Poker Night

By or tcns

Published on May 14, 2001


Poker Night - Chapter Five "Summer Nights"

What a great day. It was just the beginning of summer, blue skies and like 80 degrees. Not to hot and not cloudy. I was sitting at a stop light in my pickup, windows down and music blasting on my system. Even though I am a poor college student (yeah right) I have a nice system in my truck on which Pearl Jam sounds GREAT loud. The light turned green and I took off. Soon I was home. As I pulled into the apartment complex I waved at two of my neighbors and parked my truck. I grabbed my bag and walked to the front door. Before I could unlock it, the door opened and Ryan stood there.

"DUDE! I am DONE!"

"Yeah me too, I just finished my last final," I said, grinning. "I fuckin ACED it too."

I dropped my bag on the couch and headed to the kitchen.

"God I am starving!"

"Oh hey I made some grub and couldn't finish it. Help yourself," Ryan called from the living room.

"You made food and could not finish it?" I said, poking my head around the wall and looking at him. "Is this like the first time ever?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say," Ryan laughed. "OK I made a LOT."

"Well honey thanks for lunch. Did you walk the dog and clean the bathroom too?"

"Oh that's funny."

"Thanks, I wrote it myself," I shot back.

"Yeah it shows, trust me."

"Hahahaha... prick," I said as I brought my plate of food into the living room and sat down on the couch next to Ryan. "What are we watching?"

"Baseball, what else?" Ryan smiled. "Dude, the Braves are up two nothing."

"Yes see now that's what I like to hear." I ate for a bit, then remembered something. "Oh dude, guess what I just found out from Mom."


"Guess what she landed tickets for in Florida?"


"Yup we got tickets to the Devil Rays but guess who they are playing," I grinned. Ryan was going to kill me.


"Yes they are playing the Red Sox."

"Oh you are such an asshole. I have only seen them play once."

"Yeah yeah I know... don't worry I'll buy you a little something."

"Yeah that's right now that school's out, yer gettin' ready for the family trip to Disney World."

We chatted for a while about the family plans and stuff. I gave him the information on when we were leaving and coming back so he could drop me off and pick me up from the airport. As I put my dishes away, Ryan and I decided to celebrate the end of school. As it was a Friday night, we called the usual group of friends and told them to come over and party with us. I ran next door and told our neighbors to come over too. Dean, Jeff and Mike live in the three bedroom town home next to us and go to the local community college. We hang out all the time and drink. Sometimes we end up with parties going on in both places with people going between all the time. It's pretty cool.

"Who's buying?" Dean asked.

"Oh umm......... Ryan's gonna have Dusty's brother buy some and my brother said he would buy some too. Oh and if my friend Nick comes, he's 21 so he can buy stuff too."

"Right on."

The rest of the night went by as a blur of movies, beer, drinking games and more beer. Oh and cute boys. I always like it when the three boys from next store party with us cuz they are all three gorgeous. Ryan and I, in recent weeks, have had many conversations about how hot they are. And also, Dusty and Jared were there too so that didn't hurt. Eventually the night quieted down. Ryan and Dusty were next door with Mike and Jeff. Dean, Jared, Nick, Jason and I were all playing cards, or trying to. By this point we were all pretty wasted.

"Alright, Jason. It's your deal," I said, handing the cards to my very drunk friend.

"Oh no way man," he said. "I'm done... and I gotta piss like a motherfucker."

We all laughed. "OK man thanks for sharing," I smiled as he got up and stumbled upstairs to the bathroom. "Alright Nick, it's to you."

Nick dealt one more hand before he decided to call it a night. I decided it was time to figure out where everyone was staying. I got up and walked, yes definitely feeling this, next door to see what was up there. I opened the door and found Ryan and Jeff half laying on the couch talking quietly. Jeff looked very buzzed. Ryan decided to sleep there and said everyone else was already sleeping or passed out. I nodded, told them good night and walked back over to my place. I opened my door to find Nick grabbing his coat.

"Come on Jason, let's go," he said.

"You guys taking off?" I asked.


"You good to drive?"

"Hell yeah, didn't you notice I stopped drinking like 2 hours ago? And I had like one beer for every three that you and Jason did," he laughed.

"Oh man you had 9 beers???" Jason asked. Nick and I laughed.

"You did NOT have 27 beers," I laughed, pushing Jason so he lost his balance and fell on the couch.

"You'd be lucky to have 6 without passing out," Nick teased.

"Hey whatever," Jason said as he worked himself back up off the couch and towards the door. "Well come on woman, I wanna go."

Nick raised an eyebrow at Jason as he smiled at me and followed him out the door. I could hear them bantering back and forth outside as they walked to Nick's car. I chuckled to myself as I turned off the lights downstairs. As I headed up to my room, I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw someone come out of the bathroom.

"Dean!! Holy shit you scared the fuck out of me."

"Oh sorry man. It would be a shame to see you with no fuck," he joked.

If you only knew, Dean. I could give some of my fuck to you.

"I thought everyone was gone so I shut everything down," I said, following him downstairs.

"That's ok. I am feeling pretty mellow now anyway," Dean said as he sat down on the couch. "How about you?"

I told him I was too. I flipped on my stereo, put five CDs into the changer and hit shuffle. Then I grabbed two glasses of water for me and Dean. We sat on the couch talking, listening to music and drinking our water for what seemed like forever. We talked about school and the differences between the university that Ryan and I attend and the community college he goes to, we talked about music, we talked about cars, we talked about my upcoming trip to Florida, we talked about all kinds of stuff. Before we knew it, it was 3am and we were both half asleep on the couch.

"God I love this song," I said quietly, listening with my eyes closed. Dean didn't respond so I opened my eyes to look at him. He was leaning against the opposite arm of the couch with his eyes closed, breathing lightly.


He was asleep. I chuckled to myself and somehow found the strength to get up, find him a blanket and shut everything off before I locked the door and headed up to get ready for bed. As I lay there in the dark, still a little drunk and very horny from all the cute guys tonight, I thought about Dean sleeping cutely on my couch. My mind wandered from his cute expressions to the way his nicely muscled body moved under his tight t-shirt and jeans. Dean played baseball and it showed. He had a great body.

All of this got me too horny, so I reached down and began to rub my hard cock. Before long, I had it out and was stroking it. As I jerked off, I pictured Dean without the clothes that had hid his body from me all night. With all the beer and all the boys tonight, it did not take long. Soon I was shooting cum all over my chest and stomach. I lay there for a second, overcome by post orgasm bliss. Then I cleaned up and laid back down. I had lots to do this week. My family was flying out to Tampa Saturday morning. That's a week from tomorrow, I thought. Or rather today, I corrected myself as I looked at my alarm clock. I had packing to do, laundry to do and errands to run. I mulled over this for a bit before I drifted off to sleep.

I walked out of the store with the bag of stuff I had just finished buying for my trip to Florida. As I mentally reviewed everything else I still needed to do, my cel phone rang. I threw the bag in my truck and jumped in as I answered the call.

"Hi mom," I said, having seen her name on my caller ID.

"Hi Tyler. How are things? Are you almost ready to go?"

"Yeah," I responded as I pulled out of the parking lot. "I just finished grabbing some stuff at the store. I still have some last minute packing to do, you know toothbrush and stuff like that. I gotta figure out what CDs to bring and minor things but I am pretty much packed and ready."

"OK sounds good, honey. Are you for sure getting a ride to the airport because if not, we need to leave with enough time to come get you and your luggage."

"No, Mom... Ryan is giving me a ride to the airport. I'll meet you at the ticket counter ok?"

"OK well don't be late, you know how your father is before vacations."

"Ugh, yes I do. I'll be early."

We said goodbye. I hung up my phone and set it on the seat. I'd spent the week working, doing laundry and packing and now I was leaving tomorrow morning for two and a half weeks in Florida. This trip to the store was the last of the little things I had to buy before I left. Feeling good and enjoying the warm evening weather, I drove home with my windows down and my music loud. As I pulled into the apartment parking lot, I noticed Ryan was home and spotted Dustin's car. I grabbed my bag of stuff, collected faceplate and cel phone, and headed inside. Ryan and Dustin were on the couch watching TV.

"Hey Ty," Dustin said.

"Hey, Dusty," I said as I headed upstairs to my room. I finished packing, put together CDs that I wanted to take and tried to get things as organized as possible so I had little to do in the morning. The flight left at 6:50am so I had to be up around 5:30 to get there in time to meet my family. I knew the last thing I would want to do then was last minute packing. I talked on the phone to a few friends, saying goodbye and getting addresses to send postcards and stuff. I had everything pretty much in order and was relaxing on my bed listening to music when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

"Hey Ty," Dustin smiled, coming in.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Not much, just bored so I thought I'd come see what you were doing," he replied, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"Oh I am just finishing packing for the trip."

"Yeah that's cool."

"So how you been, Dusty? I have not seen you in a while."

"I have been good I guess. Just the same ol'... working, living... you know."

"Yeah I hear you."

I looked up and saw Ryan standing in my door so I motioned him in. The three of us sat in my room and talked for a while. Before long it was 10pm. Ryan was sitting on my chair and Dusty and I were sprawled out on my bed.

So," Ryan looked at me with an odd twinkle in his eye. "Aren't you wondering why we came up here?"

"Umm... I thought to talk," I said, glancing at Dusty. "Why did you come up here?"

"Well, see... Ryan told me a little bit about what you guys do now. And I was thinking about our little experience and I realized that all I got was a blowjob."

I laughed.

"Oh and you feel left out?"

"Well, yeah."

"So anyway," Ryan continued. "We thought we'd wish you fond farewell to Florida."

With this, Dusty moved over to face me on the bed, grabbed my head and enveloped me in an erotic kiss. As I kissed him, I felt hands at my jeans. Ryan slowly unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, pulling them down to reveal my boxers. I ran my hands down the back of Dusty's head and down his back as we kissed. Ryan moved his hands along the outside of my boxers, then reached his hand in to grab my hard cock. I moaned softly as Dusty and I continued to kiss.

Ryan shifted and I felt him slide off first my jeans then my boxers. I looked down and smiled at Ryan who was smiling up at me. Returning his attention to my dick, he began to lick the head and up and down the shaft. This gave me an idea. I smiled up at Dusty and began to undo his jeans. Dusty took my hint and pulled off his jeans and boxers.

"Nice cock," I smiled.


"It's been a while."

"Yeah tell me about- ohhhh," Dusty stopped short and moaned and I swallowed his hard dick.

The sensation of having Ryan suck my dick while I did the same to Dusty was really turning me on. I really began to blow Dusty with a passion, swallowing his dick as far down as I could. I would pull back and then lick his balls, sending waves of moans out of him. With my left hand, I reached between his legs, and began to rub his ass as I continued to devour his six inch cock. Every so often, as I paused to do other things to Dusty, like run my fingers along his ass or lick his balls, I would close my eyes and focus on what Ryan was doing to me.

"Oh yeah... god, Ryan you give great head," I breathed.

"Yeah well so do you, Ty," Dusty smiled.

I could feel it coming on so I just let go and let myself be carried away by pleasure.

"Oh yeah... Oh god I'm gonna cum!"

Ryan sat up and grabbed my cock, stroking it quickly as I began to cum. I moaned loudly as I shot cum up, hitting Dusty who was sitting with my head in his lap. The rest landed on my chest and stomach. Finally, I sighed and opened my eyes, smiling.

"Wow," I said. "That was intense."

"Yeah it was."

"Dude you shot me!" Dusty proclaimed, mock angry.

"Oh stop whining, Dustin, you liked it," Ryan sneered with a wicked grin on his face.

"Yeah? What are you gonna do to stop me?" Dusty retorted defiantly.

"I can think of a few things."

"Yeah like what?" Dusty asked, egging Ryan on.

"OK That's it," Ryan said. "Tyler hold him down."

I laughed and grabbed Dusty's arms, holding him to the bed.

"OK where are they, Tyler?" Ryan asked as he quickly removed every stitch of clothing.

"In my nightstand, middle drawer," I told him.

Ryan got in the drawer, grabbed a few condoms and some lube and put one on. As he began to lube up his big dick, Dusty spoke up.

"Hey wait, what if I don't wanna get fucked?"

"Well, heheh... too bad... you asked for it."

"No I didn't," Dusty said with a big grin. "This was supposed to be for Ty. Shouldn't he be getting fucked?"

"Ty what do you want," Ryan smiled as he asked me.

"I wanna watch Dusty get fucked."

"OK then it's settled," Ryan said as he began to work his eight inch cock into Dusty's ass. Dusty moaned and writhed around in my grasp.

"Yeah... oh yeah Ryan... God yer so big. Yeah... ok stop just wait a second," Dusty said hotly.

His voice seemed different than I had ever heard it, infused with a husky horniness. I could not help but get hard again. Dusty adjusted and nodded to Ryan who began to slowly fuck him. I watched Dusty laying there, his legs on either side of Ryan's strong arms. I had to admit, from this perspective it was way hot, watching Ry's big cock sliding in and out of Dusty, listening to Dusty's moans and seeing the really erotic faces he was making. As I was thinking this, Dusty began to struggle.

"Mmph... Dude... let me up, I wanna play with myself."

"Hah! No way, Dusty," Ryan said laughing. "I want this to last, you horn dog."

"How about this," I said as I moved around and put my dick to Dusty's lips.

He swallowed it hungrily and began to suck with a vengeance as Ryan continued to fuck him. Dusty's moans muffled with a mouthful of my cock were really exciting too. With both hands gripping the sides of my ass, he gave me a very aggressive blowjob, moaning all the while at what Ryan was doing to him. I was way into what Dusty was doing to me and my eyes were riveted to his hot swimmer's body being fucked hard by my sexy muscular roommate. It was really turning me on big time.

"OK," I said, pulling my dick out of Dusty's mouth.

"What?" Ryan asked.

"I don't wanna cum again yet."

"Oh ok."

I leaned down, putting my face right near Ryan's thrusting cock and began to lick up and down the shaft of Dusty's rock hard prick. I had never seen it this hard before. I swallowed the whole thing, sucking his cock as Ryan continued to pound his ass. The musky smell of sex was really strong and with Ryan's cock right near my face, I thought I would cum just from the sights and smells alone. I felt Dustin running his fingers through my hair as I continued to blow him. Soon I could feel his cock surge.

"Oh yeah... I'm cumming," Dusty moaned.

I swallowed his dick all the way, his cum shooting down my throat. As he continued to cum, I pulled back so I would not choke and was able to taste his sweet cum. It was the best I had ever tasted. As I sat up, smiling, Ryan stopped and pulled his cock out of Dusty. He reached over and grabbed another condom, throwing it to me. I grinned and glanced at Dusty who smiled and nodded, so I put it on and moved Ryan out of the way so I could have a little fun of my own. I sank my cock deep into Dusty and began to fuck him with long deep strokes.

Ryan threw away his condom and cleaned up a little. I pulled out and turned Dusty over so he was on his hands and knees. I entered him from behind as Ryan shoved his big cock into Dusty's mouth. With my hands wrapped around his waist, I pounded Dusty's ass relentlessly while Dusty moaned loudly and swallowed Ryan's throbbing dick. Dusty's tight little ass was quite the experience. I could not believe that after getting it from Ryan's big tool that he was still so tight and hot, but he was. I could tell by Dustin's loud moans that I was doing something right. He seemed to thrust back equally against me each time. Man this boy liked getting fucked. I would definitely be doing this again, I told myself.

Just then, Ryan pulled out and announced he was going to cum as he jerked his eight inch dick. Dustin lowered his head and Ryan shot cum all over his back as I continued to fuck him doggie style. Ryan's moans and his big throbber were doing a great job of turning me on even more. Then Ryan laid down on the bed and I realized what I wanted next. I pulled out of Dusty, moved over to Ryan and slowly worked my dick into his ass. He moaned loudly as the head popped in and I slowly sank it all the way in. Now it was Ryan's turn. As I began to fuck his ass, Dusty placed his dick to Ryan's lips. Ryan swallowed it eagerly. By now, Ryan was ready. He stopped briefly and looked at me.

"Fuck me Ty... fuck me hard."

I smiled and complied, pulling my cock almost out before I pounded it back home. I fucked Ryan with long and hard strokes, getting faster and faster. He responded with erotic and loud moans. I thought he was going to devour Dusty's cock. Dusty moved over to straddle Ryan's torso and began to fuck his face. I could not believe how hot his ass looked from this angle. Then I did something I could not believe I was doing. I grabbed Ryan's legs and put them up on my shoulders and was rewarded by more loud moans from him. Then I leaned down and began to lick at Dusty's asshole. He gasped with surprise and moaned loudly. He continued to shove his dick down Ryan's throat as I rimmed his ass. I was so incredibly turned on by doing this while fucking Ryan that I knew I was close to my second orgasm of the night.

Just as I felt myself at the brink, Dusty moaned loudly and shot his load of cum down Ryan's waiting throat. This was too much for me. I leaned back up and began to fuck Ryan with long strokes as the sensation built to a frenzy. As I exploded with cum, I rammed my cock all the way in and collapsed on top of Ryan, moaning loudly all the while. Ryan grabbed my head and shoved his tongue in my mouth for a passionate kiss. He was thrusting his hips, rubbing his cock against me and I suddenly realized that he was cumming without even touching himself.

"Man that's hot," Dusty said with eyes wide.

Eventually Ryan and I recovered. With a kiss, I got off him and looked from Dusty to Ryan.

"Wow you guys... I dunno what to say."

"Yeah me neither. That was fucking awesome."

Ryan did not say anything but reached over and pulled Dusty and me down on the bed in a huge bear hug.

"I love you guys," he whispered. "I am so glad we can do this cuz ... I dunno you are both great friends and I care a lot and I guess I feel like this is how I can show it."

"Yeah and I would much rather do this with people I like and trust than like some stranger from online or something," I said.

"Totally," Dusty agreed. "Not to spoil the moment, but... I smell like sex and I am pretty sure you two do too."

"Alright, that was a shower invite if I ever heard one," I laughed.

We all ginned at each other, ran into the bathroom and crammed into the shower. Ryan turned on the water which hit Dusty first.

"HOLY SHIT, that's cold," he jumped back, knocking me into the wall.

I laughed. We took turns rinsing under the now warm water. Ryan relaxed under the hot stream. I wrapped Dusty in a big hug and caressed him affectionately. He looked up and kissed me. Then Ryan moved over and gently pushed Dusty into the water and took me in his arms, kissing me too. We showered and ran our hands across each other's bodies, kissing, hugging and being affectionate until the hot water began to fade. Ryan got out and tossed us each a towel. We dried off and headed to bed.

As I sat in my room, I reflected on the evening... well... night. It was midnight. I had to be up in 5-1/2 hours to catch a plane. I put on my pajama bottoms and went to set my alarm but stopped. I turned off my light and walked into Ryan's room where he and Dusty were laying next to each other on Ryan's king size bed. They both smiled as I crawled in between them and laid down. We wrapped arms and legs around each other and drifted off to sleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was a lot of fun to write and there are several things we see here that turn into something down the road so pay attention and keep reading! Please let me know what you think. Send any questions comments or suggestions to or I do try to answer my email. So thanks a lot for reading my story and keep your eyes open for the next chapter.

Next: Chapter 6

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