Pledging Alpha Delts

By moc.loa@senojpmu

Published on Jul 13, 2018


Sorry for the hiatus but real world sometimes will get in the way of my putting down the 16 weeks of pledging into chapters. Yes, 16 weeks was our pledge time and obviously ran into the spring semester. Keep checking back as we move through the fall semester... and thanks for all the support and feedback.

  • This story is fiction although based on some real life experiences as a pledge . Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental and purely unintentional.

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Have feedback and/or ideas for the pledging process? Email me at

Week 2 Concludes...

Saturday brought the first home football game during our pledgeship. Our instructions were simple – be there before the gates opened and once opened, head to section 112 and cordon off rows 10-14 as the Alpha Delt section. It was highly suggested we bring plenty of flasks of liquor for when the brothers run out.

We weren't the only group of pledges there. Each fraternity on campus was represented and as the gates opened, we presented our student IDs for free admission and bolted to the student sections in the endzone. The endzone student section was a massive metal bleacher section, easily 40 rows in each of the 4 sections. Amazingly, each group headed for a specific area; as if it had been mapped out in some prior meeting of fraternity presidents. Nevertheless, we staked our claim.

By kickoff, a few brothers and dates had arrived but it wasn't until mid-way of the 1st quarter that everyone arrived. By the end of the game, we were exhausted from running and then standing in concession lines, pouring drinks for the brothers, running underneath the bleacher section to pick up whatever a brother or date had dropped (usually their phone). Of course, while underneath, we also got to enjoy whatever had been spilled – from popcorn, nachos, food wrappers and of course, drinks.

The home team was victorious, which meant the brothers would be in a good mood. We stank from sweat and drinks; our pledge clothes soiled as well. We walked into the house to shower and clean up. Three seniors walked into the apartment and stated they needed 3-5 of us to serve at their keg party at a nearby apartment complex. Signatures would be given at the end of the night. Landon, Terry, Zack, and I were quick to volunteer. Several others stated they already had plans doing something else or had already been claimed by a brother. Report time was 8pm at the clubhouse of the complex.

Kaden was inside the clubhouse when the 4 of us walked in. He started barking orders of grabbing food from the apartment and bringing it over, getting the keg from the truck inside and getting it on ice, etc. "You are on a timer. For every 5 minutes it takes you to complete everything, that is one article of clothing you will remove for the party. Shoes and socks count as a single item so that gives you a total of 20 minutes and the clock is already going" he stated.

Of course the building the 3 seniors lived in was on the other side of the complex. We raced to get the food, cups, plates, and mixers. There was no way it was going to happen. We were around 15 minutes in when we finished with the food & mixer stuff. We still had 4 kegs to bring over and each keg weighed over 150lbs each.

Landon and I walked in with 1 keg while Zack and Terry came in with the 2nd one. "Times up" said Brian. "Strip off everything and put your clothes in the bag in the closet." We stripped naked and put our clothes in a canvas laundry bag. "There's still 2 more in the truck you need to go get."

We looked at each other and read our eyes. Out the door we bolted. Being mid September, the sun was pretty much down and the streetlights just coming on. Sprinting across, our dicks flopped back and forth smacking our thighs. We grabbed the remaining kegs and began the long trip back to the clubhouse. Fatigue sat in and we were slow going.

With one building to go to make it to the clubhouse, the inevitable happened. Out of the walkway came two guys and two gals – obviously double dating. We all used our lone free hand to cover up while still trying to carry the kegs with one hand.

"Not so fast bitches. Set the kegs down and stand at attention" ordered one of the two guys. We looked at each other and kinda started walking again. "Do as you are told or I call Brian and Taylor." Fearful of being in trouble with the brothers, we did as told. One of the girls asked what he was doing and he said he was friends with Brian and had been told about the party and the pledges would be serving.

"Oh, that's the party you said we were going to after dinner" the blonde gal commented. "Well, they don't look like professional waiters at all." The flash from a camera on the other girl's phone took us all by surprise. It was a beacon to draw more attention to us. "See you later" and they four of them were off in their car.

We got to the clubhouse and had everything set up and ready to go – food out, the bar area ready, and the kegs in trash cans of ice. Brian, Taylor and Kaden came walking in with a couple of grocery bags. There were 8 bottles of Olde English malt liquor. "I know what's next" said Terry. "Edward Fourty-hands!"

"Correct maggot pledge" exclaimed Taylor. "Grab a bottle with each hand." With the order we grabbed two bottles each. They weren't cold, room temperature beer. This was going to be nasty. The brothers expertly used packing tape to tape the bottles in our hands. Once secured, the caps were twisted off and we got to drinking. "Don't throw up" said Brian.

People started to walk in. Party pre-gamers evidently. Men but mostly women came through the doors as we stood in the middle of the room trying to gulp down 80 ounces of warm beer. The familiar sound of the phone's camera going off echoed around the room. The occasional flash went off. People typing and pressing send on their snapchats or texts.

Music started playing from someone's phone and the party was started. As each of us finished both bottles, we used our teeth to rip off the tape. We were commanded to make drinks, pour beer, bring food, etc as the party got going. Folks gathered at a couple of the tables playing drinking games which meant we were constantly refilling pitchers of beer. The beer could have no head on it. If a brother couldn't see the beer for the head, we had to chug it and refill it.

Throughout the night, there had to be over 100 people show up. We served until there was no more booze left to serve. We crawled on all fours with the empty containers to be refilled. It was an excellent opportunity for our asses to get slapped; not to mention the last drops of beer and backwash to be thrown on our backs.

From somewhere (we can really guess where), a package of permanent Sharpie markers appeared. I hear Zack's name called and he crawled over. A group of women had the package of Sharpies and motioned for Zack to stand up. He complied as one of them went to `fill in' his nipples with a bright blue. Another bent down in front of his dick and lifted it up so as to get full access to his balls. His sack was colored pink and then his dick red.

"Landon and Brandon, you're next" exclaimed one of the women. Landon and I crawled over and stood up. One bent down behind Landon and wrote a big `A' on his left butt cheek and a big triangle (for Delta) on his right cheek. I had the same done to me as my cock was lifted and half my sack colored pink and the other half red. My dick was colored bright green. Black was used to make a smiley face on Landon's chest with the nipples being filled in black to serve as the eyes. His belly button was formed into the nose and his dick and balls colored red to serve as a tongue sticking out. The remainder of the mouth etched on his thighs.

Terry was last to be brought over. They designed a butler's tuxedo shirt on his chest with the black and white markers. His dick got covered with the metallic silver and metallic gold on his balls.

All of this got tons of laughter and of course, lots more photos taken and snapchats sent. The four of us were directed to a wall and lined up shoulder to shoulder as every female at the party took videos and photos of us all markered up.

With the last of the partiers to leave, Brian approached "Place needs to be clean by 7am maggots. When you get done, come to the apartment." We cleaned and finished a little after 6am. Landon went to the closet to fetch the bag with our clothes. Shock it was gone. So across the parking lot we trudged and up the stairs to their apartment. A note on the door read "sleep on the balcony – don't wake us!"

We each picked a corner to sit in as there wasn't enough room for four people to lay stretched out. Besides, none of us wanted to spoon with another guy. Sitting upright, we passed out from drunkenness and exhaustion. Around noon, we were awakened and invited inside. "You have 5 minutes to shower" said Kaden as he led the way to the bathroom.

Kaden entered the bathroom and turned on the water, but only the cold knob was turned. "Don't touch the hot water." Looking at each other, we realized we would have to shower at the same time. In we stepped with the cold water shocking our naked bodies. We rotated around the tub/shower as best we could trying to get all the beer grime and marker off while at the same time, avoiding staying under the cold water for more than a few seconds. No luck on the permanent magic marker coming completely off.

"Time is up" shouted Brian as he banged on the door. We walked out shivering and dripping wet as they weren't nice enough to provide towels. Our teeth chattered. Taylor walked up behind Brian and tossed the canvas laundry bag on the floor. "Get dressed and let's go" he said. As we proceeded down the stairs, Taylor told us to get in the back of the truck. Back at the house, we went inside and fetched our pledge books.

For me, I now had four signatures. Only 79 more to go...

Next: Chapter 7

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