Pledging Alpha Delts

By moc.loa@senojpmu

Published on Nov 26, 2019

  • This story is fiction although based on some real life experiences as a pledge . Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental and purely unintentional. The chapters are based on real experiences, with some jazz added for effect. The reality is there isn't forced gay sexual encounters, but there was much nudity.

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Pledging Alpha Delts 10B – Fall Break at Logan's

Friday mid-morning arrived and we were freed from our prison stall. Three sides were solid wood and the stall door had approximately a 3' x 3' window with some bars looking out into the barn. It was definitely a dreary hostel for horses as well as the five of us. To our surprise, inside Logan's house awaited a fine breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage patties along with milk and orange juice. We looked at each other as if to say `where's the rub in this' but it never came. "Eat up gents" said Logan.

Following breakfast, we were instructed to clean the kitchen and generally clean up the house following Thursday night's gathering of friends. Logan and Steven began moving furniture and taking down breakables from around the house. Everything was placed in the dining room and closed off with `Caution: Do No Enter' yellow tape. It was mid-afternoon and we were finished cleaning and received the announcement of "time off for good behavior" from Jim. "Enjoy the pool, beer and we're grilling burgers later."

They were serious and for the next couple of hours, we got to relax and be friends with everyone. We did cannon balls, threw footballs in the pool, swam, drank beer and had a good time. This is what fall break was meant to be. Evening approached and so did another car by the sound of the tires going over the gravel rock driveway. Around the corner walked another guy with two more in tow, but dressed in women's panties. The guy was Mitch and the two in tow were more pledges from Keith's high school – Tye and Jameson.

"Pledges! Front and center" directed Steven. "Line up in front of the fence, hands behind your back." Mitch pulled two cell phones from his pocket and asked for the codes to unlock. Logan had retrieved the others and a round of photos were taken. We were shown the Snapchap message:

Car Wash Saturday – Logan's place


$10 in underwear, $20 naked

"Everyone but you two (pointing at me and Christian), strip naked. Both hands cupping your junk." More snapchat photos taken with the message:

ABC party @ Logan's tonight

$10 cover

Come see ALL of us

"This time, we went through and sent to every girl in your friends list and Tye, it was so nice of you to have a group lists from high school." Tye looked at the ground and exhaled deeply. "Get dressed." And almost as if on que, a car horn sounded out front. "Beer is here. Go out and get it and start icing it down in the coolers. They are in the barn on the left."

We split up to go get the coolers and the beer. It was a new guy driving but had a trunk full of beer, cider and wine coolers. I went with Christian and Tye to get the coolers. "It would seem as if this was totally planned out" Christian stated as if it really needed to be. Guess he was trying to break the tension. As we brought out the coolers and iced down the beer, we talked about the situation. There was definitely some nervousness. Keith figured his ex girlfriend would come and Tye's girlfriend would be there. Cameron knew his ex was still in high school so she was certain to come along with all her friends. It wasn't that they all hadn't fucked, it was the fact everyone they knew, everyone they socialized with for years, everyone in their classes, etc were going to see them buck naked and nothing could be done.

We were all done eating burgers, then cleaning up and the beer was all on ice. It was approaching the proverbial witching hour. Logan came out back to where we were hanging out. His ABC attire was a toga. Steven was behind him with duct tape wrapped in & around his waist and thighs. "Cameron, Tye, Keith, Jameson and Warren, strip naked and place your clothes in the bag." They did as instructed and Logan tossed it to Mitch who disappeared into the house. "Christian and Keith – you're on valet duty until midnight. After that, join these dipshits on butler duty. And don't wreck anyone's car you dumb fucks."

Most people just parked themselves but we did the best valet job ever. Keeping an eye on the clock, we entered the house right at midnight so as not to get into trouble. Most everyone was out back and the brothers (our and the other two guys) wouldn't have known if we did a good job or entered on time as everyone was drinking and partying. I spotted Warren in the kitchen. He was standing at a military parade rest position by the sink, ready at a beckon call to service the group of about 15 playing a drinking game at the kitchen table. There was no holding back and he was in full view of everyone.

Cameron and Jameson were out on the back deck standing next to the railing. They were tending to the needs of those just milling around socializing. I'd easily estimate 50-60 people lingering in and around the deck area. I spotted Logan and Steven with a bunch of people around the table on the pool deck. Keith and Tye were coming in through the pool gate with several cans of beer in their hands. They passed them around and quickly departed back out through the gate and headed to the coolers for another beer run. I headed over to them to offer a hand. I had lost Christian somewhere along the way. I'm sure he was grabbed to do some pledge task.

We each grabbed several cans of beer and headed back to the pool deck. "Ladies, allow me to introduce you to Brandon. He is Keith's roommate" said Logan. Each of the ladies introduced themselves with one (Brenda) in particular adding that she was Keith's former girlfriend. I shot a look at Keith and could see the angst in his eyes. It didn't take long to realize that the ladies hanging out with Logan were all friends from HS and obviously enjoying seeing Keith and Tye in full glory and waiting on them hand and foot.

A solid 2 hours passed before the ABC party waned enough that Christian and myself were dismissed to our stall in the barn. The bag containing their underwear and Keith's jock was in the stall. The other 5 would remain to tend to the last guests. We were all reminded that the car wash started at 10am and to be up and ready. I had no idea when the others finally came in to crash. We were shocked awake with cold water being thrown on us. "9:30 maggots. Breakfast and car wash stuff on the front porch" said Steven.

Next: Chapter 12

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