Poker Night

By or tcns

Published on May 4, 2001


Poker Night - Chapter 4 "Decisions"

Jeez, maybe this was a mistake, I thought to myself as I hung up the phone. I mean, Thomas was a great guy and a friend in the circle of friends I knew through my roommate, but we were barely three weeks into our relationship and things were not going well. He seemed way too possessive and was already telling me he loved me. As much as I liked the idea of having someone, I was really starting to think that maybe I should have stuck with my original idea of staying single for a while to give myself time to adjust to this whole new gay thing.

"Hey Tyler, what's wrong?"

"Huh?" I said, still half lost in thought.

"I said what's wrong, dude. You look ... I dunno, not happy," my roommate Ryan said.

"Oh it's Thomas. I don't think things are going well."

"Really like how?"

"Well... he's moving too fast. I mean, it's been three weeks and he loves me already? And he gets really jealous sometimes... like possessive, I mean."

"Ugh not good," Ryan grimaced.

"Yeah well, I am worried cuz I don't want any of this to affect the group you know? I mean I would be really upset if this pissed off Dusty or you or even ruined my friendship that I used to have with Thomas."

"I dunno man," Ryan sighed. "I can't speak for them, but I am ok with it all, unless you act like a total prick to him or something. And even then, it's just my opinion. You're a big boy and we have been friends too long for ... uhh ..." Ry grinned. "For boys to get in the way. God it's still weird to say that."

"Yeah," I said chuckling halfheartedly. "I dunno, we just need to have a talk, I guess."

"Maybe this is a good thing," Ry said as he picked up his dinner plate and took it to the kitchen. "I mean, you are leaving for your vacation thing in like two weeks anyway, so this way you two won't miss each other and stuff."

"Yeah that's true but... I mean this sucks cuz I like Thomas. I mean he was like the first crush I ever had. It's sad to see that die."

"Well, I don't know about you, but I think crushes are stupid anyway. I mean they are just young and pointless and usually don't go anywhere. Once you get to know the person, the crush disappears most of the time."

"Yeah that's true. Arrrrrrrgh, I don't wanna deal with this. Is there anything to drink in there?"

Ryan leaned out of the kitchen at me with a weird look on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Dude are you fuckin dumb? Is this my kitchen or what? `Do we have something to drink?' I oughtta smack you."

"OK OK Jesus, make me something, oh great bartender wannabe..."

"Wannabe?" Ry said, his eyes gleaming. "Did you call me a wannabe?"


Before I could react, Ryan came and tackled me right there in the living room, pinning me to the floor. The boy is way bigger and stronger than me so it was quite easy for him with his football player's build. Pinning my arms down with his legs, he began to tickle me.

"Oh my god.... Stop.... Oh..." I breathed between laughs.

"Oh whatever, you called me names," Ryan laughed.

"OK...I.... take it back... yer not.... AHHHH.... A wannabe."

"Oh OK so that makes everything better now," he said as he stopped tickling me.

"Ummm ok now let me up," I grunted, trying to get out from under him.

"Oh jeez you want everything now don't you?"

"Uhh what's going on?"

Ryan and I both stopped to look towards the voice that had come from the front door. It was Thomas with an odd mix of anger and jealousy on his face.

"Oh boy," Ryan said as he let me up.

"Yeah well, I called Ryan a wannabe and he didn't like it very much I guess," I grinned good naturedly, hoping Thomas would get over it.

"Hmm I see," he replied, closing the door.

"Well, ok then," Ryan said suddenly. "I'll got shit to do upstairs so.... Holler if you need me."

With that, Ryan gave me a knowing glance and ran up the stairs to his room.

"Thomas, let's go for a walk," I said, feeling frustrated.

"And?" Ryan asked. "How did it go?"

"Well... he was upset, but... I think he'll be cool with it. I told him that I really like him and stuff but that I am just not happy with the way things are going. I made sure he knew that it was as much me and where I am right now as him. I think he took it pretty well."

"OK good. Well, if he's upset then he's got people to talk to. I mean me and Dusty will be there if he needs to talk."

"Yeah well not to sound calloused here but how upset can he be that a three week relationship did not work out?"

"Yeah true. Dude, he'll get over it."

Ryan and I spent the rest of the night on the couch, watching whatever shit came on TV that we could find and drank a 12 pack of beer. Finally around midnight we called it a night and headed to bed. I spent the rest of the week deep in homework and then worked almost the entire weekend. Monday rolled around and I had a class at 9, then had lunch, another class at 1 and then worked at 6. By the time I got home it was well after 11 and I was exhausted. Tuesday however was an entirely different matter. I was able to sleep in. No classes, no calls from a boyfriend... nothing. Sweet silence.

As I lay curled up in my pillows and comforter half asleep, I thought I heard something. I turned over to see Ryan standing in my doorway, scratching his leg and looking tired.

"Hey," I said sleepily. "Sup?"

"Nothing," he replied and he walked over and climbed in my bed.

"Hey what are you doing?"

"Well, you fell asleep last night with your door open and I was going to the bathroom and saw you in here all wound up in your blankets and thought you looked comfy. So I joined you."

"Ahh I see," I said smiling. "Well I am still tired man. I worked all weekend. And then you know how my Mondays are this quarter. So I am going to sleep more. Or at least be lazy."

"OK," Ryan said as he crawled under the covers with me and snuggled up to my side. We lay there for a while in silence as we both drifted in and out of sleep. Around noon, the phone rang. I picked it up and found it was the video store calling with their recorded computer thing to tell us that a movie we rented was late and to please return it. I hung the phone up.

"Goddamn it," I grumbled.


"Oh I was sleeping and that woke me up."

"Ah ok," Ryan said, chuckling.

"What? What's funny?"

"Oh you... you're so cute when you're all angry."

"Yeah whatever, I have to pee."

I got up and stumbled to the bathroom to relieve myself. When I returned, I found Ryan with a weird grin on his face.

"Uh, yeah... what are you grinning at?" I asked as I climbed back into bed.

"Well, I was just thinking... you are single again right?"


"So that means we can... you know... do stuff again right?"

"Oh... umm... I hadn't thought about that," I lied.

I had hoped that was part of Ryan's reason for getting in bed with me, but I did not need him knowing that. Without a word, Ryan reached his hand down and started rubbing my cock through my pajamas. I was of course instantly hard.

"Mmmm you have such a nice cock," he smiled.


Ryan worked his hand inside my pants and I gasped slightly as he touched my dick. Slowly he wrapped his fingers around it and began to stroke my rock hard cock. I moved around on the bed a little so I could reach him and ran my hand down his muscular chest and stomach to his already hard dick. I began to rub it through his boxers.

Before I got to far, Ryan's body shifted away as his head came close to mine. Our lips met in a tender kiss which became more. The lust between us resurfaced after weeks as our tongues danced together. Then Ryan began kissing my neck. He stopped briefly to pull off my t-shirt then continued down my chest and stomach until his head was level with my hard dick. He deftly slid my PJs off started to lick my cock. Slowly his tongue worked it's way up and down the back side of my dick. Then a hand moved up to grad the base of my cock as he swallowed all of it down his throat. I moaned loudly.

"Yeah suck my cock," I said. "Oh yeah..."

Ryan continued to give me head, taking all of my 7 inches in his hot mouth as I ran my fingers through his red hair. Every so often he would release my cock back out into the cold air and let his tongue wander down to my balls, gently licking my nut sack as I moaned with pleasure.

After a while, he stopped, moving back up to kiss me. We kissed passionately, our tongues darting around to touch each other. Then he pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"I want you to fuck me," he said hotly.

Without saying anything, I grabbed a condom and put it on as he laid down on the bed. I lubed up my hard cock and knelt in front of my muscular roommate as he rested his legs on my shoulders and his hands on my butt. I slowly inched my dick into his ass, taking my time and feeling it relax to take me. When it was all in, I moved down and kissed Ryan. He wrapped his arms around my torso as I began to thrust.

"Oh, yeah," he moaned. "Oh god fuck me."

With this, I gave him what he wanted, thrusting harder as I slammed my cock deep inside him each time. His face made me even hornier. His expressions were so erotic, as were his moans and noises. As I felt myself get close, I stopped, pulling my cock out. Wordlessly, I moved him over to the edge of my bed and laid him face down with his knees on the floor so he was bending over my bed. I knelt behind him and worked my cock back inside him which made him moan loudly.

"Mmmm yeah," he breathed. "Yeah that feels good."

I rested my hands on his waist as I fucked him from behind. Each time I thrust, I tried to work my cock deeper inside his ass.

:Oh god, that feels so good."

"You like that?" I asked.

"Fuck yeah... oh yeah fuck me..."

I ran my hands down his muscular back, admiring his build as I pounded his ass relentlessly. Then I worked my hand down and around to grasp his huge cock. The boy had not exaggerated. Ryan's cock was so long and thick. He moaned loudly as I began to stroke his cock as I fucked him. Not wanted this to end in orgasm quite yet, I released his cock and pulled out yet again.

"Let's move," I said.


"Oh I know," I said as I moved over to my desk and grabbed the chair. I sat down on the chair and motioned for Ryan to join me. He smiled and threw his leg over me, straddling my lap. Slowly he inched himself down on my hard dick. I began to run my hands across his back and ass as he rode my cock, sliding up and down on it as he slowly stroked his cock.

"Yeah I like this position," I said. "I can see your big dick."

"Yeah you like that?"

"Uh huh."

Ryan leaned down and we met in a hot kiss as he worked his way up and down my long dick.

"Oh god, I am gonna cum soon," I moaned.

"OK go for it," Ryan breathed heavily as he stroked his cock fervently.

Ryan stood up long enough for me to pull out and ditch the condom. Then he sat facing me as we both stroked our hard pricks to orgasm. I moaned loudly as I began to shoot cum onto my chest. Just as I was at the peak of sensation, Ryan's big dick began to erupt. He shot cum up and over my head.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed, turned on by this.

He came forever, shooting all over my chest and stomach and his as well. He sure does cum a lot. When we were both finally done, he leaned down and gave me a kiss then climbed off me. I grabbed a dirty towel and wiped us both off as we laughed.

"Jesus we made a fucking mess," he laughed.

"No you did, you cum factory. Jeez there's some on the floor behind the chair. Did you check the ceiling to make sure you didn't shoot up there?"

"Hahaha no there's not," he laughed. "Hey Ty."


"Thanks man... that was awesome."

"Sure thing... anytime you stud."

I headed to the shower. As I relaxed under the hot water, I thought about a lot of things. Yeah this is good. This is right, I thought to myself. I think I made the right decisions with Thomas and stuff. I finished my shower and toweled off. Ryan showered as I got dressed. I checked my email and surfed the web until he was showered and dressed, then we jumped in his truck and headed out for breakfast. We ended up spending the whole day together. It was great. Two friends hanging out. And what a way to start the day. Great sex with no other bullshit. I could definitely live like this for a while.

It's been a while but I decided to write some more on this fun series of stories. I am trying to create something very different than other stories I write. With Poker Night, I want something that is blatently sexual each time, but in a believable sort of way. I like my porn but I still want a semblance of believability so this is what I have striven for so far. Please feel free to email me with questions or comments at or Thanks a lot and watch out for the next few chapters... fun in Florida!

Next: Chapter 5

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