Pledging Alpha Delts

By moc.loa@senojpmu

Published on May 4, 2019

  • This story is fiction although based on some real life experiences as a pledge . Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental and purely unintentional.

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Pledging Alpha Delts

Week 4 continues . . .

We were about 5 weeks into the school year and were hitting the time when we had lots of exams, group projects and papers due. Alpha Delts prided themselves on their high GPAs and the emphasis was on schoolwork. So much emphasis that we didn't have a Thursday night dinner & mixer with a sorority. It was a nice break and an opportunity to catch up on some class work. It also meant fall break was next week.

It didn't mean we were immune from having the normal duties at the house and of course had to be dressed in our pledge uniform. I, along with Christian were in the same Poli Sci 141 class. We had a group project due this Friday. The group was Christian and myself as we knew each other from pledging, one other guy and two girls – all of us were freshmen. We were texting about doing our final meeting for one last go over before turning in the work on Friday. Sarah suggested we meet at the frat house; in fact, she was insistent on it. The motion was quickly accepted by the other two which meant Christian and I would be meeting at 8pm in just our jocks.

Around 7:30pm, Christian and I were summoned to Wendell's room. "Now is an excellent time for you two maggots to conduct my interview. You may begin" he said as he did a circular wave with his hand as if for us to commence. Christian and I looked at each other and not wanting to miss an opportunity, we asked to be excused for a moment to go get our pledge books. "You may but you have 1 minute to return. Go!" We ran and made it back upstairs to Wendell's room. None of really knew if we made it back within the 1 minute window although I would probably guess it was really close and I'm not sure it even mattered. We conducted the interview, feverishly writing down the answers to all the questions.

"Brother Wendell, what is our task to achieve your very worthy signature?"

"Remove your pledge jocks. You may not put them back on until tomorrow – and for you stupid maggots, that is after midnight" he said.

Christian and I looked at each other and thought better of protesting. Off they came and we stood there with the thought going through both our heads that we would now have to have our group meeting while in the buff. Yeah, this wasn't somehow planned. "Be gone with you two. I'll sign at 12:01am when you can have your jocks back" stated Wendell.

We headed back downstairs. The digital clock above the front door read 7:53pm. Only a few minutes to grab our materials for the meeting and face our classmates. Sarah and Michelle arrived just shy of 8pm with Jackson arriving a few minutes later. The two ladies were all smiles and giggly as they followed us into the den area. Jackson was obviously a little uncomfortable and asked a couple times if we couldn't cover up with a towel or something.

Over the next couple hours we covered our project and filled any edits and details. Either of the two ladies kept suggesting that Christian and I stand as we did our work. They obviously enjoyed the show we put on – Jackson, not so much. I felt sorry for him. The modesty factor had long left the pledges of Alpha Delta. We concluded and were ready to submit all the documents and paper to the professor tomorrow. The five of us were walking toward the front door when Wendell came down the stairs.

"Hey Wendell" said Sarah – yup, this was orchestrated – as Wendell replied back "How was the study group or whatever."

"It was fine but I don't think we got to see enough of your pledges" said Sarah. "I sure did" was Jackson's retort.

"I have an idea. We can go upstairs and give them a quiz" said Wendell.

"A quiz on what?" asked Sarah. "They just did my interview so we'll quiz them on that and wrong answers will result in bad things" answered Wendell. "You're welcome to join dude" Wendell said looking at Jackson.

"Nope. Obviously a set up to see them naked. I'll see ya'll tomorrow in class" said Jackson and to the door he went.

"My room now pledges" barked Wendell. Christian and I raced up to his room, passing pledge Robert in the hall. He sensed something was up and quickly ducked into the bathroom.

Wendell, Sarah and Michelle soon entered. It was explained that we would be quizzed on Wendell's answers. For the first wrong answer from either one of us, we would both do 5 jumping jacks, 5 pushups, and 5 sit-ups. The second wrong answer would result in 10 of each and so forth.

I knew I wasn't really paying attention when writing down the answers and certainly hadn't memorized anything yet. And so it began with the two of us along the wall and the three of them sitting on a futon. First question was wrong.

"We'll count for you guys" said Wendell. "One jumping jack. Two jumping jack. Three jumping jack." This was going to be painfully slow and I could tell the ladies relished in watching our soft dicks flop up and hit our waistline. "Four jumping jack. And five jumping jack. Now for push ups. Each one was nice and slow and meant to stretch the time of being naked in front of Sarah and Michelle out as long as possible.

We just about missed every question and were now at 40 sets of each exercise. Wendell conveniently lost count and therefore made us start over with 1 of the exercise. If he wasn't losing count, he was counting super fast to make the flopping of our dicks doing a jumping jack slap harder. My dick actually hurt from slapping against my body so much. Finally, all of the interview questions had been asked – it was just past 12:30 in the morning and we were exhausted. I don't think I've done that many exercises when I played sports in high school as I just did. My body was drained.

"Escort the ladies to their dorm. Alpha Delts are gentlemen and always see a lady to their door" said Wendell. "When you return, you are to sleep in your pledge apartment as you are. You are to be my alarm clock – wake me at 7:44am and you can get your pledge gear and signature then."

We all left and exited the house. Sarah and Michelle managed to walk very slow and I have to say in my exhausted state, I don't know if I could have gone at a much faster pace. Michelle got her keys out and headed to the driver side. "You two get in the backseat and I'll ride in the middle" said Sarah.

We got in the back of the Tahoe with Sarah. "Hands behind your back" she said as she reached across for the seat belt to fasten me in and then fastened Christian's. We'd barely pulled out of the driveway of the house when her hand reached out and started to rub on my chest and lightly flick my nipple. She was Her hand slid down my stomach and landed on my dick which was now at full attention. I looked over and her left hand was cupped under his balls.

"No sexual activity, remember" said Christian. The question/statement snapped me back from the sexual trance I had entered and back to reality – it was one of the first commands we'd been given.

"We can't" I said as I tried to squirm out from underneath her hand. She pushed me back and kinda scolded me saying to remain in place. Christian continued saying we weren't allowed and would be in serious trouble if any of the brothers found out.

"It's your choice. I either get to have some fun with you two or I text Wendell and let him know you didn't escort us to our door" said Sarah.

"Come on. We've seen what happens when pledges fuck up and this would be huge. Please don't Sarah" I said. Begging wasn't helping as she continued to stroke both our cocks. We were horny not having anything sexual in about a month. Christian and I both gave in – too tired from all the exercises to continue to protest and damn, the handjob felt great.

Christian blew first and splattered all over his chest and stomach. I came almost immediately after blasting a load all over myself, even hitting my chin. Damn it felt good. Both Christian and I just sagged into the seats, all relaxed and enjoying the moment. We pulled into the parking lot surrounded by 3 dorm buildings. Sarah and Michelle each lived in one of the buildings. Michelle found a parking spot and shut the engine off.

"Thanks for the escort back but we can make it from here. You boys have a nice walk/run back to the house" Michelle said with a wry smile. Christian and I got out of the Tahoe, looked around and started to head back across campus to the house. At 1am, there were some people out but not many. Staying to the shadows and running when necessary, hands covering our privates, we finally made it back an hour later. That little cot never felt so comforting as when my head hit the pillow. Alarm set and we were out.

7:44am came and we woke up Wendell. He was true to word and gave us our jock straps back and signed our books.

Next: Chapter 10

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