Plenty of Paul

By Anony Mous

Published on Aug 6, 2003


Disclaimer: You've already read the notice on Nifty's home page, so I don't think I have to repeat it. However, a quick blurb:

Warning: Pornographic material ahead. Do not proceed to reading if you are under 18, or are in the company of a minor.

--Plenty of Paul - Part I--

I'd been bored the entire day. I decided to use my digital camera to make a mock-infomercial. It included the idea of shaking a cat back and forth in a tube with water and soap to clean it. I thought it was rather funny when I was finished with the whole movie, since it didnt require the harm of any cats. However, directing wasn't making me any less bored than I had started.

I decided to call Ron and see if he was around to play a computer game. Since I had a broadband connection, we did this often. However, all I got out of calling him was an annoying tone going off in my ear and the phone company offering another annoying service I didn't need. This happened again an hour later, and then another hour after that. I decided to just go over to his house instead, since I was just fucking bored. Plus, he had borrowed a sleeping bag of mine, and I figured it would be a good idea to pick it up before I forgot about it. So since bad weather was coming, I grabbed the umbrella, and began leisurely walking over there.

Ron only lived seven or eaight blocks away, yet it still took me fifteen minutes, since I was walking so slowly. When I arrived, I found two things I expected to find: the phone was off the hook and no one knew it; and Paul was still there from the night before. However, I didn't know it was Paul until Ron told me, but I kind of figured who it was. Ron figured I was there for the bag, but I also wanted to visit for just a few minutes. Paul followed Ron's dad out to the garage where they were working on the car, that supposedly had a bad clutch though it turned out to be the tranny. It was... dead... to say the least.

From what I saw, Paul was cute. Very cute. He was somewhat short; only about 5'6". To me, that was kind of short, since I was 6'3". None the less, he was hot. He appeared muscular from what I saw, but he ran out to the garage almost immediately after I showed up. I began to chat with Ron, until his grandma insisted that I sit down and "take a load off". I declined the first time, but then the second time she said it, I complied. I didn't plan on staying too long.

I showed Ron the "infomercial" and he thought it was hilarious. Later on, around 9, Ron's dad, Rick, came back inside with Paul right behind. Paul had managed to keep the grease off his skin (other than his hands of course), and mostly on his shirt. He took it off to reveal his beautiful body.

Now, here's where I should supply some information for you: I find men hot in almost any size. From damn-near skinny (skinny = rib bones showing) to those who have some extra weight, but not much. I fall into the latter option, so that probably answers that. He had some extra weight on him, but not much. I liked the shape of his belly and pecs, and I could see he had VERY strong arms, so it all evened out quite nicely.

"You can take a shower if you want." Rick said, talking to Paul.

"'Kay, thanks."

Rick went downstairs to the basement where his room was, and Paul went in to the bathroom which was off of the kitchen where the back door was. Within a few seconds I could hear the shower water running. Ron and I sat in kitchen and talked for a while.

"So he's the one you've known since third grade or something, right?" I asked.

"About 12 years. I don't even think of him as a friend I've known for a while, but more of a brother, really."

"Man, I wish I had a brother, or at least a friend I'd known since I was like four or five." I told him. It was true... I hated being an only child, and any friends I ever had I had lost because I'm generally an asshole. I had various reasons explaining this, but it really doesn't matter.

We talked about random things for the next ten minutes, while we waited on Paul to finish up in the shower before we went to play on the PS2. When I heard the shower turn off, my heart jumped... I was hoping he'd come out shirt less, maybe even with just a towel around his waist. A minute or so later, the door opened. Out he walked, wearing only his black boxers. Oh baby, did that look good on him. He had dark eyes, pitch-black hair (which I later found out was a very dark brown), and skin that wasn't your typical white, but had a nice tone to it, reflecting his Italian background.

His cute face was beautiful with that short, spiked black-looking hair. It was the kind of spiking that wasn't each individual hairs, but a gel that held them somewhat together. It was simply hot. I wanted this man so bad, but I knew it wasn't going to happen. He knew almost everything about cars, so it was useless. He was also hot, and it had always seemed that hot guys were always straight, gay-haters. By the way, Ron, nor anyone else, had any idea I was gay.

Ron stood up and began to head for the living room, and Paul followed. I sat there thinking "Why didn't he put any other clothes on before leaving the room?". Why the hell did I care? I suppose it had been because this guy had known the family so long that he was comfortable with the idea of what he had just done. Rick also had removed his shirt when he came in, and around that time, Ron's grandma came downstairs just with her night shirt on. The family wasn't loose with clothing, they just weren't embarrassed by their bodies.

After I wiped up my drool from the table, I followed Ron and Paul into the living room. Ron's sister, Crystal, was gone at work or somewhere else, his grandmother was in bed, and his dad was self-contained in the basement with his own TV and fridge. So it was just the three of us in his living room with the projection TV, the PS2, and the computer.

Somehow, Paul wound up on the computer with the headphones on, while Ron lied on the floor by the TV and I lied on the couch. The living room was probably 12 fet deep, by about 24 feet wide. The computer was in one corner at one end, and the TV at the other end, so me and Ron were away from Paul. While he sat at the PC, me and Ron played on the PS2 for a couple of hours.

It was a little past one o'clock in the morning, and Ron had decided it was time to sleep. I had to agree; I was beat. He shut off the electronics, and laid down with a pillow. He didn't bother with a blanket, since the house was kind of warm, despite the central air conditioning. I laid back on the couch, and turned my head to the back of it. I had my left hand tucked between me and the couch back, and my other hand up around my head. I always slept this way when on a couch.

I was laying there not asleep, but still dreaming. I was dreaming of Paul, and the things I would love to do to him. Eventually, I hit my road block where I remembered that there wasn't a chance of me doing anything with him. I decided I should stop thinking so much and just go to sleep. I eventually did, and was unconsciously grateful for it.

I woke up feeling some weight on my theighs, and thought one of the larger pillows that was on the top part of the couch had fallen on me. It was a nice warm feeling, so I didn't care. However, my torso region was a little chilly so I reached up to pull another pillow down from the top of the couch. As I was lowering it, I discovered my stomach had nothing on it! My shirt had moved, and in fact, it had moved up to my neck damn near. I shoved the pillow on the floor rather than putting it back on the back of the couch again, and opened my eyes to see what was going on. I saw what made my heart stop earlier. Paul was straddling me around my waist, and had lifted my shirt up as far as he could without waking me. He had this look of cautiousness on his face, waiting to see how I would react. Since I was thrilled with this development, and he was making the move on me, I laid my head back down and figured I'd let him do what he wanted to. His next step wasn't what I thought he'd do.

I had laid my head back down and turned it to the side as though not even realizing he was there. I could feel him lean down on me, resting all his weight on me, which was just fine. He turned my head to meet his gaze, and kissed me softly on the lips, testing me, making sure that I was actually okay with this, and that I was gay. I just looked at him and reached my hands around behind his head. I pulled his face closer to mine, and kissed him back. I released my lips and looked into his eyes. He kissed me back, this time using his tongue. He pushed it against my lips, begging for me to open them. So I allowed him in. We wrestled our tongues for several seconds before he pulled out and looked at me again. His eyes had a look of lust in them, as well as sheer joy. It was my first time, and probably his as well. Even though I was 17 and he was 18, it was our first times.

I reached around behind him with both arms and slowly rotated us around so that he was on the bottom. I slid down far enough to kiss and suck his neck, enjoying the warmth of this man on me, and around me. I sucked slowly and lightly on his neck, trying not to give him a hickey and leave a tell-tale mark. I went further down and sucked on his right nipple, enjoying the extra meat there was on this man. He was strong, but he also had that bit of extra weight, allowing me to suck more of his nipple into my mouth. He was enjoying this, but not making any noise. I knew we didn't have to worry about that, because Ron and his family were really heavy sleepers.

I slowly kissed my way down to Paul's belly, where I sucked, licked, and caressed his skin. I loved the semi-dark color of his skin.

I shoved my tongue into his belly button, savoring the taste of this man that hadn't been entirely washed away by the shower from earlier. I flicked my tongue in and out of his belly button, swirling it around, and sucking it.

I sat up and straddled his knees. He looked in my eyes, and I could see he was waiting for it. I hooked my fingers underneath the waist band of his boxers, feeling his smooth, hairless skin against the back of my fingers. I reached further in, enjoying the feeling. Before I went too far, I began to pull on his boxers. I lowered the front part just down below the top of his pubic hair. I then circled my hands around to the back to lower the rear. He began to raise his awesome ass off of the couch to make it easier, but I pulled out one of my hands and pushed him back down. I used my hands as flat as possible to pull down his boxers whilst rubbing his ass at the same time. This caused him to moan, and close his eyes. I had lowered the rear of his boxers all the way to the bottom of his ass. Before I continued with the front, I aided him in rolling onto his stomach. I laid back down on top of him again and began kissing and sucking on his back, around the shoulder blades, then down the small valley that was formed in his skin where his spine was. I traded off between licking and kissing his spine as I worked further towards his ass. When I reached it, I stuck my tongue down his crack from above, sliding it in between his cheeks. I pulled out about halfway down his crack, and started sucking on his cheeks. I kissed them softly, caressing them with my lips, while rubbing the sides of his upper body and working my hands underneath his front.

I kissed down his crack, sneaking my tongue in every inch or so. I had reached the Holy Grail. I reached his hole. I simply shoved my tongue into his crack, and teased his hole. I sucked his crack as I tongued his hole. I used my hands to spread his cheeks and look at my prize. It was perfectly clean. He'd showered VERY well for this. I stuck my tongue in, pushing lightly against it, just barely giving him a sensation. Then, without notice, I shoved my tongue in as hard as I could. He must have fingered himself in the shower, because he was completely clean. I still enjoyed having my tongue inside of him. I kept his cheeks spread with my hands while I flicked my tongue at his hole, licking the sweat that had formed, and was still forming. I licked the crack from the bottom up across his hole, then closed his cheeks again. I kissed lightly on the bottom of his cheeks, sneaking a few in at the very bottom, where the cheeks change to legs.

I then rested my weight mostly on him, and slid up his body, so that may cock was teasing his crack. My full seven-and-a-half inches were fully hard, and I reached down and aimed it upwards to slide it against his cheeks. I was enjoying the hell out of this new sensation. I was trying different things I'd seen in porn and read in stories. I rested my weight on his back, loving the warmth his body offered me, and I soaked it all in. I stayed on top of him and wrapped my arms around him, sliding my hands underneath his arm pits, rubbing them with my palms, then removing them and sliding my hands under his pecs. I played with them while I layed on his back, enjoying the warmth. I put my legs together and he got the idea; he bent his up around mine from the outside. I rubbed his chest while I gently sucked on his back and neck... he began to moan, enjoying the warmth of my body, and the general feeling of the situation.

"I think I love you." I heard him mumble from below.

I stopped to let that sink in. Had I really heard what I think I heard? Did he just say that? If so, could he be serious? I guess it's possible he was serious... I was having feelings for him, not just physically, but emotionally as well. I found him great to talk with, he had an amazing personality, and he was intelligent. I found that quite enticing.

"What, Paul?" I asked, hoping for a confirmation.

He began to rotate underneath me, to lay on his back. I propped myself up to give him some space, then lied down on him again. He looked in my eyes, digging deep, to help the situation and what he had said sink in before he repeated it.

"I love you, Eric."

I was still astounded... hearing it a second time didn't help, it just made me confused again. I took a few seconds to gather my thoughts before I gave my response.

"I love you, too, Paul."

Wait a second, that wasn't what I was going to say. I was going to ask him if he was sure. I must love him, if that's what came out. Yes... I think I love Paul. I do. I'm in love with him.

"We just met, you know."

"Yeah," he said, "but I can already tell I would love you anyhow. Just from the way you talk, act, and... well, have sex." he told me.

"Damn. I must be good for a virgin." I said.

"You're a virgin?" he asked. "Wow..."

"Wow what? Whaddaya mean by that?" I said to him, inquisitive to why he'd say that.

"I just figured you had experienced sex before. Just something about you, I don't know what. I'm new to this, ya know." he replied.

"You've never had sex before?" He nodded his head. "Seriously?"

"Yup. I've never had sex before, unless my hand counts as another person." he told me with a sly look on his face.

"Not unless you've named it." I teased him.

With that, I returned to our little session. I slid down his body again, but went straight to his waist. There, I stopped to lick the waist line, just above the pubic hair. After which, I buried my nose and mouth in his hairy patch, and breathed deep. I loved the smell that hadn't been completely removed by the earlier shower. I rested my face into his pubes, and more or less "Snuggled" with the fur he sported above his rod. By the time I decided to start the blowjob, he'd already risen to his full 8" glory. This is about the size I figured he's have, what with his body size and the muscles in his arms and such.

I placed my head to the side, with my right ear down, stuck my tongue out, and licked the bottom of his shaft, from base to tip. I could feel the main vessel on my tongue, on the underside of his penis. When my tongue reached the top, a stopped to play with it a little bit. Using just the tip of my tongue, I teased the sensitvie part just under the head, flicking it, tracing it, and licking it ever so lightly.

I brought my tongue back to its home, and began kissing the bottom of his manhood. I wrapped my lips partially around his stick, kissing it very gently at first, but sucking on it a little more each time, reaching further towards my goal. As I came to the top, I opened my lips slowly brought it in, loading his wide girth into my mouth, savoring the taste and warm feeling his cock gave off.

One thing I liked about his cock: it was perfectly straight. For some reason, perfectly straight cocks have always been a gigantic turn-on for me. ot curved, not bent, but perfectly straight fuck poles.

I stopped only half way down his cock and began to suck him off, coating his schlong with my self-made lubricant, and gently inhaling his penis into my mouth. I rose my head slowly, then lowered it again. I continued with this for a short while, my head slowly rising and falling on his cock.

I then loaded as much of his cock into my hungry mouth as I could. I took in almost all of it, probably only leaving an inch or two uncovered. I left my head resting there, enjoying the warmth of a foreign object in my mouth, and the idea of my first cock in my mouth. The warmth from it was incredible... the taste was so erotic... a little salty, yet not so much that it was strong. It had a taste that was a lot like the smell it had. After I was finished, the only thing left would be my saliva.

I slowly inched off his penis, bringing my lips to match with the bottom of its head, then slowly loading it back in. I did this three or four times before he decided it was too much. He placed his right hand on the back of my head and lifted his ass off the couch and brought it back down faster than I had been doing with my head. He began fucking my face at a medium pace, and I just laid there, enjoying the feeling of not really being in control. He continued like this for a half minute or so, before I began to reposition myself to be more directly over his legs. He slipped his hand off of my head, and I began bobbing up and down on his thick shaft on my own again. I went at the same pace as he had at first, but then quickened, as I knew he was drawing near to his blowing point. I could feel his body slowly tensing up, getting ready for the moment at which he would feed me his man seed.

It caught me a little by surprise when the first shot came, shooting powerfully at the back of my mouth, a large load that was waiting to be swallowed. The second one was similar to the first, as was the third. By the fourth, the power was dimming, and the loads weren't as big. But still, the shots of his creamy white juice kept coming, five, six, seven, eight. I thought that was the last one, so I began to pull my head off. Just as I had removed my mouth from his dick, another small shot came and landed straight on my lips. I looked up at his face, to see him with his neck draped over the pillow behind his head, and his chest rising and falling rapidly, but ever slower, as the excitement of the moment turned down. I lightly kissed the tip of his cock, before returning upwards.

Once again, I slid my body along his, this time heading to be face to face. I moved my right hand under his head and lifted it so he could see me, and I could see him. His eyes darted quickly to my lips before returning to my eyes, with a content, but hungry look in them. He raised his head and kissed me, cleaning his cum off of my mouth. He sucked it lightly while scraping with his tongue to remove it, then swallowed. We kissed for several seconds afterwards, passionately enjoying the moment that was left after these few minutes of love making. Our lips parted, and he rested his head back on my hand, and we stared into each other's eyes, reading, looking, showing the love between us... we were truly happy, and happy with each other. Out of nowhere, we heard something that made us both jump, and my blood run cold.

"That was an interesting show." Ronald said from his position on the floor, head propped up with his arm.

Paul was the first one to speak. "Don't tell anyone, oh God, you can't. I can't get my rep ruined."

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell. Though it would have been nice is you guys would have told me that the two of you were gay before."

"How the hell were we supposed to know how you'd react?" I said bluntly.

"Well, I don't care that you're gay, or even if you're in love, but knowing you just did what you did on my couch is going to be a bit disturbing." Ron replied.

"How long have you been watching us?" Paul asked with curiosity.

"For a few minutes... you started face fucking Eric and I woke up." he replied. "You guys had better get some sort of clothing on, though, 'cause I think I heard the upstairs floor squeak just now."

Both Paul and I hurried up off the couch and searched in the dim light for our clothes and hurled them on while Ronnie became comfortable on the floor again.

Paul swiped a blanket from the couch and quick sat in the recliner, and I threw one over myself as I laid down on the couch. Sure enough, a few seconds later, his grandmother entered the room and surveyed the scene. It was then that I realized how bright the street light was from the open window.

After Ron's grandma had left the room again, I turned towards Paul.

"Good night, Paul."

"Good night, Eric. I love you."

"Love you, too."

Well, thats it. Hopefully, not "that's all". If I get enough responses, I'll write another chapter, and maybe more after that. But if nobody replies, it isn't worth the time. When you email me, make sure the subject line reflects the name of this story ("Plenty of Paul"). Send your commments and suggestions to

Please mention any spelling or grammar errors you see. I read through the first half of the story after completing it before I got too tired, and I found only a couple of errors. Hopefully, the latter half reflects that trend.

Next: Chapter 2

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