Plum Street

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Nov 21, 2003


DISCLAIMER: This is just a story. It didn't happen. In so many ways I wished it had happened to me.

For Jason - "Your love like a river, peaceful and deep. Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep."

Copyright (c) 2003 by RimPig. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.


I dreamed that night of a wedding! It was Brian and me standing in front of a whole bunch of people and getting married! I could see him, dressed in a tuxedo with a ruffled front shirt, his long, dark hair gleaming, his beautiful blue eyes looking at me with such love in his eyes. I looked down and I was dressed just like he was. In the dream he looked at me and said.

"I, Brian, take thee Eric - forever."

I answered the same way.

"I, Eric, take thee Brian - forever."

Then Brian looked at me and said.

"Brian...wake up, babe. You're dreaming."

I opened my eyes and there was Brian, looking down at me smiling.

"Did you know you talk in your sleep?" he grinned.

"No! I've never slept with anybody before. How would I know? What did I say?" I asked.

"Well...I'm not really sure. It sounded like you said something weird." he said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"I thought I heard you say, 'I, Eric, take you Brian - forever.' Like we were getting married or something." he smiled.

"We were. That's what my dream was about. We were getting married. We were both standing there in tuxes with these ruffled shirts." I said, my face reddening in embarrassment.

Brian looked at me for a few moments not saying anything.

"Is that what you want, Eric? For us to get married?" he asked quietly.

"I don't was just a dream...I'm completely surprised by it. I've never thought about it." I said.

"It's really weird. You're not going to believe this, but it is something I have thought about. I've thought about it a lot. I know all the shit going on about 'Gay Marriage' but I still would like it. Even if it wasn't legal. I would mean a lot to me. But we don't have to think about that now. Maybe in a few years....or we don't have to think about it at all, if you don't want to..." he said.

"'s okay. I'm just surprised, that's all. I have to think that either I can read your mind or somewhere inside of me, I must want it, too, or I wouldn't be dreaming about it. But you're right. We can talk about it." I smiled.

"Okay." he grinned.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's early yet. Only a little after six. Do you want to get some more sleep?" he asked.

"Yeah. I do. We were up really late last night." I said.

"Yeah, we were!" he grinned. "And I loved ever second of it!"

"Me, too. But if you want to continue where we left off, we need sleep, Brian." I smiled.

"Yeah, you're right." he said, somewhat reluctantly.

I snuggled back into his arms.

"Come on. Sleeping together is almost as good." I smiled up at him.

He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips.

"Yeah! You don't know how long I've dreamed of having you here like this." Brian murmured.

"I never dreamed of it. Maybe because I didn't believe it ever could." I said.

"But it has, babe." he smiled.

"Yeah." I smiled.

I lay my head on his chest and, with his arm around me, I drifted back to sleep.

When I awoke the second time, I was alone in bed but I could smell coffee as well as bacon frying. I got up and went into the bathroom to relieve myself. I had a piss-hard, as always in the morning and it took a while to get it to go down enough so that I could piss. When I came back into the bedroom, Brian was sitting naked on the bed and there was a big tray sitting next to him.

"Breakfast in bed." he smiled as I came out of the bathroom.

"I've never had breakfast in bed before." I smiled, climbing into bed on the other side of the tray.

Brian picked up a strip of bacon and held it to my lips. I took a bite and it was delicious! Sweet as well as meaty.

"Mmm! That's good!" I said.

"Maple sugar cured. Sweet, isn't it?" he asked.

"Yeah!" I said, nodding.

I looked down at the tray. There was melon, orange juice (fresh squeezed when I tried it), warm biscuits and whipped butter. There was also a steaming mug of coffee.

"I didn't know how you liked your coffee so there's sugar and cream there." Brian said, pointing to a small pitcher and a small bowl.

I put both in the mug and tasted the coffee. It tasted like nothing I'd ever had before! I tasted chocolate and raspberries in it!

"What is this?" I asked, holding up the mug.

"Chocolate-Raspberry flavored coffee. Like it? It's my favorite." he said.

"It's incredible! I love it!" I smiled.

"Good! It's the only coffee I ever drink. I can get regular if you want." he said.

"Brian...stop. Look at me." I said and he did. "Brian, I love you. You don't need to impress me or change anything about yourself. I love you just the way you are. Promise." I swore.

He blushed. God! He was so cute when he did!

"I'm sorry. I guess now that you're here, I'm afraid I'll do something stupid and lose you." he said quietly.

"Brian, you're not going to lose me. I'm afraid I'll do something stupid and you'll not want me around anymore." I said.

"That isn't going to happen!" he said.

"Okay, so you're not going to do anything to make me leave...well...there is one thing that would make me leave...if you turned into an alcoholic like my mom." I said quietly.

"Not going to happen, babe. If you want, I go in the fridge, dump out the beer and never allow alcohol in the house again." he said.

"No. You don't have to do that. I'll let you know if it ever gets uncomfortable for me." I smiled.

"Okay. Deal." he said. "So, what do you want to do today?"

"Well...I kinda thought we could do some more of what we did last night." I smiled shyly at him.

"Oh, trust me! We're gonna do that! That's why I made breakfast! I figured we'd need fuel." he laughed. "But we can't fuck all day."

"Speak for yourself! I could spend the whole day just looking at you can touching you." I said.

"Trust me, I could spend every moment of the rest of my life naked and in bed with you. I just thought you'd like to do something." he said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Oh, I thought you might like to go home and pack up your stuff and bring it here." he said.

I had a spoonful of melon on it way to my mouth and stopped and put it down. I hadn't thought about going back to the apartment. I hadn't thought of facing my mom and telling her that I was moving out.

"I...I'm...I'm scared. I don't know how she's going to deal with this." I said.

"You do want to, don't you?" Brian asked.

"Yes, more than anything! I just don't know what I'm going to tell her." I said.

"Why don't you tell her the truth?" Brian asked.

Oh, fuck! That's what I never wanted to do! I didn't want her to know that I was Gay. I didn't want her to hate me.

"Brian, I'm afraid of how she'd deal with it." I said quietly, avoiding his eyes.

He reached over and covered my hand with his. It was like this bolt of electricity went up my arm and into my heart - it was such a caring gesture! I looked up to see him smiling at me.

"I'll go with you." he said.

It was not a question. It was Brian saying that we were now part of each other now and whatever difficulty either of us had to go through, the other one would be there.

"Thank you." I said quietly.

"We can take one of the trucks downstairs so that we can haul all your stuff. The 'Vette doesn't have a lot of trunk space." he said.

"Uhh...Brian...the 'Vette has plenty of space in it. We won't need a truck." I said quietly, looking down.

I didn't know how to tell him that I have very little 'stuff'. I could probably pack most of it in one box - and not a large box at that. I'd never had much of anything. My clothes came from thrift stores like Salvation Army or St. Vincent DePaul. What few things I had I mostly had to buy myself from money I managed to get away from Mom before she spent it on booze.

Brian's hand tightened on mine at that point and I looked back up at him.

"Eric, man, I don't care what you've got or how little. I love you. I want you here with me. I want us to be together forever. That's all that's important. Don't worry about what you don't have. You don't have to want for anything anymore. You're mine now and I take care of anyone who is mine! If you need anything, you tell me and I'll make sure you get it." he said.

"What I really need is a job so that I can make some money so I don't have to be a drain on you - or anybody else for that matter." I said.

I wasn't comfortable with Brian 'taking care' of me so completely. I wanted to feel like I could at least pay my own way.

"I hear ya, dude!" he laughed. "I'm sorry. I'm still getting used to you being a guy!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, somewhat put out by his comment.

"Hold on! I'm sorry! I know how that sounded. I didn't mean it to come out that way!" he said holding up his hands in a conciliatory manner. "What I meant was that girls 'expect' you to take care of them. They want you to do and buy everything for them. They want you to marry them so they don't have to work. That's what I'm used to. I know you want to work and be self-sufficient and I should have thought of that. It's just that I'm stupid and don't always think straight sometimes. Forgive me? Please?" he begged.

"Okay. You're forgiven! Just don't think of me as a girl!" I growled.

"No problem! I just have to shove my cock up your ass or in your mouth and I know that!" he giggled. "Or go down on you!"

"Yeah, well, I vote we have more of that!" I said.

"Okay. But, by the way, if you want a job, you've got one." he smiled.

"What, sucking your cock?" I smirked.

"No, working in my Dad's garage with me. Dad is always looking for help. He'd love to have you." Brian said.

"But I don't know nothing about working on cars!" I said.

"Don't worry. I can teach you that as we go along. I'll bet you'll pick it up fast. Actually what I was thinkin' about was, I know you're good in math, right?" Brian asked.

"Well, yeah. But it's not higher math - it's Accounting and Business Math." I said.

"Exactly! One place that Dad REALLY needs help is in the office! Good cashiers and bookkeepers are as hard to find as good mechanics. You could turn out to be both!" he grinned.

"Brian, are you sure? I don't want your Dad giving me a job just because I'm sleeping with his son." I said.

"Eric, I would never do that to you. That would be demeaning. It would make you like one of those guys out on Plum Street. No, I promise you - I will never lie to you. Dad really does need the help and he'll be glad to have you. In fact, I'm gonna call him right now and invite him over for dinner tonight so you two can meet and he can tell you about the job himself. Okay?" he asked.

"You want me to meet your Dad tonight?!" I gasped.

I didn't know if I was ready for that or not!

"He doesn't bite, dude! It will be good. You'll see. Just trust me, okay?" Brian asked.

"Okay. I'll trust you." I said.

"Cool. Lemme call him. Then, I've got something 'special' for you." he grinned.

"What?" I asked.

"Nope, it's a surprise!" he grinned.

"Okay." I said, trying to act pouty but not doing a very good job of it. He leaned over and kissed me and that was the end of my 'pouting'.

He turned to the little table, picked up the phone and dialed. In a few seconds, the phone was evidently answered.

"Dad?...Yeah, it's me...great!...yeah!...Listen, Dad, what are you doin' tonight?...'Cause I want you to come over for dinner...yeah...I want you to meet somebody...You remember we talked about Eric? You knew his mom in high school...yeah - that, Dad, he's not coming over. He's here with me now...yeah...Yeah, it did work out. Well, we're working it out....No, Dad, we really do want you to come, okay?...No! You won't be 'in the way'!...Okay. Good. About seven?...I'll make your favorite, how's that?...Okay, see you then...Oh, Dad. I love you...Bye." and Brian put the phone down.

"Okay, all set!" he said.

I just sat there staring at him. I was freaking out. Until last night, no one knew I was Gay. No one! I'd never told a soul. Now, I had a lover and I was meeting his father tonight and, worse, his father knew that I was Brian's lover! What would he think of me? Would he hate me because I 'made' his son Gay? Or that fact that because he had me in his life, there was no way he was ever going to go back to girls? What if he flat out didn't like me?! What if it had nothing to do with me being Gay and he just didn't like me? I was in misery.

Brian must have seen in my face and my eyes how I was feeling. He picked up the tray that had held breakfast and put it down on the platform next to the bed. Then he slid over and put his arms around me.

"It's gonna be find, Eric. I promise! My Dad is going to love you!" he said, gently kissing my cheek.

"But what if he doesn't?! What if he hates me?!" I exclaimed, tears beginning to run from my eyes, embarrassing me further.

Brian raised his hand and, with his fingers, brushed away the tears on my cheek.

"Babe, I told you. He can't help but love you. He'll see the way you look at me and he'll know. He'd never be able to hate someone who loves me as much as you do. Please, trust me on this." he said quietly.

I looked into his deep blue eyes, and I knew that he was telling me the truth. I had to just trust him. What choice did I have. I loved him. Therefore I knew that, no matter what, I would trust that things with his father would go the way he said they would.

"Okay. I trust you. After all, he's your father. You know him better than anyone. Certainly better than I do." I said.

He put is other arm around me and pulled me tight to his body. His mouth sought mine and we kissed deeply and passionately for a long time. As we did, our hands roamed over each other's bodies. My cock was hard almost from the moment he started kissing me and, when I reached down between us, he was as well.

Still in each other's arms, he pressed me back until we were again lying on the bed with him on top of me. His warm, muscular body felt so good resting on me. I loved the feeling of being under him. It was like he was protecting me, shielding me from all the rest of the world and the hurts that I had. His mouth and tongue licked and sucked at my neck and then moved upward until he was licking inside my ear. I groaned loudly at this and was surprised when he murmured in my ear.

"Let me roll over." was all he said but he lifted himself off me so that he could.

Not knowing what to expect, I watched as he rolled over on his stomach.

"Get top of me." he said and I did, laying my body down the length of his.

Now I could feel my hard cock pressing into the cleft between his butt-cheeks. I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to do but I figured he wanted his butt eaten again so I began licking, sucking and nibbling at his shoulders and then moving down his back. There was almost no place on his back that I did not explore with my tongue and lips. I was surprised at how soft his skin was! The muscles beneath were has hard as still but the skin covering them was as soft as silk as my tongue flowed over it. He writhed beneath me, loving the feelings that were going through him as I moved lower and lower.

Finally, I got to his ass. My tongue started gliding across his cheeks, tasting the tang of his salty skin. He groaned at the feeling. As far as I knew, no one had ever licked his ass, except for me last night. I moved closer and closer to his cleft and then finally took my hands and spread his butt cheeks apart. Brian spread his legs wide at the same time, giving me ample access to his trench. I ran my nose up and down the sweaty cleft, inhaling deeply of his butt-scent and moaning deep in my throat at the intense maleness of it! If anyone had told me 24 hours ago that I would be smelling Brian Lockwood's butt and almost cumming from the scent, I would have either punched them out or had them locked up in an insane asylum! But, here I was, breathing in as much of the aroma of his beautiful jock butt as I could and my cock was leaking like a broken faucet beneath me.

Finally, smelling his butt was not enough. I had to taste it! My tongue began it's journey from the back of his balls all the way up his trench to where it joined the lower part of his back. Brian groaned loudly and the upper part of his body rose up in reaction to the strong feelings that were going through him. I let my tongue take the same journey again, slowly, through his trench and my ears were greeted with more groans from Brian. But I was just getting started!

My mouth locked around his dark, wrinkly hole and my tongue began to circle it, pressing into the soft tissue there, teasing it into relaxing and allowing me entry. It took a little while, but soon, my tongue was sliding all the way into his butt, tasting and licking the inside of his ass. The thought of that, having part of me actually inside of him was mind-blowing! But that was nothing compared to the shock that Brian had in store for me! He said he had a surprise but I never expected what the 'surprise' was! I was happily tongue fucking his butt when all of a sudden I heard his voice crying out.

"Ahh! Fuck! Yeah! Do it, Eric! I eat my butt good! Get it ready! I want you to fuck me, man!" Brian's voice cried out.

I stopped cold! I didn't move. My tongue was buried in his ass not moving a millimeter! What the fuck did he say? Did Brian just beg me to FUCK HIM?! I pulled my face from his butt and moved up his back again until my face was leaning over his shoulder next to his ear.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"You heard me. I want you to fuck me!" he turned his head and grinned at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Fuck, yeah, I'm sure! Did you think that I was only going to fuck you and not let you fuck me?" he asked.

"Well...uhh...yeah...I kinda did..." I fumbled.

He wiggled out from under me and turned so that we were laying there facing each other.

"Okay, we gotta get something straight here, right now. You're a guy, I'm a guy. We're equals - in everything. That's what I mean by a partner. We share what ever it is we have in life. And we share our bodies with each other. Totally. I can't ask you to let me fuck you and not let you fuck me. I could tell from last night that you really loved it when I fucked you. Didn't you?" he asked.

I looked down sheepishly.

"It was the most wonderful thing I'd ever felt in my entire life." I said quietly.

His hand reached out and he lifted my chin until I was looking into his intensely deep blue eyes again.

"And it was the most wonderful fuck I've ever had in my life. Not only are you tighter and hotter and wetter than any pussy I'd ever fucked, for the first time in my life, I was fucking somebody that I truly loved. I was making love for the first time in my life. It was just like I was a virgin again!" he said.

I smiled at him.

"It was totally special, wasn't it." I said quietly.

"More than special! So much more than special, I don't even have words for it. But it wasn't enough! I want to know what that feels like! I want to feel what you felt. I want your cock inside me. I want to feel you fucking me and shooting your load deep inside me. I want part of you inside me forever! Just like you said to me last night - I want you to fuck me and make me yours. Do you understand? It works both ways. That's what's great about being two guys - it works both ways!" he said.

And as he said this, things were like 'clicking into place' in my head. Yeah! That's it! That's exactly it! Being with another guy was like the ultimate equality! In any kind of difficulty - I had his back and he had mine. In love, we gave ourselves to each other. Sometimes I'd fuck him, sometimes he'd fuck me! It was a little mind boggling at first. After all, I'd been raised in an environment where, in the relationships I saw between males and females, one was subservient to the other. Some girls were completely subservient to the guy that they went with or married - practically to the point that they were owned by the guy. I'd seen guys be that subservient to a girl as well. Of course, he was called 'pussy-whipped'. But that was because, in male/female relations, the 'bottom' and 'top' are pre-defined by gender! Except with the use of an artificial device, a girl cannot fuck a guy. With guys, 'top' and 'bottom' were defined by choice! I didn't have to 'bottom' all the time. Brian didn't have to 'top' all the time. We could switch off however we chose - or just trade blowjobs and nobody would be 'on top'!

I didn't have a frame of reference for what Brian and I were creating here. But it didn't matter. The kind of relationship that Brian was describing not only made perfect sense, it felt good to me emotionally as well! I felt deep inside that, without my knowing it, this is what I had been looking for in a relationship all along. I didn't want Brian to just love me. I wanted his respect as another man. Just the way I respected him. I wanted to be his equal. I wanted us to meet on a level playing field. I didn't believe that was possible at first, but my feelings of being somehow 'inferior' to Brian were quickly receding - especially with the evidence of how much he loved me and wanted me.

I looked at him and leaned over and kissed him deeply.

"Yes, I do understand. I can't even begin to tell you how 'right' what you've just said feels. Now! Roll over, I wanna fuck that sweet ass of yours until you can't fuckin' walk!" I grinned.

"Oh, fuck! I think I've created a monster!" he laughed.

"Yeah! A Fuck-Monster!" I said leaping on him and pinning him on his back to the bed.

"Lemme turn over. I liked how you were doing before. Okay?" he asked.

"On your stomach or on your back, you're gettin' fucked. I don't give a fuck which." I grinned.

He rolled over on his stomach and spread his legs. I got between them again and went back to eating his musky butt, paying particular emphasis on loosening his hole and getting it as wet as I could. When I'd tongue fucked him so long that my tongue was hurting, I pulled my face out of his butt.

"Where's the lube?" I asked.

"On the table." he purred.

I guess he really loved having his butt eaten. Well, good! Because I sure loved eating it! I leaned over him and grabbed the lube and then sat between his legs so I had more freedom of movement. This next part was gonna have to go slow and easy. I wanted him as open as possible. I didn't think he'd ever played with his butt like I had, but, then again I didn't know.

"Uhh...Brian." I said, hesitantly.

"Yeah, babe?" he asked, looking back over his shoulder at me.

"Can I ask you something kinda...well...personal?" I asked.

"Babe, we've sucked each other's cocks, we've eaten each other's butts and I've fucked you! I think that means you can ask me anything." he grinned.

"Okay. Okay. You're right. Well...when you jack-off, do you ever with your butt?" I asked.

"You mean like shove a finger up it while I'm jackin' to make me cum harder? Like that?" he grinned.

"Yeah. Like that." I smiled.

"All the time, babe! Why?" he asked.

"Well, I was just trying to gauge how slow I'd have to go in opening you up. Since you've had some experience, it will go easier." I said.

"Oh? Yeah! Good thinking!" he grinned and lay back down, resting his head on his crossed arms and raising his butt up a bit to give me better access to his hole.

The first thing I did was put the spout of the bottle right against his hole as squeeze a huge glob into his ass. His hips jerked at this and his head came up.

"Fuck! That's cold!" he said.

"Sorry. I don't have any way of warming it." I said.

"It's okay. I'm used to it now." he said, laying back down.

Next I coated my finger with the slippery stuff and slowly worked it inside of him. He made small moaning sounds of satisfaction as I did. I slid my index finger as far inside him as it would go. Fuck! He was tight! It was really hot up inside him!

"You okay?" I asked.

"Oh, fuck, yeah! That feels great! Go for another one!" he said.

I pulled my index finger out and now lubed both it and my 'fucking' finger and slid them both slowly into his ass. He moaned as my two fingers slid up his chute and wiggled his ass a bit to show me how much he was enjoying this. I began moving my fingers around in his hole, spreading them and making his hole open more. He groaned at this, but I could tell it was not in pain. I curled my fingers and hit something in his butt that was rounded and kind of hard. Then his groan became very loud!

"Ahh, yeah! Fuck, yeah!" he groaned. "That's it babe! Play with my joy button!"

His what?! Oh, yeah! So that's his prostate! Gotta remember where that is for when I'm fuckin' him!

I stroked the hard little walnut shaped gland a couple of times, eliciting groans of delight from him on each stroke.

"Babe, stop! You do that much more and I'm gonna cum before your cock ever gets anywhere near my butt!" he groaned.

I concentrated on sliding my two fingers in and out of his butthole and spreading them so that I would open his hole more. Finally, it seemed that it had loosened to the point that I could add another finger. I pulled my two fingers out, added more lube to his hole as well as to three of my fingers. I slowly worked the three inside of him, as he groaned at the additional intrusion in his ass. With three, I was working more on spreading his hole than any depth of penetration though, finally, all three were almost all the way inside his butt. It was then that I judged him ready to take my hard cock.

My cock, which was standing up at attention between my legs and felt so hard I could cut case hardened steel with it, had been neglected through this whole operation because I didn't want to lose my load anywhere but up Brian's butt! Now I lubed it really good, along with lubing Brian's hole again. Then I moved to where I was on my knees between his legs and my cockhead was resting against the opening to his body.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yeah. Shove it in me! Just take it slow and easy, okay?" he asked.

"Sure. Slow and easy!" I repeated. "It makes it easier if you push out with your ass muscles like you were taking a dump."

"Thanks!" he said.

I bent over so that my hands rested on the bed on both sides of his chest while my arms were straight and I was bent over at about a 45 degree angle to his body. I moved my hips forward and my cock pressed harder against his ass. I felt him push out with his ass muscles and the next thing I knew, my cockhead had slid into his butt. I stopped immediately to see if he was okay.

"It's fine, babe. Go ahead." he said, knowing immediately why I'd stopped.

Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, I pushed my hard cock up his butt, allowing his tight tunnel to become used to my invader.

"Oh, fuck! You are so tight and hot!" I groaned at he feeling of his tight, hot ass surrounding my cock.

"Come on, babe, shove it in me - shove it all in!" he said.

And to put words to actions, he put his hands back, grabbed my hips and pulled me forward until almost all of my cock was buried in his butt. That last couple of inches I shoved in myself. I stayed that way, my cock completely buried in his butt for a few moments as his ass muscles spasmed around my cock. I couldn't move. Not only was his ass so tight but I knew that if I moved at all, I was in tremendous danger of losing my load right then and there and ending this fuck before it even got started.

Brian's ass and my cock calmed down almost at the same time.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Mmm! Yeah! Fuck me! Fuck my butt, Eric! Fuck it deep man - fuck it HARD!" Brian begged.

I started stroking slowly in and out of his butt. At first, it was as much for me as for him! I was afraid I was gonna cum at any second. But I gradually built up speed and power and was soon slamming my cock into his hole hard and fast.

"That's it, buddy! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Really ream out my shit-hole! Yeah! Come on! Fuck me!" Brian groaned.

Well, so my lover had a real gutter mouth when he got fucked, just like me! Cool! I loved hearing it because it just made me hornier and spurred me on to greater feats of fucking! I let go, slamming into Brian as hard as I could, burying my 'bone' in his 'back yard'! I couldn't keep this pace up for long though. I could feel my load tingling in my nuts and I knew I was gonna cum and cum soon. I wanted to make this good for Brian! I wanted to get him off by fucking him! I shifted my angle so that I could feel my cock slamming into and over his prostate on each stroke. Now he was groaning in earnest!

"Fuck me! Yeah! Fuck me hard! Yeah! Shove it up my ass!" he begged. "I'm gonna cum, Eric! I'm gonna shoot!"

"Yeah, Brian! Shoot you're load, babe! I'm right behind you! Come on! Fuckin' shoot!" I screamed.

And that seemed to do it! The next thing I knew, Brian was screaming out and his hole was clenching rhythmically around my cock! That's all it took for me! I slammed my cock on last time, as deep in his body as I could and blasted load after load after load of my cum deep inside of him! I shot so hard, I was afraid one of my fuckin' nuts was gonna shoot out as well!

"FUCKKKK!!!!" Brian and I cried together as I came in his butt and he came all over the bed.

Brian's orgasm was so intense it caused his back to arch and his head to rise off the bed. Without knowing it, I found my mouth grasping his shoulder with my teeth. I must have bitten down pretty hard, too, because there was a perfect copy of my teeth imprinted on his shoulder. Brian didn't seem to mind, however. In fact, he didn't even seem to have noticed. He just flopped back down on the bed and I flopped down on top of him, my hard cock still buried in is butt.

I lay there on top of him, our bodies glued together by our sweat as I tried to regain my breath. I finally started to slowly lick and suck at his neck and shoulders and he moaned in satisfaction as I did so.

"Oh, fuck, Eric! That was totally amazing, man! Oh, fuck I love your cock in my butt! Nothing's ever felt that incredible in my life, dude! You are one masterful fucker, ya know that?" he murmured.

"If you say so. Personally, I think that the master fucker in this bed is you! But, then again, I can't fuck myself so how will I ever know?" I laughed.

"Okay, we're both master fuckers, deal?!" he asked.

"Deal!" I replied.

My cock had finally softened and his ass pushed it out. I went to move off him and slid down between his legs. I looked down and saw his asshole, red and puffy but with this white cream oozing out of it. My cum! I shot so much it filled up his butt. I don't know what made me do it, but I had this overwhelming desire to taste my load - straight from his ass! I bent down and began licking at his just-fucked ass.

"Oh, fuck! What are you doing to me, Eric?!" Brian groaned, raising up and looking over his shoulder.

Raising my face from his butt for a moment, I looked at him.

"If you don't know, I must be doin' it wrong!" I said and went back to licking and sucking at his just fucked butt.

"Ahh, fuck man! That feels so fuckin' good! That's it, eat my fucked hole! Eat my ass! Yeah!

I didn't need him telling me. I could get enough! My tongue dug deep in his ass and licked out all of my load I could find.

"Share it with me." I heard his voice.

I sucked a large glob of my load from his ass and held it in my mouth, moving up the bed until I could lay down beside him. He grabbed me in his arms and pulled me to him. His mouth opened and I got up over it, allowing the fresh cum to drip from my mouth to his. He moaned as I fed him my load from his ass. Then my mouth came down on his and we were eating my load and tasting everywhere in each other's mouths to get more. Finally, we swallowed and broke the kiss.

"Fuck! Eric! I love you so much! I'm yours now. Forever. There's a part of you up inside me now." he grinned.

"Well, what I didn't suck out!" I grinned.

"Don't worry, I bet you shot hard enough to plant some of your seed in the back of my throat!" he laughed.

We curled up in each other's arms and, without realizing it, fell asleep.

We woke up about an hour later, still wrapped in each other's arms. This sleeping with somebody was easy! As long as it was Brian! We weren't feeling real horny but we both had hardons. I turned around in the bed, and began swallowing his. What I didn't realize was the position was just perfect for him to swallow mine! I'd heard of 69, but had never done it. Now I understood why people liked it so much! Fuck! The feeling of him eating my cock while I ate his was almost like I was sucking myself! And Brian copied every move and made and used exactly the same rhythm. It took no time at all, and we were both groaning and trying to swallow down each other's load. Then I turned back around and sought Brian's mouth. I had a surprise for him. I held back some of his cum in my mouth and was going to feed it to him, but when our mouths met, there was a glob of my cum in his mouth, too! We kind of mixed them together and swallowed the mixture of our essence.

"Fuck! That was hot!" Brian said, after we'd thoroughly licked out each other's mouths for every last trace of our cum.

"Yeah! Fuckin' hot! I love tasting you! And me!" I laughed.

"Maybe we better get dressed and get going...I still need to pick up stuff for dinner and I want to get you moved in." Brian said.

I still wasn't thrilled about this, going back to my apartment and running into my Mom but...I could be in luck. She could be drunk and passed out!

We pulled on our clothes, Brian wearing jeans and a t-shirt and me wearing my 'hustling' outfit. I felt really funny putting it back on again, considering what happened. Brian looked at me and I think he must have known how I felt.

"I want you to keep that outfit and wear it for me. I can't even begin to tell you how unbelievably hot you look in it!" he smiled.

"Really?" I asked, not convinced that I was all that 'hot'.

Brian walked over, took to me, slid his arms around me and then slid his hands down the back of the tight jeans, cupping my ass.

"Really!" he said, pulling me by my ass so that our crotches ground together and kissed me.

"Okay. Only for you." I promised.

We got into the 'Vette and drove to my apartment. I didn't need to give Brian directions. He'd told me the truth. He knew where I lived. I went up to the apartment and, my luck was holding! Mom wasn't there. Probably went to get booze. I hurried to my room and pulled down my backpack and a small suitcase that I had. I was able to pack everything in a matter of minutes. I was about to leave when I looked back at the bed. There, lying on the pillow was 'Cuddles' - a ratty old bear that had been my only friend growing up and who I still went to sleep with on nights that I was feeling particularly down and lonely. I couldn't leave him behind. I shoved him in my backpack and went to leave. I decided that I ought to at least leave a note, so I sat down at the kitchen table and wrote one:

Dear Mom,

I'm moving out and moving in with my friend Brian. I'm sorry Mom, I just can't take it anymore. I can't take watching you killing yourself with the booze. Don't try to find me unless you ever make a real effort at sobering up. You'll have more money for booze now with me not around.


I left the note on the kitchen table and went down to the car and Brian helped me put my stuff in.

"Everything okay?" he asked as we got into the car.

"She wasn't home. I left a note. Let's go, please?" I begged.

"Sure, babe." and he laid rubber peeling out of the parking space.

We went to the grocery store and, for the first time in my life, I was able to get stuff that I really wanted without having to worry about the price. Brian was very insistent. He wanted me to know that my life had changed. I didn't have to want for basic things like food. He also stopped at Target and bought me three new pairs of jeans, three pullover shirts and two pairs of new trainers! I couldn't even remember the last time I'd had new clothes!

When we got back to Brian's apartment, he started dinner and asked me to try on the new clothes. He wanted me to 'model' them for him.

"Why?" I asked. "I'm sure they fit."

"Because I like looking at you!" he smiled.

"Oh." was all I could think of to say.

So I 'modeled' my new 'wardrobe' for him and he drooled over each new outfit. Finally he got dinner to the point where he could leave it.

"Come on. Let's get a shower." he said.

We went into the bedroom and got naked.

"Ahh, do you want to go first or me?" I asked.

"Neither. We're going to take one together." he said.

Now I'd taken showers with other guys ever since junior high. As a jock, it just went with the territory. Actually, I loved doing it because I got to see all these great jock bodies naked. But this was like no shower I ever took! First of all, the shower was huge! Big enough for three or four guys to shower in at once. It also had showerheads on each side both high and low. It created like a 'rain forest' of water.

Brian set the water temperature and then took my hand, dragging me into the shower with him. His arms went around me and he kissed me deeply.

"Now this is how to take a shower!" he smiled.

I didn't say anything. I just blushed. And I'm not sure why!

Brian took some liquid soap and started washing me. His soapy hands began sliding all over my body. He washed my cock which, needless to say, was hard and my balls along with my pubic hair. He turned me around and washed my back and then slid his hands down to my butt. He very gently and tenderly washed my butt-trench, even gently washing my hole - which was still a little sore from him fucking me last night.

"Okay, duck under the water, rinse off and get your hair wet." he said.

I did as instructed and then he turned me back around, facing away from him and proceeded to shampoo my hair. The sensual feeling of his finger running through my hair and massaging my scalp were almost like sex! By the time he was done, my cock was leaking pre-cum all over the floor of the shower! Fuck! This was something I knew I was going to love to do over and over again!

Brian pushed me under the shower again to rinse the shampoo out of my hair and then handed me the bottle of liquid soap.

"Your turn!" he grinned.

Oh, fuck, yeah! My turn! How I wanted 'my turn'! I spent the next twenty minutes slowly going over his beautiful body! Every inch! I even got down and washed his feet and in between his toes! My favorite part was washing his gorgeous bubble butt! I, too, very gently cleaned is butt-trench and gently soaped his hole. I pressed against it and my finger went in to my first knuckle on the film of soap. Brian moaned.

"Oh, fuck! Yeah!" he exclaimed.

"Aren't you sore there?" I asked.

"A little bit, but you keep that up and I'm gonna bend over and shove my hole right onto your cock!" he laughed.

"Why don't we wait until later. After all, you Dad is due for dinner." I said, as hard as it was for me to hold back from fucking his hot, wet hole.

"But we're both hard." he pointed out.

"I promise you, we'll get hard again!" I laughed.

"You don't want to get off?" he asked.

"Well...okay. But fucking is a bit awkward. You forget I'm a lot shorter than you are." I pointed out.

"Oh, yeah. But that's not a problem. Just lay down on your back." he said.

"Okay." I said, laying down on the tiles of the shower floor.

There was plenty of room to stretch out. Brian came and stood over me, his legs straddling my body at my hips. He had the liquid soap in his hand and I saw him put some on his fingers and then his arm went behind his back and he spread his legs so that I knew he was greasing his hole with it. He leaned down and handed the bottle to me and I used it to lube my erection.

"Okay, hold it up straight." Brian said and I complied.

Brian just squatted down until his soft pucker came in contact with the head of my cock. Then he just squatted down further and his butt just swallowed my cock! I felt the heat and the wetness of him and groaned. Without thinking, I thrust up burying my cock fully in his butt. He moaned and sat down on my groin, forcing me back down, his ass still sheaving my cock. Now it was me who groaned. The tightness of his ass along with the heat of his hole had me almost shooting just buried inside him. He sat there on my cock, smiling down at me.

"Fuck! Your cock feels so fuckin' good in my butt!" he groaned at me.

"Your ass feels so good wrapped around my cock!" I groaned.

He started very slowly to 'ride' me. I watched as he bounced up and down on my cock, driving both of us closer and closer to orgasm. The feel of his hot, slick chute was amazing! It was like nothing I'd ever felt in m life! Then I started hole must feel just like this to him! That caused a whole chain of thought and I reached out and clamped down on his thighs, holding him from moving up and down.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"You're havin' all the fun! I want to feel your cock up my ass." I said.

He grinned.

"Okay. I guess that's fair." he said, standing up as my cock 'plopped' out of his butt.

He lay down on the floor and now it was my turn to squat over him. He lubed up his cock and then lubed up my butt, letting one and then two of his fingers slide up my hole. I was a little sore but his fingers felt so good inside me! When he had me lubed up, I slowly squatted down onto his hard cock. Brian held it up straight so all I had to do was move around until I found it with my hole and then slowly pressed down until it began to slide into my ass. The fullness of it was so amazing to me! I loved the feeling of my ass being filled up with his cock. I slid down until I was sitting on his groin and my hands were on his huge, muscular chest. We looked deep into each others eyes.

"Fuck! Your fuckin' hole is so tight and hot!" he groaned.

"Your fuckin' cock is so big! It just fills me up!" I groaned as well.

"Ride my fuckin' cock, babe! Ride it!" he moaned.

I began slowly sliding up and down his pole. His arms reached out and he put them under the cheeks of my butt so that I was sitting in his hands. This helped to brace me and he began helping me to lift up and down. This also let him set the rhythm of our fuck and soon I was sliding fast and hard, up and down his cock. He was moaning and tossing his head from side to side as I fucked myself on his cock. I was not even jacking off and yet my cock was getting harder and harder and a steady stream of 'cock-honey' was pouring from the tip, down my balls and onto his abs.

I could feel his cock swelling in my ass and I knew he was about to cum. I was right there with him. He finally pushed his hips up, slamming his cock into my eager hole and began grunting loudly as his cock unloaded up my butt. My cock began shooting my load almost at the same time. My first shot hit is his face and the rest coated his chest and belly until he looked like someone had poured white cream all over him. I didn't realize I even had that much cum in me after all the fucking we had done!

I finally came to rest on his groin and I could feel his cock going soft in my ass. I kind of fell off his lap because I couldn't move my legs, they were so exhausted from fucking myself! I lay on the floor of the shower and he pulled me into his arms, kissing me deeply.

"Fuck! I love fucking you. I love you fucking me. I just love you." he smiled.

"I couldn't have said it better myself!" I laughed.

We lay there in each others arms for a few more minutes then finally turned off the water and slowly and gently began drying each other off. How I loved touching his soft skin and feeling his steel-like muscles. Most of all I loved being allowed to touch and explore him whenever and wherever I wanted. He seemed to notice what I was doing and smiled down at me.

"You like touching me, don't you?" he smiled.

I blushed in embarrassment.

"Yeah." I said quietly, looking down, not able to look in his eyes.

His fingers hooked under my chin, lifting it until our eyes met.

"I love the fact that you love my body. I love when you touch me. I want you to do it all the time." he smiled.

"Okay." I smiled.

Then his other hand gently stroked down my flank until it was resting on my butt.

"Can I have the same privilege?" he asked.

"Any time you want." I said.

Then he leaned down and kissed me gently.

"We'd better get dressed. I don't think Dad could handle us running around naked." he laughed.

"I don't think I could handle that either!" I said.

We went into the bedroom and Brian picked out one of my new shirts and new jeans and left me to get dressed while he checked on dinner. I'd just finished putting on my trainers and was heading out to the living room when I heard a knock at the door.

"I'm busy with something. Could you get that, Eric?" Brian called from the kitchen. "Just tell Dad to have a seat."

With a lot of trepidation, I opened the door. There stood a man who looked to be in his late thirties. He was tall, taller than Brian, and had big shoulders with very dark hair and deep blue eyes. It was obviously Brian's father. I guess I was looking at what Brian would look like in a few years. And I have to tell you, I would be very glad if he did! This was a very handsome, very masculine man!

"You must be Eric." His Dad said, looking at me and holding out his hand.

"Yes, sir." I said, taking his hand.

His handshake was firm without being crushing.

"So, where's Brian?" he asked as I showed him in.

"He's in the kitchen working on dinner. He said for you to just have a seat. Can I get you a beer or something, Mr. Lockwood.?" I asked.

"Yes, Eric. Don't mind if I do." he said and then smiled at me. "And,'s Matt. Mr. Lockwood is way to formal."

"Ahh...uhh...sure...uhh...Matt." I said and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Was it Dad?" Brian asked.

"You mean Matt?" I said and he turned to me and stared with his mouth hanging open.

"Matt?!" he asked.

"Yeah. He told me to call him Matt. He said that Mr. Lockwood was way too formal." I said going into the refrigerator and getting out a beer.

"You're kidding! He said that?!" he asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Brian, is that for Dad?" Brian asked.

"Yeah. I asked him if he wanted a beer." I said.

"Well, here, take this." Brian said, reaching up into a cabinet and getting out a long, tall glass. "Dad likes his beer in a glass."

I took the beer and the glass into Brian's Dad. He asked me to sit down and talk with him.

"So you're Eric, Melissa's son." he said.

"Yes, sir." I said.

"Did Brian tell you that I knew your mother in High School?" he asked.

"Yes, sir." I said. "He told me that you said she really was a cheerleader and homecoming queen."

"Yeah. She was. Why?" he asked.

"Well...she told me those stories, but I never believed her. She lies a lot." I said.

"I understand, Eric. But alcohol will do that to people. Don't be too hard on her. What she went through was pretty nasty." he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well...I knew your mom before she started drinking. Actually it was a guy that I knew that really started it." he said.

"Hey, Dad!" I heard Brian's voice as he came out of the kitchen.

Brian walked over to the couch and gave his Dad a hug. I was envious at the easy affection between them. I never had a father I could hug. At least I now had Brian, who sat down next to his Dad.

"So what are you guys talking about." Brian asked.

"Your Dad was telling me about my mom." I said. "So what do you mean about 'the guy who started it'?"

"Well...Your mom was a couple of years behind me in school so I only know the start of it but I heard about the rest. There was a guy on the football team with me who was a real good looking guy but a real asshole. You know the kind." Brian's Dad said.

"Mark Atwell!" Brian and I said together and then cracked up laughing.

"Yeah, I guess you guys do know!" Matt smiled.

"So what about this guy?" I asked.

"He started dating your mom. I knew nothing good was going to come of it. I knew how this guy thought. He do anything, say anything until a girl would do whatever he wanted. He started dating your mom. They dated all during their senior year. Then, your mom got pregnant. He had a football scholarship and just up and dumped her, leaving her with you. Your mom really loved him. That's when she started drinking." he said.

"What was his name?" I asked.

"You don't know?" Matt asked. "Your mom never told you?"

"No, she would never talk about him." I said.

"Well, I can understand that. His name was Todd Wilson." Matt said.

"I've never heard of him." I said.

"Nobody else has since he left town to go to college. As far as I know he never came back. I'm really sorry, Eric, about what happened to your mom. I just don't think you should blame her entirely. After all, she had no help raising you. Her family turned their back on her after she got pregnant." Matt said.

"Yeah, I know. But that hasn't changed the fact that she's a drunk and won't do anything about it." I said.

"Eric, I think there's some things about alcoholism that you don't understand." Matt's voice was gentle and compassionate. "It's a disease. The disease of addiction. Your mom doesn't drink because she wants to, she drinks because she has to. Her body screams out for alcohol and she has little or no choice."

"A disease? Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. Lemme ask you this, Eric. Would you agree with me that alcoholism, like your mom has, is chronic - that it lasts a long time?" Matt asked.

"Well...yeah. She's been drinking for years." I said.

"And would you also agree that your mom's drinking is progressive - that it's only gotten worse?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, that's for sure!" I said.

"And would you also agree that, in it's final result that alcoholism is fatal?" Matt asked.

"Yeah. I know, Mom is killing herself." I said, sadly.

"So, Eric, what would you call something that is chronic, progressive and fatal?" Matt asked quietly.

I sat there stunned.

"I...I...uhh...I guess I'd call it a disease." I said sheepishly.

"Don't feel bad, Eric. Most people still don't recognize it as a disease even though the medical community has since the 1930's." Matt said.

"But I tried to help her!" I said, suddenly feeling guilty.

"Eric, you can't help her. That's not your job! She has to help herself. Nobody else can do it for her." Matt said. "But you can help yourself. You see, there's a lot of evidence that alcoholism, or at least a tendency towards it, is genetic. If I were you, I wouldn't have much to do with booze. That is, if you don't want to end up like your mom."

"Oh." I said. "Well, sir, I don't drink very much or very often. I guess it won't hurt me at all not to. But I guess that won't help my mom."

"No son, it won't. But it will keep you safe." Matt said.

"I think that Eric's feeling bad, Dad, because we just went and got his stuff today." Brian interjected.

"Ohh! I see. So you guys have moved in together?" Matt asked us.

I looked at Brian and I knew he could see the fear in my eyes. What was Matt's reaction going to be to that.

"Yeah, Dad. You know, we talked about that." Brian said quietly.

"I know, son. I'm not upset." Matt smiled at his son and at me. "Actually, I was just going to tell you how happy I am for you. I hope you two are going to be very happy together."

I couldn't believe it! I grinned at Brian. Him being gay and us being together really was okay with his Dad! Fuck!

"Yeah, Dad, I'm happier than I've ever been in my whole life." Brian said to his Dad but he was smiling at me as he said it.

Matt looked at his son, then at me, and then back to his son.

"Yeah. I can see that!" he grinned.

Brian did a double-take, just like in the movies! I almost burst out laughing at the look on his face.

"What do you mean?" he asked Matt.

"Brian, I'm not that old that I can't see when two people are in love. Just the way you two look at each other tells me that." he smiled at his son.

Brian blushed and so did I!

"I do have to admit, I've never seen that look before on two guys faces, but that's your business, not mine." Matt said, and turned to me. "I've told Brian and I'll tell you. I love my son. That isn't conditioned on who he sleeps with. If you make him happy - and you obviously do - then that makes me happy. We clear on that?"

"Yes, sir. We're clear." I said.

"Good!" he grinned. "So, when do we eat? I'm starving!"

Dinner was incredible! Beef Stroganoff, which Brian had said was his Dad's favorite. Then there was something for desert that Brian said was a 'chocolate souffle'. I'd never heard of something like that before or seen something like that before but it was amazing! I'd never tasted anything so light, so sweet or so good in my life! I had three helpings of it! Thankfully, Brian made plenty of food because we all ate huge amounts! Finally we ended up back in the living room and Brian put on some soft jazz and we sat around talking.

"So how was dinner, Dad?" Brian asked.

"It was fantastic, as always. Now, tell me what it's going to cost me?" Matt smiled at his son.

"What do you mean?" Brian asked.

"Son, every time you make me Beef Stroganoff, you want something." Matt laughed.

"That's not true! I make it other times, too!" Brian said.

Then Matt and I both cracked up laughing! Brian stared at us until it dawned on him what he'd just said. Then he blushed.

"It's okay, son. What is it this time?" Matt said, after we stopped laughing.

"'s just that I was hoping that you could give Eric a job working with me. He doesn't know a lot about cars, but he can learn." Brian said.

"And it would give you guys a lot of time together as well giving Eric an income so you guys can live 'la vida loca'." Matt grinned.

I looked at Brian. He was looking at his Dad, the look of shock on his face was priceless!

"Well..uhh...yeah...I guess." he managed to mumble and Matt cracked up again.

"It's okay, son! In fact, I think it's a great idea! Eric, consider yourself now an employee of Lockwood Motors!" Matt laughed.

"For real?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, for real." Matt smiled at me. "Course, you'll have to have Brian bring you down to the office on Monday so that we can do some paperwork, insurance, stuff like that but, yes, you're hired."

"God! Thanks!" I exclaimed.

"Hey! If you're gonna be a part of the family, you have to work in the family business!" Matt smiled.

I just stared at him. What was that? 'Part of the family'? I'd never had a family - just my mom. What was he talking about? He couldn't mean what it sounded like - he couldn't!

"Eric, you're the boy that my son loves and wants to spend his life with. That makes you part of the family. That is...unless you don't want to be." Matt said, looking at me.

"No! That's not it! It's just that...I'm...I never expected..." I fumbled.

"You never expected me to accept you, is that it?" Matt asked.

I dropped my head and nodded. I couldn't look at him.

I heard movement and then I could see his feet, standing in front of me, as I looked at the floor. Then he squatted down and was looking right at me, right in front of my face, when I looked up.

"Eric, son, I think I understand. Brian's explained it to me. Growing up feeling different, hiding who you are, scared that everyone will hate you if they know. Not being able to tell anybody - especially not your family. I take it your mom doesn't know." he asked.

I shook my head.

"Yeah, I figured not. Look, Eric, I don't see anything wrong with you and Brian loving each other, if that's what you guys want. I just kind of look at it that, rather than a daughter-in-law, I got a son-in-law. Nothin' wrong with that. That okay with you?" he asked.

I looked at him and, I couldn't help it. Tears started running down my face. He reached out and I felt his strong arms go around me. So warm, so safe - almost like feeling Brian's arms around me! Strong masculine arms holding me to him, like I never felt when I was growing up. I didn't know what else to do, I put my arms around him and we just stayed that way for a while, hugging. Then I felt another pair of arms around me and I knew, by his scent, that it was Brian. I felt his Dad's arm move and I found that his Dad was hugging both of us while we hugged each other.

We finally broke the 'group hug', all three of us looking sheepishly at each other. Three guys, embarrassed at our own feelings coming out that way. It would be hard to tell which of us was the most embarrassed by it - we were all blushing, even Brian's Dad.

"Okay! So you come down to the office on Monday, Eric. Okay?" Matt finally asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Eric, I know you never had a Dad and I know I can't really take the place of one, but...if you ever feel like would be fine with me if you want to call me 'Dad'. You don't have to! I just want you to know it's okay. If you want to." he said softly.

"Okay...uhh...Dad." I said, smiling shyly at him.

Brian, who stood there watching this interchange, put his arms around his Dad and hugged him.

"Thanks, Dad. That's the best present you ever gave me!" Brian said.

"Even better than the 'Vette?" his Dad grinned.

"Even better than the 'Vette." Brian smiled.

"Holy shit! This is more serious than I thought it was!" Brian's Dad laughed.

Brian laughed, too, and then added.

"Well, the 'Vette's next on the list!" he grinned.

"I figured that!" his Dad grinned. "Well, I gotta get home. I don't want to interrupt your guy's first weekend together!"

"Dad!" Brian said, blushing.

"Hey! If I had somebody who loved me like Eric obviously does you - I wouldn't want you around either!" he laughed and hugged Brian.

Then he turned to me and held out his arms. I walked into them and he hugged me tightly.

"You take good care of him, son." Brian's Dad murmured to me.

"I will! I promise! Uhh...Dad." I murmured back.

Then his Dad said good-bye to both of us and a few minutes later we heard the big garage door downstairs close. Brian took me in his arms.

"I think that went really well." he said.

I looked at him stunned by that statement and then I started laughing!

"Why...what's wrong?!" he asked, his face innocent.

"You have a real mastery of understatement!" I laughed.

He started laughing then. We stood there, hugging and laughing. I thought to myself that, next to last night when I first made love with Brian, this was the best night of my life - and it wasn't over. But there was one thing that was bothering me.

"Brian, could we talk?" I asked quietly.

"Sure, babe. What's wrong?" he asked.

"Let's sit down, okay?" I asked.

He let me go and we sat down on the couch. Brian looked at me funny, afraid of what I was going to say.

"I wonder if your Dad is right?" I asked.

"About what?" he asked me.

"About the danger that I face if I drink." I said.

"Well, I've never known my Dad to lie. As to whether it's a danger for you, I don't know." Brian said seriously.

"Brian, I really love you. I love you more than anybody. I don't want to take the chance that I could turn out like my mom and you'd have to deal with that." I said.

"Babe, you say the word and any booze our home is gone! And there won't be anymore. I don't need it. It wouldn't bother me to give it up." Brian said.

"Even the beer?" I asked.

"Even the beer." Brian said. "This is our home, now, Eric. I want you to be comfortable here."

I looked at him, hoping he could see all the love in my eyes.

"Thank you. I do love you so much!" I said.

Brian put his arms around me.

"And I love you, babe. I love you so very much." Brian murmured.

"Can we go to bed?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." he said, taking his arms from around me and standing up.

Brian reached down his hand to me and I put my hand in his. He pulled me up from the couch and we walked to the bedroom, hand in hand.

In the bedroom we shed out clothes and got into the bed. I slid into Brian's arms and we kissed each other long and passionately. My cock got instantly hard and I could feel Brian's cock pressing against me, as hard as my own.

"Fuck me, Brian. Please? I want to feel you inside me." I said quietly.

"Oh, fuck, yeah!" he murmured.

Brian rolled us over until I was under him, his body resting on me. Again I got that feeling of safety again that I felt in Brian's arms and that I'd felt in his Dad's arms when he hugged me. But it was different somehow - stronger. But I figured that was because it was Brian. All of my feelings about Brian were stronger.

We started out by Brian kissing me deeply but soon his mouth was moving down my neck and his body was sliding down mine. I could feel our hardons trapped between us as Brian began licking across my chest until his mouth found my nipple. He sucked and nibbled at my tit, my back arching off the bed and me groaning the whole while. Then he switched to the other nipple with the same effect. Moving down my body, his tongue left a wet trail of saliva across my abs and into my pubic hair.

By this point, Brian was laying between my legs, his face in my crotch. He looked up at me and ran his tongue straight up the length of my hard cock until he reached the head which glistened with a large drop of 'cock-honey'. His tongue swiped across the head, causing me to cry out, as he tasted the clear essence of my body.

"Mmm! You have the fuckin' sweetest pre-cum!" he groaned.

Our eyes never lost contact as he continued to lick the copious supply of pre-cum that my body was producing. Finally, afraid I guess that I was getting too close to cumming, he moved his face down until his nose was pressed up against my nut-sack. I could hear him taking deep whiff of my scent there before his tongue began to lick across it and his teeth began to nibble at it. I groaned loudly at the intense feelings he was causing with his mouth and tongue.

He continued licking downward and I raised my legs, pulling them back with my hands until my knees were almost to my chest. This opened my butt-trench to him, which I knew was where he was headed. He stopped his licking to run his nose up and down my trench, breathing deeply of my ass-scent and growling down in his throat. It still amazed me that the same things about each other turned us on! I loved the scent of his ass as well and loved when my nose was buried in his cleft.

It wasn't long before I was groaning as well as I felt his tongue begin to caress the tender crevice of my ass. I felt his tongue going from the juncture of my cleft and my lower back all the way to the back of my nut-sack several times before his tongue finally found its target - the opening to my body. I loved having him shoving his tongue inside me. The feelings of his rough tongue scraping the sensitive membranes of my hole drove me half insane with lust! They also set of a reaction within me that made me crave to feel his cock buried in the same hole - thrusting hard and driving me over the brink until I shot my load, usually all over myself.

"Ahh! Fuck! Eat my butt! Lick out my hole! Come on! Shove that fucker up there! Fuck me!" I lay there moaning like a cheap whore.

He ate my butt for a while longer and then rose off the bed and grabbed the bottle of lube that was sitting on the table. He returned to my butt and began to dilate my opening with his fingers. One, two and finally three fingers were playing in and out of my butt. I was moaning, begging him to put his cock in and fuck me but he ignored me. He would fuck me when he felt that I was ready and not before!

One thing that can be said for Brian, he is a very considerate lover. He does everything he possibly can to avoid causing any pain. When he figured that my hole was finally loose enough to handle his cock, he lubed his hardon and put it at the entrance to my body. He leaned over me on his straight arms, placing his hands beside me and looking down at me. I draped my legs over his shoulders and prepared myself to take him inside me.

"You ready?" he asked quietly.

"I've been ready!" I grinned and, grabbing hold of his hips, pulled him against me until his cock slid through my sphincter and deep inside my ass.

He groaned at the unexpected heat and tightness and looked down to see that he was most of the way into my ass. He looked down at me questioningly, to see if I was all right. I grinned back at him and pulled again on his hips, seating him entirely within my ass. It was my turn to groan as his cock was deep inside what I considered its home. That's where he belonged! Buried deep within my body, causing my tunnel to spasm and tremble around his thick length of meat. I loved the feeling of his cock buried all the way inside me - almost as much as I loved the feeling of it pounding in and out of my hole as he fucked me with wild abandon!

This he proceeded to do. First slowly and then with more power and speed, Brian began to batter my hole with his rod. In, out, in, out. The friction and heat from his thrusts and the constant rubbing of my prostate soon had me on the edge of cumming. I didn't want to cum first though! I wanted him to get off. He had other ideas, however. He could tell I was getting close and so his hips went into overdrive and began pummeling my hole hard and fast. I couldn't hold out! All of a sudden, my hot, white cum started to pump from my cock, coating me all over.

"FFFFUUUCCCKKK!!!!" I screamed as I came.

"YEAH, CUM!!! FUCKIN' CUM!!! AHH!!! FUCKKKKKK!!!!" Brian screamed as his cock began pouring about a quart of his fuck juice up my tunnel.

He collapsed on me and we lay there, a sweaty, cum-covered heap, trying to breathe normally again. Finally he rolled off me and I curled up next to him, my head on his heaving chest and his arm around my shoulders. We didn't say a word. We didn't need to. It had all been said. We loved each other and we wanted to be together - forever. What more was there to say?

When we were finally breathing normally, Brian reached over and turned out the lights. Then his mouth sought mine in a deep but gentle kiss. We then curled up together and went to sleep.


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RimPig by RimPig 2003

Next: Chapter 4

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