Pledging Alpha Delts

By moc.loa@senojpmu

Published on May 21, 2020

  • This story is fiction although based on some real life experiences as a pledge. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental and purely unintentional. The chapters are based on real experiences, with some jazz added for effect. The reality is there isn't forced gay sexual encounters, but there was much nudity and embarrassment.

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Pledging Alpha Delts 10D – Fall Break at Logan's Conclusion

The sun was up when we were awoken by the familiar blasting of cold water from the hose. We sprang to our feet and just succumbed to the fact that to get the caked on mud off, we would have to endure another cold shower. This time it was at the hands of Mitch and Logan. After about 15 minutes of being hosed off and fully satisfied that all the mud had been removed and we were clean, even behind the ears, Logan told us to head to the back porch.

On the back porch, we found the same old clothes from earlier as well as a couple dozen chicken biscuits, hashbrowns and individual bottles of OJ. Logan had turned on some heating strips hanging from the ceiling so it was toasty warm on the porch & deck. There was a TV as well as a couple laptops that where open and airing various Sunday NFL shows. I looked at the clock on one of the laptops and read 11:22am – guess that explains why the biscuits and hashbrowns were cold. They were still delicious.

Logan: "today is going to be an easy day for you guys. We've got football and some brews to finish off. You've got until kickoff to clean the downstairs. If you finish before, you can keep your clothes on. Now get to it!"

We feverishly took off to complete the task at hand and in the vain hopes of keeping our clothes.

It was around 12:30 when the doorbell rang. "One of you maggots go answer" barked Logan. Warren was in the hallway and opened the front door. Standing there was a large group: Lacy and her boyfriend Alex along with Brenda and two other girls introduced as Sarah and Amber – both were former hookups of Jameson. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang again with Tye moving from the den to answer. We were introduced to Tara (formerly with Keith) and Lauren (former sweetheart of Tye). With them was current boyfriend and former teammate of Tye on the baseball team from HS, Jay. A few minutes later, ding-dong again. With him came Allie (Tye's current girlfriend) and her best friend Paige.

Tara: "sorry we missed the carwash and party yesterday but we can't wait to see what's in store for today. So glad we were invited." Logan: "no problem at all and we have some fun in store for this afternoon. Maggots, we worked hard to find your current and . . . well, let's say former romantic friends." He flashed a wry smile with just a slight glimmer in his eyes knowing how uncomfortable the situation was. "you've got about 7 minutes left. How we coming with those chores?"

We weren't anywhere close to really finishing. Even if we were done, we knew they'd find `something' missed and therefore, lose our clothes. And knowing that a bunch of current and former GFs just showed up meant we'd be naked for sure.

Cameron: "working on it sir." Logan: "keep working until it's done. Don't need the parental units coming home to a messy house."

The clock read 1:48pm when we decided we had everything nice and clean. Surprisingly, none of the guys had been inside to check on us and presumably make us strip; although we could here them cheering about whatever was happening in the games. We walked out onto the patio to announce we were done. "Sirs, read for inspection" said Keith.

Logan got up and went inside to look things over while we just stood there. It was like we were expecting an explosion to occur and knock us out from the concussive blast. In a few minutes, he emerged and rattled off a couple things that needed to be done again/better and waved his hand for us to get underway. About 15 minutes later, we emerged back onto the patio "Completed sir" said Jameson.

Logan once again got up and went inside, coming back out in a couple minutes. "Looks good fuck-tards. Brandon, you're lucky since you aren't from around here. You may have a seat and eat/drink." I had a pregnant pause and then walked around to the open chair between Jim and Mitch. "Now which one of you nice ladies would like to go first?"

Allie spoke up "we've discussed and Lauren shall be going first." Steven: Tye, step forward. Tye stepped forward as Lauren got up. She walked over to him and grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and began to pull it up and over his head. His eyes told the story of what was coming next. She knelt some and grabbed the base of his shorts and pulled down and told him to step out, which he naturally did.

Tye tried to cover up and was met with a slap right across his face from Lauren. "Not allowed dear" she said. "Jay, be a good boyfriend and hand me that." She was pointing to a paddle leaning against the patio railing. Tye's eyes about came out of his head. "I was told to tell you to assume the position."

Tye slowly bent over and grabbed his ankles. Lauren took position behind him and swung away. The sound of wood hitting flesh fast and firm caused a shivering cringe in everyone. Tye jumped up and forward with a teeth clinching grunt. "back in position" she said with a definite enjoyment in her voice. "You have 9 more coming."

Thwack landed the second shot with Tye stumbling forward as he curled his lips inward and made a slightly higher pitch grunt. He didn't hesitate long before stepping back into the firing line. The third shot landed with equal force of the first two. Schmack came the fourth shot. Tears formed in his eyes and the noises began to sound more like whines from a puppy in distress. He ass cheeks were turning a nice fire engine red. Smack, Thwack were paddles five and six; each one more painful than the last. Tye struggled to assume the position more and more. He had four more to go. Lauren must have finished releasing whatever anger she had for him and gave him some light love taps as the last four swats. But the pain had been inflicted, her retribution quenched and Tye's ass a blistered crimson with a hint of purple. "Next time, don't tell someone their the only one while you're fucking someone else" she exclaimed.

Logan: Go jump in the pool and soothe your ass. We'll tell you when to get out. It was going to be some cold water but Tye was willing to do anything to cool off his rosy red ass cheeks.

Sarah and Amber both got up from their chairs and walked over to Jameson. Each grabbed an ear and led him to `center stage' so to speak. Each grabbed a side of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head followed by the shorts coming down & off. Jameson thought better of covering up as he didn't want to get slapped across the face like Tye had so he stood there tall and proud for everyone to see everything.

Sarah grabbed the paddle and motioned for Jameson to bend over. Smack went the first shot but nowhere near the force of what Lauren dished out. She and Amber traded off paddling him for their 10 each. It wasn't long before whimpers sounded and tears dripped down. I wasn't sure but I thought the stinging of the lighter shots might actually hurt more. Jameson's ass cheeks had turned the color of vine ripe tomatoes.

Mitch looked over the railing at Tye shivering in the pool. "You can get out now. Parade rest position under one of the lamps." Tye about jumped out of the water. He looked down at himself, succumbed to the notion that his junk had retreated as much as it could and his once low-hanging sack was tight and shriveled. He tried turning to see if he could see what his butt looked like but it's really too hard to twist and get a look at your behind. Tye proceeded and took position under a lamp as another smack was handed out to Jameson. Feet shoulders apart, hands clasped at the small of his back, he stood there enjoying the warmth of the heating lamp.

The last of the shots were handed out to Jameson. He stood up and began rubbing his ass cheeks. "Hold on there. I've got something to help" Amber said. She walked over to her purse and pulled out a couple of latex gloves and a canister of Icy Hot.

Jameson: Oh shit! Nooo waayyy. Amber: Yess waayyy. Feet apart and hands straight out to your sides. Her and Sarah slid on the latex gloves and grabbed a glob of Icy Hot from it's container. They each took a leg and smeared it up and down; even between his toes. More globs as they covered his arms; moving onto the neck, his chest, stomach and back. A look at each other and then a look into Jameson's eyes; they each scooped the remaining salve. His body tightened and teeth clinched as the remaining glop of Icy Hot was rubbed on his cock and balls with one last pat and wipe on each ass cheek.

The smell of the menthol in the Icy Hot permeated the air, only made worse by the heat lamps. Jameson began to squirm but was quickly admonished and ordered to go stand at parade rest next to Tye.

Jim: Warren step forward. Evidently, you are still a virgin so we don't have any ex's here to punish you. Therefore, Paige has volunteered to administer your punishment. Paige stood up and instructed Warrant to go ahead and strip as she reached into her bag.

Puzzlement appeared on his face as it was all I could see and then a realization of something bad. She approached his front side (still I couldn't see what was in her hands) and with a gasp of pain, Warren cowered at the waist. Smack went her hand right into the middle of his chest causing him to back or fall away, even turning to the side as he did. Smack as another slap got laid across his pasty white ass cheek. As Warren gathered himself to stand back up in front of Paige, I could now see two old wooden clothes pins hanging at each nipple. There was also a hand print square in the middle of his sternum and I'm sure one on his ass. Paige wielded her hand about as hard as Lauren wielded that paddle.

She reached into the bag, producing several more clothes pins. "Found these at one of those dollar stores – 20 of them for a buck" she said. Paige placed another 6 on his chest between his nipples; with each one came a grimace of pain. Paige spun him around and sure enough, a huge red hand print . . . "Smack" landed her hand on the other cheek. Warren jumped forward but quickly jumped back into place. Paige added 4 on each cheek; leaving just 4 remaining. We were all doing the quick math in our heads and shuddered at where the last 4 clothes pins would go.

Paige spun him back around facing her. She grabbed the last 4 out of her bag and asked the rhetorical question "where should these go?" She knelt down and rubbed along his legs as the look on Warren's face changed from one of sheer fear to slight hope. Yeah, it didn't last as no one really saw her pinch the ends and send it straight onto his sac. He moved his hands from his side to his crotch and bunny hopped in place as he squealed like Brunhilda the pig. Just as her hand started to rear back, he gathered what composure he could and stood upright, awaiting the next jolt of pain. Clothes pin 18 went on the other side of his sac; leaving just two more to go. With simultaneous action, each one landed on opposite sides of his shaft.

Logan: parade rest with the other two maggot. Since it took you fucktards so long to clean up, we're running short on time. Some of us have shit to do tonight. You three and Cameron, grab your shit on the front porch. Time to head back to your campus. Mitch: Unfortunately, you'll ride home as you are now. You probably can't sit but oh well. Your nuts are still on fire so yeah, same boat. And you've got some new body adornments that won't be too comfortable. Steven: Little brother . . . you and Cameron will join us next weekend where you'll get a full days attention. Both of you strip and stand by the door.

Steven pulled out Keith's cell, opened it and snapchat and took a picture of the two. The snapchat read "Join us next Saturday for additional viewing time." He had posted a sticker of an smiley face over each one's cock. After hitting send, he repeated with Cameron's and then tossed each phone to them.

Logan: we need to tidy up and get back ourselves.

Keith and I were allowed to ride in the backseat, although Steven wasn't nice enough to give Keith anything to wear on the ride back to campus and as one last torment for the weekend, opened the windows and sunroof.

Next: Chapter 14

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