Pokemon 2009

Published on Jun 19, 2023


Thanks for all the emails over the last few chapters! It was all greatly appreciated! Sorry I havent been posting for a while, but im back with chapter 4.

Any comments, suggestions or if you just want to chat you can find me at larenzaprince@yahoo.com

Pokemon 2009 Chapter 4

It was late in the evening and Ash went about getting ready for the night by laying out his sleeping bag and helping Dawn with hers. It had been quite an exciting afternoon. Firstly, he and Kyle showed their love for one another, then they all had to help to get Dawn's Mamoswine under control as it was once again disobying her. Them they had some of the most wonderful tasting soup Ash ever had, but that was as to be expected, Brock was a wonderful cook. Then feeding all the Pokemon, ofcourse come took longer than others. Monferno, Grotle, Pikachu and Gliscor took care of themselves, while Staraptor and Buizel liked the fact that Ash brings them their food personally. Pikachu cuddled up near Ash's sleeping bag and was in dreamland within seconds. Dawn said goodnight to everyone else and went to sleep. Brock, Kyle and Ash still spoke a little around the campfire before Kyle excused himself. Brock and Ash warmed themselves by the fire, speaking about nothing important in general.

"You and Kyle, you two are getting kinda close," Brock said out of the blue.

Ash's insides turned icy cold at once, immediately wondering what the hell Brock meant by that.

"Yeah...his cool...and he's got a lot of cool Pokemon. That Salamence..."

"Come on, Ash. That's not what I saw this afternoon."

Ash's face remained a shade of white, even though he was sitting so close to the fire. His game was up.


"Ash, you know everytime I meet a georgeous girl, I fall head over heels inlove with them. Maybe not always a good idea, but still, in the end, that's what a guy is supposed to be about, Ash. Falling on love with someone from their opposite sex. When I came out of the woods this afternoon and I saw you and Kyle...my first instinct was that I had breathed in some of Toxicroak's fumes while training. But when I closed my eyes and open them, the image of Kyle laying on top of you and you two kissing was still in front of me and to tell you the truth Ash, it freaked the living daylights out of me. Please tell me what I saw was wrong, or at least a misunderstanding, please pal."

Brock hadn't looked at Ash once shile he spoke but he turned to his left where Ash was sitting and he saw his answer on Ash's face. Ash didn't know what to say. This was Brock, Brock whom he knew ever since and battle in Pewter City. Brock that was always at his side. Brock, which was his best friend. With Dawn it was still understandible, but Brock and Ash knew eachother too long to keep secrets from one another. Slowly, Ash got up and layed down on his sleeping bag.

"Ash, you haven't answered me yet," Brock sighed.

"Well...what do you want me to say, Brock? You saw us so I can't say it didn't happen!"

"I want to know why it ever happened at all!"

"With all respect, Brock, that has got nothing to do with you."

"Nothing to do...Ash Ketchum we have been friends for so long, we have traveled thousands of miles..."

"Well nobody told you to stick around, did they?"

"Come Ash, this is me you're talking to!"

"What the hell is going on here?" Kyle asked as he came back from relieving himself.

"He's found out, Kyle!" Ash sobbed, his boyish emotions finally getting the better of him and all the tention of the last couple of days becoming too much.

"Are you okay, dude?" Kyle asked as he hurried over towards Ash and kneeling beside him ans taking his hands into his.

"Yeah..." Ash, still a little emotional, but feeling better, said. Kyle stood up and walked towards Brock.

"Look man, lay off him. You can see that he is not taking this well..."

"Kyle, just shut up! This guy has been my friend long before he even met you and I know him, okay? He is not into other guys! You did something to him to make him feel and act this way!"

"How dare you, Brock? I didn't make his this way! No one can make somebody this way! Like when you see a girl and you go all weird around her...that's what I felt when I saw Ash for the first time. Its high time that you concider the fact that Ash is growing up and he is not a little boy anymore. He is an attractive young guy whom I have fallen in love with. If Ash doesn't feel that way about me, I can't force him to."

With that Kyle turned around and packed up his sleeping bag.


The Pokeball that was thrown into the air, bursted open and out came the majestically and beautiful Dragon pokemon. Kyle finished packing up and climbed on.

"It's clear that we are going to fight all night about this so im leaving. Ash, maybe we will see eachother again sometime. That will give you the chance aswell to think about what happened these past couple of days. Now Salamence, Fly!"

Ash looked up in time to see the tail of Kyle's Salamence disapear over the tree tops that glistered from the moonlight deflecting from the sky. A tear escaped from his eyes. Pikachu, who woke up from all the events going on around him, came over to Ash and wiped off the tear with its paw, after which looking angrily at Brock. Ash simply turned around, walked over to his sleeping bag, got in with Pikachu beside him and closed his eyes.

Brock however stood standing where Kyle's Salamence had taken off. He and Ash have come such a long way. Way back. Was it worth losing a friendship over someone they only met a week ago?

The morning sun rays bathed the three trainers as they woke up from their sleep. Ash wiped his eyes, faintly searching for Kyle, when he remembered what happened the previous night. He hoped it was all a dream but clearly it wasn't. Brock was making breakfast as usual when Ash washed his face. It was like a typical morning.

From there on, the fight between Brock, Kyle and Ash were never mentioned for a long time. Brock and Ash continued to be friendly towards eachother but a blind person could feel the strain and awkwardness between the two. When they finally arrived at the next city, Dawn suggested that they go straight to the Pokemon Center since they were tired from walking through the landscapes and forests all the way there. Even she was glad for a little time away from Brock and Ash, the tencion had become so irritating when together. Ash checked his mail after giving his Pokeballs and Pikachu to Nurse Joy. There was one from his mother, one from Gary, one from Ritchie and one...and one from Kyle. Ash quickly read it.

Hey dude!

Let me know when you get to Sunnyshore City. If you still want to see me, please come to the Pokemon Center. If already there, im in room 4B. I'll be staying for a couple of days. If im gone by the time you get there, just email me to let me know. Please don't feel you HAVE to come. I'ts your choice. I love you, Ash.


Ash couldn't breathe. He read the email again just to make sure. Kyle was here...He quickly checked where Brock was, happy to see him flirting with Nurse Joy...thank God no Misty to pull him away from her this time! Ash checked where the room was and hurried over to it. Finally he reached room 4B. Before he could knock, he turned towards the empty corridor. Was this what he really wanted? He couldn't wait to see Kyle once more. And there and then...right there in the middle of Sunnyshore Pokemon Center, Ash Ketchum realised that he loved Kyle. He was in love with another boy. Images of his mother, Professor Oak, Misty, May, Max, Brock and Dawn ran through his brain...what they would say if they knew what Ash was feeling at this moment. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It opened.


Kyle's voice was shaking. So badly did he miss this young friend of his. He pulled Ash into the room and closed the door shut. Ash and Kyle embraced fiercly, like only two boys deeply in love can. Ash pulled away and looked Kyle in the eye.

"I never, ever, want you away from me again, you hear me, dude?"

"Fuck no, Ash. I love you so much, buddy. You ain't getting rid of me ever!"

Ash ran his fingers through Kyle's long brown hair and he felt Kyle's fingers on his face aswell. Slowly their lips came together, bringing together with that their love for eachother. Kyle ever so slowly loosened Ash's jacket and left him in his black t-shirt.

"You okay with this, dude?" he asked.

"I love you too, Kyle," Ash said, his voice surprisingly firm.

Ash closed his eyes as he felt Kyle's lips on his neck, kissing ever so slowly from his ear towards his shoulder. He shuddered when he felt a tugging at his shirt and then the undescribible feeling of Kyle's warm hands on his chest and stomach.

"You so, so sexy Ash Ketchum," Kyle said before kissing Ash once more.

Cliffhanger!!!! Sorry but had to keep some for the coming chapters! Im leaving this up to you guys. The sex scene is about to begin. Any particular way you wanna make this happen? Who would you prefer to be the dominate one? And how would Ash feel with Kyle's lips on his stiff bone, touched for the first time? Let me know at larenzaprince@yahoo.com

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 5

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