Plumber Dumps A Load

By Slick

Published on Jun 27, 1997






The water heater was leaking and I arranged for a plumber to fix it. He was due at 8am but arrived at 7am instead, getting me out of bed. I threw on a t-shirt and track pants over my jocks and let him in.

He was real hunky. Tall and good looking, with black hair, olive skin and blue eyes. He had big shoulders and arms, a strong chest, flat stomach and big, thick thighs. He was wearing a tight fitting, button up shirt with the company logo on the pockect, and tight shorts, showing a good butt and a healthy bulge in the front.

I led him into the kitchen, and showed him the water heater, which was in a cupboard under the sink. I then went out to the living room to light my first cigarette of the day. After a couple of puffs I headed back to the kitchen.

I walked in quietly and found him in a squatting/kneeling position in front of the heater, his head in the cupboard, and his solid butt lifted in the air. His back was to me and he obviously didn't hear me walk in.

He cut loose a massive fart !! Loud, long and deep - I swear I could see the back of his shorts push out from the force of it !!

I think the size of it even took him by surprise because he turned around guiltily. He blushed deeply when he realised I was right behind him.

"Sorry man" he said sheepishly.

"Don't worry mate - I do it all the time - doesn't worry me at all" I said, inhaling deeply and getting instantly stoned (and hard !) on the smell. It smelt so good I was going to hang around to enjoy it !!

I switched the kettle on to make coffee, keen to stay as close to this studly farter as I could.

"OK" he said "So long as its cool with you."

He went back to examining the heater. I made the coffee and sat at the small table checking out the guys butt as he worked.

The smell was starting to go sooner than I would have liked. My own devious mind thought he may be up to a fart-fest so I let go one of my own. It was good, but not as good as his. The timber chair I was sitting on helped to amplify my fart, and the smell quickly filled the room as it left my arse.

He laughed and sat up on his haunches, in a full on shitting position. He grunted and cut another one, bigger than the first.

Seeing this guy in that position, dropping his guts right in front of me made my dick even harder.

"OH FUCK, man I just farted so hard I reckon I need a good shit ! Mind if I use the bathroom" he said, standing up.

"No problem mate, go have a good one" I said, my heart pumping.

The flat is not large, the bathroom is right next to the kitchen and every noise can be heard.

I showed him the right door and rushed to the living room to get my cigarettes. As I headed back to the kitchen, I looked into the bathroom. What a sight !!

This dude had the door wide open, sitting on the shitter with his shorts and jocks right off - they were lying on the floor beside him.

He had his legs spread wide and was leaning back, so I got a good look at his pubic bush - it was thick and black. I could even see a healthy portion of his cock - which looked thick and long even when slack !!

I went back to the kitchen table, which was just a couple of feet from where he was sitting. I would have given anything to throw myself at his feet and watch him fart and shit, but I would just have to content myself with listening.

I sat as silently as I could listening intently.

It started with the sound of him pissing into the water - a good manly sound. He pissed a big load, obviously not caring that the door was open and that I could hear everything.

Then the farts came, two big hearty farts, followed by one good wet one and a couple of 'pop-gun' farts. My head was spinning.

Then with a slight grunt he began to unload. It was a huge dump, sounding like one big load leaving his arse-hole and crashing to its death with a spectacular splash. Several seconds passed and then I could hear that familiar wet crackling sound that a big turd makes on the way out. The sound continued for about 5 seconds before his arse nipped it off and it dropped into the bowl with the first lot.

One more grunt, this time louder than the first, heralded the despatch of the last of his shit. Once again that familiar wet crackling sound, this time for about three seconds, followed by a good splash and a contented "OH YEAH AAHHHH !!!!"

The smell was fantastic, strong and unmistakeable, but not offensive.

He sat there quietly for a few seconds, then started grabbing paper from the roll. I could here him wiping his arse-hole over and over.

Then more paper, and more wiping, more paper, more wiping.

Then he was finished. I heard him stand up and pull his shorts back on. He flushed the toilet but did not bother washing his hands.

I lit another cigarette, trying to regain my composure, and hide my bulging, dripping cock, as he walked back into the kitchen.

"That's better" he said "thanks."

I wanted to tell him that the pleasure was all mine - that he could come here any time he needed a shit - but I just nodded.

It didn't take him long to work out that the heater needed replacing and that he would inform the landlord. He packed up his tools and left, shaking my hand on the way out.

I rushed back to the bathroom and sat down on the still warm seat.

I could still smell the shit he had left behind and furiously wanked my raging cock with the hand that had just shook his, knowing that his had just been up his arse-hole and hadn't been washed since.

I let go my own big load of shit as I wanked my self to a gut busting orgasm, my cum shooting all over my thighs.

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