Pledging Alpha Delts

By moc.loa@senojpmu

Published on Feb 11, 2020

  • This story is fiction although based on some real life experiences as a pledge. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental and purely unintentional. The chapters are based on real experiences, with some jazz added for effect. The reality is there isn't forced gay sexual encounters, but there was much nudity and embarrassment.

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Pledging Alpha Delts 10C – Fall Break at Logan's

As we quickly scurried to the front porch, we found 3 boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts, a couple boxes of Pop Tarts, several cups of coffee, some Monster energy drinks, and a case of water. Along with breakfast was everything we needed to wash and clean cars, evidently for the better part of the day – several buckets, a gallon of liquid car wash soap, large sponges, wax, Windex, and Armor All, old towels and t-shirts along with several rolls of paper towels. There was also a cash box of which we opened to find several 5's and 10's with a note stating this money was for change and not payment. $10 for all of us in underwear or $20 for all of us naked.

It was close to 10:30am before the first car pulled down the driveway. A girl and a guy get out of the car. "Hey fellas. Hey Cameron." It was Lacy, Cameron's former girlfriend. "This is my boyfriend Alex and we're in need of a wash & wax. Here's our $20 bucks – get to it! " Cameron walked towards her, took the $20 and walked back to the front porch placing the money in the cash box.

"Looks like our first customer of the day has opted for nude so let's get those undies & jocks off maggots" exclaimed Steven. He retreated back into the house munching on some strips of bacon. We stripped out of what little clothing we had and went to work – filling the buckets with soap, grabbing the various cleaners and went to work on Lacy's car. It almost looked as if steam was coming out of Cameron's ears. He was pissed at her showing up and with her new boyfriend who was equally enjoying watching the former boyfriend being a naked servant.

With 7 of us working, it took at most 20 minutes to finish Lacy's car. . . and just in time as another 2 cars pulled into the driveway. Mitch and Logan walked out of the house to greet the new arrivals. "They each paid $20 pledges so stay naked and hurry up. More people are coming" said Mitch.

"See you later Cam" said Lucy as she and Alex got in the car and started the engine. We all kinda looked at each other wondering what that comment meant. Whatever it was, it wouldn't be good.

Cars kept coming and by the time we reached early afternoon, Jim and Mitch left to return in about an hour with a couple dozen McDonald's cheeseburgers. We were allowed to eat in turns as cars kept arriving and everyone wanted the $20 car wash. Around 3pm, a silver Mercedes pulled in and out got an older lady, probably into the mid 50's. "Ms Prangle? said Jameson quizzically. The question got the attention of Tye, Keith and Cameron as well. "Hey boys. I heard there was a charity car wash today and I wanted to get my car detailed and make a donation" Ms Prangle said. "Here's my money."

"Who is she" I asked Tye. "She's one of the English teachers" he responded. I nodded at Christian and motioned with my head to go detail her car, hoping to reduce the added embarrassment the others were dealing with. "Umm, thanks you two, but I want them to do the work" she stated. "In fact, a few of my colleagues will be arriving shortly and we are all looking forward to ahh, let's say, a very unusual lesson."

Christian and I were embarrassed to be naked in front of someone the same age as our mom. How the others felt, I can't describe but their feelings had to run the full length. It was evident this was going to be a long remaining few hours. Just as they started on Ms. Prangle's car, two others came down the drive and out hopped more adults, obviously teachers. And we were quickly getting backed up.

The afternoon drew on. By my count we had washed, waxed and cleaned around 20 cars. There were several teachers standing to the side all waiting on their cars to be finished. Mitch, Jim, Steven, and Logan stood with them. With the last of their cars finished, Mrs. Good called the 5 young lads over. "I'm so glad we ran into you two (looking at Mitch and Jim) at McDonald's and thanks for letting me know about this wonderful charity event. Here's some extra money for a job well done" said with a wry smile on her face. Mrs. Gotley approached each one and patted them on the head as if to say "good boy" to a dog. It was kinda funny to watch but Christian and I felt for them. I can't believe several teachers participated as their former students washed & detailed their cars butt ass naked. It was right around 6:30pm and dark when we finished up and the last teacher's car drove down the driveway.

Jim ran into the house and came out with keys in his hand. We were told to go to the barn and hose ourselves off, get cleaned up and report back to the porch. Showering with cold water from the hose was miserable. We were already tired and sore from a full weekend and the shock of cold water hitting our bodies was, to say the least, not what any of us wanted. No clothes were in sight, we had left them on the front porch so we headed up to go get dressed only to find they weren't there. With a deep breath, we sat on the porch, not wanting to enter uninvited. The temperature was also dropping as night set in and it was getting cold.

Jim came back after we'd been waiting for about 15 minutes. "Thanks to your efforts today, there's a bunch of pizza and beer in the back seat. Bring them inside." We set the pizzas on the counter and put the beer in the refrigerator. The guys all quickly ran out of the den and grabbed plates, pizza and opened a can of beer before heading back. "There's some old clothes on the stairs for you. Get dressed, grab some food and beer and join us. The Ohio State game is on" said Logan. "Unfortunately, there is only floor space for maggots" added Jim.

It was 8:35 on the clock in the den. The game was early in the 2nd quarter and it was nice just to hang around and actually wear clothes, eat some hot food and drink a beer. Ohio State won in overtime and it was right at midnight. "You maggots can go turn in now" said Mitch. "Just leave those clothes and everything else on the steps" Logan barked. We made our way to the stall with Logan and Steven following. Once inside the door was latched – we laid down naked in the hay and fell asleep only to be awoken by the guys banging on the door and shouting at us a couple hours later. "Up and at `em" exclaimed Steven "Out the back doors and into the field maggots!"

The October air was chilly. We stood huddled together with arms crossed rubbing on our arms to generate heat and warmth. "You maggots look cold" and with that statement we got hit with water out of the garden hose. We never saw it coming was the worst part and we instantly bolted out of the way. "We never told you to run out of the way you fucktards! Line up across here" blasted Steven as he pointed in a straight line. We quickly formed a line as streams of cold water hit our bodies. "Drop and give us 20 situps followed by 20 pushups" and we instantly dropped to the ground and started doing situps as Steven called out 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 etc. with the cold water still hitting us. The ground was pure dirt so mud began to cover our backs and buttocks. He hit the number 20 "Now 20 pushups and be sure to go all the way to the ground with nose touching otherwise it doesn't count!" 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 "all the way down bitches" 5 – 6 – 7 . . . 20 and stand up!" The water ceased but we were wet and covered with mud. "Back to the stall fuckers" barked Steven.

Jim: "Wait, they weren't punished for trying to avoid the hose." Steven: "Correct. On your stomachs scum. In a line. We did as told laying on our stomachs side by side. Steven: "Now roll once to the right . . . and now back to the left. Stand up" We stood up covered just about from head to toe with mud. I'm pretty sure judging by the smell that what we rolled in was more than just simple dirt and water. Jim: "When I say go, you will sprint along the fence of the field going all the way around. Understand?" and without waiting for an answer ... "GO!"

Cameron, Tye, Christian and myself started running to the left while Warren and Jameson ran to the right. We all raced around the fence passing each other on the opposite side. Warren and Jameson beat the four of us back to the barn door where Jim and Steven waited.

Steven: "Why didn't you fuckers run the same way? Now you have to do it all over again. 20 situps starting now" and down we went while they were counted out "Now 20 pushups and no cheating by not going all the way to the ground." Hitting the number 20 we now got to roll to the right and then roll to the left effectively adding another layer of mud to cover us from head to toe. "And for the love of peaches, try and run in the same direction this time. The two of us don't want to be out here all night with you fucks because you're fucking stupid. Now GO!"

We looked at each other with Tye saying "this way" and off we raced. The field was huge. I remember at least looking out into it during the day – it was easily 3 or so football fields in length and a good 2+ in width. Arriving back at the barn door mud hole, we were out of breath and breathing heavy, the cold air making it a little more difficult to breath but also hitting our bodies that were generating heat. "Back to bed maggots" said Steven as he pointed back into the barn. Inside the stall, the door was locked behind us.

Next: Chapter 13

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