Pledging Alpha Delts

By moc.loa@senojpmu

Published on Jul 22, 2018


Week 4...

The events of the weekend settled in as Monday started. I met with Cooper that morning to get his bio information and find out my task for his signature. "My girlfriend is on the softball team. Your task is to get a sign from each player somewhere on your body. They have practice from 3-6pm today. Best time will be after practice" he said.

I showed up at 5:30pm making sure I found Coop's girlfriend as there was no doubt she had knowledge of this task. A few minutes after my arrival, pledge brothers Jerry, Winston, and Sam also showed up. I recognized her (Kaitlyn) as she had been to the house for some of the football games. As practice finished she jogged over and told us it would be about 20 minutes or so for everyone to finish with the trainers and then they would be back out to the field.

The field was well shielded from outside eyes. The university charged admission so the exterior fence was solid and to add an extra layer of visibility blockage, a 6 foot tall row of holly hedges. Kaitlyn emerged first from the first base dugout door followed by the team. I recognized one of the freshman players from my Spanish class. Her name was Maddy.

"Alright boys. Head up to the bleachers here and strip naked" Kaitlyn ordered. We quickly moved to the first row and took off our clothes as ordered. "Lay on your backs now." We complied and watched as several players immediately went to secure our hands and feet underneath the bleacher row. Multiple wraps of athletic tape could not be broken, even if we had wanted to.

With our hands and feet secured, we were on full display for the team. The magic markers we had brought were with our clothes. What seemed like an hour or more was probably only 15 minutes or so of gawking, staring and of course, pictures. Someone finally asked where the pens were and kindly fetched them.

Each player took their sweet time in deciding where to sign. Anything along the ribcage was quick to cause squirming from the tickling sensation. This was obviously noted and became a focal point for signage. Chest, shoulders and thighs were also popular spots. Kaitlyn, of course, got the prized area – each pledge's cock. She would stretch it by the tip and carefully printed her name on each pledge's cock. The dot for the `I' was a small heart. How cute.

Another round of picture taking ensued. It was the before and after versions of us bound to the bleachers, naked before the 18 members of the softball team. Maddy took more of me than anyone. She leaned down and said "thanks for the pictures. I can't wait to see you in class tomorrow although seeing you clothed won't be as much fun." I got a small kiss on the cheek as she got up.

The team dispersed, heading back into the locker room and out to their cars and bikes. Kaitlyn and a few others cut through the athletic tape to free us. What we hadn't noticed were our clothes – they were gone. "Your clothes are in my bag. Cooper says to ride back with me and present yourselves to him. He's in the den with the others watching football."

We got to her SUV and piled into the back and rode to the house. She parked in the spot farthest from the door and said "walk, don't run."

Cooper was in the den along with a couple dozen other people – a few brothers but also the entire softball team. "Stand along the wall and wait for a commercial" he said. Finally a commercial and we were directed to the front of the room with the wave of his hand. A circular motion by his finger indicated to turn around. "Slowly" he barked. "Hands behind your head."

That was just an excuse to get us into a pose for more pictures. "Now hands behind your back." And another round of camera clicks. "Hands at your side." More clicks. "Now hands on each other's shoulders and say maggots." In unison, as we said maggots, the cameras clicked and flashed. "Very good. Get your books and I will sign."

We raced to get our books and eagerly awaited the next commercial to get the valuable signature from another brother.

I continued along with my pledge brothers to secure the precious signatures. If anything, the failing of the pledge test made us aware of the consequences of not doing something. The seniors were the hardest as they were off campus and not at the house much. They also were the easiest tasks like doing a load of laundry or washing a car. Two even were nice and just signed without a task. Said they knew we were doing enough shit so that made up for it.

Bryan had a different idea. I met him at his apartment late Tuesday afternoon. He provided the bio information and then said he was going to one of the libraries to study. If I wanted the signature, I needed to be there at 7pm and bring at least 3 other pledges with me. All of us would get the sigs. "You'll be there for a while so bring stuff to work on."

Didn't sound too bad if we were going to study and do our own schoolwork as well. I found Landon, Nikko, Jonathon and Scott at the house and weren't on scheduled duty. They jumped at the opportunity to get a sig and we headed to the library.

This particular library was adjacent to the medical school. I wouldn't say it was remote but it wasn't heavily frequented, especially by undergrads. We found Bryan on the 8th floor at a desk area in the far corner. "Did you bring stuff to work on?"

"Sir, yes sir" we responded in unison and in a quiet whisper.

"Good. Take your clothes off and leave them here. Welcome to go find a place to study. You'll get them back when I leave."

We stripped and semi folded our clothes and left them on the chairs, grabbed our bookbags and headed to other desks. As we walked away Nikko pulled us aside and whispered "we need to make sure we keep Bryan in eyesight. You know how our clothes tend to disappear."

We nodded in agreement. "We should set up at each exit on the floor, elevator and stairs" whispered Landon. So we split up and found a desk near the two stairwells and another within view of the elevator. Nikko, with his huge uncut Italian weiner (made me wish I was Italian instead of German heritage), and I took a couple study cubicles near the elevator while Landon and Scott found a vantage point of one of the stairwells and Jonathon took the other stairs. It felt so weird sitting naked in a library. It was similar to sitting in church when you didn't want to be there or knew you did something wrong.

Each of us settled in and began schoolwork. Amazingly, no one came onto the floor. For certain, we expected the elevator to start dinging as it reached the floor and any number of people to exit in search of a study cubicle not occupied by a naked pledge. After all, it was modus operand for the brothers.

Bryan started packing up a little after midnight. He motioned for Scott and said grab the others. We headed over half expecting something else. "Get dressed and I'll sign." With the last whisk of the pen, he shot us an evil grin

Dressed and packed up ourselves, Landon was the first to pull out his phone and check for messages. "Umm, guys. Check your messages" he said.

All of our screens were lit up with messages from several different pledge brothers: Alert: Needed at the house. All pledges to the house Where r u Respond now We can't proceed until you get here!!!!!!!!

We quickly replied asking what was up and we were on our way. At the house, we found most everyone gathered in the apartment. "Finally. The four on duty were taken to the golf course and tied up. We couldn't go get them until we did it as a class" said Jerry. As we started to jog toward the course, the five of us from the library got the story on what had happened (Zack had spilled a drink on one of the brothers) so the group had to be punished. We explained how we got to study in the library with no clothes on for 5 hours. It was obvious from Bryan smile that he had to have known about the punishment for the four on-duty pledges.

Steve had been provided with these instructions: 1. Walk he course as a group. No splitting up 2. No calling out for them 3. Must begin on hole 1 and go in order

We started walking down the middle of the fairways in a line across the course from rough to rough. We knew we wouldn't find them until probably the 18th – anything to prolong. We found Bob on the edge of the 14th tee box. He was staked down spread eagle and naked. His mouth had a piece of duct tape over it and a note was taped to his chest. His eyes directed us to the note with a sense of urgency. It read "Congrats on finding your first pledge brother. No one may be untied until you find the golf ball with their name on it. Walk back to hole 1 and start looking."

"Fuck us" said Keith. "what booooolshhhhit" exclaimed Sam. Back to the first hole and tee box we went grumbling the whole way. "How and where do we find the golf balls" asked Xao. We combed the tee boxes, the fairways, the sand traps and the greens looking. A sense of urgency was starting to take shape as we were now well into the early morning hours. The workers would be arriving shortly.

We finally reached the green of 18 and of course, found Zack all splayed out on the back of the green. Next to his ball sack were 4 golf balls – the ones we had spent a solid 2 hours looking for. With everyone untied we started to head back. Only issue was four of us – Zack, Craig, Nick and Winston were naked. Xao and Nikko started to pull off their shirts so they could at least cover up some.

"Thanks guys. It's my fault and I'm sorry" Zack apologized.

We finally made it back around 5am, tired and exhausted. It had been one long night. We all crashed in the apartment and were asleep instantly.

Next: Chapter 9

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