Poker Night

By or tcns

Published on Aug 27, 1999


Poker Night - Chapter 3 "Thomas" by Strilo

The following day was fun. Spring break was in full swing so Ryan and I were both home all day. We were able to talk and be ourselves, in some ways for the first time. It felt really nice to have someone who knew I was gay and accepted it and joked and played and talked with me. One thing we did talk about was what happened the night before. We both agreed that we totally enjoyed being together and that it was fun and stuff.

"I am worried, Ry, because I am new to all this," I said, looking down at Ryan who was lying on his bed. "I don't think we should rush into anything, especially seeing as we live together."

"Yeah I hear ya. I mean I want us to do that whenever we want to, but I am not sure I want a relationship either."

"But Ryan, I don't want you to think you are not special to me. I mean... you are one of my best friends, besides being my roomy. What we did last night was like totally amazing and will always be special to me."

Ryan just pulled me down onto his bed and gave me a big cuddly hug. We laid like that for a bit then the phone rang so I got up to answer it. After that we both went about our day, he worked later so I ended up hanging out with Jason and Brad. They were both sitting in the living room, while I picked up from the party the other night. Beer bottles, glasses, chips, you name it. We were bullshitting about this and that while I cleaned, watching MTV and talking about music like we always did.

I decided I wanted Jason and Brad to know about me, but I could not tell them. I was still scared about reactions and acceptance, so I mulled it over but never said a word. Maybe another day.

"Hey Ty," Jason called while I was in the kitchen.


"We are gonna catch a movie later tonight with Kyle and Nick, you wanna come?"

Two more friends of mine. Damnit I wanted to but had a big German project assigned over Spring Break that I had not started and it was already Tuesday night. I walked back into the living room.

"Shit, I'd love to but I gotta start on my German project. It's gonna take a lot of work."

"That's cool man."

We all hung out for a little while longer, then they left to go to the movie. I finished picking up the kitchen, even though that was Ryan's chore then headed up to my room to start on my homework. I worked on it for a while, researching some stuff online and working on the writing part of the project. I decided to take a break after like an hour and a half and answered some email. Just as I finished this, I heard a knock at the door. I got up and ran downstairs, opened the door to see Dustin's friend Thomas standing there.

"Oh... hey Thomas."

"Hey," he said with a little grin.

"Dustin's not here... actually no one's here except me."

"Oh really? Ok... well do you mind if I come in?"

"Sure," I said, gesturing him in.

Thomas came in and sat on the couch. I flipped on the TV, sat down at the other end of the couch and started flipping through the channels. We sat watching TV for a while, chatting about this and that.

"So is Dustin not coming over?" Thomas asked.

"Well, I didn't think so. I mean Ryan works 'til 11 and it's only 7 right now," I said glancing at my watch. "If he stops by, it'll probably be later."

"Oh ok."

We sat for a few more minutes, then Thomas got up to use the bathroom. When he came back and sat down, I almost thought he sat closer. Naw that can't be, I thought to myself. I am imagining things because he is so damn cute. I sat there sneaking glances at him while he watched TV intently. Thomas is about 6'2", nice muscular build, kinda like a muscular swimmer. He has gorgeous green eyes and short blonde hair. Lost in thought, I did not notice Thomas glance at me in time to look away. He totally caught me, smiled and looked back at the TV. OK, I thought to myself as I looked down in embarrassment, I did not imagine that.

Just as I thought that, Thomas scooted over on the couch and put his hand on my leg. Shocked, I looked up to see his cute grin. I was speechless and he just smiled and gently rubbed my leg. Suddenly, I realized something.

"You talked to Dusty."

"Yup," he grinned.

"Really and what did he say?" I smiled, rubbing his leg back.

Thomas didn't reply with words, but instead leaned over and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back, moving my hand to rub his stomach and sliding my tongue into his mouth. I decided that since this opportunity had presented itself, I was going to take it and go. I sat up and straddled Thomas on the couch facing him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and kissed him again, passionately. We kissed like that for some time, our hands racing all over each other's body.

Thomas reached up and in one motion had my shirt up and off, going after one of my nipples with his tongue. I moaned loudly at this erotic and aggressive move, clutching at his shirt. He stopped long enough to let me get his shirt off then went back to licking and teasing my nipples. I kissed his neck as my cock felt like it would rip out of my pants. Thomas reached up and grabbed my hands. He pushed me down on the couch lengthwise and laid down on top of me. As he held onto my arms, we kissed again, our tongues exploring playfully. Something was different for me this time. I was more aroused than other times. A new experience seemed to be headed my way faster than I could imagine.

Thomas kissed my face and neck then kissed down my chest, following the thin trail of hair down to my belly, then reached down with his hands and undid my pants. He slid them down my legs and dropped them on the floor before his hands returned to massage my hard cock through my boxers. I moaned slightly at this contact. We laid there like that, me in my boxers and him in only his jeans, kissing and caressing each other.

"Do you wanna go up to your bedroom?" Thomas asked.

"Sure," I replied.

We grabbed all our clothes and ran up the stairs into my bedroom. I closed the door, dropped my clothes and laid down on my bed. Thomas laid next to me as I cuddled up to him, kissing him on the lips. His hands roamed all down my back, over my butt and up my stomach. His touch sent shivers down my spine, almost tickling. Without word, Thomas rolled me onto my stomach, sat straddling me and started to give me a back rub. It felt incredible. He really knew what he was doing. As usual, I got completely hard as he continued to caress and massage my back. Suddenly he stopped. I felt his weight shift as he spoke.

"OK... this is not... Ugh these are all bunched up and uncomfortable," he complained as he removed his jeans.

Once they were off and on my floor, Thomas straddled my waist again and resumed his massage. Without the jeans, I could feel his hard cock pressing into me. I was getting very relaxed from the massage and yet I was also getting even more aroused at the same time. Suddenly, he grabbed my boxers and pulled them all the way off, leaving me totally naked beneath him. He rolled me over onto my back.

"God you are fuckin hot, you know that?" he said.

"Thanks," I said with a giggle. "You are too and THAT looks tasty." I pointed at his dick, barely contained in his boxers.

"Oh it is," he said, grinning and whipping his boxers off to reveal his 7 incher.

Before I could say anything else, he dived down and devoured all of my dick in one gulp. I gasped loudly as I caressed his blonde hair with my hands. His tongue was racing up and down the shaft of my dick in the most aggressive blow job I had ever had. I was amazed at how he could take it all the way down his throat with no effort at all. It felt awesome. I closed my eyes and laid back, trying to keep myself from crying out really loud, when he grabbed my dick with his hand as his tongue moved down to give my balls attention. This drew a whole new moan from me as I writhed around a little on the bed. Then before I could blink, he moved down and started rimming me. No one had ever done this before and I thought I was going to shoot my load right then. Fuck trying not to cry out, I moaned really loud and involuntarily flexed my body, accidentally banging my head into the wall.

"Ouch, fuck!" I exclaimed.

Thomas stopped, looked at me and burst out laughing. Shocked, I looked at him and then after a moment started laughing too.

"Are you ok?" he asked, looking at me with those big green eyes.

"Heheh, yeah I am fine. That was just... like the most amazing thing I have ever felt."

"Oh I see. Well you have not felt me fuck you yet," he said arrogantly joking.

"Oh please, daddy can I?"

"Ohhhhhhkay, that is SO gross," he exclaimed as he sprang up and pounced on me. Thomas grabbed my arms and tried to pin me down. I struggled and fought and finally got him up and off me. We wrestled around on my bed, pinning each other and pushing each other around until he finally pinned me down so I could not move him off me.

"Give up?"

"Mmph... grrr... YES! God, now get your fat ass off me!"

He left go of my arms and started to get up. Just as I started to relax, he grabbed my legs, threw them up on his shoulders and neatly slid his cock into my ass crack, rubbing it gently. Again I found myself gasping and was instantly hard and ready to go. Without saying anything, Thomas grabbed a condom and the lube out of my drawer, put it on and began to inch his hot dick inside me. He didn't stop to ask if I was ok. He didn't wait for me to relax, he just seemed to know when I was almost ok and slid it in more. Before long, he was all the way in, his balls resting against my ass. I moaned loudly as he was probing pretty deeply with that thing. I reached up and placed my hands on his hands.

He grabbed my hands, and pushed me down, pinning my hands to the bed as he slammed his cock all the way back in. I moaned louder than before as I felt my cock swelling until it felt like it would burst. I was so turned on by him holding me down as he fucked me long and hard. With each stroke, I seemed to moan louder and louder. Thomas did not hold back, he just kept up his relentless fucking.

"Oh my GOD.... faster!" I gasped.

Thomas responded by thrusting into me faster and faster yet still just as hard as before. I could not believe the sensations, I was not even sure what I was saying or moaning, all I could think about was his hot dick giving me the ride of my life. My cock ached to be touched, so I tried to reach down and grab it, but I couldn't because he still had me pinned. I struggled a bit to get my hand free, but he would not let me. Instead he just kept fucking me.

I felt waves of passion fall over me as I moaned loudly. Thomas kept going, like a racehorse, not getting tired or slowing at all. I looked at him and smiled. Watching his tight body as he fucked my ass was even more of a turn on. Suddenly I was overwhelmed by sensation and looked down to watch my dick shoot cum all over me, without me even touching it. I moaned loudly and cried out as I shot cum onto myself and the bed around me.

Thomas just smiled and kept fucking me. Normally I have to stop after I cum, but I did not really have a choice here. I kinda wanted him to stop but after a few minutes, I actually got hard again. When Thomas saw this, he stopped and pulled out, gesturing for me to turn over. I did, sitting up on my hand and knees, figuring he meant doggie style.

"No lay on your stomach," he corrected me.

I did and he lay on top of me, guiding his cock back into me. Considering what we had just done, and the "style" he seemed to have, I was totally surprised when he laid down on top of me, grabbed my hands, our fingers interlaced and slowly began to fuck me as he kissed my neck. The total difference between this and what we had just done was amazing and succeeded in getting me right back into the sex. He was like a totally different person. Gentle, romantic, affectionate. Thomas still slid his cock almost all the way out before burying it deep inside me, but this time it was long and smooth rather than hard and rough. I was so turned on by this that I could feel my cock swell beneath me again.

I felt as if every part of my body was touching... no, embracing him. Even our feet were gently caressing. I turned my head to I could half see him and he planted a kiss right on my lips. I kissed him back, sliding my tongue in his mouth. We kissed, our tongues playfully dancing over one another. I moaned loudly and told him I didn't want this to stop.

"You are so hot, Tyler. I am gonna cum soon."

"Oh my god, really?"


"Then go for it," I said, figuring he would want to go wild. "Fuck me however you want."

"This IS how I want," he said, kissing me again.

His thrusts became more intense which, between the sensations inside me and the way my cock was rubbing the bed, was bringing me close again. Right as he was about to cum, Thomas grabbed my waist and sat up on his knees with me sitting on him the same way. He thrust in deeply as he shot his load, moaning loudly and quite erotically in my book. I grabbed my dick and quickly brought myself to the edge again, cumming all over the bed and myself for the second time.

Thomas reached around me, hugging me from behind. I got up and laid down on the bed, pulling him down next to me. He took off the condom and threw it away, then laid down next to me and grabbed my hand.

"Tyler... can I ask you something?"


"Well, actually... I ... lemme tell you something." He paused. "I have known you for a while now. Through Dusty I mean."


"Well, I never got a chance to tell you. I really like you, Tyler, I always have. I just didn't know if you were gay or something. And I was wondering now, I mean that we know about each other, would you like to date me?"

"Wow... umm," I was completely not sure what to say.

"Oh it's ok... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he apologized.

"No it's not that. It's just I-"

Thomas laid back down on the bed as I laid there thinking. Finally I spoke up.

"Thomas I didn't think I wanted a relationship right now. I mean, I have just had my first experiences recently and I thought I wanted to keep exploring and, you know... having sex."

"Oh ok, that's cool." He was obviously a bit disappointed. Now it was my turn to sit up and look at him.

"No wait, that's not it," I said. "When you asked that just now I didn't know how to feel but the more I think about it. I think you are a great guy and I kinda think I had a crush on you when we first met."

"You did? God that was like 4 years ago."

"Yeah god, a horny closeted gay 15 year old having the hots for you, how romantic." We chuckled. "But seriously, Thomas. I... Yes, I would like that very much. Let's be together."

"OK then," he smiled, pulling me down next to him and wrapping himself around the left side of my body. I wiggled and got my left arm out from under him and wrapped it around his shoulders as we cuddled in silence for a while.

"Thomas, I think this is going to be cool," I said finally. Silence. "Thomas? Thomas?"

Oh my god, he's sleeping, I thought to myself. How CUTE. I laid there thinking to myself, reflecting on the past week or so. The party and poker game, the sex with Dusty, Ry and me coming out to each other and then getting together and now this. Wow I have a boyfriend now. I mean we just started a relationship, but I have a boyfriend.

I smiled to myself and drifted off for a bit.

Next: Chapter 4

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