Poker Night

By or tcns

Published on Nov 20, 2001


Poker Night - Chapter 6 "Scottish Delight"

Ryan dropped me off at the airport and to my surprise, I was the first of my family to arrive. Good, I thought. Now my brother Trevor can stop bugging me about always being late. I took a seat near the airline ticket counter and soon, my family arrived. Everyone bustled about while my parents checked in the baggage. We made our way down the concourse to the gate and before long we had boarded the plane. I always enjoy flying, especially the takeoff and landing. Once we were in the air, I got out my CD player, kicked back and shut my eyes. The flight was uneventful. I got lost in my music, ate food when they came around and then went back to my music. Soon the almost five hour flight was over and we were driving in the rental car to our hotel at Walt Disney World.

The rest of the evening was spent settling into the hotel rooms and relaxing. My brother and I went in the pool and then watched TV in our room for a while before we turned in. The first few days of our vacation went well. We spent the first day in EPCOT and the second day we drove to the Atlantic ocean for a day at the beach. The third day we spent at the new Animal Kingdom park, which was really cool. Lots of animals and some great rides.

But it was the next day, our trip to the Blizzard Beach water park that was definitely a day to remember. We hit the water park right at opening. As we were standing waiting for Mom to rent a locker, I took the opportunity to check out some of the people around us. I noticed there were lots of people from other countries. Just as this thought was crossing my mind, I spotted a family walking towards us. As the mother and father walked past, I was awestruck. Three gorgeous teenage boys were walking behind them. At best guess the oldest boy was my age, the middle boy was 18 and the youngest was probably 15 or 16. I tried to be as nonchalant as I could be. I continued to check them out as they followed their parents over to their locker. My eyes almost popped out of my head as the boys began to undress. They were all wearing Speedos.

"That's just wild," Trevor said, startling me.

"What is?"

"All these guys wearing Speedos. Don't they know what they look like?"

For a moment I thought Trevor had caught me until I realized he was looking the other way. When I followed his glance, I realized WHY he said what he did. This hairy guy in his 40s with a big gut was standing across the sidewalk in a Speedo.

"Oh god," I exclaimed. "Shit no kidding. I wouldn't be caught dead looking like that."

We both chuckled. I glanced back at the three hot boys to find them walking back towards us with their parents in tow. When they walked by me I could hear them talking excitedly to each other about the water park. Oh my GOD! They're Scottish!! My stomach did somersaults. Sheesh these boys are gorgeous, have great bodies, they're wearing Speedos AND they have sexy accents!! This is so not fair. Just then Mom and Dad returned with our locker key, so we went and got ready for our day.

The park was awesome. We spent hours on the water slides and in the wave pool. After lunch, Mom and Dad decided to lay out and sunbathe. Neither Trevor or I wanted to do that, so we opted for more water slides. After about 30 minutes of that, we ran down to this creek filled with people on tubes, grabbed tubes of our own and jumped in. Laying back on the tube floating gently down the creek in the warm sunny summer day was just awesome. Totally relaxing.

After a while I opened my eyes. I looked around for Trevor but did not see him. I sat up and peered around but there was no sign of him anywhere. Oh well, I thought to myself with a smile. I have the hotel key. To be sure, I checked the pocket of my swim shorts. Yup still zipped. Just as I lay back in my tube again, I noticed someone just in front of me. It was the middle brother of the Scottish boys I had seen that morning! And his father. He was so hot he made me feel all warm. I sat back in my tube, floating down the creek looking at him and listening to his sexy accent as he teased his younger brother and father. Once, I thought I saw him glance at me out of the corner of my eye, but I figured it was my overactive imagination.

Just then, we came upon this island in the middle of the creek with a house on it. From inside it I heard what sounded like someone about to sneeze. AHHHHHH CHOOOOO!!!!!! This huge plume of water shot out of the chimney and splashed the people down the stream a little ways. To my great surprise they screamed.

"Oh my GOD it's COLD!!" this one lady yelled, laughing.

Oh great, I thought. I don't want to be splashed with cold water. Just then I heard a yell and turned to see the cute Scottish boy being pushed by his father towards the island as the sneezing sound began again. As his Dad and younger brother both laughed, the boy tried valiantly to get away to no avail. Smartly, just as the water shot out, he ducked down into the creek. I was so amused by this interchange that I laughed out loud despite myself. I was still laughing when he popped back up out of the water. His dad smiled at me.

"Good move that one," he said to me, grinning widely.

"Yes it was," I said smiling back.

"It's cold water, Da" the boy laughed as he glanced at me. "I don' think I'd like that much."

"Me neither," I laughed, carefully steering clear of the island.

"Are ya an American?" the boy asked.

"Yeah I am."

"That's rather obvious seein' where we are now isn'it, Keiran?" his father said sarcastically.

"Ehh... yeah I guess so," came the sheepish reply and another gorgeous smile. Suddenly, he held out his hand "I am Keiran, but then that must be obvious too."

"I'm Tyler," I said smiling.

I could not believe I was floating down a stream talking to this gorgeous Scottish boy. We chatted for a little while before I noticed we were floating towards one of the entry/exit points of the creek.

"We're gettin' out here, Keiran," his father said.

"I don't want to. I think I'll stay in just a bit longer, ok?"

"Alright then, meet your mother and me at our chairs down by th'wave pool when yer done," he said as he climbed the steps out of the water after his youngest son. "Good ta meet you Tyler."

"Thanks a lot sir, nice to meet you too."

He nodded and the two of them walked off as I floated downstream with Keiran. After a while, the people around us began to thin out until it was just Keiran, me and a few empty tubes around us. Keiran was talking about some of the things he had done with his family since they had arrived when he paused for a second. I looked over at him and noticed he was glancing at the lifeguard we were passing. It was just a momentary pause, barely even noticeable. But I had noticed, so I glanced over at the lifeguard. It was a guy. And not just any guy, it was a blonde haired, tanned hunk in thin red nylon lifeguard shorts. Damn, no wonder he'd paused mid sentence. Hey wait a minute, I thought to myself. I looked back at Kieran and found him staring at me with a huge grin on his face.

"What are ya lookin' at?" he asked, wide eyed and smiling.

"Uhhh.... Same thing as you," I said, feeling odd.

Keiran maneuvered his tube closer to mine.

"I was lookin' at th' sexy bloke in the red shorts," he said quietly.

"Oh were you? Well so was I," I said, not believing my own ears. Let's just tally this up, I thought to myself. He's gorgeous. He's Scottish. He's wearing a hot Speedo that shows everything AND HE'S GAY?!?!? What are the odds???

"So who are ya here with?" he asked me.

"Umm my parents and my brother, Trevor."

"Tell me is yer brother as good lookin' as you are?" he asked grinning widely.

"I... uhhh.... wouldn't know. I guess I don't look at him that way," I said. "Oh and thanks."

"Let's get out here," he said suddenly, pointing to another exit point.

"Uh, sure ok," I said, jumping out of my tube and walking up the exit stairs after him.

We walked up the path away from the creek. I followed him through the trees and sand away from the majority of the people until he finally stopped far away from all the bustle of the park. We pulled two reclining lawn chairs close and lay back on them. I didn't take my eyes off him the whole time. Now, away from the people of the park and free of hiding from anyone, I drank him in with my eyes. He had short light brown hair, a nice body, firm pects and a washboard stomach. His was a nice lean swimmer's build with just the littlest patch of chest hair between his pects. But it was his smile and his gorgeous green eyes that really lured me in.

"So, does your family know? You know... about you?" I asked.

"Well my brothers do. I don' want t'tell my parents just yet."

"Oh that's cool. Are you close with your brothers."

"Yeah they're cool. Ewan and Donnan. I dunno, Donnan is still a tosser sometimes but he's gettin' better."

"How old are they? Well, how old are you for that matter?"

"Donnan just turned 15 and Ewan is 20. I am 18 if y' must know," he said coyly. "How about you?"

"I am 20. I'll be 21 in October," I smiled. "I gotta tell you Keiran, you have the sexiest accent I have ever heard."

"What?? I don't have an accent," he laughed. "You do, ya Yank!"

"YANK!?" I said in mock indignation. "Who you calling a Yank?"

"What ya gonna do about it, Tyler?"

"Ooooh keep saying my name like that and I will tell you what I will do about it," I said, a chill running down my spine.

"Oh really Tyler? That sounds grand," he smiled devilishly. "What's the plan then?"

I stared at him for a second then remembered something. I had the hotel key. My family was planning on staying here until park closing and there was no way they would miss me in this huge park.

"You got your park passport?" I asked him.

"Yeah it's in here," he said showing me a small waterproof holder around his neck.

"Good, let's go," I grinned, jumping up and grabbing his arm.

"Too fuckin' right," he said grinning back and following me.

We walked quickly back towards the front gate of Blizzard Beach, carefully avoiding the main walkways so as not to run into either set of parents. As we walked by the lockers, Keiran hesitated.

"Hey wh' about our clothes?" he asked.

"Oh yeah," I said, reaching for my locker key. "What about you? Do you have yours?"

"No, my brother's got it."

"Oh. Well I have two shirts in my locker so that will be cool. And you can wear the shorts I wore here."

"Brilliant, are ya sure that's alright?"

"Yeah it's fine."

I opened the locker, grabbed my clothes out and tossed a shirt and my shorts to Keiran. I also grabbed my sandals.

"Here wear these, I have my waterproof ones on. That'll be good enough."

"OK. Thanks a lot, mate."

"No problem," I said, smiling.

We got our hands stamped and headed out to wait for the shuttle back to my hotel. As we waited, we continued to chat and get to know each other. We laughed a lot and got on great. The shuttle arrived and we got on board. We sat near the back, still chatting and exploring each other's culture.

"OK this is it," I said as the shuttle pulled up to my hotel.

"Man this place is braw!" Keiran exclaimed.

"Braw? What does that mean?"

"Oh... it means really nice, I guess."

"Yeah it's way nice," I smiled. "My dad makes a lot of money."

"I suppose he does," he said as we got off the shuttle. "What is this supposed to be?"

"It's like a yacht club from... I dunno, New England?" I said. "It's really nice."

"Hahah, New England? Where is that?"

"It's what we call the northeast part of the U.S.," I explained.

We walked up to the building and went to the hotel room I was sharing with my brother. I looked at Keiran as I unlocked the door and he had this big smile on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"What, what?" he grinned.

"Why are you grinning like that?" I asked as I closed the door.

When I turned back towards him, Keiran had moved in close to me. I noticed he was just a bit shorter than me.

"Mmmm.... you smell good Tyler," he said softly, his face just inches from mine.

"So do you."

Keiran gently ran his hand down my jaw as he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him in return. His other hand began to move slowly up my back. I felt his tongue dart in to touch mine and I eagerly returned the gesture. After a moment he pulled back and looked at me with his big green eyes.

"Mmmm Tyler, you are a fantastic kisser."

"Call me Ty."

"Oooh, that's sexy. Ty."

"No it's sexy the way YOU say it," I smiled. "What do you want to do?"

"How much time've we got?"

"Park closes in five hours," I said after looking at the clock.

"We could do a lot in five hours, Ty," he said coyly.

He walked further into the room as I set my key and stuff down on the dresser. I turned around just in time to watch him pull his shirt up over his head and throw it on the floor. He was so sexy it all seemed to go in slow motion. Keiran motioned me over to join him, so I did. I reached out and ran my fingers across his chest and he purred with excitement. We kissed for a moment, then I reached down and pulled my own shirt off.

"Let's take a shower so we don't smell like chlorine," I suggested.


We both kicked off our sandals and walked into the bathroom. I got the water running and warmed up. When I turned around, Keiran was naked.

"OK now you," he smiled.

I slid my swim trunks off, tossed them in the corner and stepped into the tub. Keiran followed. We embraced under the warm water, kissing and exploring each other's body. Soon I felt something down below. I looked down and saw that Keiran had a hardon.

"Hey that looks tasty," I said smiling. "I have never seen an uncut guy before."

"Well that's me, mate. Hey I have never seen a... what do y'say? Cut guy?"


"Well I have never seen a cut guy before."

We finished rinsing off and got out. I grabbed us both towels and we dried off. With towels wrapped around our waists, we headed back out to the room. Keiran sat down on the edge of the bed and began drying his hair off with another towel, so I sat down next to him. He finished and looked over at me, dropping the towel on the floor.

"You are bloody hot," he said.

"So are you, Keiran."

I leaned in and kissed him. We began to kiss more and more passionately, arms wrapped around each other. I gently laid him back on the bed, opened his towel and gazed at his big uncut tool. I slowly ran my hand up and down it as I drank his hot naked swimmer's body. He had just the right amount of hair. His cock was about 5 inches long and a bit thicker than mine and his balls were nice and big, but not too big. As I continued to run my fingers along his dick, he gasped and made some really hot noises so I wrapped my fingers around his thick cock. Keiran reached around and took off my towel, revealing my hard dick.

"It's nice... so big," Keiran said. "Bigger than mine anyway."

"Yours is a good size," I reassured him. "Actually it's the perfect size."

With that, I leaned down and kissed his chest. I began kissed down his stomach until I reached his uncut dick. Slowly, I ran my tongue down the length of his shaft as I heard a moan of delight. I licked his balls and he made a sudden gasp, moving one of his hands to run his fingers through my hair. As he stroked my hair, I began to suck his thick uncut cock. His moans quickly became constant and very erotic. The sound of his accent was apparent even now and it turned me on even more. As I continued to blow him, I ran my hands across his thighs, his nuts and his rock hard stomach. Then I licked down his shaft to his big balls and licked his nut sack all over. He moaned and began writhing on the bed. I bathed them with my tongue, taking first one, then the other into my mouth.

The noises he was making and his hot body had me turned on and I knew what I wanted. Now I had to get him to the point where he was begging for it. I moved down to kneel in front of him on the floor, pushed his legs into the air and began licking his balls and the surrounding area with a vengeance. I licked, nibbled and kissed my way up one leg then down the other. I licked his balls some more and slowly moved down to lick below them. He moaned loudly so I continued down and began to rim him.

"Oh god, Tyler!!" he gasped loudly.

"You like that?"

"Yeah I do... ne'er... had that done before!" he breathed.

I rimmed him some more, licking his asshole and the surrounding area, then moved back up to bathe his balls with my tongue. Before long, I got back onto the bed and kneeled close to his face. Keiran eagerly moved around so he was lying on his back with his head at my cock and began to suck it. He licked my nuts, causing me to moan, and then worked his way back up the length of my dick.

"Here this is not so easy this way," he said, gesturing for me to lay down.

I laid on my back and he knelt down beside me, taking my cock deep into his mouth, sucking almost all 7 ½ inches into his throat. Up and down he worked his oral magic on my cock. He actually seemed to be getting MORE turned on by sucking me off. I realized that if he continued this for too long, I would shoot my load. I told him so, but he just smiled and kept sucking. Sure enough, within a few minutes, I felt myself getting close.

"Oh god, Keir... I am gonna cum."

He pulled off and began stroking my cock which was lubed well with his spit.

"Ohhhh YEAH! Uhhhhhhhhhh," I moaned loudly as cum shot into the air, landing on my chest and stomach.

"Oh wow, that was brilliant," Keiran breathed, a big grin on his cute face.

"Well, what about you?" I asked. "What do you want?"

He moved up and kissed me passionately on the lip, his tongue darting fiercely into my mouth. He kissed and kissed me, then pulled back and looked me in the eye.

"I want ya t' make me feel like that. I want ya t' fuck me."

"OK I.. Oh wait. I can't! Where would we get a condom?"

"Oh no... you don't have a rubber?" he asked.

"Hey wait!!"

I ran over to my suitcase and dug through it until I found a small black bag in my toiletries. I unzipped it and sure enough, there was a condom.

"Yes! Here I have two," I said as I brought them and the bottle of lube over to the bed. "I just threw this little bag that I keep my lube and stuff in when I packed so I could... you know..."

"Hahaha you were PLANNIN' t' find some guys here?" he asked, laughing.

"No no... I brought the lube cuz I need to it... you know... jerk off."

"You do? Why do you need lube for tossing?"

"Well, cuz I don't have all this extra skin to help me," I said grabbed his still erect dick.

By this time, I had already gotten completely hard again, so I decided not to waste time. I tore open a condom package and put it on. As I lubed myself up, I asked Keiran if he had ever done this before.

"Oh yeah," he said. "Plenty o' times, mate."

With that, I knelt down between his legs as he helped guide my cock to his waiting hole. I slowly inched my dick inside of him, pausing and letting him relax and take it. As I looked at him, his eyes rolled back in his head and closed, his hands wrapped around my butt and he moaned longer and louder than he had yet. Soon, I was in to the hilt. He opened his eyes as I began to slide my cock in and out of his tight hole. He was so hot, sweating slightly and looking very turned on. I thought his cock was going to burst it was so hard. I leaned down to kiss him and he grabbed my head, giving me another passionate kiss.

"Mmmmmmm," he moaned. "Yeah fuck me Ty... ohh yeah yer so big."

Yet again, the sound of his voice and his Scottish accent got me very hot and horny. With five days of pent up horniness finally able to be released, I hastily complied. I began to fuck him harder and faster as his moans got faster and louder as well. After a little while, I paused and moved him to lay on his side. I held his leg up and entered him between his legs. As I began to fuck him with long strokes, his moans were more intense than before.

"Ohhhhhh yeah. Oh shit mate, this is... ohhhhh... SO GOOD," he moaned. "Yeah, Ty fuck my ass... oh YEAH!!!"

Keiran reached down and began stroking his rock hard uncut dick like there was no tomorrow. I continued to fuck him but soon began to notice that he seemed close to cumming. Not wanting that, I slowed down and then stopped.

"No way, Keir, not yet," I said as I rolled him onto his stomach.

That way he could not touch his dick and I could fuck him from behind. As I lowered myself on top of him, he wrapped his legs and feet up around my legs. I slid my cock back into him and began fucking him again. This time, he moaned the loudest of all.

"Yeah you like that?" I asked him.

"Ohhh yeah it's fantastic!!" he moaned grabbing both my hands and pulling me down completely on top of him. "Come on, mate, fuck me hard!"

That was all the encouragement I needed. I began to pound his ass, thrusting my cock all the way inside him. Each time I thrust, he moaned loudly and hotly. I kept up my relentless fucking , sliding almost all the way out before ramming it back in him. He liked it so much he kept begging for it to be harder. With as hot as his ass was and with that gorgeous accent of his, I did my damnedest to give him what he wanted; every inch of it.

Suddenly, without warning, he slid up, popping my cock out of his ass. All in one move he flipped back over on his back, grabbed my hands and before I knew it, my cock was in him again. OK, I thought as I continued to fuck him. If this is what he wants, I'll give him this too. Before long, I understood why he flipped over. He was about to cum. I grabbed his cock and stroked it while I continued to pound my cock into him. The feel of his uncut dick in my hands was really cool. Then he moaned loudly.

"Oh yeah..... OOHHHHHHHH I'm gonna shoot!!" he announced hotly, grabbing his pole and stroking away.

With that, hot cum geysered out of his dick, landing on his gorgeous pects and flat stomach. This was enough for me. I pulled my cock out, threw the condom off and jerked myself until I was shooting hot jizz all over him. He smiled and looked up at me as I collapsed from the intensity of my orgasm. I fell on top of him, our bodies rubbing together with the cum. He kissed me and I kissed him back.

"Wow, that was some smashin' good sex, mate," he said finally. "Do all Americans fuck as good as you?"

"Hahaha I don't know.... I have only fucked a few of them."

"Well me too, Tyler. It's now two for me."

"TWO huh? What else did you do?" I asked, chuckling.

"Oh his name was Eric and he was an exchange student at my school back home," Keiran said with a distant smile on his face. "He was my first actually."

"Oh OK so this is when you were younger," I replied.

"Yes, mate. I was 15. And don' worry... you were much better, you stud."

I laughed and thanked him. I looked at the clock and even though we still had plenty of time, I thought it best not to risk being gone from the water park for too long. I suggested another shower to clean up our mess and Keiran quickly agreed. We got up and jumped back into the shower. We played and got frisky again as we cleaned ourselves off. I jumped out first and toweled myself off. As Keiran got out, he looked at me.

"You are so hot, Ty," he grinned at me. "Y' make me wanna do it again."

"Again? Well whatever would we do, you sexy Scot?"

"Well I was thinkin' a little o' this," he said grinning ear to ear as he knelt down quickly in front of me and devouring my already hardening cock.

I moaned loudly and leaned back against the bathroom wall as he sucked my cock with long deep strokes. Before long though, he stopped and stood up. He grabbed my hand and led me into the bedroom again, pushing me gently down on the bed. I closed my eyes and waited for him to swallow my dick. I was surprised to hear plastic crinkling and when I opened my eyes, he had the second condom halfway onto his hard cock.

"Oh are we doing that now?" I said, smiling.

"I was thinkin' we could," he replied, grinning a horny grin.

"Are all Scots this naughty and horny?" I grinned.

"Yes we are," he laughed.

Before I even realized he had lubed himself up, Keiran began to slide his dick into my ass. I relaxed and breathed deeply as I was filled with his thick boner.

"You ok?" he asked once his dick was all the way in.

"Oh yeah.... Ohhh feels good, Keir. Come on fuck me."

Keiran smiled and began to slowly fuck me. I was very aroused and getting more so by watching his hot body flex and work as he fucked me. He was assertive but not forceful. Smoothly and strongly, he continued to work his cock in and out of my ass. It felt great. He was thick enough to feel great and long enough to please me. Again and again he slid his cock almost out and then all the way back in again in one fluid motion. This boy really knew how to fuck well.

Keiran stopped, pulled out and motioned for me to turn over. He moved me down so I was kneeling over the edge of the bed face down with my ass right at the edge. He stood on the floor behind me and worked his cock back into my waiting hole. I groaned loudly as he hit the right spot in me and he took this as a signal to continue fucking me.

"Oh yeah, your ass is so tight," Keiran said in a husky voice.

I moaned as he continued his rhythmic strokes in and out of me. Keiran leaned down and began to kiss my neck and shoulders as he began to fuck me a little harder and faster. I could not help but moan as he pounded my ass, hitting just deep enough inside me to massage my prostate.

"Yeah..... OHHH yeah fuck me.... Yeah faster!"

"Ok mate, faster it is," he smiled and obliged me yet again.

It had been almost two months since I had been fucked. I felt so good and Keiran fucked so well that I didn't hold back at all. I moaned and told him how good he felt. He continued for a bit, then pulled out and flipped me onto my back. Placing my legs on his shoulders, he once more slid his thick uncut dick deep inside me. I reached up and grabbed his ass with my hands, pulling him closer to me.

"Oh yeah... give it to me, Keir... yeah fuck me. Oh you have such a nice ass!"

"Hahahah thank you, Ty," he laughed. "Yours is smashin' as well."

Keiran leaned down and began to kiss me passionately, as he fucked my ass deep and hard. I moaned and ran my hands up and down his sides, back and butt, taking in all of his hot and tight swimmer's body. Every time he thrust into me, I began to feel tingles deep within me. I moaned loudly time and time again.

"Ty I am gettin' close," Keiran breathed.

Hearing this, I grabbed my hard dick and began jerking myself off, knowing I was right on the edge. Just as I began to shoot cum all over, Keiran pulled out and spurted hot jizz onto my chest and stomach where it mingled with mine. I reached up and pulled him down on me, laughing and kissing him deeply.

"You are so much fun, you know that?" I told him.

"Thanks, mate. You are too."

"How long are you going to be here on vacation?"

"We head back to Scotland in a week."

"Oh that's cool. Yeah we fly home on June 14th."

"Oh so you will be here for a time," Keiran stated.

"Yeah why?" I asked, then I suddenly realized. "You want to try and see each other again before you leave?"

"Yes I would love that. You do a grand job o' gettin' rid of th' on vacation with family hornies," he said with a grin.

"Hahahahah, thanks a lot," I laughed. "You do too. Well, how would we do it? It's kinda hard with our families around."

"Well, I will give ya my hotel information and th' room number and you can call me. I have a room with my brothers and they won' care a bit."

"OK that works."

We decided to take another quick shower and get back to Blizzard Beach. I was amazed that, despite all we had done, there was still three hours until the park closed. We got dressed again, being careful to put on the same clothes and clean up the hotel room. The ride back to the water park was uneventful, but Keiran and I chatted more and had a great conversation. He really was a great guy and a hell of a lot of fun to hang out with. Well, the great sex and the hot Scottish body were fun too.

When we arrived at Blizzard Beach, Keiran and I walked back up to the gate, showed the park people our passports and stamps and they let us back in. After stopping by the lockers to drop off our shirts and shoes, Keiran and I walked up the path towards the wave pool at the center of the park. We continued to chat as we crossed a bridge over the creek and walked out onto the sand.

"Well, I think my family is over that way," I said, pointing to my right.

"Alright, well it was good t' meet you, Tyler," Keiran said, sticking out his hand.

"Good to meet you too, you little Scottish ball of fire," I said, grinning and shaking his hand.

He laughed and winked. I told him I would call him soon and walked off to meet my family.

I have been planning this chapter for a long time, but job problems and real life once again intruded. Thanks a lot for waiting, hopefully the next two chapters will follow shortly. I have them all planned out. This bit of fun was inspired by a real english guy I saw when on vacation in 2000. The rest of course is fiction. Please let me know what you think. Send any questions comments or suggestions to or I do try to answer my email. So thanks a lot for reading my story and keep your eyes open for the next chapter.

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