Pokemon 2009

Published on Jun 8, 2023


Hey guys

Thanks so much for all the nice words and encouragement that you have given me for this story. I never expected this kind of reaction! Anyway here is chapter 3. Please, as always, if there are any suggestions, ideas or comments about the story or what I can better in it, please feel free to mail me at larenzaprince@yahoo.com

SPOILER!!! Please also note...ive had some emails that have said that they don't know the Pokemon involved in the story so here is a brief overview. Sorry for those who knows this already, but for those who don't im glad to help you out.

Ash's Pokemon:

Pikachu -- Yeah we all know about this little guy.

Grotle -- Grass tipe, evolved form of Turtwig, one of the Sinnoh starters.

Gliscor -- Rock/Poison Type, evolved form of Gligar.

Monferno -- Fire/Fighting Type, evolved form of Chimchar, one of the Sinnoh starters.

Buizel -- Water Type, traded from Dawn for his Aipom.

Staraptor -- Flying Type, evolved from of Staravia and Starly.

Hope that helps! Now for chapter 3!

POKEMON 2009 3

The moment that Ash opened his eyes the followung morning, he knew what had happened the previous night was a mistake. His mom, Delia, didn't raise him this way. But as he layed in his sleeping bag, he thought about it again. Brock was always into girls and flirting with all the girls and Misty had to drag him away from the girls all the time. Ash jusr never felt romantic for any person, guy or girl. His life was Pokemon. Nothing more. Ash stood up and walked over to the bathroom to wash his face. He was feeling so weird and he had a splitting headache. He washed his face and just when he turned around to leave, the door opened once more. "Oh, hey Ash. Sleep well?"

"Yeah totally cool dude. You?"

"Yeah, yeah fine."

Kyle and Ash looked at the floor of the bathroom until, slowly but surely, very slowly their eyes found eachothers until they could not hold it back anymore. Ash took a giant step forward and embraced Kyle very tightly. Kyle sighed as the feeling of being in Ash's arms. Ash pulled away and ran his left hand through Kyle's hair. They both started to breathe faster and faster until Kyle pressed his lips against Ash's. Ash kissed Kyle so hard and so deep that the sheer passion was taking over, but especially for Ash, since he had never had so much as a thought about anything romantic. Kyle leaned over to Ash's right hand side, and started kissing his neck slowly and softly.

"Duuuude! What are you doing to me?" Ash moaned as this new feeling was driving him mad.

"Ash, I can't get enough of you, man. It's like im lost when im not with you, dude I like you so much! I've never felt anything like this before. Ash, I really, really like you. You're so sexy dude, I can't get enough of you...That must sound so weird man, but it's true."

Ash's hands slipped from Kyle's hair towards his shoulders. He had this really weird knot in his throat, he couldn't talk. All that he could do was to bury his face in Kyle's neck and placed his arms around him. He felt a tear coming down his face. Ash didn't see much of his father growing up as he was also involved in his Pokemon training. He was never actually there to chat with Ash, man to man. Ash knew that whatever he felt for Kyle, this was the start of his first relationship.

Kyle pulled away from the hug and took Ash's hand in his.

"Look dude, we have to be careful here. Brock and Dawn can't find out about this. Dude, I really like you and I want to kiss you so bad but we have to be cool about it. As much as we like this, two boys doing this is still weird for people."

Ash finally found his voice and the blood returned to his brain.

"What the hell is going on here, dude?"

"What do you mean, man?"

"This is so weird...I don't know what to do..."

"Dude, relax. I've never felt anything for a guy either. Hey, let's get out of here. Can't stay in the bathroom all day."

Just a Kyle was about to leave the bathroom, Ash just felt this need...call it instict...that he had to...

Ash grabbed Kyle and pulled him towards him and kissed him so deeply and passionately that they both saw stars, so good it was. They both had their arms around the other's waist by the time the kiss ended and Kyle pulled away first, smiling at Ash.

"Not that I minded it, but what was that about?"

"I don't know...it's just that I thought kinda if we are going to be in company all day, we would never be able to...kiss...and stuff.

The fact that Ash's face was so fiery red as his Monferno was, made the moment in which Kyle once and for all fell inlove with Ash Ketchum. Lust, frustration and feelings have created all this, but in that moment, Kyle loved Ash.

As the foursome traveled towards the next town and the final gym for Ash to battle Valkner and his Electric pokemon. Ash knew that for except Pikachu and Gliscor, he was going to have a tough time. As they were walking up a hill in the open sunshine clad day, Ash and Kyle were walking side by side and by sheer coincidence, their hands touched ever so slightly. Both looked at eachother shyly, and smiled a little. No doubt it was love for Kyle's side, but Ash knew that it was going to take time before he could come to terms with what was going on between him and Kyle. He had feelings for Kyle. Kyle was beautiful and made Ash feel so peaceful and happy inside.

The next thing that they knew, a Honchkrow flew by them, knocking Dawn off her feet. Then they heard a strong voice screaming.

"Honchkrow! What was that? That was pathetic! Get here, you piece of trash!"

"Paul..." Ash murmured.

"Hey look, if it isn't the loser from Pallet. Still smarting over your Staraptor's narrow escape?"

"You shut your mouth, Paul! We're just passing by so leave us alone."

"Thought you would be too much of a coward to except a Pokemon battle."

"What did you say?"

"One on one. Allow me to beat you again."

"You wish! Gliscor, I choose you!"

"Honchkrow, use Quick Attack!"

"Gliscor, use Poison Tail!

While this was going on, Dawn had informed Kyle about Paul, that he was a fierce rival of Ash and that he badly mistreated his Pokemon. Slowly, Kyle walked up to Ash and whispered in his ear.

"Go for it, Ash. I love you."

Ash dropped Gliscor's Pokeball.

"Gliscor, use Fire Fang!"

"Honchkrow, use Agility!"

"Gliscor, dodge it and use Steel Wing!"

The Poison bat pokemon, using its big wings, dived out of the way and they started to glitter as they stormed towards Honchkrow and blasted the bird pokemon to the ground, where it layed, defeated. "You stupid fucking excuse for a pokemon! Return!" Paul screamed and stormed off. Ash laughed it off while he shared a high five with Gliscor before returning it to its pokeball. While Brock and Dawn congratulated Ash on his win, the young Pokemon trainer only had eyes for Kyle, both of them staring into the eyes of the other.

While Dawn went to train with her Mamoswine on her own, sine it wasn't obeying her completely just yet and with Brock collecting wood for the fire, Ash and Kyle was left on their own, getting food ready for their Pokemon.

"Did you...did you mean that?"

"Mean what?"

"What you said, during the match..."

"Ash, I do love you, dude. Don't freak out on me or anything, but these past couple of days...it's like I think if you all the time. I can't stop. I so badly wanted to grab your hand and hold it today. Dude, im sorry if this is all frightning to you, but you can't help with who you fall inlove with. I love you, Ash Ketchum."

Ash sat down and stared at his hands. Then he looked up at Kyle.

"Kiss me please, Kyle," he whispered.

Kyle planted himself infront of Ash and pushed him towards the ground. He layed his full weight on Ash and pushed their faces together as their lips found eachother and danced the tango of love.

Somewhere, in the woods, a guy was staring at this scene infront of him, and liking very much what he saw.

Chapter 4 will contain SEX!!!! Sorry but I didn't want this to be a cheap sex story. Any comments about the story please drop me a little note at larenzaprince@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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