Poker Night

By or tcns

Published on Nov 29, 1998


Poker Night - Chapter 1

"Hey I am going to the kitchen. Who wants drinks??" Ryan asked.

All at once five guys said "ME!!!"

"OK shit, what are you all drinking?" he asked. "Oh well, you'll drink what I make you. You're all drunk bastards already anyway."

I sat there watching Ryan in the kitchen, making drinks for everyone. Ryan was my college roommate and, at 19, he also was the accomplished drinker of the group. He is 6' tall, 200 pounds of solid muscle and a redhead. I always thought he was cute and was very curious about one thing he bragged frequently about, his 9 inch dick. Before I could think about this too long, Dustin interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey Ty, you in?"


"Poker, dumbass. You in this hand?"

"Naw I'm out this hand," I declined. I looked around at everyone, wallowing in the heavy buzz I had built for myself. I looked over at my best friend, Scott, who, I have been told by two of my girl friends, looks like Brad Pitt. He stands 5'10" tall, short light brown hair, blue eyes and a goatee.

"You ok?" I asked Scott. It was one of his first times getting really drunk, and I was kind of looking out for him. He looked up at me rolling his head around drunkenly.

"Yeah man, I'm fine," he said slurring heavily. "Get me another BEER!!!"

I laughed and went into the kitchen to grab another beer for him.

"Hey honey," Ryan said, turning around and planting a big kiss on my cheek. I was so drunk I just smiled and slapped his ass while he laughed and finished up the fourth drink.

"What the hell are you making?" I asked, opening the fridge to get Scott's beer. "Those things are huge and clear, that scares me." Ryan laughed.

"I used Everclear, my friend. 190 proof grain alcohol."

"Dude, that's like 95% alcohol!!!"

"Yeah isn't it great," he smiled his big cute smile and grabbed two of the drinks. Ryan and I carried the drinks back into the living room, where we were all playing poker on the floor. I sat back down and continued watching the group interact and get drunk.

Dustin was Ryan's best friend. I had known Ryan for years and Dustin for a few years before Ryan and I got out apartment together while we went to college. I had, however, gotten to know him a lot better as he and Ryan spent a lot of time together. Dustin is 5'8" or so, swimmer's build with very fine light hair and bluish-green eyes. Jared is also a friend of Ryan's. They've known each other for years, like since they were 4 or something. Anyway, Jared is really cute. He is 6'2", thin build, short brown hair and gorgeous green eyes. I sat watching him play poker for a while, then looked away as he caught me staring, smiled slyly and looked back at his cards.

"OK Ty, you in?" Ryan asked, getting ready to deal another hand.

"Yeah sure," I replied.

Ryan dealt the cards and we played a hand. Scott sat out, Jared, Dustin and I made our bets.

"OK Brad, it's to you."

Brad is a friend of mine and Scott's. He is about 5'10" a little stockier build than Scott and reddish brown hair. He looked very drunk to me, but I chuckled to myself as he made his bet and we finished the hand.

"So anyway," Dustin started. "Jared and I had this discussion and I wanna know what you guys think."

"OK," I said, looking at Ryan who just smiled and shook his head.

"Alright, I was saying that I think guys should not rule out the possibility of having a sexual encounter of some kind with another guy. I mean, these things happen sometimes and I think it's stupid for someone to say that they would not do it without even giving it a thought."

"OK wait, man." Scott said drunkenly. "Are you saying all guys mess around with other guys?"

"No no-- I am saying that any guy, given the chance, would fool around at least once, just to see what it's like."

At this, Brad spoke up.

"I don't think I would. I mean, I am really happy with Jamie. I love her. I have never even thought about it." He paused as if trying to clear his drunk head. "Naw, man I don't think it's right for me. Not really any interest."

Scott quickly agreed with Brad. To my great surprise, Ryan piped in.

"Yeah I hear what you are saying Dusty. I mean, I am not saying I want to or anything, but I think most guys would try it once."

Dustin smiled, turned to Jared and asked him what he thought. Jared smiled.

"I agree," he said simply.

I suddenly realized that I had not said anything during this whole conversation at the same time that Dustin, Ryan and Jared all looked at me intently. Figuring none of this was serious, just very drunk talk, I decided not to risk revealing anything about me.

"I don't think I would," I lied. "I mean, I have never been in a situation even close to that, but I really don't think I would."

"So you say that if some guy just offered to suck you off, you would not try it at least once?" Dustin asked me.

"No, I really don't think I would."

"OK so, you are telling me that if some guy just started giving you a blowjob you would try to stop him?"

I just looked at him and laughed. Fortunately, Ryan saved me by dealing up another hand and I did not end up answering. We played poker for a while longer. Scott and Brad both passed out on the couch. Being they were the younger less experienced drinkers, we let them be and the four of us continued playing. Finally, I called it a night, as I had to work the next day. I excused myself as Ryan, Jared and Dustin kept playing, and made my way drunkenly upstairs to my bedroom.

Before getting ready for bed, I jumped online and chatted for a bit with friends while checking my email. I finished, logged offline and shut off my computer. I stood up, walked over to my dresser, my back to the bedroom door. I began to pull off my shirt when a voice suddenly broke the silence.

"Heya, Tyler."

I jumped and turned around to see Dustin standing in my doorway, with a big drunk grin on his face.

"Hi Dusty," I said. "Game over?"

"Yup," he said, smiling even bigger.

"What??" I asked, trying to figure out what he was smiling about.

"I am gonna sleep in your bed," he said.

"You are not!!" I laughed. "What makes you think that?"

"Cuz. I am gonna prove you wrong."

"Oh are you?" I paused, thinking. I was too tired and drunk to care. "OK, Dustin, fine. I don't care."

I went ahead and took off my jeans, socks and T-shirt, getting a little turned on by undressing in front of Dustin. I jumped into my bed before I got a hardon he could see through my boxers. To my surprise he closed my bedroom door and hopped in bed with me. I laid on my back and he laid next to me. We chatted for a while about anything and everything except the fact that he was lying in my bed. After a while the conversation swung back around to our earlier subject.

"So you still say you would not do anything?" Dustin asked.

"I-- I really do not think I would," I maintained, but my heart was beating a mile an minute in my chest.

"OK, so you are telling me, if I started playing with your dick and gave you a blowjob, that you would not just sit back and enjoy it?"

"I-- well, I--"

"OK how about this, if I reached into your boxers right now, what would I find?"

At this I figured what the hell. If he was just trying to embarrass me, he would look pretty suspicious too, so I told the truth, for the first time that evening.

"You would find a hard dick."

Hearing this, Dustin exhaled slowly, then I felt the weight shift on the bed and his hand slid down to rest on the waistband of my boxers. He paused slightly as if waiting for me to object and when he did not hear it, he slid his hand on inside. I felt his fingers brush through my pubic hair, then come to rest on my rock hard cock. I had never done anything like this. The sensation of someone else's hand was great and I sighed contently.

Slowly, Dustin wrapped his fingers around my dick and started stroking me gently. He did this, gradually increasing his pace. His hand felt amazing on my tool. Never had my jerking off felt half this good. I noticed I was slowly thrusting my hips in time with the motions of his hand. When I realized this, something in me snapped and my hesitation was gone. I reached down, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them and his briefs completely off his body. Taking my boxers off as well, I rolled over and straddled him so our cocks rubbed together.

I looked into his eyes, which were different than I had ever seen them. Almost green in color and filled with lust. I leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips. I felt something powerful pass between us as the kiss grew more intense and passionate, until we were probing each other deeply with our tongues while grinding our cocks together. I sat up a little, taking off his shirt. I sat there drinking in the sight of his naked body. Beautifully shaped pects, with a light dusting of chest hair, just enough to turn me on even more. A fantastic six-pack stomach. I was aroused further by the way his solid shoulders tapered down to a narrow waist. As I sat up I got my first good look at his cock. Smaller than mine, but still good size, it was cut and probably 6 inches long. My gaze drifted down to his balls, which were good sized and almost hairless.

Dustin reached up and pulled off my shirt. Sitting up, he wrapped his strong arms around he and rubbed my back as our tongues met again in a passionate dance. He pushed me back until I was laying on my back and I almost died when he started kissing down my chest. Over towards my right nipple. I gasped as he licked it. Then back over towards the left. As his tongue touched my nipple another gasp of pleasure escaped me. He then kissed down my stomach, running his fingers through the hair on my lower stomach. Finally his mouth reached the destination I'd hoped it would. Hoped for more than just tonight.

At that moment, as Dustin licked my stiff cock for the first time, slowly taking it into his mouth, I realized that I had wanted this and wanted it from him, for a long long time. Without thinking, my hand went gently to the back of his head as he worked my 7 ½ inch hardon into his mouth. Getting about half of it in, he began to suck up and down slowly. I moaned in delight and ran my fingers through his baby fine hair. He rolled my dick around inside his mouth with his tongue while moving sensually up and down the length of my shaft. Each time he took a little more in. He sucked for a few minutes before I realized I was close to orgasm. Not wanting that, I pulled him off my dick and looked him in the eyes.

"God I want you," I breathed.

"Oh yeah," he agreed. "I am so fucking turned on by your hot body."

I smiled and told him to sit leaning up against the wall at the head of my bed. For the first time in my young life, I sat with my face inches from another guy's dick. Giving it a cautious lick, I felt Dustin shudder with pleasure. I decided to put that off for a second, moving instead down to his balls. I gently licked first one, then the other, which sent him into waves of moans and he began thrusting his crotch towards me. I licked back up the shaft of his beautiful cock and taking a deep breath, took his pulsing cockhead into my mouth. Feeling intoxicated, as much by the sensations as the booze, I began to suck on Dustin's hard dick. I had no problem taking it all in my mouth, licking around with my tongue each time, before sliding all the way back up to the head.

"Faster," he moaned.

Turned on by the husky sound his voice had become, I began to blow him with a purpose. I wanted to taste his cum, as I had mine in the past. I wanted to swallow every drop. I sucked with wild abandon as he moaned louder and louder. Not once did I worry about anyone hearing, as I was so caught up in the amazing sexual experience. By now both of Dustin's hands were resting on my shoulders, gently helping me in my sucking.

"Oh yeah, Ty. Oh god suck me-- oh yeah, OH I am gonna CUM!!" he said loudly.

I went down on him all the way, as a blast of hot cum hit the back of my throat. I quickly swallowed as I pulled back so I could taste the load he was feeding me. Shot after shot filled my mouth. The taste was sweet and just barely bitter, but tasted wonderful to me. Dustin finished his climax and moved down so he was laying beside me. He pushed me on my back and climbed on top of me, straddling my dick.

"That was amazing," he said. "Where did you learn how to do that?"

"Uhhh, I dunno," I said sheepishly. "Actually it was my first time."

"THAT was your first time???" he said, shocked.

"Yeah why?" I asked, worried that is was somehow not quite good enough.

"Goddamn that was the best blowjob I have EVER had, guy OR girl."

"Guy or girl?? You mean you have done this before?" I asked.

"Oh sure a few times," he smiled. "Why do you think I brought up that subject during poker?"

"Cuz you were really drunk and it was funny."

"Naw man, Ry and I wanted to see if you were interested."

"Ry? What do you mean? Is he-- umm, is he interested in this?"

"Maybe. But who cares. Right now, you need something?"

"I do? What?"

Dustin didn't say anything, but slid down and enveloped my throbbing cock once again with his mouth. I gasp as the heat of his mouth caused my dick to swell and send waves of sensation pulsing though my body. Remembering my reaction before, Dustin continued sucking while reaching up towards my nipple with his hand. I moaned loudly as his fingers brushed my nipple while he continued his blowjob. From that moment, I felt only two parts of my body. My right nipple and my stiff cock. Everything else was simply waves of pleasure. I rode each wave thinking the sensations could get no better yet each one did, until I realized I was close.

"Oh-- GOD!! Dustin I-I am-- gonna CUM!"

He slid my dick out into the cold air of the room and stroked my dick until I blasted a shot of cum high up into the air. The first shot landed next to my head, the second on my neck and the rest, which seemed to last forever, on my chest and stomach.

"Holy SHIT," Dustin smiled.

"What??" I said, re-realizing that my mouth actually worked for more than kissing.

"Do you always shoot like that?"

"Umm not usually, but sometimes, when I am really turned on."

I grabbed a towel and cleaned myself off. I asked Dustin if he needed pajamas or something to wear and he said sure, so I grabbed him a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. We both got dressed. I went over to my bedroom door and locked it, turned off the light and jumped back into my bed. Dustin was already waiting for me under the covers. He was on my right side and moved up so he was laying on his side facing me. I wrapped my arms around him, kissed him deeply on the lips and pulled him close.



"Thanks, man. That was amazing."

We laid there for a bit, then Dustin fell asleep on my shoulder, right leg draped over mine and right arm lying across my chest. I realized that this was something that had been missing but I had not even known it. I smiled to myself and just before I fell to sleep, I remembered something Dustin had said. He and Ryan had wondered. He and Ryan. Then I remembered a strange smile from Jared during the poker game. My last thought as I drifted to sleep was to wonder what was going to happen next.

(To be continued in Chapter 2)

Any constructive input on the story is welcome. More to follow soon. New installments may take a bit as the holidays are approaching and I am gonna be busy.

Email me at or

Next: Chapter 2

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