Poker Night

By or tcns

Published on Feb 8, 1999


All the usual warnings apply. The first chapter was based on reality. This second chapter is a work of total fiction, any similarity to your life is entirely coincidence or the product of an overactive imagination. If the idea of gay men being together is offensive to you, then do not read this and why the hell are you at this site anyway?


Poker Night - Chapter 2 "The Next Day"

When I woke up for work the next day, Dustin was still sleeping, so I got ready and left him to sleep in my bed. I worked until 4pm still kind of amazed at the events of the night before. I guess I walked around all day with a half boner but thank god no one noticed. I finished out my shift then drove home. By the time I got home, everyone had left. I knew my friends both had to work today, but was a bit surprised that Dustin and Jared were gone. They were always around.

I took off my coat, grabbed a Mountain Dew from the fridge and went up to my room to check my email. On my way I glanced towards Ryan's room and saw his door was shut. He was probably sleeping still. I checked my email, answered a letter from my friend in Texas and then signed off. I realized that I was tired, having only gotten 4 hours of sleep the night before, so I took off my shoes, pulled off my jeans and sweatshirt and laid down in my bed, flipping the light off. Soon I drifted off to sleep.

I dreamed about the events of the night before, of course... Images and feelings from the sexual experience flashed through my dream but a lot of the dream focused on the closeness and the feeling of someone's body next to mine, cuddling me. The dream was so vivid I could almost feel someone beside me. I half woke in my sleep and rolled over on my right side. When I did, I felt someone move up behind me and put their arm around me. I pulled the hand around me and cuddled up, drifting back towards sleep. Then I thought to myself, "This feels so real..." I woke up further, turning to see if someone was actually there.

"Ryan!!" I bolted up and jumped out of my bed. I stood there in only boxers, shaking and terrified, not even realizing I was sporting a huge boner. "Wha... What are you doing??"

"Whoa Tyler take it easy," he said. "Relax I am not gonna hurt you or tease you. I saw you in here sleeping in your boxers on top of your blankets and thought it was too cute to resist. So I came in quietly and cuddled up with you while you slept."

"You what?? Why... Why the hell did you do that?" I said, having no idea why I was mad about this. "I don't cuddle with guys, Ryan."

"Tyler sit down and stop shaking. We need to talk."

I grabbed my blanket, pulled it around me and sat indian style on my bed, not really looking at Ryan. I could not figure out why I was so scared and upset with Ryan. I mean, I KNEW I was gay.

"Look I know about last night," Ryan said.

"What do you mean? The poker game?"

"No Ty, I mean I talked with Dustin."

"You WHAT???"

"Look, Ty, you are being way too upset about this ok? Would it make you feel better if I told you I think I am gay?"

"You... you are?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Umm, well I think so."


"And well, Dustin and I have fooled around a lot for a while now. And I saw him in your bed this morning after you went to work and I asked him what was up with that and he told me you two had a wonderful time last night."

"He did??"

"Yeah he did."

"Wow... cool," I said, smiling a little. "It was nice."

"Nice?? Damn from what I heard it was hot and heavy," Ryan laughed. "I wish I could have watched."

"HAH Yeah right, no way man," I laughed. "I am way too self conscious for that."

"Oh yeah like you have anything to worry about," Ryan said. "You have a great body."

"Yeah uh huh," I said, pulling the blanket closer around me.

Ryan saw me do this and suddenly jumped up and grabbed the blanket, pulling it from me. He pounced me and pinned me on the bed.

"See look," he said. "Nice pecs... nice tummy and LOOK at those bulging biceps. Of course you are STILL too weak to fight back with me."

"Naw that's.....oof.... just because of your... grrr .... FAT ASS!!!!"

"Oh that's it... you are gonna get it."

"OH am I?" I asked seductively. "And I suppose you are going to give it to me..."

"Ummm sure," he smiled, letting go of my arms.

"Fine with me," I said as I reached for his shirt and pulled it off over his head. I looked at his body. Ryan is built. The boy is 200 pounds of solid muscle and it shows. Plus the red chest hair was really erotic. "There now we are even."

"Oh yeah I guess we are," he said as he leaned off to the side and reached for my boxers. Ryan slid them down and tossed them off the side of the bed as I lay there fully naked. "Oh no what did I do? Now we aren't even anymore..."

"Oh no problem," I said as I pulled his shorts off too.

There I was laying naked in my bed with my roommate naked as well. Something I had secretly thought about for years. Before I knew it, Ryan was leaning down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his as we kissed deeply, his cock pressing into me. The kiss grew deeper and deeper until we were locked in a passionate embrace. Ryan rolled over on his back and I rolled up on top of him, not even breaking the kiss. His hands were like magic, all over my body. I yearned to explore every inch of that body and try I did.

I reached down towards that dick that I had so longed to see and wrapped my fingers around it. It was hot, pulsing and felt HUGE. I had to look, so I broke the kiss and looked down. Ryan's cock really was about 8 inches.

"Nice piece," I smiled.

"Thanks," he said laughing. He reached for mine. "Yours too."

We laid there side by side stroking each other slowly while we kissed each other, exploring each other's tongues. I ran my free hand over he stomach and chest, noticing how he gasped and slid his tongue deep into my mouth when I brushed his nipple. Suddenly I had an idea. I moved down and gently flicked his nipple with my tongue, still jerking his meat slowly. He moaned hotly and thrust his dick towards me. More and more I licked, nibbled and sucked on one nipple then the other. He was quickly becoming an animal, moaning loudly now and thrusting hotly.

I moved back up and kissed him. He grabbed my head and kissed me so deeply I thought I might cum right then. I had never seen anyone so turned on as he was right then. Just as I was thinking this, he put his mouth by my ear, licking and nibbling on the lobe. No one had ever done this and it was my turn to moan loudly and thrust my hips towards him. I had NO idea I could feel that way, but now I understood Ryan's pleasure. Suddenly he stopped.

"Ty," he whispered hotly in my ear. "I want you to fuck me!"

I sat up suddenly.

"You do??"

"Oh GOD yes... please," he said with so much passion I could say nothing.

I grabbed protection and lubrication, which he took and put on me. He laid on his back and got himself ready, then smiled and me and told me to go ahead. I knelt down between his legs, leaned up and kissed him passionately on the lips. He pulled me close in a huge embrace.

"Please, Ty... give it to me.... I want it..."

Needing no more encouragement, I moved my cock into place and slowly inched my way inside him. I watched him to make sure he was ok, but he was smiling and had his eyes closed. Before I could even ask if he was ok, he grabbed my hips and pulled me all the way in. I was surprised, but eager to give him exactly what he wanted, so I began to thrust my cock in and out, getting faster and faster. Ryan began to moan loudly and regularly uttered "Oh god!" as I fucked his ass.

"Oh come on.... HARDER!!" he begged in that OH so hot voice I was hearing for the first time.

I obliged him, pounding his ass hard and fast. He reached down and grabbed his beautiful dick and began to stroke himself as I continued the first fuck of my life. I suddenly remembered something I had seen in a gay porno. I grabbed his legs and turned him on his side, while I entered him from between his legs. As I began to fuck him again, he gasped loudly.

"Oh my GOD Tyler... Oh yeah... This feels amazing!!"

Happy to hear this I began again the hard fast pace that he was begging for. Faster and faster until finally I saw his face scrunch up in pleasure.

"OH yeah, FUCK ME.... Oh I am gonna cum," he said.

Ryan suddenly tensed and shot his hot cum onto my bed. He shot several more times, breathing loudly and grunting with each shot. This was enough for me. I pulled out, whipped off the condom and jerked myself and I shot cum all over his leg and chest. I collapsed on top of him and he wrapped his strong arms around me.

"God that was incredible, Ty."

I was still unable to speak, I was so gone. I could feel my body shaking with lust and pleasure. We kissed passionately until I looked at him, smiled and said thank you.

"For what?"

"For my first time. It was unbelievable."

"THAT was your first time?" he asked.

"Umm yeah," I smiled sheepishly.

"Dear god, man, I would LOVE to do it again when you are experienced, cuz I have NEVER cum like that."

I laughed and rolled on my back and pulled the comforter over us. Ryan lay next to me, holding my hand until I stopped shaking. He leaned over and kissed my neck gently. I suddenly realized something.



"Will you fuck me?"

"Are you sure?"

"GOD yes."

"I would be happy to."

He grabbed another condom and put it on. He laid down on his back and motioned for me to climb on top of him. I did, straddling his waist as he gently placed his cock against me.

"OK you take it at your pace, all right?"

"OK," I said, suddenly nervous.

He was really big after all. I grabbed his dick and slowly inched it inside of me, pausing to adjust to this newest of sensations. Each inch going in sent a wave of electric passion through me. I could see why he had wanted all of me inside him so quickly, but I resisted the urge to sit down all the way just yet. Ryan reached up and ran his fingers across my cheeks tenderly, then moved down my chest, teasing my nipples and then down to my stomach as I took more of him inside me. He wrapped his long fingers around my rigid tool as I realized that he was also all the way in. I sat there for a bit, letting him play with my cock while I got used to having all of him in me.

"OK, I am ready," I said, barely able to form words through all the fire and passion inside me.

Ryan slowly began to thrust his hips into me, as we fell into a nice slow rhythm. He slowly fucked me as I leaned down and kissed him. My tongue probed his lips and then as they parted, his tongue met mine entwining as if to symbolize the act of passion I was experiencing for the first time. We gradually began to move faster and faster until he was really fucking me good. Damn I could not believe how amazing this was.

I grabbed his arms and pulled his up until he was sitting with his legs stretched around behind my back, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, sitting down hard on his dick. We sat facing each other, his dick buried in me to the hilt and kissed passionately as I rode him, sliding almost all the way up before sitting back down. I began to moan loudly as I rode him hard and fast, understanding again, his desire for the same earlier.

Suddenly and all in one motion, Ryan lifted me with his strong arms and laid me on my back and put my legs on his shoulders, his cock never leaving my ass. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Oh yeah, come on.... fuck me..."

Ryan did what I asked, sliding his 8 inch dick in all the way. I moaned so loudly I thought I would burst, as he slammed his cock deep inside me, hitting something that sent chills through me and brought me to the brink. I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me again and again, begging him never to stop. Nothing I had ever experienced before was even close to the feeling I had right then.

I grabbed my aching cock, which seemed harder than I had EVER felt it, and began to stroke it like a mad man. I could feel myself getting close. I gasped suddenly.

"Oh god Ry...... GASP ..... Oh yeah..."

For the second time, I came. This time, to my astonishment, I shot over my head as I yelled out in lust. I came for what seemed like eternity, shooting myself in the face, all over my chest and stomach.

"Holy shit, that was HOT," Ryan said. "I have never seen anyone do that."

I said nothing as I reached up for his nipples, teasing them playfully, feeling them harden in my fingers. Ryan, who had stopped his thrusting, suddenly moaned loudly and slammed his cock all the way in again. I kept touching his nipples as he fucked me again, with such passion and force, I was instantly hard yet again. I put my arms around him and pulled myself up until I was able to use my tongue on his nipples. This made him absolutely wild. He pounded my ass relentlessly before finally pulling out and removing the condom in one motion.

I returned to fingering his nipples as he jacked himself to another orgasm, shooting cum all over me. I was so covered in jizz, but SO incredibly happy. Once he finished he grabbed a towel off my floor and gently cleaned me off, kissing each part of me after he wiped it. Tossing the towel aside, he laid down beside me and I turned on my side, cuddling up to his side as Dustin had with me the night before. He felt so big and strong right then, I felt safe and happy. I looked up at him, he smiled down at me as I kissed him on the chin.

"I have wanted that for a long time," he said to me.

"Oh god me too," I gushed. "Thank you so much... it was... incredible. I mean... I cannot even begin to describe it."

"Then don't," he said, cutting me off with another passionate kiss.

We laid there for a second, then he suggested that we take a shower. I agreed and we walked to the bathroom, holding hands as he got the water running. We washed each other, kissed some more, hugged and snuggled under the hot water until we both were hard again. I turned off the water and got us both towels. We dried and wrapped them around our waist. I ran downstairs and grabbed two wine glasses, filled them with a red wine I had bought for a special occasion and took them upstairs. I found him laying in my bed, eyes closed, breathing shallowly.


Silence. Oh how cute, he had fallen asleep in my bed. I set the wine glasses on the night stand and gently sat down on top of him, straddling him and kissed him gently on the lips. He awoke and smiled. We sat there and drank the wine, not once was there a moment we were not touching somehow. I drifted off as I felt Ryan pulled our towels off and cover us with the comforter. He pulled me close to him as I fell asleep for the second night in a row cuddling with someone else. Hmmm, I thought to myself. I could get used to this.

As usual, any constructive input on the story is welcome.

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Next: Chapter 3

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