation, sadly. Sean, if you are reading this, I miss you brother! Come to the next reunion, and let's catch up.

Hope you enjoyed this story of my wild senior year of High School, if you want to read more about my wild days and about the stories that come shooting out of me, follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean and my friend and Editor @trappedinthecl1 or drop me an email LoganPrejean337@gmail.com

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