Plugged on a Mountain Hike

By Diego de Anda

Published on Oct 21, 2022



This story contains sexual situations between two males. If material of This nature offends you then you should not read this story. If you are under 18 years of age you are probably not legally allowed to read this Story. This story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely Coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the web sites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author.

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The vibrations of my cellphone sounded louder in an otherwise quiet library. I decided to use the call to take a break from my lab write up. I signaled to Lars, my lab mate to watch my stuff as I took the call.

"...hello" I said quietly as I made my way to one of the empty conference rooms where I could discreetly take my call.

"You free this Saturday?" the caller bluntly asked. His voice rich, gravelly, and sonorous. Rudey. Fuck his voice alone could make me harden in an instant. Probably could make me cum in an instant if he tried. He wasn't much for texting, let alone speaking on the phone but he always got to the point.

I have a ton of laundry to do. Maybe get some studying done. Pick up extra shifts. "What did you have in mind?" I asked. I attempted to make my voice sound calm and even. Not wanting to give away the way that my body responded to his voice.

"Be ready by 7 am, I'll swing by and pick you up" he stated. "Oh and bring your laundry" he added before hanging up. Yup, direct and to the point. I wanted to ask more but by the sound of his voice it was final and I was required to comply.

I walked back to the table and hammered out the rest of my lab write up wondering what Rudey had in mind. I spent the rest of the week too occupied with classes and work to think about whatever he had planned until Friday evening rolled around. I had to remind myself to follow up with him to find out what I needed to have ready for the following day.

During my last break I called him to figure out. His only response was to bring snacks. Which I took to mean pack lunch and that meant stopping by the store after my shift at the cafe to grab ingredients. I figured lunch and chips would suffice. Maybe some trail mix for snacks.

As I did my shopping in the market nearest to me, I thought of Rudey. We had met through Grindr, one Sunday morning almost a year ago. He had messaged me asking if I was looking to hook up when I responded yes, he gave me instructions to be ass up, face down and leave my apartment door unlocked. We never shared face pics and I wasn't sure if his profile picture was accurate but by then I was so horny that I didn't care.

Over the course of the next few months, our encounters were very similar. Always at my studio apartment meeting him ass up, face down. Anonymous. He probably had dumped several dozen loads in me before I finally saw his face and the rest of his body. It wasn't disappointing at all. He stood at 5'11 and weighing in at 150 lbs. He was definitely on the lankier side but with a strong core. Later I learned that he was a cyclist and had competed in several professional races. His crown and glory was his 8.5" dick. If you Googled, the most perfect dick in the world, Rudey's would be the picture that you would get. Long and fat. A large pink mushroom head that was delicious enough to suck.

Rudey showed up at my studio apartment that Saturday at 7am sharp just as I was getting out of the shower. I wasn't fully sure what he had planned but I was sure to clean myself inside and out. Leaving nothing to chance. By now, Rudey had a key to my apartment so he always walked in as if he owned me. Truth be told, if he told me he owned me I wouldn't question it. The first thing I noticed was the outfit he was wearing. A tight long sleeve compression shirt and compression leggings made up his base outfit. They hugged every inch of his tight, compact muscular body showing off his corded thighs, calves, and biceps. Over that he wore mesh shorts and a flannel shirt. All topped off with his hiking boots that added an extra inch or two to his height.

Hiking, that was his plan. Rudey walked towards me and dropped his backpack on the floor before pushing me onto the bed. A quickie, good thing I managed to douche before showering. He started to rim me, using his hands to spread my cheeks apart. I knew I hit the jackpot when I learned that Rudey loved to rim all those months ago. He lick, ate, and chewed on my hole like he hadn't seen me in two weeks. He really hadn't but still it was nice to know he missed me. Or my hole.

Rudey had trained my hole well to take his dick with just spit alone, dry if we were horny enough to try. So I was surprised when I felt the cool sensation of lube hitting my hole. I looked back to see what he had planned and he took that opportunity to hand me a bottle of poppers. I took two big hits of poppers before passing them back to Rudey. As I let the vapors do their magic, I felt the blunt head of a large tapered buttplug at the rim. I was surprised and hungry but tried my best to relax my hole enough to allow the blunt cone shaped plug in.

Rudey and I had experimented with toys even more than 3 fingers before but never a buttplug that wide. I was stretched to the max. How could I hold it in while going on a hike? That was the million dollar question. Rudey jumped up, ruffled through his backpack and pulled out a bundle of clothes. He tossed them on the bed and walked out of my bedroom. I quickly scrambled off the bed and proceeded to put on the clothes he left for me. It was a similar outfit to his. The only exceptions was that it included a fleece jacket and a bright neon pink thong.

Over the last few months, Rudey had shared his fascination wanting me to wear more thongs. I currently owned several pairs of lace thongs I had bought on a whim. I examined myself on the floor length mirror behind my bedroom door before waddling out into the living room. Rudey had already loaded my laundry stuff into his Bronco.

I quickly gathered up the sandwiches and snacks I had packed last night in my bag along with my filled water bottle before joining Rudey at his truck. Since the truck was raised higher than normal, I had to jump up to get into the truck. Having a large buttplug inside of me took up most of my concentration and getting into his truck with while plugged was quite a feat.

We were on the road in no time, taking us close to an hour to get to the specific trailhead that he wanted to use that day. We passed the time talking about my schoolwork, my jobs at the cafe and on campus, and his job at the architectural firm. The day was shaping to be bright and sunny which made me excited about the hike but weary about what Rudey had planned.

There was plenty of parking in the dirt square designated for parking at the trailhead. There was one other car but otherwise it was empty. Once Rudey parked his truck and turned off the engine. He ordered me to stand up and face away from the windshield. I felt exposed but trusted that whatever he planned would end if people showed up. Rudey began to peel down my shorts and leggings. I hitched my breath in anticipation.

"Relax" he murmured near my shoulder. He managed to lower my shorts and leggings down to my knees leaving my butt exposed. Between my muscle control and the thin string of the thong I managed to hold the plug in. Rudey moved the string aside and began to play with the plug. Moving it in and out slowly. On the drag out, the lip of the cone shaped plug hit my prostate. I moaned in heat. My dick had stayed at half mast since leaving my apartment. The front of the thong slick with precum

I gripped the headrest tightly, my fingers turning white. Rudey continued playing with my hole with one hand and slapped my right then my left buttcheek hard. The sound of the sting reverberated throughout the cabin of the truck. He reached behind us and pulled out a small satchel from his backpack. He ruffled through it and pulled out another package. He removed the buttplug out and my hole felt sad and empty without it. He took out a slightly smaller buttplug from the packaging and added a bit of lube to it and stuck it inside of me. Having had a much bigger plug in me for the last hour or loosened me up enough to easily accommodate the second one. It was only slightly smaller so it was still a pretty big feat to take it.

He put the sex toy bag back and motioned me out of his truck. I quickly pulled up my shorts and leggings and readjusted my hardened dick to make it less noticeable. As he grabbed both our backpacks, Rudey watched me and chuckled at my slight discomfort. He handed me my backpack and proceeded to walk the trailhead. Not being much of an avid hiker like Rudey I wasn't sure what to expect about the hike.

What started off as a well-maintained trail quickly turned into a dirt path bordered by mountain rainforest on both sides. Since the trail was too narrow to walk side by side we mostly kept quiet and had very little conversation other than to point out noteworthy animals or plants on the trail. A third of the way in we eventually hit the hardest and longest part of the trail. The trail quickly became a series of 8 switchbacks or a trail up a steep hill in a zigzag pattern. Climbing up said trail would be easy except that the entire trail was covered in rocks and other debris that we had to climb over to get through the trail.

Adding to that was my concentration on keeping the plug in place and not launching itself halfway down the mountain. The only saving graces was my self control, the number of layers that I wore, and the neck of the buttplug seemed to be designed to contour to the body making it easier to manage. I wouldn't be surprised if the plug was designed for everyday wear. People did that, wear buttplugs for long periods of time.

By the fifth switch, we were both sweating and panting from exertion. We stopped for a quick water and snack break before continuing. The morning sun had burned through the cloud coverage and we had a full range of the valley below us. Being this high in elevation provided a bit of wind which ensured that we weren't too warm from the summer sun making its way across the morning sky. When we finally made it over to the top of the cliff I felt relief.

Turning to face me, Rudey placed his hands on my shoulders tenderly and earnestly asked, "You doing okay?" Rudey could play the role of Dom pretty well but one thing I appreciated about him was how often he checked in with me during a scene. He was always pushing my limits but ensuring my safety was top priority. I nodded, letting him know I was good to go.

"It's not pinching or rubbing you raw is it?" he asked looking into my eyes as if they would give him the real answer and not my mouth.

"No, I'm good" I whispered calmly. Rudey nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist as we continued up the trail. The trail had significantly widened that a group of three or more could safely walk abreast.

We continued to walk in silence. The trail re-entered the forest and as Rudey pointed out wetlands. I nodded along. As we continued we passed a hiker, an older woman with her dog. That explained the other car in the parking lot. We nodded to each other and continued our way.

We reached the end of the trail, as it sprawled into a large lake. It was still too early in the season for the water to be warm but I'm sure we could at least dip our feet. Rudey gave me a hungry grin and motioned me over into a thicket of trees. He was hungry and I was the meal. We were safely covered by the surrounding trees but Rudey still looked around before lowering his shorts and leggings, the band sat just below his balls.

"Strip" he demanded as he fisted his swollen dick. I quickly discarded all my clothing except the thong and my hiking boots. I sunk down to my knees, happy that there were grasses and mud to cushion me. I grabbed his dick with one hand and rubbed his large balls with my other. I inhaled the musky scent that wafted from his junk, the scent going straight down my spine into my balls. I gently licked the orbs and underside of his dick. Rudey hissed in pleasure. I gently jacked him off as I bathed each ball with my spit.

Rudey took the reins and grabbed his hardened dick and pointed it in my face. I suckled on the head that was covered in precum. I slowly descended on his dick until my nose was tickled by his pubes. Rudey grabbed my ears to give himself better leverage and proceeded to face fuck me. Despite months of training myself on his dick and mostly getting rid of my gag reflex. I still managed to pace myself and breathe through my nose as I used my tongue to lick the underside of Rudey's dick.

The sounds of the forest contrasted with the guttural wet sounds that I was making gagging on his dick. Rudey, using my mouth as his personal fleshlight, slammed his crotch into my face several times before he coated my throat with what seemed like 8 splashes of cum. He let my head go as he rode the last bits of his orgasm. I suckled and milked the last few drops out of his dick getting a moan out of him.

Rudey slowly pulled his deflated dick out of my mouth until only the head was left between my lips. Without skipping a beat, my mouth soon began to fill up with his piss. I felt proud that I had gotten Rudey into watersports and he took every opportunity to feed me his piss. Orally or anally. I quickly swallowed it, so as not to spill a drop. Satisfied, having drained his bladder, Rudey slapped his dick on my tongue before tucking it back into his shorts.

Rudey grabbed me by the armpits and raised me up to my feet. He pushed me against a tree. He kissed my swollen, cum covered lips as he snaked his hands down to ass. Gripping a cheek in each hand he kissed me along my jawline down my neck. He bit down in the area where my shoulder and neck meet. My weak spot. I moaned and he bit harder. I was definitely going to have a hickey.

Rudey brought his hands up to my face and cupped it gently before planting small kisses along my mouth. He led me back onto the trail and we found a spot along the lake to have our lunch. I passed him the sandwiches and water and we ate quietly. Letting the sounds of the forest fill in the dialogue. I took a few pictures of the scenery after lunch. I dressed myself again before we left the lake.

As we were getting ready to head back down the trail, a few more hikers started to show up. Thankfully I had sucked him off when we first got there and not when we were getting ready to leave. On our way down the trail we passed a few more hikers as well. Rudey was pretty playful and we bantered as we made our way down to the parking lot. I had completely forgotten all about the plug that had taken residence in my hole. Shit, if Rudey asked me to wear 24/7 I would say yes on the spot.

The parking lot was full by the time we finished the hike. We tossed our backpacks into the back of Rudey's Bronco.

As he pulled out of the parking spot, Rudey said, "Plug up, pup" and handed me the bag containing the bigger plug. As we drove, I pushed back the seat and raised up my legs to remove the other plug without being seen by other cars. I lowered the shorts and leggings just below my ass and moved the string of the thong to the side. The buttplug shot out of my hole hitting the glove compartment before hitting the floor with a sickening wet thud. I slicked up the larger buttplug with the travel sized bottle of lube before re-inserting it. Rudey chuckled at my antics.

We drove straight to Rudey's condo. I had only seen it from the outside and that was one time late at night. I was surprised that he had brought me to his home but thought nothing of it since he did ask me to bring along my laundry. He parked his Bronco in the designated parking spot and reached to grab our backpacks. I hustled to jump out of his truck and join him. As he unlocked his front door, my hole twitched in anticipation. Eager for what was next in his plan.

As soon as we entered his condo, he herded me straight into his bedroom. His bedroom was pretty minimal and decorated in very masculine tones. He had a king sized bed on a raised platform, a dresser off to the side, and a small desk. But the piece that I assumed we would use was the sling in the far corner. We dropped our backpacks on the floor and he rushed towards me. While kissing me he quickly undressed me until all I had on was the thong, buttplug and my hiking boots. I quickly removed the boots and he helped me onto the sling.

I adjusted my feet on the straps while Rudey discarded his clothing over mine. I knew that the quickie on the mountain was just an appetizer. He would easily load me with three or four more loads before cutting me loose. At the last minute he grabbed his discarded boxer briefs, took a quick whiff, and proceeded to wipe his pits, chest, and crotch with them. He gave me a wicked grin and said, "Open". He shoved his boxer briefs into my mouth crotch first. They were a musky and damp from the hike. The crotch filled with the scent of precum, piss, and sweat. I was in heaven.

He raised the sling angle until my ass was level with his stomach "Push out slowly" he uttered. As I pushed out the plug he used his crotch to fuck it back into me. "Keep pushing" he grinned at me. Using my best power bottom skills I found the rhythm to push out as he pushed in. After several minutes of this, he lowered the sling so that it was more at crotch level and pulled out the plug. My hole felt empty and hungry for more. Hungry for whatever he planned next. I didn't have to wait long before he shoved his dick inside me in one swift motion.

He slowly pulled in and out of me finding a slow rhythm that worked for him. He moved his hands across my torso until he found my right nipple and pinched it hard. I gasped from the sudden pain and clenched my hole. He gave a wicked smile before tugging my nipple a few more times and moved on to my left nipple. He began to piston fuck me. My moans were muffled by his boxer briefs. The sounds of flesh slapping on flesh ricocheted in his bedrooms. The clanking of the chainlinks of the sling added to the sex symphony.

Rudey slowed his pace down to a slow, lazy stroke. He would pull out until only the head remained inside me and then slam to the hilt. Rudey pulled out my dick from the thong and palmed a bit with one hand while his other hand tweaked his nipple. After a few minutes he abandoned my dick altogether and grabbed on to the lateral bar of the sling to gain momentum and picked up the quick pace from earlier. Freed from its confines, my dick slapped on my stomach, with a wet sound. My abs covered in a fine sheen of sweat and precum.

Rudey slowed down once again and pulled out slowly. He grabbed his dick with his right hand and spread my hole with his left hand. He lazily circled my puckered hole widening it with his slow stroke. "Fuuuuuuck, baby" he uttered, "I love when you hole is nice and sloppy. Too bad its not full of cum right now". I nodded my head.

"You'd like that" he said his eyes boring on me as he removed his boxer briefs from my mouth.

"Yes sir" I said looking down towards his crotch.

"Yeah. Nice. Sloppy. Cummy. Hole" he punched my hole with each word. He completely pulled out, looked at my hole, chuckled and slammed back into me. He continued to pick up the pace and slam his dick into me. Looking me in the eyes, Rudey, slammed his dick into me and I felt his hot cum painting my inner walls. He had cum just two hours early but his load was just as large if not bigger than his first.

He wrapped my legs around his waist and lifted me off the sling and crab walked us to his bed. He gently lowered me down and played with my hole for a few minutes. Sticking two or three fingers inside me and smearing his cum on my balls, taint, and dick. This was just the start to a fun night.

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