Pledge in Panties

By Daddy Cprof

Published on Feb 3, 2000


The following contains consensual explicit sexual activity between young adults males. It is set in perfect world without the threat of death hanging over this intimate act of sharing. If you're out there and active use a condom. If you're under age, or this isn't your type of thing don't read any further.

(That'll hold `em, yeah right)

Thanks for all the feedback from PinP#1&2.

Wayne grabbed his gear and headed for the gym. In High School he'd run track, but since coming to college he'd promised himself to get in generally better shape. At five foot seven he was hardly an imposing sight. Shoulder length dirty blonde hair that had a natural wave. Well proportioned shoulders for his size that tapered to an impossibly small waist.

He slipped into his tank top and running shorts and made his way in the fitness center. The room was crowded with nautilus and pneumatic weight training equipment. He spent twenty minutes on the Stairmaster, then ran through a complete nautilus workout. Happy with the feel of his workout he went into the free weight room to lift and work on some of his target areas. Two set of curls, another of reverses to strengthen and build his arms. Then to the bench and the military to thicken what he considered a pitiful chest.

Half way through the sets his attention was wrenched toward the two guy that entered the room. One was his pledge master, Mark, the other a young man he did not know. The two of them went directly to work on the inclined leg machine. Wayne was already sweating, but the presents of these two made it worse. The fall semester had started cold. He'd dreamed of seeing his pledge master wearing less. Now he was stretching, preparing for what looked from the plates they where adding to the machine, to be a rigorous work out. He was wearing a blue pair of spandex biking pants, and a mid drift tank top. The other guy was in short running pants and mesh tee.

Mark did a slow series of squats then rose extending his leg to the top of the curl machine with ease and grace. As he completed the stretch he repeated the actions on the other leg. Wayne could feel his dick stirring. He was glad he'd worn the baggy shorts. Mark had filled his dreams since before pledging started. Wayne was a legacy, his father had pledged this fraternity in the sixties. When Wayne was deciding where to go to college his Dad had brought him up to look over his alma mater. The brothers had treated their alumni to the weekend and Wayne had met Mark.

Mark squatted under the weight and grunted as he pushed it back up. His thighs pumped and expanded as he continued the slow reps. Wayne's gaze was riveted to his pledge master; to the taper of his thighs, to the way each muscle group came to life; to the fact that the clinging material left little to the imagination. Mark must have worn a jock, for the package at the juncture between the hard work thighs bulged but revealed little else. Wayne's breath grew labored as he hefted the weight, he'd finished his reps but he refused to give up his perfect vantage point.

All the while, Mark's lifting partner, watched Wayne. He smiled at the boys unbroken gaze., and chuckled as Wayne finally rose from the apparatus and his erection became quite apparent. Wayne moved on to bench. He tried to watch Mark, but this location it was far more difficult to be discreet. When he finished his last bench set Mark noticed him. He nodded and smiled, then continued spotting for the other guy.

In the locker Wayne took his time. He was done with classes for the day, and he harbored a secret hope that Mark would finish and furnish him with fuel to fire his fantasies. Besides he didn't want to strip just yet. His erection would not ease, and although the locker room wasn't crowded, he didn't relish the thought of showering hard.

He made his way to the toilet stall, thinking he'd relieve the pressure and then get to the shower. Rounding the corner that separated it from the rest of the locker room he stopped dead in his tracks. The boy that had been lifting with Mark was there. He was bent over the sink washing his face. Wayne put a hand to the wall and steadied himself. He'd been preoccupied with watching Mark, and hadn't really taken notice of this guy. Stripped to his shorts he looked much younger than Wayne had first guessed. His body was tight and well defined. It lacked the mass that age would provide, and was nearly hairless.

"Hullo," the boy said as Wayne was still trying to collect himself.

Wayne stuttered a greeting and awkwardly made for the stall.

"My name's Andy."

"aaaa, Wayne."

Andy had stepped in his way. The space was relatively small. His eyes met Wayne's then slowly coursed down Wayne's body and lingered at his groin. He smiled at the wet spot that was developing where Wayne's erect cock was poking into his baggy shorts.

"In a hurry?" Andy asked.

"N-n-no, not really."

"Want to work up a little more sweat?"

"Ummm, sure," Wayne puzzled.


Without thinking Wayne followed him. They didn't return to the health and fitness center, instead Andy led him through the University clubhouse where the teams met and suited up for games. They went down a back stair and through an empty darkened gymnasium. In a corridor behind the gym Andy paused. The hall was dark and warm. Wayne's nervousness had returned. He wasn't sure where they were going, and he was even less sure why he was following this stranger.

"W-w-where we headed?"

He could see Andy's smile in the dimly lighting.


Andy was nearly six foot. He out weighed Wayne by at least thirty pounds. Wayne backed away as he approached and quickly found himself against the wall.

"Hey, um..., Andy...!"

Andy's hand closed around Wayne's hard cock. He squeezed it hard and Wayne shuddered and moaned. Another spasm rocked Wayne's lithe form and Andy smiled as he could feel the discharge through the material.

"Guess you were ready," Andy whispered in Wayne's ear.

"I, aaarrr, I..."

"Shhhh, its okay."

Andy opened the door and led Wayne inside. Wayne's eyes adjusted to the near darkness as Andy paused to lock the door. The room smelled of stale sweat and age. It was small and cramped and filled with aging gym equipment. Andy pulled Wayne through a small space between two discarded machines. Then they crawled over a tall pile of mats. Behind them was a space approximately seven feet square. It was lined with old gym mats and a tackling dummy made up a back rest.

"Do you like to kiss?" Andy wondered.


"Ya know, make out?" Andy didn't wait for an answer. He sank to his knees and lowered Wayne's shorts the process. Instinctively Wayne reached for them but only found Andy's hands groping his legs. The pouch of Wayne's jock was soaked with his premature emission. Andy leaned closer and sucked the boy juice through the sweat stained material. Wayne grew instantly hard.

"Oh yeah," Wayne gasped squeezing Andy's hands.

Andy pulled back and lowered Wayne's jock. A slim five inches of boyish pride stood straight into the room from his cum soaked wisps of pubic hair.

"Ever done this before?" Andy wondered.

"Yes," Wayne groaned jamming his burning dick between Andy's lips.

He was fourteen when it happened; it lasted nearly eighteen months. He'd been hired by a new neighbor to cut the lawn. The man was friendly, paid him well, and what was best, treated him like an adult. They grew familiar throughout the spring, and Wayne learned that he could simply walk into the house any time the door was open, and get himself a soda, or take a break. He was on his way in to collect his pay one hot June day. The air conditioning made him realize how much he'd been sweating. Wayne dragged off his tee shirt and used it wipe the sweat from his body. He grabbed a coke from the fridge and headed toward the den. The television was on and he wanted to get paid. When he entered the room the picture on the tube froze him in place. He'd never seen porn. The tee shirt fell from his fingers. Roger, his neighbor smiled at him and patted the couch.

The film was even more than Wayne expected. In the next sequence there were two men and a woman. When the younger man began to suck the older Wayne thought he'd be disgusted. Instead his groin ached and precum stained his shorts. Roger had given up watching the screen; he was watching Wayne.

"Do ya ever beat off?"

"Ya know,.. . sometimes."

"I was gonna, if ya wanna..."

Wayne looked over at Roger and watched as he began to lower his swim suit. He allowed his hand to make the trip to his throbbing cock and slowly stroked it through the worn denim.

"Wouldn't it be better if ya took it out?"

Wayne hesitated, then unbuttoned his shorts. The cool air felt wonderful, and he leaned back into the couch and began working himself toward bliss. He froze when Roger's hand closed over his and eased him into a much slower pace.

"Slowly, no need to rush."

Wayne shuddered and let his hand fall away. The woman on screen had moved off and was masturbating while the two men had moved into a sixty nine. Roger lowered Wayne's cutoffs and spread his legs as he slid from the couch to his knees. He engulfed the young boys cock, and Wayne stiffened and came. Roger nursed at the boys spasming meat till he pushed and fought for release.

For the next eighteen months nearly on a daily basis Wayne would find a reason to stop at Roger's. It grew into a ritual. Roger would usually suck Wayne off before they made it out of the foyer. Then they'd move to the den and Roger would take his time servicing Wayne for a second, and at times a third time.

Wayne had just turned sixteen when it ended. He was on his was there from school when he saw the police cars. He watched shaken as Roger was led from the house in cuffs. His parents had a thousand questions. He'd worked for Roger for two years. Had he tried anything with their son? Wayne was upset, he spent several nervous days wondering if the police would talk with him again. He spent the next few years trying to figure out how one seduced another boy, and until now, hadn't found the courage or the opportunity.

Now Andy had him close. He'd jerked out a load that morning but the years of deprivation were quickly building to an explosive climax. Wayne grasped Andy's head in a vice like grip. His slim hips and bubble butt pumped hard and fast. The oozing lust he was leaking onto Andy's tongue made Andy hungry for load. He reached up between Wayne's legs. His fingers trailed threw the saliva and precum that drewled from the corners of his mouth and slicked the length of Wayne's cock and swinging balls.

Two slick fingers ran into Wayne's furrow. They quickly found the tight convolution and began to massage it. Wayne hardly noticed. Orgasm was near, and the boy sucking his dick was hot and willing, and here. Andy pushed lightly on the anal knot and Wayne moaned. Taking his cue he slowly buried his middle finger to the first knuckle. Wayne froze, his body stiffened, and the blasts of cum that volleyed from him made Andy fight to contain them. He slurped hard at Wayne's pistoning meat. The juice was rich and hot. He teased the slit, hoping for more, and was rewarded.

Wayne fell into the mats as he finished. Andy smiled down at him and licked cum from his lips.

"Any time you're in need," Andy chuckled, " I'll suck ya."

Just the words made him sigh, and made his cock stir anew. Its just what Roger had said that first day. He looked Andy over as he recovered. For the first time he noticed Andy had lowered his shorts and jock and was slowly stroking a long fat cock. Wayne had never sucked another boy. He'd dreamed of it during a thousand jack off fantasies. He'd used it as a trigger with both girls he'd been with. He struggled to his knees and pushed Andy down to the mats. Andy laid back and spread his legs wide.

Wayne took hold of the cock and wet his lips as the lights came on. Before he could make a sound Andy had grabbed him and covered his mouth.

"Grab those balls and bring them out in the gym," said the disembodied voice.

There was a noise of creaky casters and the door boomed shut. Andy had held Wayne tight to his chest restraining him. He's turned toward the door as the light came on, and had his back to Andy. He could feel Andy's cock pulsing in the crack of his ass. It felt good, exciting, forbidden.

"They can't see us back here, " Andy whispered still holding Wayne tight.

"I thought,...ya know."

"No way, this place is cool. Ya just have to keep your head."

"Yeah, " Wayne giggled, "head."

"Shut up or I'll kick your ass Bevis," Andy mimicked.

"You'll fuck my what?"

"That right little man? Is that what you want?"

"If you'll go slow... never done that."

"We'll do it just like you want."

"Good cause first I want to suck you."

Andy fisted his meat and laid back in the mats. Wayne had never seen a cock as big as Andy's; not in person, certainly not hard. He grabbed the shaft and squeezed it. The head swelled in response.

"It ain't glass, go ahead."

Wayne slid his fingers to the base. His hand couldn't circle its girth. Bringing his other hand into play he strangled the beast and watched as the head swelled and blushed, then started to leak. Wayne had tasted his own discharge on many occasions. He wondered if this would be the same. He licked up the oozing lust and immediately returned to suck and head as he stroked the meaty column. Andy groaned and thrust his hips forward. Three thick inches spread Wayne's jaw. Wayne gurgled and slurped bobbing on the hot shaft. Andy brought his hand up behind Wayne's head. With practiced power he forced Wayne's head lower.

Wayne sputtered and gagged as the bloated knob lodged in his gullet. Andy pushed again and Wayne fought but once more felt the hefty invader trying to spread his throat.

"C'mon baby swallow me," Andy growled.

Wayne swallowed hard but the girth of the cock was more than his inexperience could handle. He felt like he was going to wretch and Andy backed away. Realizing Wayne's distress Andy pulled the boy into his arms.

"Thought you'd done this before?"

"Never sucked one, just had a guy that blew me a lot."

"You still wanna suck it?"

"Sure do, been jerkin about suckin dick since I was fourteen."

Andy once more laid back. He let Wayne do all the work this time. Wayne started by licking it all over. Despite anything Andy thought he wanted it had him panting and sweating. Then Wayne spread his legs wider, worked his way lower and began to suck Andy's balls. The sack was nearly hairless. Wayne realized that Andy must shave. He chewed and sucked and the fleshy bag until Andy dripping precum had flowed the length of his eight inch monster and flavored Wayne's meal.

Wayne paused and stroked the shaft milking up gobs of the pungent salve. He cupped the head with his tongue and swept away evidence of Andy's lust.

"Please, please babe, finish me!"

Wayne pulled back and looked up.

"Ohhhh pretty thing, suck me off, I gotta pop!"

Wayne understood. He'd felt just this way when Andy first engulfed his dick. He took it back in his mouth, slowly swirling his tongue over the head. Andy groaned and shuddered. Slowly he worked more of the shaft bobbing gently. He could feel Andy's heartbeat in the shaft against his tongue. He suctions his cheeks hallow. Andy pumped to meet his rhythm. Wayne felt the bulbous head nudge his throat once more. On the next past he pressed in and swallowed hard. The rock hard flesh made him tear as pushed down on it. He fought hard to suppress the urge to gag. Another two inches of the hot cock slid into him.

Andy felt it coming. His balls tightened and he strained to last out this new assault. Wayne popped the head in and out of his throat with each pass. His hands squeezed Andy's balls milking a steady flow of precum.

"Gonna cum real big Andy groaned, gonna...gonnaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

The blast shook then both. Andy's body spasmed. The first jets of cum where lost in Wayne's throat. The next blast filled him mouth and leaked from the corners of his mouth. He pumped frantically at both his and Andy's cocks. Trying to milk up all Andy's cum and produce a second load of his own. The third load was just as big but Wayne managed to contain it. He swallow hard and then returned to drill the slit of Andy's cock hoping for more.

Andy melted into the mats as his orgasm subsided. Wayne's face was streaked with cum and he lick up as much of it as he could. Then he returned to Andy's still pulsing cock to milk up more. Andy pushed him away and when he noticed him stroking fast he grabbed Wayne's hand and pulled him close.

"Fuck me," Andy growled lifting his legs to Wayne's shoulders.


"Take that sweet boy dick and pound me!"

Wayne's excitement reached a new peak as he slick he head of his dick with saliva. The idea of what he was about to do made his knees weak. Andy hiked up his butt to make the angle better, and Wayne slowly pushed inside. He was surprised how tight it was, and how different from the feel of the two girls he had been with in his young life.

Andy groaned and pushed back as Wayne began to pump. He rotated his hips and clenched his asshole making Wayne moan. As he mastered the necessary movement Wayne picked up speed and increased the power of his stroke. With the next thrust he dipped him knees and pushed upward and inward. Andy was transfixed, shaking violently and groaning loud. Wayne copied the movement and found whatever he was doing had Andy on the edge.

Andy's gut roiled about Wayne's pistoning shaft. His body quacked and thrashed as his prostate was ground again and again by Wayne's persistent and violent thrusts. Wayne could feel the tingle gathering deep in his gut, and he fought it. He closed his eyes, and willed himself on. Thinking of anything, but the studly boy he was plowing into. He thought of his homework, and the studying that he needed to accomplish. for a few short moments it worked; forestalling the inevitable. An intruded upon his focus, and idea that lent fuel to already raging fire boiling this load. It was Chris. Wayne could see himself turning from the desk to look upon his room mate. Could imagine it was Chris not Andy groaning and begging for Wayne to fuck him harder.

Wayne panted and pitched with all the speed and power his frame would allow. Andy clutched at him and moaned his name.

"Oh Chris," Wayne grunted, "gonna pound you into the floor."

"Do it, studly fuck me harder!"


Chris stood transfixed in the doorway of the equipment closet, having returned the rolling basket of balls as his gym instructor had asked.. He recognized Wayne's voice and trembled, half in expectation, half in fear. He quickly pushed the cart in and shut the door. He needed to think, and he didn't want Wayne to know, not until he was sure of himself.

Comments and Crits to Thanks for all the encouragement!

Next: Chapter 4

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