Pledging Alpha Delts

By moc.loa@senojpmu

Published on Oct 3, 2022

  • This story is fiction although based on some real life experiences as a pledge . Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental and purely unintentional.

  • If it is illegal for you to read this story because of your age, location or any other reason, don't read it.

  • This work is copyright by the author. Commercial use is prohibited without permission. Please do not republish any part of the whole of the story without my permission. Legal action may occur.

  • The chapters are based on real experiences, with some jazz added for effect. The reality is there isn't forced gay sexual encounters, but there was much nudity.

Our Off Week and the Return to Logan's

We were lucky enough to be dropped at the house. Our pledge meeting was supposed to start at 9pm but no one from the pledge committee came in. We also noticed we were missing Terry. Bob and Craig went back to our room and reported back in a few minutes that the only stuff in his trunk and on his cot were the remaining pledge clothes and fraternity books. As if they were watching, the three pledge committee brothers walked in.

"Terry decided he was not worthy of being an Alpha Delt and has decided to forego any future plans with Alpha Delta Fraternity. He will not be missed" said Tim. "Next item of business is your weekly quiz. You have 20 minutes and this will be open book."

Travis announced time was up as the three began to grab the quizzes off the tables. "We have some good news, sort of" began Brent. "You will go to your room, gather all of your belongings, books, clothes, hygiene items, everything and pack them up. You will return to your dorms and not return to the house until next Sunday at 9pm, with all of your pledge belongings. You will have the week off. There is to be no contact with any brother; you are not to come to the house; there is to be no communication until next Sunday. The spring class is about to begin their final journey toward initiation and becoming an Alpha Delt."

Travis added "Tonight at midnight begins Hell Week for the spring semester's class. The four of them will be initiated next Saturday night and will be introduced to you as brothers on Sunday night at your pledge meeting" stated Travis. "In the meantime, enjoy a week off maggots. Any questions?"

Jake raised his hands and began to speak as Brent nodded to him. "Sir, does that include the football game on Saturday. We don't have to attend?" "Correct – you have no responsibilities until next Sunday night" said Brent.

"Before you go pack and head out, I have been asked to extend an invitation. Logan would like for some volunteers – not required as you guys have the week off – but you may volunteer to go to his farm...something about bringing in the hay - whatever that means. Anywho, anyone that volunteers will earn their signature from him and Steven" said Tim. "I understand Keith has already volunteered and anyone else can text Logan toonigghhht!"

"Meeting over. Now get going" the three loudly stated in unison.

We went quickly to our room and gathered up what little items we had. Discussion ensued around Terry leaving. Jonathon said he would text Terry just to reach out and say no hard feelings. A couple people asked about everyone's fall break, what they did and did they go home with any brothers. Keith just offered to have dinner Monday night at the café if anyone wanted to know more about the weekend him, Cameron and myself had had. He did say that bringing in the hay was much work and he had often helped over the years as Logan's family and his were friends and obviously Steven and Logan were best friends. He did offer that in the past, dinner was usually tomahawk ribeyes on the grill.

As we all cleared out and headed back to our dorms, it looked like Keith would be well assisted the coming weekend – volunteers were Zack, Craig, Jake, Sam, Davis, Nikko & Landon. I too said I wouldn't leave my roommate hanging. Plus it was two more signatures.

I took the opportunity to hang out with other classmates, particularly Sarah. Ever since our pre-arranged study group, we spent time together – a lunch here, a dinner there and naturally in class we would sit next to each other. We would also meet up for collaboration on class work. We were heading back to her dorm following a pizza at a local Italian restaurant to meet up with Michelle to go over some class work.

Having a few days off was nice. We got to wear regular clothes, take showers in private, eat normal food and at normal times. Sleeping in a bed and not on a cot was heaven. We also got to catch up on some of our studies. It was a nice respite until Thursday night when we got a text from Logan: pick up 3:30pm tomorrow top floor North parking deck.

Zack, Craig, Jake, Sam, Davis, Nikko, Landon, myself and Keith were all ahead of schedule. Steven and Logan both pulled up. Logan rolled his window down as the trunk popped open. "30 seconds to strip naked, clothes in trunk and in the cars." It was about 45 minutes through traffic and out to Logan's farm. As we pulled down the drive toward the house, Keith asked "Logan, are your parents home?"

"They are. But they already saw you, all of you, last weekend. Home security cameras dumb ass. They have something like 20 cameras around the house and stables. All they have to do is log in on their phone."

The cars stopped and were ordered out. The front door opened with Logan's parents emerging onto the front porch. We all stood there, butt ass naked covering ourselves as best as possible. "You just dropping and running son?"

"Yeah dad. We have to get back but there's some more on their way in a couple of hours" said Logan. And with that, Logan and Steven (who never got out of the cars), drove off leaving us standing in the middle of a gravel driveway, bare naked with his mom and dad waving as they drove away.

Logan's dad came down the steps and introduced himself as Gerald. "You may address me simply as Sir or Master." He motioned us toward the barn with a couple waves of his hand. "So just so you maggots know, I was a frat boy too. Different school and different frat. But we had the same hijinx." As we entered the barn, he motioned to the right and said "I believe some of you are familiar with your sleeping quarters. If you had any belongings, you could toss them in one of the two stalls." He had a shit eating smile and seemed to enjoy relishing in reliving his frat days.

"We need to get started by moving these bales of hay out here [motioning to the aisle down the middle of the barn]. The new bales will get stacked back here and up top there. Then we'll move the old stuff back in the front so it gets used first this winter. Go ahead and get started and once you get the bales moved, rake up the loose straw so everything is fresh for the new bales. Keith!"

"Yes Sir."

"You will be the communication point person between Bev, myself and you maggots. No one else is to approach or address us unless we address you first. Understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"And no covering or trying to hide. Comprende?"

"Yes Sir." The look on Keith's face hurt us all. None of us could imagine having to walk up to someone that could be a 2nd mom to you fully exposed. I wanted to cry for him as this was going to be a long and painfully emotional weekend. Nevertheless, it was and we started to move bales of hay.

Of course, as we were finishing, another car load of folks got dropped off. Logan's parents greeted them and Gerald directed them over to the barn. "I see you maggots are almost done. Let this group finish cleaning, you guys go into the 1st stall and have a seat. When all is done, Keith can come get us for inspection."

Keith provided some finishing instructions on preparing the floor and getting all the loose straw up from floor and the rafter area above. He left the barn and walked up to the front porch and rang the bell. Gerald answered and emerged to walk over to the barn. "Looks great maggots. Welcome to rest for a bit. Bev will sound the bell when dinner is ready. Just come around to the back of the house."

The aroma of meat on fire permeated the barn. It wasn't about a minute or two before the sound of a clanking bell could be heard. We headed over to even stronger aroma, smoke billowing from the grill, and tables full of food. Bev gestured to a large chest cooler full of beer. "Help yourselves boys."

Keith was in the lead and as he walked through the gate, he said "Thank you ma'am. My name is Keith." He stood straight and tall, everything in full view. Bev nodded with "nice to see you Keith, all of you again."

Keith stepped forward onto the back patio area and looked back at me. I took the que and stepped up. "My name is Brandon. Thank you for having us,"

"Our pleasure. It's the least we could do for your help this weekend. And I do believe I did see you last weekend as well."

Landon followed suit as I progressed onto the patio. He introduced himself and thanked Bev and Gerald. Next up was Craig and then Sam and then Jake. Nikko began to step forward but stumbled as a big plume of grill smoke hit him. Regaining composure, he stated his name. Bev held him up for a moment "You steady on your feet there Nikko?" Davis and Zack rounded out our group.

While nudity had become second nature to us and being paraded in front of everyone naked, it obviously wasn't to the other group. Trying to hold onto some modesty and dignity, the first to come forward was Carson. He was tall, very blond, and super skinny. Bev looked him up and down just as Gerald barked at him to not cover up. With a nod of her head, Carson moved forward and Seth stepped forward. Seth was short and muscularly compact; brown hair and blue eyes. Seth proceeded forward and Matt was next. Matt was about the same height as Seth but obviously didn't work out as much. Billy rounded out the foursome. He was a ginger with bleach white skin, some freckles and some huge puffy nipples. Of course Bev had to comment on his red hair and half dollar size nipples.

We finally having all been introduced and pleasantly shown off for Gerald and Bev's amusement, ate and drank. Conversation was casual with lots of questions to all 13 of us about school, pledging, girlfriends, likes & dislikes. Gerald even threw in some interesting tidbits of how Bev was a `little sister' in his fraternity and that is how they met. The best of all was his story of when he gave her his letters, an event called lavalliering. We all learned the symbolism, the history and the customs behind this.

We naturally offered to clear the tables and to clean up. Upon completion, with some assistance and direction from Bev, we were led to the barn & stables. Six and seven in two stalls, Gerald locked the stall doors, turned off the lights and closed the exterior door.

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