Pledge in Panties

By Daddy Cprof

Published on Jan 21, 2000


The following contains consensual explicit sexual activity between young adults males. It is set in perfect world without the threat of death hanging over this intimate act of sharing. If you're out there and active use a condom. If you're under age, or this isn't your type of thing don't read any further. {that'll hold `em}

Pledge in panties #1

"What can she do for ya that I couldn't do better?" Chris snickered.

The look I shot back made the other three pledges turn and wish they could find cover. Chris just smiled and stared back at me. The comment had taken me by surprise. Lynn and I'd been friends since High School. She was sitting on my knee. When she heard the comment she giggled and buried her head in my shoulder. She knew I was gay, anyone who asked knew I was gay.

"Mr. Kelly," I snapped coming to my feet.

"Yes sir, " Chris responded tensing when he saw my anger.

"Mr. Kelly you will report to me after warm ups at tonight's event. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

I stormed away both intrigued and angered by this brash pledge. He'd caught my eye at the rush a week ago: six foot, light brown hair, mischievous green eyes. He had a tall slender body, a boyish all too cute face including freckles, and he dressed in a layered preppy kind of look. I was interested. I'd known that since I'd laid eyes on him. The big question was, was he?

Apart from my interest was his insolence. He couldn't be allowed to talk to a brother like that; not while he was still provisional. And besides, I was the pledgemaster, the guy that was suppose to have control over the class and set up all their events. I couldn't let him do that and still do my job could I? I pondered the situation for the rest of the day wrestling with my conscience, my duty, and my libido. Then at dinner it hit me and for no reason apparent to anyone but myself I began laughing. It started as a little chuckle, you know like when you're reading and find something amusing, but soon I was doubled over and pounding the table as the deliciousness of the idea overwhelmed me.

"Marky!! Dude, what's up?" brothers questioned me, "if its that good let us in on it."

"Da boy jes weak wit hunga, " said our house mother moving to refill my plate.

"No mama, no please, " panted and begged slowly reclaiming control, "I'll let you all know tomorrow."

Several brothers nodded knowingly.

"Pledges," they whispered.

"Ohhhh," laughed others in reply.

That evening was a pledging event; costume night. Its one of the more non threatening events and as usual the pledges were lined up outside the library to meet the brothers. The pledges would be dressed in costumes and sent out on a task. They had no idea so their mood was tense as brothers and alums walked the line and for the most part talked to them. I pulled my assistant aside.

"Chucky you warm em up then I'm going to take Kelly with me ok."

"Sure thing Mark, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just a little digging Chris and I need to do."

Chuck went into his Drill Sergeant routine. Before long the pledges were running the field between the library and the north wing. After the first lap Chucky pulled Chris out of the group and sent him to me.

Chris followed me across campus to the theatre. I shoved him into a dressing room and made sure he saw me lock the door behind us. Then I sat on counter that filled one wall of the room and stared into his eyes. For a moment he stared back.

"So how you wanna do this?" I began leaning back and spreading my legs.


"You know, what you were going to do for me."

"No sir I don't know."

"Sure you do."

He looked puzzled.

I smiled, he did for a moment then knit his brow still trying to remember.

"You were going to help me out."

"Any way I can sir."

"That's more like it."

"Yes sir, how can I help."

"Take your clothes off."

I said it in a quiet voice, but a voice the pledges had come to know as deadly serious. He'd dropped his jacket and was pulling off his sweater before he realized fully what he was doing.

"Umm sir, why?"

"Ya wanna help me don't cha?"

"Of course sir."

"All those things that you can do better right," I smiled.

His hands froze he finished unbuttoning his shirt.


"Remove your clothes Mr. Kelly!"

The process had become the most delicious torture. Watching the layers disappear that would reveal his chest. He was thin, even at six foot he couldn't have weighed much more than 155-160. He had little bulk but a supple line and fair definition. His skin was cream colored and occasionally flushed with the embarrassment the situation was causing him. Once he'd stripped to the waist I hopped off the counter and circled him.

"Very nice Mr. Kelly, very nice indeed."

I trailed my hand across his silken shoulder and felt him tremble. I leaned close the smell of him made me throb.

"Loose the pants Chris."

"This is part of pledging sir?" his voice cracking.

"Drop em pledge."

He slowly reached for his belt and paused.

"I have them on," he whispered letting his jeans fall away.

If I thought I was excited before now I ached. His baggie jeans lay in a puddle about his ankles. My eyes ran up shapely well formed runners legs to fix on the lacy panties that trapped his half hard cock.

"Did you do this for me?" I said recovering quickly.


"The panties Chris."

"Oh sir, yes sir, well, I mean, its Thursday sir."

I remembered. The pledges had forgotten to have the panties signed by the girl they got them from during the scavenger hunt and as a punishment one of them had to wear them. I lean back against the counter. I could see the track of a tear that had stained his pretty boy face. His eyes were fixed on the floor and I watched his face as he slowly scanned up my legs. When they reached my basket they stopped and he gasped quietly.

I'd worn a pair of jeans that were tight. Some old 501's that were paper thin and molded from years of use and abuse. My packaged strained and I wouldn't have doubted if he could have seen it pulse right through the denim.

"Find something you like, Mr. Kelly," I said breaking the moment.


"You're staring at it, aren't you?"

"I emmm, a."

"How do you want it?"

I unsnapped the top button, his eyes stayed glued to my crotch.

"Sir I."

"I mean I'm horny enough to go twice so if you're up for it you can have it both ways."

"Both ways?"

His hands had been dangling lifeless at his side, but at the thought of what I proposed his left trailed up over his hip and across his belly in a mindless moment of auto erotic stimulation that made my heart race. I popped the second button on my jeans and watched as his lace enclosed cock grow in response. It was already poking beyond the satin side panel, and beginning to stain it with leaking lust.

"Get on your knees Chris."

He shuffled mindlessly forward still restrained by his jeans. For the first time since disrobing he looked up and found my eyes. I was on fire. A fantasy that had filled my dreams and jack off sessions was coming true. Not just a hot scene with a young pledge, but this pledge. I rested my hand on his shoulder. He knelt as if the weight of my hand was too much to bear. I widened my stance, and he crawled the last few inches. He looked up for instruction, his eyes pleading.

"Take it out Chris."

He balked then haltingly rested his hands on my knees.

"That's right, reach up there."

I felt like I was fourteen again. Ready to pop at the first touch of another's hand. I could hear his breath. It was ragged and uneven. His fingers were long and slender. They slid up my thighs and closed around my straining basket. I watched him lick his lips as he reached into my parted fly, and watched his surprise to find me without any underwear. I lifted off the counter for a moment and he peeled down my jeans. My cock sprang free with a lewd slap; leaving a wet mark on my belly. Chris grasped the shaft and stroked it hard and fast. He was awkward, but knew enough to smear the precum over the head. I let him work for a moment then brushed the hair from his eyes.

"Ain't gonna work if you don't get it good and wet."

"I, a, never, really, ya know, did, I mean, never really, not like this."

"You want to don't cha?"

His entire body trembled and I watched tears stream down his face.

"Yes," he whispered.

"You've been blown before, right?"


"Then just do what you like done to you," I reasoned.

He looked up again and brushed the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Its okay Chris, just start slow and do as much as you want to."

He took a firmer hold of the shaft and pulled it down level with his face. I watched him swallow hard as he looked down its length. I wasn't a lot longer than he was, but I had a thick one. His eyes closed and his face slowly became composed. It lent an angelic quality to his already stunning beauty. His lips parted and his tongue swept out. I gasped and clutched the counter.

"I didn't hurt you?" Chris asked quickly backing away.

"No, no you didn't," I chuckled.

He half smiled. I reached out and taking the back of his head guided him closer. He resisted, but only for an instant, then he nuzzled into my groin. His tongue slowly working along, tasting, probing, exploring. I bit my lip and let him have his way. When he captured the head in his mouth I gasped, but by then he far too involved to notice. Slowly he bobbed his head taking more and more. Slowly I joined his rhythm feeding him my burning pole. He gagged, backed away panting for a moment.

"It's a big one," he said under his breath then once again swallowed me.

One of his hand massaged my balls while the other rode my bucking ass. I could feel his slender fingers digging slowly into my crack as he clutched harder to hold on. I swung my butt so that he'd move in deeper and eventually he saw the connection and began probing on his own. He rubbed the hole and rode my cock. It was more than enough. I couldn't take my eyes off him. That devastatingly handsome boy working feverishly at my meat. There was no coming back this time. I was so close. I growled and groaned, panting out my warning of the approaching flood. He redoubled his efforts, gurgling and choking and he tried to swallow it. The first blast made him gag, but he returned and hungrily sought the second. I came hard and long. When it was done I clutching the counter panting. He did the same sitting back on his heals on the floor. His face was streaked with cum.

"Damn Chris, " I panted, " you sure you never sucked cock before?"

"I'm cut aren't I?"


"Cut from pledging, you guys don't want no faggots."

Tears were once again streaming down his face. I knelt before him and pulled him to me. He tensed and looked frightened. I held his face forced myself to relax and smile. He looked puzzled. Slowly I leaned forward and kissed the cum from his lips. He froze at the initial contact and slowly melted into the moment returning my kiss and groaning into my mouth. I pulled him to his feet and took a firm hold of his ass. The satin of the panties her wore was filled near to bursting with the full rounds of his ass. Slowly I sank to my knees. The lace panel that restrained his hardness was sodden with his discharge. I sucked the material taking as much of him as it would yield. Then, slowly lowering the panties I made my way around him.

His ass was thing of beauty. It was nearly perfectly smooth and kneaded its full cheeks as he watched over his shoulder with a combination of concern and wonder. He was clutching the counter for support as I parted the mounds and saw the dusty pink rose. I rushed in and kissed it, slowly snaking out my tongue and teasing its convoluted bands. He moaned loud and shook. I smiled inwardly, and pushed the tip of my tongue against its tight pucker. The knotted muscle opened slowly. I reached around him and began to stroke his dripping dick.

"I'll cum he warned."

"Don't you want to?" I queried pausing for breath.

"With you," he rasped, "with you."

I parted his legs wider, and ran my tongue down to his tightly raised balls. Twin globes, like cherries in a tight sack. I laved them and sucked them lower as my fingers found his hole. I could feel him stiffen. I massaged the ring until he began to relax again then pushed gently at the center. Again he stiffened. This time I tapped at it with my finger tips. Each little thumping made him react; at first he jumped, then moaned, finally sighing as the tip of my index finger opened him.

I pressed and spit and the digit slid within slowly. With half the finger in him I explored in a wide circle. He shuddered and panted. Then satisfied his reaction were passion no fear I pushed deeper. Sweat rolled down his back and his finger grew white where they held the counter.

Withdrawing the finger I pressed in with my tongue again. This time working it into him. Sucking on the hole until it opened and lapping at his core. His voice grew thin and guttural. He spoke in gasps and whimpers.

"I didn't.not like this, I just never knew."

I smiled and jammed my finger back into him. This time working in and out. With patients and strength drilling it into the passage. When he seemed able, I added the second. It took him by surprise, and he yelped, but told me to continue as I tried to withdraw them. With more speed and assurance I speared and ground them into him. On the next inward pass he moaned loud and low. I repeated the pass and he once again shuddered and moaned.

"That the spot? Is it Chris, Did I find the button in this pussy?"

I stood and placed my hardness between his velvety cheeks. Slowly I worked it up and down the furrow. Teasing his pulsing hole and myself as I smeared my dripping precum along its length.

"Do you want it Chris?"

"Wwwhat?" he stuttered

"Do ya wanna get fucked?"

There was a long moments pause before he growled, "yes."

I set the head of my pulsing hardness against his hole, then took firm hold of his hips. I could feel the tension as his belly knotted beneath my fingers.

"Ya gotta relax Chris, if you don't this is gonna be harder than it needs to be."

I watched as he fought to master his breath, but as I began he once more stiffened. The process went on, and each time I'd begin to press he'd freeze and clench. My need was growing, yet I didn't want his first experience with me to be negative. I leaned in and pressed the head of my cock into him holding his hips firmly but not so much as to force it open. Then I bit his shoulder hard. He froze and cried out tensing all over. As I released the bite he relaxed, and in that moment I pressed inward. In one long fluid stroke tip to root I found the mark. He gasped and his bowel convulsed. I held it deep within him pushing him against the counter and making sure I was fully buried in his hot tight ass. Then with a wide swing of my hips I ground into him stirring his gut.

His body quaked as I began to pull back. When I thrust I bore down, and he groaned as my cock stroked him. Again slowly searching for the spot I thrust. This time his anal muscles rippled along my length. He shook hard and the ring clenched holding me momentarily immobile. A long string of fresh boy cum spattered against the mirror, then another. Chris jerked and panted as his seed spewed out across the mirror and counter top. When his sphincter released me I began to thrust. Long and hard, speeding up working toward my own well deserved release. The sound of flesh on flesh filled the room. With a grunt and a last thrust I filled him hole with my seed. I held it deeply planted in him until my hardness had melted away, and then I withdrew it. He slumped to the floor covered in sweat and panting.

There was a sudden bang at the door.

"You two in there?"

"Right with ya," I yelled.

"Put these on," I instructed handing Chris the costume for the evening.

He looked puzzled.

"You do want to continue pledging, don't you?"

He smiled and struggled to his feet.

"And these," I said handing him the panties.

Hope you liked it, forward comments and crit to if you like there could be more.

Next: Chapter 2

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