Pledging Alpha Delts

By moc.loa@senojpmu

Published on Jun 7, 2018


Week 1 Continues...

We were all the house well before the 7:45pm call time. We had put together our text group and gmail group with various schedules for classes, labs, work and pledge times. Our brief meeting consisted of more rules for the semester: no talking unless spoken to, where we could be in the house, etc. All normal stuff I had heard through the grapevine. Threats of severe punishment for violations were also issued.

"Your bodies and soul belong to us. You are not permitted to engage in sexual activities – no fucking, no blowjobs, no relieving yourself with your hand, nothing sexual. You may not shave any part of your body other than your face. So let your pubes and chest hair grow" announced Brent. How the hell were we not to have sex? Sex was part of why one joins. This was going to suck. And no shaving? I've kept my cock and balls baby smooth for the last 3 years. Now they were really going to itch. At least my chest was naturally smooth. As I looked around, I could see we all were having the same thoughts and struggling to figure a way to get laid or at least blown.

We were dismissed to the tv room where an audience was already gathered. Tonight featured some of the same brothers but the number of girls in attendance had grown. As with last night, we were all standing in front, hands at our sides just in our skimpy little jocks. Ordered to turn around, ordered to stand in different poses, and ordered to flex our muscles. Sides of beef we were. Jumping jacks were our treat when either team scored. Lots of jumping and cocks flopping in the small pouches. The movement against the course material causing swelling, noticeable swelling in several of the pouches. This brought cat calls and cheers for the teams to score more. Lots of crab walks to better enable the butt slaps and even the occasional pinch.

As the game wore on, those in attendance diminished. Finally it was over and we were allowed to resume our lives. Tuesday and Wednesday were low key as we rotated hanging out at the house and doing basic servitude to the brothers. Thursday was different. We all had to be present as each Thursday Alpha Delta played host for dinner in the main room to a different sorority on campus. Up first were the Tri-Delts (Delta, Delta, Delta). We were just about to finish setting the tables when cars, lots of cars, started to pull up. "Pledges! Valet duty required" shouted someone. We ran to the front door and stopped; frozen in our tracks at the thought of going out as dozens of sorority girls started getting out of their cars. We turned, instinctively headed to the apt where our shorts and shirts were only to be met by Brother Caleb. "Nope, pledge uniform only. Get to parking those cars" he snapped.

We did our best to cover up. Running quickly from car to car. A couple of the guys held the doors open as if they were hotel doormen. We did manage to get the cars parked and everyone inside in what was probably only a couple minutes but seemed like hours. Dinner consisted of salad, the meal and dessert – all of which we served and cleared dishes for along with refilling the drinks and picking up dropped silverware in just our jocks. Our bodies on full display to around 75 Tri Delts.

Dinner wrapped up around 8 and we were good doormen and valets and weren't even hurrying. There wasn't any point as every inch of exposed flesh had been viewed upon by the lovely ladies of Tri Delta Sorority.

We were instructed to finish cleaning and to be in the apartment by 9pm; giving us around an hour to complete everything.

"Pledges, front & center!" exclaimed Tim as he entered the main room where we were still trying to finish from dinner. "Get into your clothes – just shorts and t-shirt. No shoes needed. Grab 8 zip ties each and meet in the side parking lot."

We raced to get dressed, grabbed the zip ties and ran to the cars. Various brothers quickly approached and ushered us into cars. Off we went in a direct path to one of the all female dorms. We pulled up in front to be met by one of the girls I remember from football night. She was the girlfriend of one of the brothers and held the door open as all 21 of us were directed inside and then up the stairwell to the 4th floor. The 4th floor was essentially the attic area that had been converted to a a few dorm rooms but most of the space was a common area with tv and separate room with study cubicles.

The rooms were empty save us and a few brothers. "remove your shorts and shirts maggots" directed Tim. A quick glance to each other was met by a sharper "Now" from Tim. As we took off our shirts and shorts, Brent came by with a plastic garbage bag and we deposited them in there. Tim, Brent and a couple other brothers started to move us to the columns in the room positioning a group of 5-6 per column. The zip ties we were instructed to grab now became evident in their use. Hands and feet were bound together so we formed a circle around each of the columns in the room. The sound of duct tape being pulled from its spool was heard and pieces placed over our mouths.

The brothers smiled with an evil grin added. A faint snicker could be heard and Tim spoke "for trying to go get dressed tonight, we give you this reminder of disobedience. Melissa is the RA on duty and would like to thank you for serving her and her sisters dinner tonight. Julie is at the front desk and also says thank you. You'll be freed at 6am before the staff arrives. In the meantime, have a nice night."

With that, the brothers turned to leave but Brent stopped and turned around. He approached Zack and reached into his pocket removing a pair of scissors on a string. He hung the scissors around Zack's neck and gave him a couple light slaps on his face. Smiling, he said "these won't be used to cut your ties." And out he walked.

The dorm was old but one of the larger ones on campus, easily having 300 plus women living in it. We looked at each other knowing it was going to be a long night and hoping no one would want to watch tv or study. It wasn't long before people started to come in. Phones came out of pockets and backpacks as text notices of 21 pledges being tied up in jock straps began to circulate. A few even snapped pictures or did snap chats for proof.

The situation quickly escalated as more people came in and out and the thought of recording this on phones became required. Some became more brazen taking close ups and videoing as they walked around. Then it happened...someone grabbed the scissors from Zack's neck and stupidly questioned "what should we do with these?" Like anyone thought the answer should have been turn them into Lost & Found.

Whoever it was began running them up and down Zack's body just lightly touching him with the tip. Panic was setting in as she opened the blades and tucked one blade under the elastic band. SNIP went the blades as they closed together. They cut completely through and half his jock was no dangling but still enough to keep his dick covered. She began to run them along Zack's body again just lightly touching along his rib cage. It was enough to send a shiver through him. The movement was enough. Not secured with a complete elastic band any longer, the jock remnant slid down his leg to the floor.

Gasps were heard along with little giggles and finger pointing. Zack was completely naked. Zack had a nice tan and stood 6'3", blond hair and blue eyes and a solid physique. His dick tried it's best to go hide but there was only so much retreat available. His balls tried the same but to no avail. The clicking sound of cameras on phones was all I could hear as I looked across the room at Zack's naked body.

Whoever she was handed the scissors off to the person next to her with a comical "your turn." Winston was the next target only his was much more abrupt. A quick pull on the waistband, a snip of the blades and a tug down and there he was. Winston was a compact 5'6" and had wrestled in high school. His frame was chiseled on his pale skin tone. Brown hair and eyes completed his makeup. Unlike Zack, his dick was proud – no retreating here.

The next target was Xao, our only Asian pledge. Xao played volleyball in high school and stood around 6'8" and as he was approached by a third lady with scissors in hand, she said "I wonder if dick size is proportional to height. Let's find out." With that, she pulled out the waistband and slid one blade underneath and with a quick snip on the left side and another on the right, Xao now stood in full glory. Unfortunately, the stereotype of Asians having small dicks proved true and was duly noted verbally and with all the snaps of cameras on peoples phones.

One by one, we all lost the small amount of covering the jock strap provided. I looked at the clock and it read a little after 10:30pm meaning we had a solid 7 hours of standing naked, tied wrist to wrist and foot to foot with each other. At least 200 college coeds entered the room where we were; phones were out with pictures, videos and snap chats being taken. I did notice something as the evening wore on...all of us were pretty remarkable looking; handsome, good facial features, strong muscular bodies. Alpha Delt pledges were thoroughbreds for sure. That thought made the standing in the room, tied naked palatable, sort of.

Next: Chapter 3

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