Pledge in Panties

By Daddy Cprof

Published on Jan 26, 2000


The following contains consensual explicit sexual activity between young adults males. It is set in perfect world without the threat of death hanging over this intimate act of sharing. If you're out there and active use a condom. If you're under age, or this isn't your type of thing don't read any further.

(That'll hold `em, yeah right)

Thanks for all the feedback from PinP#1. Sorry about the introspection here but if we're gonna follow this story some set up had to come some time. Let me know if this is the stuff.

Pledge in Panties #2

Chris moaned and writhed in the grasp of dark haired stud. His body was slick with sweat and he could feel the tension building as orgasm approached. Mark knelt before his and was once again slurping at his dripping cock. He reached down and twined his fingers into the pledge masters dark hair. With the object of his desire firmly in hand he pumped. The stud gurgled and swallowed as Chris began to fuck his face.

"Gonna shoot," Chris growled, "gonna shoot real big!"

His body tensed; belly rippling and legs stiffening as the lines of smooth supple muscle knotted and spasmed with each geyser pumped up by his taut balls. He awoke with a start still panting as the orgasm subsided. His belly and groin where sodden with the new discharge, and he reached beneath the covers and ran his fingers into the puddles of cooling boy seed. With a start, he withdrew his hand. Slowly he mastered his breathing and looked to see if his room mate was still sleeping.

His room mate, Wayne, had kicked his covers off again. He was sprawled across the single bed. The leg of his boxers had hitched up and his morning hardon was bathed in the light streaming in through the rooms lone window. Despite his recent release, Chris found himself hardening at the site. He grabbed his towel and wiped his belly clean as he headed to the shower.

The world had changed. Not in a way he hadn't dreamed of, but changed nonetheless. The heat and pin point spray of the shower soon had Chris relaxed. After tending to his washing he luxuriated in the warmth, and his mind once more wandered. It hadn't been his first time, not truly his first. He had two older brothers. The process of exploration and sharing with them had been a fairly normal part of his life.

It started as curiosity. Are we the same? Will I get bigger? The first time he caught his older brother Kyle masturbating it had been disconcerting. He was only eight, Kyle was thirteen. Kyle had been so angry, and Chris had only wanted to borrow his pencils. In time, they laughed about it. When Chris came of age he proudly reported to Kyle about his new found ability.

Jeremy had been altogether different. He was far more private than Kyle had ever been. Perhaps it was sharing his room with Chris, perhaps a personal trait. No matter the cause, Chris had rarely seen his middle brother naked. When he did it was to admire the athlete. Jerry was quickly becoming the strongest of them, he had always been fastest.

Chris was sure that Jerry was asleep. He peeled back his briefs and began the ritual he'd learned to love. Slowly caressing himself until he leaked, then flogging his stiff dick until release and sleep arrived. Mastering his breath following release he was taken by surprise to find Jerry pumping his dick and from the sounds very close to cuming himself. Chris watched in awe as he had at Jerry's games. From them on their relationship changed. Jerry seemed to relax. He befriended Chris, and they became inseparable.

The ritual grew to be one they shared nightly. Preparing for bed, heading to their room, and although they never shared a bed or touched, getting off together. Chris would watch his older brother. Eyes riveted to his sleek muscular physique. It would be years before he realized that it was the fuel of his desires.

Sophomore year was coming to a close, when Jerry graduated high school. Chris was sixteen and still idolized his older brother. Kyle was away at college, and being in military school hardly came home despite the time of year. On the night following graduation, Chris was in bed and unable to sleep. More often than not in past weeks Jerry hadn't been home to fulfill his role in their evening ritual. Chris was upset. Upset by the break in their routine, and worse, upset by the revelation the break had brought to light.

Jerry had been away before, but not for any length of time. As senior year came to a close he became busier and busier leading to many nights Chris wouldn't see him at all. Chris would still follow the pattern, prepare for bed, masturbate, sleep. It was the image that brought him relief, the focus of his fantasies, that in the end brought him the greatest distress. It was Jerry.

He knew from talking to his friends what they thought of when they beat off. Not that many, had admitted to jerking off in the first place, but Kyle had told him that all guys do it. He'd heard them talk of this girl or that girl, of which starlet or supermodel, of even some teachers for the girls volley ball coach was newly graduated from college and much discussed among Chris' classmates.

Chris thought about girls; he'd already had a few dates, but as Jerry's graduation loomed nearer, and his absence more frequent, Chris realized it was his brother he fantasized about to get off. The thought rocked his world. Now he couldn't sleep, despite having relieved himself, and sitting here alone in the dark thinking it over only made it worse. He didn't realize he was crying he was just afraid and lonely. Afraid of what his lust indicated, and lonely for the isolation that knowing enforced. Who could he tell? How would they react? What would his family think?

The door to the room open. Jerry nearly fell into the room. His lack of grace and balance was so uncharacteristic that Chris rushed to his side.

"Hey little bro," Jerry slurred.

"You okay?"

"Just friggin' dandy."

"You're drunk!"

"Had a few beers, damn stuff I'm not used to it."

"You drove home?"

"Nah, I didn't take the car tonight Richy drove."

Jerry paused and looked at Chris hard.

"You been cryin'?"


"Sure you have, look at your face. What's wrong Chris?"

"Its nothin'."

Jerry turned away and started to peel off his clothes. Three swift motions, his tee shirt, stepping out of his sneakers and lowering his jeans had him nearly naked.

"Ya sure?"


"A girl?"


"A girl, is that why you're upset? Did some girl at school dump ya?"

"Ummm, no," Chris said, considering lying and thinking better of it seeing they attended the same school.

Jerry turned toward Chris and noticed his little brother was erect.

"See you're ready for bed," he chuckled.

"Yeah, actually couldn't really fall asleep."

"You sure you're okay?"

"Am now that you're home."

Jerry smiled and stumbled a bit. As he did Chris caught his arms to lend support. For a long moment Jerry looked into his eyes.

"Gonna miss you when you're away at college Jerry."

"Miss you too bud, but the girls'll start taking up all your time soon."

"I don't…kno."

"Sure they will. A guy as sweet and good lookin' as you are…"

Chris blushed. Jerry looked him up and down and saw the wet spot that was growing in Chris' briefs.

"Let's get off and get some sleep," Jerry smiled dropping his boxers.

Chris trembled. Not because of what they intended to do, but because he knew why he wanted to do it. Jerry hadn't retired to his bed as was their usual ritual. Instead he sat on Chris' and was already lazily stroking himself toward a bliss. Having him in his bed made part of Chris' wish come true. Despite the fact he stood dumbfounded watching his Jerry.

"This ain't no one man show, ya gonna join me or what?"

Chris was jarred back to action by his brothers jibe. He peeled down his shorts and joined him on the bed.

"Sides Chris I kinda get off on watchin you stroke and moan."


"Well ya know."

Chris stretched out beside Jerry and watched as his older brother continued to pump. He didn't want to start yet, he knew he was close already, the talk and the proximity had him primed.

"Really Jer?"

Jerry was up and out of bed in an instant at first Chris thought that he'd done something wrong.

"C'mere;" Jerry said hauling Chris up by the wrist.

He dragged him to the closet door and opened it so they stood before the full length dressing mirror.

"Look at yourself, "Jerry whispered standing close behind him, "just look at you."

Jerry hands clasped his shoulders and turned him toward the mirror.

"That handsome face and those long eyelashes. Your shoulders have grown wider and you're as tall as me know. Ya even have pec's and abs starting to show. "

As he pointed out each of the feature his hand glided over them. His voice in Chris' ear made him tremble. Chris moaned softly as Jerry's hand glided over his hip.

"And this dick, Chris' you're gonna be the best hung man in the family."

Jerry's hand closed around Chris' cock. He stroked down the length three times and Chris came hard splattering the mirror and door three feet away. Jerry didn't hesitate and continued to stroke his little brother until Chris whimpered and protested. Jerry stepped away and Chris looked to him with lust and adoration.

"You okay Chris?"

"Yeah great." Chris said as his eyes coursed down his brothers body.

"Guess we got a little carried away huh?"

"What, oh, well, it was real good Jerry, the best."

"Yeah, really, ya want me to,…ya know, do it for you too?"

"You don't have to."

"NO, umm, I wanna, only fair ya know."

Chris didn't wait for Jerry to respond. He took hold of Jerry's cock and began stroking it. Like his big brother he spoke of the things that made him hot about Jerry. The words came with more difficulty and less grace, but their effect was no less profound. Jerry was transfixed by the site and sound of his beautiful little brother so into getting him off. Chris hadn't stepped aside so when the moment came he spattered his load across Chris' belly and hips. Chris was on fire. His cock had risen anew and he was dripping. Jerry recovered and moved toward the bathroom. As soon as he was out of site, Chris inspected his cum covered fist. Haltingly he raised his fingers to his lips and after tasting devoured all of his brothers cum he could recover.

Chris stood beneath the spray. Wayne watched him through the lightly frosted glass. Chris' fist worked slowly up and down his soap covered erection. Wayne didn't want to intrude, but he'd been hot for Chris since they'd started rooming together, and now seeing him like this held Wayne transfixed.

"Oooooh Jerry," Chris moaned.

His body bucked and his legs stiffened as he delivered his load.

Wayne began to back out. Slowly, quietly, watching as his room mate quivered and groaned. Then Wayne nearly moaned himself as Chris raise his hand to his mouth and cleaned the cum from it.

"Even if Jerry is a girl, he's gonna be mine, " Wayne smiled.

Your comment and critique are truly appreciated

Next: Chapter 3

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