Pledging Alpha Delts

By moc.loa@senojpmu

Published on Jun 4, 2018

  • This story is fiction although based on some real life experiences as a pledge . Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental and purely unintentional.

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Pledging Alpha Delts


It was August 2017 and I had finished moving into my dorm building, met my roommate and had a goodbye dinner with mom & dad. I was attending a large state university in the southeast United States; home to over 36,000 students with a male to female ration of 1:3 (three females to every male). It was a guys dream and I, Brandon Ryder, was superbly happy.

In high school, I never had a girlfriend for longer than a few months; often continuing to play the field even though I was dating someone. I played baseball almost year round but also swam during the winter when it was colder and harder to practice baseball outside. I stood a nice 6feet tall, weighed in at a solid 220lbs of muscle on broad shoulders and tan frame. Add brown hair and blue eyes, a nice smile with beautiful teeth (thanks for the braces folks) and dimples and I had no problem securing a date for any given night. Date night almost always led to sex and I'd been getting my dick wet since I was 15.

Now was my first night at college. Let the booze and women flow.

My roommate Keith had gone to high school in the neighboring town, living only 30 minutes from campus. He had an older brother who was a junior here and had joined a fraternity – the Alpha Delts. They were having a keg party and we were invited. There was a DJ, kegs in several rooms and well over 200 people inside and outside on the lawn and in the back yard. I stayed with Keith for a while just to make sure I wasn't considered to be uninvited and kicked out. Eventually, I spotted some girls dancing and made my way over to them. Let's just say it was a great night.

I checked out some other frat houses on campus but seemed to continuously find my way back to the Alpha Delta house. Their name was definitely an indication of their status on campus. Alcohol was abundant, house filled with brothers, lots of women hanging around the house. As the two week rush period came to a close, both Keith and I received invites to the last night party at the Alpha Delts. It was simply entitled "The Progressive."

When we arrived at the house, we were greeted by the rush chair at the door and handed a white t-shirt and told to put it on. My RL Polo was placed in a plastic grocery bag with my name and tossed in the closet. Across the front of the t-shirt read RUSHEE. We were told to mill around and to head upstairs whenever we wanted. Each brother's room was themed differently and were told to enjoy each room to it's fullest – seemed weird but I was sure it was another party in which I'd end up getting laid or at least my dick sucked.

Progressives worked in this manner. Each room had a theme – Asian, Beach, Ski Resort, etc. And to go along with the theme was a particular alcoholic drink and at least one woman dressed very skimpily but in coordination with the room theme serving the drinks. The objective was to show the rushees a good time with progressively more intense sexual favors as they went from room to room. What started as kissing and fondling ended with me busting my nut more than once. This was the fraternity I was going to join.

I asked Keith what the expected hazing was going to be. I figured his brother would give him a heads up. The only thing he said was not to be bashful. I also asked other upperclassmen on campus about the hazing. Some of the other houses did things like the elephant walk. The elephant walk is where you strip naked, form a line and reach behind you and grab the guys dick and parade around. It wassn't something I looked forward to doing. But every time I asked about Alpha Delts, I was told similar: everyone will know who you're pledging. Neither Keith, I nor any of the other guys rushing could figure out exactly what was in store. But it didn't matter. We were accepting our bids to pledge Alpha Delta Fraternity.

Week 1: Jockstraps and Dinner

Bids were handed out on Friday and we had until Saturday to accept. As we went online through the university's Greek Affairs Dept system, the reply email said to meet in the Campus Union, room 204 on Sunday at 1pm.

A group of 21 freshmen gathered in the meeting room. We waited and around 1:30pm, one of the brothers walked in and laid a piece of paper on the front table. He informed us we needed to get everything on the list and to be at the house at 8pm for further instructions. There was also a hand drawn map to the local big box stores – WalMart, Target, Home Depot, Dollar General, etc. Each of us needed the following:

A dozen pairs of black mesh athletic shorts (1 size smaller than we normally wear)

A dozen white tank t-shirts (1 size smaller)

A dozen old-school style jock straps

A couple packages of clothespins

A set of twin sheets and a pillow

A large storage bin

A towel

100 zip ties, heavy duty and at least 10" in length.

Off we went shopping, piling in cars and spending money on items that had us all confused. We arrived at the house just before 8 and were ushered into the downstairs apartment. It was a leftover relic design from when fraternities had house mothers and they lived in the house. There was a den, a bedroom, a small kitchen area and a bathroom with no doors and no shower curtain.

"My name is Tim and I'm your pledge master. Assisting me are Brent and Travis. This is where you will reside when you stay at the house. There are 21 cots; 1 for each of you. You have a bathroom, although no privacy. You may not use the guest bathrooms." Various other commands and instructions were stated. "Any questions," continued Tim.

"Sir, no sir!" we all yelled in unison.

The three of them look at each other and Brent tells us "Good. You guys listen well. Your standard uniform on campus will be the black shorts and tank. If the temperature is below 60, a jacket or sweat shirt is permitted. Now, when you arrive at the house, you will put your things in your storage bin under your cot. You will wear only your jockstrap while present in the house and no matter who is here. Do you understand?"

"sir, yes sir! We all yelled in unison again.

"Then what the fuck are you shits waiting on? Get into your uniform now!" bellowed Brent. "hurry up and get into uniform and then join us in the tv room for football."

We all quickly stripped and put on the jocks; packing up our clothes in the storage bin and quickly picked a cot to put it under. The apartment was decent in size but 21 cots and pledges didn't leave much room for movement. We quickly headed to the tv room to watch Sunday night football. Present were about a dozen brothers, a few of their friends and several girlfriends. We all froze as we entered and saw the girlfriends and realized we were wearing a small piece of white mesh material over our cocks and two elastic straps going around out buttocks. It was as close to being naked without actually being naked.

"pledges! Front & center" exclaimed Travis. "Brothers and invited guests, may I present to you the pledge class of 2017/18. We have Keith, Jerry, Jonathan, Steve, Zack, David, Winston, Brandon, Christian, Craig, Robert, Bob, Jake, Sam, Scott, Xao, Ronnie, Landon, Terry, Darren, and Nikko."

"Hands at your sides! Stop trying to cover those tiny pricks of yours!" went Travis. "Slowly turn around so everyone can see you." We did as instructed. I was highly embarrassed as I turned my ass to the audience. Snickering and whispering was audible enough from the crowd. I could see the other 20 pledge brothers were also embarrassed. We all had the urge to cover ourselves but fought it off. It was now obvious why the jocks had to be a size smaller than further show off our packages. I was a good 4inches soft but when hard, swelled to a thick 7 inches.

"Hands on your heads." commanded Travis. "Slowly turn around again. Hands behind your back and repeat. Up against the wall and await on the needs of the brothers and our guests. Oh, and every time a team scores, all of you are to head to the front and do pushups equal to the score."

As the game progressed we served those in attendance -- getting food and drinks; crawling on the floor like a crab so our asses were up in the air – perfect for getting a slap or two as we went by someone, doing push-ups every time the Cowboys or Giants scored, and generally being on a near-naked display for the next 4 hours. The game was finally over and the four of us staying at the house (there must always be 4 pledges at the house) went to the apartment and prepared a cot for the night. The other 17 went and got dressed in our new pledge uniforms and headed back to our dorms.

Back in our room, Keith and I spoke on the night. "I guess this is what Steven (Keith's biological brother) meant when he told you to not be bashful."

"Obviously just the beginning" Keith said. "There's going to be more you know?"

"I know right" I said. And with that, it was to bed exhausted and with a sense of anxiousness for what Monday night would bring. All pledges were to report at 7:45pm to the house on Monday...Of course, there was Monday Night Football and I'm sure us on display and butler duty again.

Next: Chapter 2

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