Plum Street

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Nov 21, 2003


DISCLAIMER: This is just a story. It didn't happen. In so many ways I wished it had happened to me.

For Jason - "Your love like a river, peaceful and deep. Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep."

Copyright (c) 2003 by RimPig. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.


For the next six months, Brian and I lived and loved in the apartment over the garage. The kids on campus got used to the fact that we lived together. Many thought that it was Brian's Dad who had engineered the situation, giving a home to the poor kid with the drunken mother. We just let them think that. None of them knew that Brian and I lived by ourselves while his Dad lived across town. We spent a lot of time with his Dad, working on cars and, just as Brian had predicted, I picked it up really quickly! To the point that I began to question where my life was actually headed.

Ideas about college started to become vague and seemingly unnecessary. After all, the only reason that I really wanted to go to college was so that I could finally get away from my mother and I'd already accomplished that. I found working side by side with Brian on cars was by far more interesting and comfortable than anything that I studied in school. Finally one night, we were laying in bed after making love and I started talking to Brian about it.

"You're not going to college after you graduate, are you?" I asked.

"Fuck, no! I've had some offers of scholarships but I'm not interested. All I've ever wanted to do since I was like 5 years old was work for my Dad and eventually run the garages. I don't need to go to college for that." Brian said.

"The only reason that I wanted to go to college was to get away from Mom. Now I don't even have that reason." I said.

"So what do you want to do?" Brian asked.

"What I really want to do, what I'm learning to love to do, is to work on cars with you." I said.

His arms squeezed me tightly against him.

"I was so hoping you'd say that! I didn't know what would happen if you went to college." he said.

"What I would like to do is to go to one of the ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) training courses so that I could get certified." I said.

"Shit, that's where I'm headed in the fall. Dad's gonna pay for it. If you want to go, I know he'd send you." he said.

"I've been thinkin' about dropping out of school." I said.

"I don't think Dad would be too hot about that idea. He wouldn't say anything, but I don't think he'd be happy." Brian said.

"Oh, I thought that what I would do is get my GED and then go to the mechanics training course." I said.

"Oh, that's different. We could go together. But, aren't you gonna miss your senior year?" Brian asked.

"Why? You won't be there. Do you think I'm gonna go to the Senior Prom or something?" I asked.

", I guess not. Not unless I was your date!" he laughed.

"That's the only way I would go!" I laughed.

"You know, I think that's a pretty good idea. You can take the GED right after you turn 18 which is only in a couple of months, then we can go to vocational school together. That sounds like even a plan Dad would endorse." Brian said.

"Think we can talk to him about it tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah. I think we should." Brian said.

The next day, we got his Dad alone and told him about my plan. He was a little hesitant at first, questioning me closely about college and my not going. Then he asked me a lot of questions about engines and stuff and realized that, just as Brian had said, I had picked up a great deal in six months of working with him and Brian.

"Well, Eric, I have to admit, I think you and Brian have a good plan there." he said.

"It wasn't me, Dad. It was all Eric's plan. He just talked to me about it last night." Brian said.

"I stand corrected. It's a good plan, Eric." he said smiling at me. "I'll be glad to send both of you to mechanics school. After all, I can use all the ASE Certified mechanics I can get. Now, you're sure that this is really what you want to do with your life?" he asked me.

"Dad," I said. (I'd taken to calling him Dad all the time) "You know that what I want to do with my life is spend it with Brian. What better way for us to be together than side by side, under the hood of a car?" I grinned.

"Or in the back seat!" Dad laughed.

"Hey! We've never done it in the back seat of a car!" Brian insisted.

"You don't know what you've missed!" Dad laughed.

"Uhhh...well...unless you count the bed of a pick-up truck." I said quietly and Dad looked at me.

"I don't think I want to hear anymore about that!" he grinned.

"I wasn't going to tell you anymore about that!" I laughed.

So that's how, the next fall, Brian and I found ourselves at the local community college enrolled in a two year ASE certification program. It was great! We learned about cars all day and worked on them at night. It was about that time that Brian's Dad came over for dinner one night. We hadn't invited him, he'd more or less invited himself. He said he had something he wanted to show us. After dinner, he invited us to take a ride with him. We climbed into the Ford F250 Crew-cab that he drove and headed off. We ended up at another of his garages. He opened the huge garage doors and pulled the truck inside. He turned on the lights and showed us to a car, covered in canvas. He pulled back the canvas and there was a 1997 C-5 Corvette Coup in shining black.

"What do you guys think of it." he asked.

"Well, Dad. I know the C-5 is supposed to be a great car, but frankly, I wouldn't give up my Sting-ray for it." Brian said.

"How about you, Eric? What do you think of it?" he asked.

"Well...uhh...I..." I fumbled.

"Come on. Spit it out, son!" Dad said.

"I really love the Sting Ray, Brian. I really do..." I said.

"But?" Dad asked.

I sighed. There was no way I was getting out of telling the truth.

"I think this is the most beautiful car I've ever seen in my life!" I finally said quietly.

"I do, too, son. And I'm really glad you said that. I'd hate you to be driving around in a car you didn't like." Dad said quietly.

I almost didn't catch it. I almost didn't understand what he was saying. It took a few moments before it finally registered. I looked at him, my mouth hanging open and not a word coming out of it!

"That's right, son. This is for you. I figured that it was about time you had your own transportation. So, want to take it for a spin?" Dad asked.

I stood there in shock and disbelief! The 'Vette was for me?! I couldn't believe it! But, there was one thing very wrong.

"I can't, Dad." I said, hanging my head.

"Why not?" he asked, shock showing in his voice.

"I don't know how to drive." I said quietly, still looking at the floor, afraid to look up at him.

"You don't...what?!" he exclaimed. "You've been working on cars for six months and you don't know how to drive?"

"Mom never had a car and there was no money for me to get a license anyway." I said.

"I never even thought of that! I'm sorry, Eric. It's not your fault. Tomorrow, I'll get you a book from the DMV and you can study it then go down and take the written test. That will get you your learner's permit. Once you have that, I can teach you how to drive. Just like I taught Brian." Dad said, putting his arm around me and pulling me to him, hugging me.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"You're not angry with me, are you?" I asked.

"What for? It's not your fault that nobody ever taught you. We'll have you on the road in no time! Trust me." he said.

And, true to his word, within a month, I was driving that 97 C-5. Now, Brian was in the passenger seat and my hand was straying to his thigh as we drove to school each morning. I even let Brian drive it sometimes and he let me drive his Sting Ray. I think this was the ultimate test of how much he loved me - sharing that 'Vette with me.

I guess it was about the middle of our second year in Mechanics Training when Dad dropped over to the garage where we lived and worked on night. Brian and I had picked up a 1962 Nash Metropolitan, one of the smallest cars ever built in America, and restoring it. I thought at first that he'd dropped over to see how the work was coming but it soon became apparent that he had another reason for coming. To talk to me.

"I had a visitor today, Eric. Your Mom came to see me." he said.

"What for? To borrow money?" I asked bitterly.

"No. To see how you were doing. She didn't need any money. She's got a job." he said.

"A job? Doing what?" I asked, astounded at this news.

"She's working at a dress shop downtown. She's been sober about a year now, Eric. It seems that it was your leaving that finally convinced her how bad off she really was. She attends Alcoholic Anonymous meetings and she's trying to put her life back together. She found out that you were living with Brian and naturally assumed that we were all living together. I told her that you and Brian had your own place but I didn't tell her where. I also didn't tell her about your relationship. I figured those were both things that you could tell her if you wanted to. She gave me her phone number and I told her I would pass it on to you." Dad said, holding out a piece of paper to me.

I took the number and slipped it into the pocket of my jeans.

"Thanks." was all I said.

Dad dropped the subject, realizing - I guess - that I really didn't want to talk about it right then. He left soon after and Brian and I continued working on the car for a while longer before we finally went upstairs to our apartment.

"What do you want for dinner?" Brian asked.

"Anything's fine. I'm not very hungry." I said.

"Well, how about you make the salad. I'll make us a couple of cheeseburgers? How's that?" he asked.

I love Brian's cheeseburgers. I don't know what it is he puts in them, but they're the best tasting burgers I've ever had. He knows they're my favorite, too, so I figure he knows that something's upsetting me. He won't ask. He'll wait until I'm ready to talk. The cheeseburgers are his way of telling me he loves me and is here for me when I want to talk. It's funny, over the past almost two years now, we've really gotten to know each other really well.

After I'd wolfed down my second cheeseburger - yeah, like shit I wasn't hungry! - I finally turned to Brian.

"What the fuck should I do?" I asked.

"About what?" he asked, playing innocent.

"You know about what." I said, growling just a little.

"You should do what you want to do." he said.

"What I want to do is throw the damned number away and never talk to her again the rest of my life." I growled.

"If that's what you really wanted to do, you'd have done it already." he said.

"I suppose so." I said not so grumpily. "But I don't know what to do!"

"Why are you afraid of talking to her? Is it because of us?" Brian asked.

I was stunned. I loved Brian with all my heart! I loved him more than anybody in the whole world. These last two years have been the happiest of my life! But, yes. That was exactly what it was. I hung my head in shame. Brian walked over and put his arms around me.

"It's okay, babe. I understand. I had the same fears when I first talked to Dad about it. But, Brian, she's your mom. She loves you. And after what she's been through, the drinking and getting sober, maybe she'll be able to understand. You can give it a try. If it doesn't work out, then you can throw the number away." Brian suggested.

I rested my head against his abs and cried softly as he held me. I'm not sure why I was crying. Some of it was anger at myself for daring to be ashamed of Brian or what we had! Some of it was for the loss of all those years that my mom could have been sober, could have been a mother to me. Some of it, I just didn't know why and, frankly, I didn't care. I just wanted to be in Brian's arms.

I think he realized this because he helped lift me out of the chair and walked me to the bedroom, his arms still around me and slowly undressed both me and himself before sliding into bed and pulling me back into his arms. I lay there awake most of the night, just feeling Brian's arms around me and trying to figure out what was the right thing to do. Finally, morning came and I went to the kitchen and started the coffee. Brian was still asleep. Even though it was 6:00 a.m., I picked up the phone in the kitchen and dialed the number for my mom. It answered on the second ring.

"Hello?" I heard her voice without booze for the first time in as long as I could remember! I almost didn't recognize it!

"Mom? It's me, mom." I said.

"Eric! Oh, Eric! Oh! It is so good to hear your voice. Are you all right?" she asked.

"Yeah, mom. I'm fine. How are you?" I asked.

"Well, sober for one. I haven't had a drink in over a year. I'm working. Did Mr. Lockwood tell you?" she asked.

"Yeah. He told me. I'm glad, mom." I said.

"I'd really love to see you, Eric. If that's okay with you." she sounded hesitant.

" life has changed. It's changed a lot. I'm not sure that you'd want to see me." I said.

"What do you mean, Eric? Of course I want to see you. I love you. I know I didn't always act like I did, but I do. Please believe me." she said.

"Mom...I fell in love. I'm in a relationship. We love each other very much." I said.

"Oh, honey, that's wonderful! Who is she? What's her name?" mom asked.

"'s not a 'her'. Brian Lockwood and I are lovers. We have been since the night I left." I said.

There was silence at the other end of the line. I figured that she couldn't deal with it and I was just about to hang up when I heard her voice again.

"So that's why Mr. Lockwood wouldn't say much - wouldn't tell me where you were. Only said you were living with his son. Eric. I love you. I don't care about any of this. I really don't!" she said.

"But that's just it, mom. I DO care about it! Brian is my life! Our relationship is my life! Without it, I don't know what I'd do. And anybody who thinks that they love me is going to have to deal with that. It is going to have to matter because it matters to me." I said.

"Eric, that's not what I meant, darling. I'm not bothered by the fact that you're gay. If that's what you are, that's what you are. I'm an alcoholic. That's never going to change. I may never have a drink for the rest of my life, but I'm still going to be an alcoholic. I've got no business pointing my finger at anybody else's life. If you and Brian are happy, than I'm happy. I just want you back in my life." she said.

I didn't say anything for a few moments. I wasn't sure I wanted her back in my life. Since I left her, my life was infinitely better. And I didn't know if I could trust her or not.

"We'll have to see about that, mom. Since I left, my life has been the best that it has ever been." I said.

"And you're afraid I'll screw it up, just like I always did." she said, and I could hear the sadness in her voice. "I understand, Eric. I really do. And you're right. I need to make a lot of amends to you. I just wish you'd give me a chance to prove to you that I've changed."

"Okay. I'll tell you what. Why don't you come over for dinner Friday night. You can meet Brian and we can talk." I said.

"That would be wonderful, Eric. I'd love to." mom said, her voice happy in a way I'd never heard it.

I gave her the address and told her to come over about seven. Then I took two cups of coffee and went into the bedroom to wake Brian. I put the coffee on the table next to the bed and then leaned over to kiss him awake. He was lying there still asleep, his face so beautiful and boy-like that my chest clenched up and I thought I would cry. I finally got hold of myself and kissed him gently. He opened his eyes and smiled at me and then he put his arms around my neck and kissed me deeply.

"Good morning, babe." he said.

I handed him the coffee and sat on the side of the bed.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I called my mom." I said.

His one eyebrow raised in question.

"'d it go?" he asked.

"Well, I told her about us. She says it doesn't bother her." I told him.

"I didn't figure it would." he replied.

"You didn't?" I asked, surprised.

"No. For two reasons. First of all, she's a woman. Women seem to be less threatened by Gay males. Second, she's a recovering alcoholic. Several of the guys who work for Dad are. They don't tend to be bigoted or judgmental people." he said.

"I invited her to come over for dinner Friday night." I said. "To meet you and to talk."

"Okay. And I suppose you want me to cook?" he smiled.

"Well...if you don't want to have to eat my cooking, you'd better." I said.

"Hey, you're not so bad." he smiled.

"I'm not as good as you and I know it. Besides, I thought it might impress her." I said.

"Oh, you want to show her what a good wife you have, huh?" he grinned.

"Fuck that! I want to show her what a fuckin' hunk I sleep with every night!" I said, leaning over and kissing him.

"Well...I guess so, since she already knows what a hunk I sleep with." he grinned.

"You don't mind, do you?" I asked.

"Eric, she's your mother. Of course I don't mind!" he said.

"'s just know..." I fumbled.

"You're still afraid that she's going to be like she used to be. I understand. It's going to take you a while to learn to trust her. I'm just glad this is happening. I'm glad she got sober and I'm very proud of you for having the courage to reach out and call her." he said, putting his arms around me and kissing me.

"Okay. I just hope this works out. I really do!" I said.

"I have a feeling it will. Just give it a chance, babe." he said and then he pulled me back down in the bed and we wrestled around a while until we eventually ended up in a 69 and swallowing each other's juices.

Friday night came. I was as nervous as a cat! I kept pacing across the living room until I guess I about drove Brian nuts. He finally walked over stood right in my path so that I nearly walked into him. He put his arms around me and I sort of slumped against him.

"Eric, everything is going to be good. You'll see. There's nothing to worry about. Your over 18 now and that makes you legally an adult. It's your choice where and how you live." he said.

"I know. I just don't know what she's going to be like. And I don't know whether I can trust the changes she's made." I said.

"I understand, babe. But I think you'll be a lot happier with yourself if you give her a chance. After all, what have you got to lose?" he said.

"Nothing, I guess. I never expected her to make the effort to try and clean herself up. I guess I should really give her a chance." I said.

"Now, that's the man I love talking!" he grinned down at me.

"Okay..." I said, sheepishly.

At that point, there was the buzzer from downstairs. Brian went over and pushed the button by the door that opened the big garage door downstairs. We'd installed security camera's last year and we could see on the screen of our plasma TV as a Toyota Corolla drove into the garage and a woman got out, heading towards the stairs to our apartment. I stood there staring at the screen. Who was this woman? I didn't recognize her!

A knock came at the door and I went to answer it. The woman who stood before me bore some faint resemblance to my mother, but this woman was at least 75 pounds lighter and seemed to be years younger! I stood there staring, not even realizing that my mouth was hanging open.

"I'll take that stare as a compliment. Aren't you going to invite me in?" she asked.

I recognized the voice, even if I didn't recognize the face all that well!

"Ahh...yeah...sure. Come on in." I said, opening the door wider and directing her inside.

She looked at me and then at Brian, who was standing there.

"You must be Brian, Matt's son. I'm Melissa, Eric's mother." she said, reaching out her hand.

"I'm very glad to meet you." Brian smiled.

"Mom, what happened to you?!" I finally was able to talk.

"I got sober, Eric. Well, and lost a lot of weight. Since I wasn't ingesting all the alcohol anymore, it was easy to lose the weight. How do I look?" she asked.

"Mom, I didn't even recognize you! You look great!" I said.

" I get a hug from my son?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm just so surprised is all!" I said and took her in my arms and hugged her.

"Surprised at how I look or surprised that I'm not drunk?" she asked, but she was smiling.

"Both, I guess." I said.

"Still the same honest Eric!" she laughed and I blushed. "Oh! It's okay, honey. I understand, on both counts."

"Why don't you both sit down. I've got some things to finish up in the kitchen." Brian said, making a diplomatic withdrawal.

Mom and I sat down on the couch.

"He is very handsome! So much like his Dad when Matt was that age!" Mom said.

"Yeah...he is beautiful, isn't he." I said and then turned even redder!

Here I was, discussing how beautiful my lover was with my mother! It felt weird! Not bad, exactly - just weird!

"It's okay, honey. I can see that you're in love with him. I can also see that he is very much in love with you. I take it that you're happy?" she asked.

"Happier than I've ever been in my whole life." I said.

"Considering the years you spent with me, it wouldn't be hard to make that statement no matter how you were doing." she said.

"I didn't mean it that way, Mom!" I said.

"No, Eric, I know you didn't. But I did. I came here tonight, more than any other reason, to try and make amends to you for what I did to you. I've been dreading this night for quite a while now but, as part of the AA Program, it's something that I have to do. It's called a Ninth Step. I know that, given the mother I was to you and how I treated you growing up that I have no right to ask for your forgiveness but I'm asking, nonetheless." she said.

I sat there stunned. Not really knowing what to say.

"Mom...I don't know what to say. It's hard, you know? I mean, the last time I saw you, you were passed out cold on the couch. Frankly, I never figured I'd see you again. Now, all of a sudden, you show up and you're a completely different person. I don't know what to say!" I said.

"That's fair, Eric. I realize that you didn't see the struggle I went through to make the changes and, God knows, I don't have the right to ask you to just immediately trust that they are going to last. I guess what I'm really asking for is a second chance. Can we somehow wipe away the past and start over again? Get to know each other - the people we are now? After all, you've done quite a lot of changing yourself." she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, for one thing, your more self-confident than I've ever seen you and you certainly seem a lot happier. It seems your relationship with Brian has done you a world of good." she said.

"Yes, it has. I have never felt so totally loved and cared about in my life." I said. "I have a home, a career and a family that supports and loves me."

"All the things I could never give you before. That's what I'm asking forgiveness for, Eric. I want the chance to get to know my son again." she said.

"So the fact that Brian and I are lovers doesn't bother you?" I asked.

"No, darling, it doesn't. I've met a lot of very wonderful gay men in AA. Several of them have become very good friends of mine. As I told you on the phone, as long as you're happy, that's all I'm concerned about. And you seem to be very happy with Brian. So that makes me happy." she said.

"Well...I have to say that, looking at you now, I have a hard time picturing you the way you used to be. I guess I'm willing for us to get to know each other. After all, it wasn't that I didn't want you as part of my life but...well...they way you were, I guess I didn't. But you're not that person anymore - at least you don't seem to be. So, yeah, I guess it is time for us to get to know each other again." I said.

"Thank you, Eric. That's all I wanted to hear you say." she said and I could see tears forming in her eyes.

I reached out my arms and we hugged. It was then I noticed that there were tears in my eyes as well. I heard movement behind me, and Brian was coming out of the kitchen with a tray in his hands.

Mom and I broke apart as Brian walked over and put the tray on the coffee table.

"I made raspberry ice tea and some cheese and crackers for us before dinner is ready." Brian said.

"Thank you, Brian. My son has just agreed that he and I need to get to know each other better. I hope that will also mean I'll get the chance to know you better as well." she said.

Brian grinned.

"Mom, you can't get to know me without knowing Brian. To use an old phrase, he's my 'better half'." I said.

"I wouldn't say that!" Brian said, blushing.

"No, you wouldn't. But I will because it's the truth." I said. "Mom, would you like to know how Brian and I got together?"

"Eric! You don't have to tell her that!" Brian exclaimed.

"Please, Brian. Just sit down. I think she needs to hear this so that she will understand." I said.

"Okay." Brian said, sitting down beside me and putting his arm across my shoulder.

"How did you get together?" Mom asked.

"The night I left, I wasn't leaving for good, at first. You were passed out on the couch the first time. I had come home to change into some really sleazy clothes because I was going down to Plum Street." I said.

"Plum Street?! Isn't that where..." she started.

"Yeah, where guys go to sell their bodies to get money. I knew I was gay already and, since we didn't have any money - we never had any money - I thought it would be an easy way for me to get some." I said.

"Oh, Eric! My God! I'm so sorry! I never knew I would drive you to that!" she said, her eyes welling up with tears again.

"I figured it would be fun. After all, I was a virgin. I'd never had sex and, trust me, it wasn't because I didn't want to. I figured that I could enjoy myself and make some money and who would it hurt, ya know?" I said.

"But that's not what happened." Brian said quietly.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"No. That's not what happened. What happened was there was this really scary guy who looked like a serial killer or something who drove by me in a car and kept coming back. I was running to get away from him when I literally ran smack into Brian and ended up on my ass on the sidewalk." I said.

"My Dad owns a garage right around the corner from there and I'd been working on a car that he and I were rebuilding that night. I was just going home when Eric tried to 'tackle' me." Brian smiled and hugged me close to him.

"I couldn't admit to him then, what I was doing. I told him I was just lost. He didn't believe me though, even though he acted like he did. He invited me over here thing led to another and I've been here ever since." I said.

"I'd been in love with Eric for quite a while but, until that night, I never had the guts to approach him." Brian said.

"Well...I see now that he'd been in love with you for a long time as well. I'm sure, Eric, that you don't think I remember all those conversations we had while I was drinking but I do remember a lot of them. Once you entered high school, I can't remember a conversation where the name Brian Lockwood didn't somehow come up! Actually, that's how I eventually found you. I went to the school and found out you'd dropped out. One of the girls who worked in the office suggested that I try looking up your Dad, Brian. She told me that Eric was living with you." Mom said.

"Yeah, what nobody at school knew is that Brian's Dad had given him this place for his eighteenth birthday and that we were living alone together. We just let everybody at school think that I was living with Brian and his Dad - that his Dad had given me a home." I said.

"I understand now. But why did you drop out of school, Eric?" she asked, some distress showing in her face.

"Mom, I did it because I took the GED and passed it so that Brian and I could enter the ASE Certification Program for Mechanics at the community college together. We're going to graduate soon." I said.

"Oh! I get it now! You really have looked after him, haven't you, Brian!" Mom smiled at my lover.

"We take care of each other, Mrs. Kincaid." Brian said.

"Please, Brian, call me Melissa. Besides, it's not Mrs. Kincaid. It's really Miss Kincaid. I was never married." she said.

"Yeah, but that wasn't your fault, Mom." I said.

Mom looked at me strangely.

"What do you mean, Eric?" she asked.

"Mom, Brian's Dad told me about the guy who was my father, how he dumped you for a football scholarship when he found out you were pregnant. Brian's Dad said you really loved him but that the guy was a real asshole - would promise a girl anything just to get her in bed." I said.

Mom blushed at this.

"Yes, it's true. But I had some fault in it. I loved him, but I never really trusted him. I should have known better." she said.

"Mom, you were young. You were in love. And, from what you've told me about your parents, you really wanted to leave home and get away from them." I said.

"Just like you wanted to get away from me. You just found a better guy to fall in love with." she said sadly.

"Mom, I understand more now and I don't blame you. Please believe me, I'm really sorry for everything you went through. I understand that alcoholism is a disease and I'm really glad that you're doing such a good job of fighting it." I said.

"You do? How did you learn so much about alcoholism?" she asked.

"My Dad talked to us about it." Brian said.

"Really! How good of him." she said, thoughtfully.

"Yeah, he also pointed out that, because there's a lot of evidence that alcoholism is genetic, I would be better off never drinking. So I don't." I said.

"Ever since that night, and it was almost 2 years ago, there has not been a drop of alcohol in this house." Brian said.

"Well, sounds like a good place to me!" Mom laughed. "And here I thought you were drinking iced tea because of me."

"Nope! We don't drink. Just safer that way." I said.

"Yes, darling, it truly is safer that way." Mom smiled.

"Well, I hope you're hungry because dinner is ready." Brian said.

Dinner was great - as always! Mom kidded me about finding a guy that was not only handsome but who could cook as well. She was shocked when she found out that Brian was teaching me to cook as well.

After dinner, we sat and talked some more for a while and then Mom said she had to get up for work in the morning. We did, too, but that just meant going downstairs. I made sure that Mom had our phone number and promised we'd get together again soon - this time at her place. She hugged both of us before she left. I watched on the monitor as she drove out of the garage and I closed the door.

Brian came up and slipped his arms around me.

"That went well, didn't it." he murmured in my ear.

"I know. You're way of telling me 'I told you so.'." I said.

"No it's not! And, even if it was, I'm thrilled that it went so great!" he said, squeezing me in his arms.

"Yeah. It did go great, didn't it?" I said.

"So, how about we got to bed." Brian said.

"I don't know. I'm don't think I'm ready to go to sleep yet. I'm still pretty keyed-up." I said.

"Who said anything about sleeping?" he murmured in my ear.

And we ended up not getting very much sleep at all! For some reason, I don't know why, we just seemed like we couldn't get enough of each other that night! Brian fucked me, I fucked him, he fucked me again and we still ended up 69ing and swallowing each other's loads! If this was the effect, then we had to have Mom over for dinner at least three times a week!

Not that Brian and I had any trouble in the bedroom! Even after two years together, we still got turned on just being in the vicinity of each other. And, if one of us happened to catch the scent of the other, it still caused our cocks to bone hard.

I remember one night, Brian was changing out the spark plugs from this '92 Firebird while I was finishing up doing the same thing to a 2000 F-150. I could see Brian's beautiful butt as he bent into the engine compartment and his jeans stretched tight across his muscle butt. I walked over, bent down, and just pressed my face right into the fabric of his jeans and started taking deep whiffs of his butt through the cloth.

Soon, this wasn't enough and I reached around and unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down to mid-thigh. Brian had taken to not wearing a belt because it made it easier to get his pants open. He also was not wearing underwear, per se, just an old, unwashed-for-many-months, raunchy jockstrap. His ass was so beautifully framed by the straps. I squatted behind him and began running my nose up and down the cleft of his cheeks. The scent of his butt wafted out and I wanted more! I took the cheeks of his muscular ass in my hands and spread them, giving me access to his trench. Now the sweaty, musky scent was strong and I reveled in it, sniffing deeply and drawing in as much of his raunch as I could. Of course, smelling his butt was never enough! My tongue was eager for a taste and soon was running up and down his butt-crack, feasting on the tangy, salty flavors.

My lips finally locked around his hole and I began to slowly slide my tongue up his butt. I heard his groan come from the engine compartment of the car but I just kept on sliding my tongue deeper and deeper into his ass. He tried to spread his legs wider, but the jeans prevented him from doing so. I then leaned down and took off his shoes for him and slid his jeans completely off, Brian helping by lifting first one foot and then the other - never stopping what he was doing in the engine of the Firebird!

There he was, bent over the fender of the 'muscle car', his own muscular butt open and ready. I again buried my face and tongue in his butt and he groaned, moving his butt around, covering my face with his ass scent. Finally I couldn't take anymore! By this time, our asses were so used to being fucked by each other that it took almost no lube anymore to open us up. I slicked up my cock with spit and pressed it to Brian's already spit-ready hole and slowly slid my cock all the way inside him.

His hot, tight tunnel rippled up and down its length as it adjusted to having my cock inside it again. I gave him a few moments and then began to fuck him. Slowly at first, and then building speed, I began to pump in and out of his tight, hot hole. Brian moaned and he did stop working on the car, but was unable to do anything but take my cock up his as while he was bent over the fender of the car. I reached under him and did free his cock from the pouch of his jock and his cock slapped up between his abs and the fender of the car, leaking cock-honey like crazy! The cock-honey started to coat the fender of the car and made it a slick surface for Brian's cock to slide against. Brian's cock humped and slid against the fender of the Firebird as my cock continued to pummel his butthole.

"Ahh! Fuck, yeah! Fuck my ass! Pound the shit outa my ass! Shoot your fuckin' load in me!"

I could hear Brian's groaning from the engine compartment. I was only moments away from doing exactly that - shooting my fuckin' load deep in his guts. My hips rammed against his butt cheeks making loud slapping noises as I got closer and closer to cumming. I could smell the sweat from my own body as well as from Brian's along with the sweet smell of his butt being fucked. God! I loved that scent! My fucking lost rhythm as my balls started to discharge their load of cum deep into his butt! At the same time, I could feel Brian's ass-chute clenching around my spurting cock as his cum-load splashed out across the fender of the Firebird.

"FFFUUUCCCKKK!!!" we both screamed at the same time as we both went through the powerful throws of cumming.

I collapsed on Brian's back as he collapsed over the fender of the car. We were trying to get our breath back after the energetic fuck. My softened cock slid from Brian's well fucked butt and then I slid down until I was again squatting behind him. I pulled apart his butt-cheeks, looking at his reddish pucker with my white, creamy spoonge slowly sliding out of it.

I couldn't resist. I dove in and began licking his butt-crack and finally shoving my tongue into his loose hole and sucking out as much of my load as I could. Brian moaned as I did so, shaking his ass in appreciation of my tongue-work on his just-fucked butt. As I finished eating his hole, he announced.

"All done!"

"What, I just finished!" I said, pulling my face out of his ass.

"No, I mean the car!" he laughed.

He stepped back and I noticed his cock was as hard as mine had been, even though he just got off. I ended up shooting a load onto the fender of the Firebird myself while Brian fucked my butt and ate his load out of me. Then we both ended up licking our combined loads off the fender of the car.

We graduated from our training class and received certificates as ASE Certified mechanics in a small ceremony at the school. My Mom and Brian's Dad were both there. The then took us out to dinner. They had a little surprise for us that we had not anticipated.

"Uhh...I don't really know how to say this guys but...well...Melissa and I have been seeing each other." Brian's Dad said, as we sat talking after dinner.

Brian and I looked at each other.

"What exactly do you mean by 'seeing each other'?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, and for how long?" I asked.

The two them looked at each other and blushed.

"Actually, it's been about six months now." My Mom said quietly.

"So why didn't you tell us before?" Brian asked.

"Well...we didn't know how you guys would take it and we didn't know if anything was going to last but...well...I guess it's gotten to the stage where we need to tell you because last Saturday night, I asked Melissa to marry me." Brian's Dad said.

"Oh, my God! Mom! What did you say?" I exclaimed.

"What else could I say?" she asked. "I said 'yes'. I hope neither of you mind."

Brian and I looked at each other and broke out laughing!

"Mind! It's the most wonderful thing that could happen!" Brian exclaimed grinning.

"Yeah! This is really great! Well...except for one thing." I said.

"What's that?" Mom asked.

"Well, if you two get married...then I guess Brian and my relationship becomes 'incest'!" I said and then broke up laughing.

Brian did too, to the point that we both had tears running out of our eyes. Our parents looked at us like we were crazy and then they both started laughing, too.

We continued talking about their plans. It seemed that they were planning to get married in about six months but Mom was going to move in with Brian's Dad in about a week. As we talked about this, my mind kept flashing back to my dream that first night sleeping in Brian's arms, of us getting married. We'd never discussed it again after that night. Frankly, the more I thought about it, the more morose I became, knowing that we could never do something like that.

"Eric, what's wrong?" my Mom finally asked, noticing how my mood had changed.

Brian noticed it, too, and put his arm around me.

"What's the matter, babe?" he asked quietly.

"Remember that first night - my dream?" I said, looking up into his eyes.

"Yeah. I do." he said quietly.

"What dream?" Mom asked.

"I had this dream, the first night that Brian and I spent together, about us getting married. Stupid, huh?" I said.

"No, it's not, son." Matt said to me. "Not if that's what you and Brian want." Dad said.

"Dad, we can't get married. It's not legal." Brian said.

"Son, marriage isn't about laws, it's about feelings. It's about making a commitment to love somebody for the rest of your life. As far as I can see, you two already are as married as anybody I know - maybe more so in some ways. If you two want to get married, we can find a way to do that. Trust me." Matt said to Brian.

Brian looked at me. I smiled shyly at him. Then he shocked everybody at the table. He slipped out of his chair, got down on his knees, took my hand in his and looked up into my eyes.

"Eric, I love you more than anybody else in this world. Will you marry me?" he asked.

I was stunned! For a moment, I didn't know what to say!

"Brian...I...uhh...Oh, Brian! Yes!" I finally blurted out and threw my arms around his neck.

I don't know what the rest of the people in the restaurant thought about this and, frankly I could give a fuck. Tears were pouring out of my eyes as I looked at my lover and he gently kissed me on the lips. He sat back down and both my Mom and his Dad were beaming at us. I could see tears in my mother's eyes.

" know we don't usually display affection in public." I said shyly.

"Eric, that was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life." my Mom said. "I can truly see how deeply you two do care about each other. Matt, we've got to do something! We've got to find a way that they can get married, too!" she said to Brian's Dad.

"I agree. You just leave it to us, boys. We're going to find a way to get you married. In fact, why can't we get married together?" Matt asked.

That took us all back.

"Together?" Brian asked.

"Yeah. One ceremony. Why not?" he asked.

Brian and I looked at each other and shrugged.

"No reason why not, Dad. We'd just have to find someone willing to perform the ceremony." Brian said.

Six months later in a little church called St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Community, which is a church in the Independent Catholic movement, not part of Rome, Dad and Brian waited at the altar while I walked my Mom down the aisle on my arm. When we got to the altar, the priest waited while Mom joined Matt and Brian took my hand and then he began the double ceremony. When it came our turn, Brian slipped a simple, white gold band on my ring finger and I did the same. Then he looked into my eyes and said:

"I, Brian, take you Eric, to be my partner - forever."

And I looked deep into his beautiful blue eyes and said.

"I, Eric, take you Brian, to be my partner - forever."

And, for the most part, I guess you could say that we all lived happily ever after. Oh, by the way, if you need your car repaired and are looking for someplace that does honest work, just drive into any one of our six "Lockwood & Sons" garages. We promise to clean off any cum that might get on your fender!


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