Plenty of Paul

By Anony Mous

Published on Aug 11, 2003


Disclaimer: You've already read the notice on Nifty's home page, so I don't think I have to repeat it. However, a quick blurb:

Warning: Pornographic material ahead. Do not proceed to reading if you are under 18, or are in the company of a minor.

--Plenty of Paul - Part II--

I woke up in the morning feeling rested and satisfied. I was also very happy. I had a lover now, and someone to share my feelings and everything else with. The trick was hiding our relationship from disapproving eyes, which was just about everyone I knew.

I looked around the room, seeing the bright sunshine of the morning streaming in through the windows and leaving trails of its path in the dust. Ron's grandmother had apparently opened the front door not much earlier, and his father had long taken off for work, since the clock said it was seven o'clock, and his dad leaves at five. His sister was probably sleeping off the effects of the previous night, and Ron and Paul were still sleeping quietly.

I unfolded the blanket and swung my feet over the edge of the couch, and hoisted myself up. I stood up and stretched, anxious to see what the day had in store. I looked over at Paul, who was lying in the chair, sound asleep, but with a contented look on his face from the night before.

I leaned over him and kissed him, holding it for a couple of seconds before letting go and standing back up.

"Good morning, Paul."

He slowly began to stretch before he opened his eyes. He had all limbs stretched away from himself, and saw me standing by him. He smiled and sat up in the chair. He looked to my left, towards the living room door to make sure nobody was standing there, something I should have done.

"Mornin' to you, Jimmy."

"Jimmy? Where the hell'd that come from?" I said, puzzled at his initial response.

"Your middle name is James, isn't it?" he asked.

"Yeah, but how did you know?"

"Ah, it was a just another detail that slipped out of Ron." he told me.

"Hmmm. Well, I kind of like 'Jimmy'... has a playful sound to it... something 'Eric' doesn't." I said. "How about I call you 'Paulie'?"

"Ya do," he said while getting out of the chair, "and I'll have to call you 'Erica' instead."

"Oooh, big threat." I smiled and leaned down to kiss him. I reached my arms around him and held him close, just for a second, in case his grandma, or God forbid, Crystal came in.

"If I keep doing this, his family is going to walk in here and find out about us." I told Paul.

"Well, Crystal shouldn't have a problem with it, and his dad should be at work by now." he responded.

"Why do you say Crystal wouldn't have a problem with it?"

"She's bi, ya know." a look of astonishment must have come over my face. "You didn't know she was bi?"

"No, no one ever told me. I've never known anyone besides myself that was gay, or in her case, half-gay."

"Well, now you've got me." he said before reaching up to my face for another kiss.

I turned around and walked over to the front door, stepping over a still-sleeping Ron on the way. I leaned up against the one side of the door and stared out across the field between the street and the highway. The morning rush was in full swing, and the highway was as loud as could be. Paul came up next to me and wrapped his left arm around my back.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked me.

"That if we keep up these displays of affection, someone is gonna find out." I said, looking at him.

"Good point."

He took his arm off my back and looked out the door before walking away, out of the room. I could barely hear him making conversation with Ron's grandmother, who was undoubtedly sitting at the kitchen table enjoying her morning cup of coffee.

"What time is it?" I heard a groggy voice behind me ask.

I turned and looked at the clock on the digital cable box sitting on the TV.

"Almost ten after seven. Get a good sleep?"

"Meh... about as good as it's gonna get when you're colder than hell. I should've grabbed a blanket before I went to sleep. You guys apparently has no need for any..." he let the comment trail off.

"You sure you're okay with me and Paul being gay, and being together? I mean, he is your best friend, and you've known him about fifteen times longer than you have me." I said.

"Ah, don't worry about it. I've suspected for a couple of years that Paul was gay. In a way, I'm kind of happy he finally came out to me and even found someone." Ron stated.

"Really? You've been thinking that he was gay? Man, I never thought it was possible. I woke up in the middle of the night with him straddling my legs." I told him.

"I don't need to know the details of what happened, ya know. Yeah, his knowledge of cars threw me at first, but I saw through it. Plus, there were a few times at which he stared a little too long at guys shirtless on TV." he replied.

"Yeah, I've been afraid for sometime that something like that was gonna get me. Have you been wondering about me at all?" I inquired of him.

"Actually, no. It came as a surprise last night to see you guys goin' at it over there." he said, nodding towards the couch.

"Well, at least I know I'm a good actor then." I told him.

"I guess." he said. "But don't you find it difficult to stay under that shroud twenty-four-seven, and having to keep track of all the things you say in order to keep everyone's eyes shut?"

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, I don't have too many friends, and girls don't exactly throw themselves at me." I stated. "Hell, I'm surprised Paul is attracted to me. That one will take me some time to figure out."

"I suppose you don't have to keep track of what you say to too many people. But how do hide it from your parents?" Ron inquired.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure that's what has been happening. A few years back, they found me downloading gay stories, and my dad almost saw a porn shot I had on my computer. I was scared shitless. But without knowing any else who was gay, and no boyfriend, I pretty much had to resume my normal activities." I said, giving it a second or so to set in.

"I still think that they know, and just haven't confronted me on it. Sure, whenever I'm watching TV with my dad, I make sure to look for hot women and comment on them before he gets a chance to. Plus, I say things that are degrading to gays and such, so it's kind of an elaborate, yet simple, scheme that I employ in this." I informed him.

Just then, his grandmother entered the room. "Good morning." she said. "Have either of you seen my brass lighter? It's the only one left with any fluid left in it."

"Nope." Ron said bluntly. I just shook my head.

"Damn." she said before she turned and left the room.

Paul returned carrying two glasses of orange juice. He motioned one to me, offering it, before looking down to see Ron hoisting himseld up off the floor.

"Sorry, didn't know you were up." Paul said as he handed me the glass. "Want me to get you one?"

"Nah, I'm not thirsty anyhow." Ron told Paul. "However, I could eat a loaf of French Toast right now."

Ron walked past Paul and headed for the kitchen to find something to eat, or perhaps persuade his grandmother into making breakfast.

"Thanks. Orange juice isn't normally my kind of thing, but this seems like a morning that needs it. Seems like I should do a few things differently anyhow." I said to Paul.

"Why's that?"

"Well, for one, I'm with you now." I said, interjecting with a kiss. "Plus, it just seems as though there are a few things about me I need to change."

"Hmmm." he said, somewhat thoughtfully, and somewhat empathetically.

I walked over to the door to the den to see what Ron's grandma was up to. She was sitting with her back to the door in the kitchen, smoking, drinking a cup of coffee as I had suspected, and doing her crossword puzzle. To me, it seemed like a typical thing for an elerly woman to do.

I turned and went for the sofa. Soon after I sat down, Paul came over and joined me. I decided this was a good time, and that I needed a moment with him. I wrpped my left arm around behind him, and squeezed him a bit, letting him know I love him. I still couldn't believe that a relationship, especially this deep, had formed out of just this first meeting. I'd known him for less than a single day, and already he was my boyfriend. I decided I had to know why he chose to take the chance.

"Paul," I began. "What made you decide to take the chance last night and do what you did?"

"What do you mean? Showing interest in you?" he only halfway asked. "Well, I'd decided I was horny enough, and nineteen years is a long time to go without sex, especially forbidden sex. Plus, you're hot, and I just had a feeling that there was something... something that drew me to you. I don't really know how to describe it, it just seemed like there was a 'safe' feeling about you."

I stayed quiet and thought about it for a second. It sounded weird, but yet I could understand what he was saying. I guess now that I had thought about it, I had really found someone who was... for me, ya know? It just seemed right, it felt right. It was right.

I leaned over and kissed him, holding him close, and kissing him gently, slowly... savoring the moment, and what he had just said. Something told me that something was wrong, so I parted lips with him. Lo and behold, I was right. In came his grandmother, retrieving last weeks' crossword puzzle. After she left, Paul turned to look at me.

"Holy shit that was close!"

"I know." I said. "I knew someone was coming, though I couldn't hear them."

"Well, let's go get something to eat, hmm?" he suggested.


We got off the couch and I followed him into the kitchen. There he grabbed a set of keys off the table, and turned to head for the door.

"You have a car? Damn." I said, letting the jealousy show.

"Yeah, it isn't anything much, but it works." he told me. "Ron, you want to come with to get something to eat?"

"Sure, where we goin'?" Ron inquired.

"Burger King. Bev, you want anything?" he asked Ron's grandma.

"No thanks, sweetie." she replied. Ron slipped on his sandals, and we went outside where I saw his car parked alongside the house. I hadn't paid any attention to it on the way over, but it was decent. It looked like a mid-to-late nineties' Dodge Intrepid. Decent choice, and yet somewhat stereotypical. There were a few gays who lived in the area that I knew about, and they all drove Dodge vehicles.

Paul turned and looked at me before stepping off the curb. "You wanna drive?" he asked me, holding out the keys.

"Sure. It'd be something different from my parent's minivan." I said. "It's an auto, right?"

"Yeah. Why? Seemed last night that you drive a stick pretty well." he replied with a coy look on his face.

"Yeah, but that's a different stick. One that only has two gears." I said with a wink as I walked around to the driver's side.

He'd left it unlocked from yesterday, and we all piled in. I started her up, and took off, not used to the sensitivity of the gas pedal. The tires felt like they were gonna squeal when I stepped on it.

"Whoo, damn that's sensitive."

"Yeah, that's one of my few complaints about this car. I never did care for that."

I came to a stop a little hard at a stop sign, causing us all to lurch forward.

"The brakes are too sensitive, as well." he commented.

"Ah, so that's what that pedal is for!" I said jokingly.

The rest of the ride to Burger King was uneventful, and Paul informed Ron of yesterday's events with the car he had been repairing. Apparently, they had replaced the clutch only to find out it was the tranny that was fried. When we got to BK, I asked if they wanted to go in or just drive-thru and eat in the parking lot. We voted drive-thru, since none of us really looked the part this early in the morning to be out in public.

We were all starved, since staying the night somewhere else and having guests over tends to give teens the munchies. We ate like we were insane, then took off to go back to Ron's again.

We arrived in one piece, and walked up the couple of steps leading to Ron's backyard. Ron flopped down in one of the padded chairs surrounding the glass table, and Paul and I did the same.

"Jeez, I'm stuffed." I moaned.

"Me, too." was the muffled response from Paul.

We sat there, silent, for a minute or so before anyone spoke.

"I can't stand the thought of school starting in less than a month." Ron said out loud.

He was right. It was early August, and school started September 3rd. Me and Ron would be entering 12th grade, and of course, Paul had already graduated. He actually didn't graduate this last year, but the year before. It was odd how I felt older than him, yet he was a year and a half my senior.

"Well, its not gonna be so bad for me. The new place I'm goin' to has just over a hundred students, and has new technology, so it should be fun." I said. "Plus, it's in the Mall, so I might be able to find work after school, which would help with the need for cash."

"Wish I could find a damn job." Ron said. "I'd like to be able to buy a few new games and shit for my PC."

"I'd like to get a whole new system." Paul threw in.

"Same here. My notebook isn't made to do jack shit, and my desktop is this ancient abacus I got from school for free." I said.

"Feel like doin' anything outside today, or ya gonna stay in on the PS2?" Paul asked Ron.

"Whaddaya have in mind?"

"I was thinking about biking along that trail that goes a few miles through Webber Park. I'd have to go home and get my bike first, though." Paul stated.

"I'd be up for that. I've been indoors all week, and it's getting a little old." I threw in.

"I suppose. Right now, I'm just gonna go watch TV for a while, since I'm stuffed." Ron got up and went inside the house, and me and Paul stayed out at the table.

After Ron was safely out of hearing range, I turned to Paul and said, "I bet he's asleep on the couch in ten minutes."

"Probably." Paul said with a laugh. "Hey, I was supposed to go meet another friend today to pick somethin' up. Wanna come with?"

"Sure. We goin' now?" I asked.

"Yeah, let me just go tell Ron where we're goin' so he doesn't feel ditched."

Paul ran inside real quick, and I slowly wandered over to his car again and leaned up against the side. I was running the previous nights' events through my head again, trying to figure them out. Paul had just met me, and already, he was in love with me. Could he be a hopper? Jumping from one boyfriend to the next all the time? Then again, he did say he was a virgin. Up until last night, that is.

I looked down at the ground, looking at the grass that covered their boulevard area. It was in desperate need of water, and would soon be dead if it didn't get it. Weather here had been terrible the past few weeks. We hadn't gotten any rain in quite some time, so everything was dying off. The newscast from yesterday claimed that the rest of this week, and all of next week was going to be dry without any clouds. Since when does the midwest get sunshine without rain?

My mind trailed back to Paul again. It had been close to a minute since he went in. Maybe there was something else that he had to do real quick, or was looking for something he wanted to bring with, but couldn't find. I thought about him, and how hot he looked. I loved that white t-shirt he was wearing today, a different one from the one he had on yesterday. It wasn't tight, really, but it wasn't loose, either. It fit nice enough that you could see the outlines of things. He had on black shorts as well, which was an excellent contrast with the shirt. For some reason, I've always found the black/white color combination nice looking. I had two white t-shirts, and a black pair of jeans that I loved to wear together. The shirts are a bitch to keep clean, though, since they're so stainable. The key is getting it into the washer immediately, I'd found.

Paul came back out the back door and jumped over the two steps leading down to the boulevard sidewalk.

"Ya ready now?" I asked.

"Yeah. Had to find my cell phone. I left it in the kitchen when I came in yesterday." he said on his way to the other side of the car.

We both climbed in and were soon on our way. I felt like being a tease, so I looked out my window and reached my left hand over to his leg. I rested it half-way between his waist and his knee. I didn't leave it there long before slowly sliding it towards the jewels. As I rubbed my hand towards his cock, I slipped it further around his leg, leading into the area between.

"Get me too horny and we'll wind up off the road." he told me.

"Well, off the road might be better, so nobody sees us." I said, and leaned over to plant one on his cheek. I cupped his cock and balls with my hand and pressed slightly before bringing my hand back to myself.

"Do you know how hot you are?" I only half-asked, half-told him.

"Yeah." he said with a sly grin on his face. I reached over and punched him lightly in the arm. He responded by pulling the car into a parking lot that used to be used for a store that had long been demolished. We were just off the highway, and this was off of a small road that led past a few small places, like McD's, Jiffy Lube, and a day care. He shut off the car and climbed up onto his seat before climbing half on to me. I reached down to the right side of my seat and fumbled for the recline lever. I eventually found it, and we went flying back. "Whoa!" I said upon impact. He just giggled and reached into the backseat, and released the seat to fold it forward, exposing the trunk. I pulled my seat back up and looked back there. He had a couple of blankets in the trunk.

"I thought you were new to sex?" I said.

"I am, but I'm also prepared. I've had this planned for quite a while." he said as he climbed in the back seat, where he folded down the other seat. He pulled out the blankets and unfolded them, covering the entire back and trunk of the car.

"Come here." he said as he motioned with his finger for me to climb back there. I immediately complied, and began to remove my clothes.

"Whoa, whoa, hang on there, EJ."

EJ? He had all sorts of new names for me!

"What?" I asked, somewhat impatient.

"We're still not that far from the road." He pointed out the window. He was right, we were probably only fifty feet from the road.

"Lay down." Paul instructed. I complied, and swung my feet into the trunk area and laid there. The headrest of the seat actually provided a soft area on the back of the seat to rest my head. Paul climbed over the top of me, placing his knees on both sides of my thighs, and leaned over to kiss me. I met him, and we held a long, passionate, open-mouthed kiss. I let him make the first move, and he probed his tongue around my mouth, rubbing it over my tongue. I just stayed still, enjoying his warmth, and his mouth connected with mine. He pulled out, and I pushed in. My tongue was what most people considered extra-large, being very wide and somewhat long. I reached into his mouth and played with his tongue, touching tips, then sliding mine underneath his, while my hands found their way to his ass. He rested his body on top of mine, and stretched his legs back with mine, letting them fall to the inside. I slipped my hands in underneath his his pants.

We continued our kiss, moving slowly with each others' mouth, while I squeezed his cute ass with my fingers, massaging it gently. Eventually we parted our kiss, and he looked me in the eyes before he said, "I love you, Eric."

"I love you, too, Paul." I replied. "It's weird though, 'cause we just met yesterday. But I know I fell in love at first sight."

"Me, too." he told me. "I was a little worried at first about taking off my shirt, since my gut has become a bit of a belly, but I figured that I might as well take the risk.

"You're perfect." I said as I reached up to kiss him once more and squeezed his ass again. He leaned down to kiss my neck, and as he did, I slipped my hands out of his pants and brought them up over his back. I crossed them over his lower back, and pressed him into me, grinding our crotches together while he kissed and licked my neck. I let go and he slid down my body, pushing up underneath my arms instructing me to scoot towards the front of the car. I did as such, and he moved further down, his feet probably up against the trunk's front. He pushed his face between my legs and inhaled deeply. I found this very exciting, and reached to open my pants for him. After I did, I lifted my ass off the seat and he did the rest, pulling my jeans down my legs, just to my knees. By this time, my cock was fully erect at 7", just a bit shorter than his. That's okay, I enjoyed the thought of my man having a bigger cock than me. Besides, he had more muscle than I did, and he had the irresistable looks to go with it.

As my dick strained against my boxers, I could feel him creeping his hand up the left pant leg of my Taz boxers, reaching for the grand prize. He found it, and grabbed my fully-hard pole, and used his other hand to open the fly of the shorts. My cock poked through, and the boxers fell to rest around it after he slid his hand out. He wrapped his left hand around the base of my shaft, and began slowly stroking up and down.

"Oh, yeah, Paul... damn that feels good." I moaned through my teeth. The warmth of his hand around my schlong produced an amazing sensation, one that wouldn't even compare to what came next. He flicked his tongue out and licked the bottom of the head, testing it, seeing what it was like.

"Mmmm..." he moaned.

He went back down and stuck as much as he could in his mouth, which proved to be about all of it, leaving only half an inch out. The hot, moist, soft environment of his mouth was heaven for my cock. The sensation that rippled through my body was inceredible and beyond definition. The feeling that my cock was sending to my brain was of ecstacy, and pure comfort. I could feel him playing with it with his tongue before he began sliding his head up and down my shaft. This was the best feeling I've ever experienced... if this is what he felt last night, then damn!

He was slow at first, sliding his mouth up and down my cock, savoring the flavor and warmth, but began to suck faster. He grabbed it with his left hand and removed it from his mouth, only to lick the side of it from base to tip. He then engulfed it again, and took his hand away, to be occupied with my balls. My sack was relaxed and loose, and he took advantage of that, rolling my balls between his fingers, and gently squeezing both in his hand. He sucked passionately, yet quickly, waiting for me to climax. It didn't take long, since I needed it from last night. I had a gallon to unleash, and it wanted out, BAD.

The first shot sent a spasm through my entire body, causing me to buck into his face, sending my cock all the way in. I could tell that one was huge, and it went straight to his throat. The second and third were equally large, but didn't go for the throat. By the fourth shot, he was leaking some around his lips.

The fifth and final shot came just as he took his mouth off, sending it flying onto his chin and nose. He had cum all over his mouth and surrounding area.

"Damn, did I unload this much last night?" he said, with a sexy, content smile on his face.

I sat up to be face-to-face with him. "Not quite. And I need a refill."

I licked his chin and removed all traces from there. I put my mouth over his nose and cleaned all my cum off of his face around there. I then cleaned both sides of his mouth before kissing him, stealing some from his lips and swallowing it all, enjoying the taste, and the location it came from. We tongued each other briefly before parting. I pulled up my pants as my cock slowly retreated back to its hiding place.

I helped him fold the blankets back up, lock the seats in place, and climbed in front. He started the engine and we were off again, back on our way to his other friend's house, with the smell of cum lingering in the car. We looked at each other and realized the car badly needed ventilation, so we opened our windows. The cool air of the morning was welcome, and cooled the interior from the heat we had produced with our previous event.

"I hope Kevin doesn't smell this on us." he said, referring to the smell of teen sex still lingering around a bit. We pulled into Kevin's driveway, and stepped out. We looked at each other once more, with looks of secrecy on out faces. We both laughed at this. We were walking around the corner of the garage when the big door began to open, so we stopped and turned around. Inside was a guy our age.

"Hey, Kev." Paul yelled over to him across the roar of the door's motor.

"Hey, man. Here for your car adapter?" Kevin asked Paul.


"'k, hang on a sec." Kevin turned and disappeared into the house through the access door.

"Left my cell phone charger for the car over here last week." Paul explained to me. Kevin came back out, carrying the item in hand.

"Kev, this is Eric. Eric, Kev." Paul introduced me to Kevin, and we shook hands. I knew immediately that that was not a good idea.

"Alright, see ya later, man." Paul said as we turned and headed for the car. We hopped in, and pulled out of the driveway. I looked back to see Kevin sniffing his hand, trying to recognize the scent on his fingers. The smell of sweat, from earlier. Probably the smell of cum as well.

We returned to Ron's without incident, and went inside to find him asleep, watching TV, just as we suspected. We both sat down on the other end of the couch and watched the morning bullshit for a little while.

That's it for Chapter 2. I thought about leaving it at a cliff hanger, but decided I really needed to expell a load, and I'm reaching writer's block again. Send me your ideas, suggestions, comments, etc., at

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