Pleasure At Palisades

By C. McLamb

Published on Apr 27, 2005



Pleasure at Palisades

Part 1

Weddings are nice, but they can be fucking miserable. You're always happy for your friend finding the love of their life and inviting you to celebrate that love. But, when you're the only lower middle-class, agnostic, black gay guy in an all middle upper-class, Roman Catholic, white heterosexual wedding, you're pretty sure you ain't gonna find a soul to fuck. You know you're gonna sit in your chair, at that white table-clothed table, and watch straight groomsmen picking up desperately confused single female hopefuls and find the right time to bend their drunk asses over.

I was more optimistic coming up for the wedding. My grand little from my college fraternity was gonna be there. We'd been talking online for months about how he was getting a divorce from his wife. He wanted to sleep with guys and she wanted to fuck chicks but neither one was willing to let their partner stray. But he didn't want to start letting guys fuck his ass until he had someone special take his cherry. He'd given a few blow jobs but said that he wanted me to teach him how to suck a man off right and to take his cherry.

No fucking way I was gonna turn down that offer! My grand little is a defined white military man with 9 inches that are thick as a beer can and an ass that you would expect to find on some ghetto Latin papi. I'm no ho, but I get what I want when I want it, whether that makes me the dom top, the bitch bottom, or the Grand fucking Pubba of versatile fucking. And I know my grand little is a horned up motherfucker. All I have to do is give that man what he wants and next thing I know I'll have him flipping my ass around military style and drilling me.

But no sooner do I get to the bridal party dinner in Connecticut when I'm told my grand little won't be there any more. They pushed up his court date for the divorce. What's a Negro to do but bust a load in the shower and deal?


I go back to Nyack, NY, to sleep after the dinner. It's cheaper to stay with friends than to pay an extra night in the hotel. We get up early the day before the wedding and the chicks want to get their nails done at the Palisades Mall. I'm like, "Get your nails done and come back to pick me up. Cruising around malls is for little gay pussy fuckers. I'll chill here." But they get my ass to go with them because they're not coming back to the house before heading up to the rehearsal. Fine. Whatever.

So, I'm walking around, all these perfect looking, preppy white families with 2.5 children, some still in strollers, wearily checking me out. I'm thinking, might as well make the most of this bullshit. So I try to find something -- FYE, Tower Records, Fubu -- anything besides this Bath & Body Works, Lord & Taylor shit, to occupy my time.

I'm about to just sit my ass on a mall bench and chill when this hot little papi comes strolling out of no where, his phat ass rocking from side to side, waiting for something to fill it.

This boy is definitely on the hunt for cock. He's got on a tight white sleeveless tee and tighter jeans built to show him off. And look at this shit...bitch is strolling my way.

And he's good. He knows how to make a man get his point and follow his while still feeling discrete. This boy is sucking on a McD's shake through one of those oversized, thick McD's straws, making sure to get just enough shake on his lips that he has to lick it off. Boy knows what he wants, too; the shake's vanilla. He strolls up to the trash can next to me, wraps those lips right the fuck around that straw, sucks nice and hard, tosses out the cup, and looks right through me, from my crotch to my eyes, as he licks the white shake off his lip and keeps walking. My ass is on his heels in a second and making sure nothing gets between that ass and my eyes.

But my boy starts speeding up...and I'm thinking, "What the fuck?" And, when he's walking about two store lengths ahead of me, he slows down again. I get his point and keep his set distance, willing to do anything it takes to get all up in that luscious gadunkadunk.

Now, like I said, I ain't no ho, but I get what I want when I want it. And I know there is a lot of shit I ain't even thought of doing that are out there to try. But I figured this fucker would at least take me to a car, his place, private wooded area, something. Nah. This fucker takes me to the men's bathroom on the 2nd floor! Lucky he's got a fucking huge boner pounding against the side of my leg or my ass would have been out of there.

Of course some dude is up in their draining his piss and another dude in the shitter wiping his ass. So this little hottie pulls up right next to the dude already pissing, whips his dick out, and starts to piss. I'm just standing back, a little apprehensive, still not knowing what's coming next, which is also cool since it's making me even harder. The dude finishes his piss, shakes his cock, and leaves. No hand washing; just out. And that is when this little chulo looks right at me, motioning that I should stand in the next urinal.

The dude is still taking his shit; straining and making those gassy shit sounds we all know we make. So I'm just standing there, starting to lose my hard-on. Y'all know how it is; that moment where something best start going down or you're out. Boy still knew what was up. He turns to me, pulls down my fly, pulls out my 9.5 and turns back to the urinal like it ain't no thang, never loosening his grip on my snake. He's got the perfect grip. Firm enough that I'm getting real hard again and know, once again, I'm not going anywhere until this boy has his way...but not so hard that I can't get my blood flowing through my chute.

He starts stroking my shit, first around the shaft, then around the head, and then starts rubbing all over my balls. I am reelin'. His nice 7 inches is rock hard, but he ain't even lookin' at my shit; just strokin' and feelin'. Then he spits on his hand, without making a sound, and starts grinding in to my cock head. This has me going. Boy has the smoothest hands I have ever felt on a grown man and it felt just as good as some holes I've been in.

He knows it and finally starts to look at my cock. I ain't no quick-fuck pussy, now. I can go a long time, making your ass feel like a cave or your cock feel drained beyond recognition. But this boy already had pre-cum dripping all out of my cock. So he takes his thumb, wipes all the pre-cum off of my cock head, and sticks his thumb I his mouth, sucking and licking every ounce of my baby-makin' juice right off and down his throat. I'm ready to knock this cocksucker to his knees and just assault that mouth.

Man in the shitter must have had sixth sense, because that was right when we heard that familiar sound of a belt buckle against tiling. I straighten up and try to look like I'm taking a piss but this latin fucker was into playing some games. Boy bends over and takes my cock all the way in his mouth, past his tonsils and right down the back of his throat. I had to concentrate to keep from making a sound or shooting a thick load right in his belly. We can hear the man buckling his belt, and my papi just starts massaging my cock with his throat muscles; his head never moving. What the fuck?! Let's get this shit started!

I'm about to grab the back of his neck and start fucking that throat when the toilet flushes. He pulls himself off my cock, licks his own slobber off of his lips and is acting like nothing happened. I'm shakin', trying to keep my knees from crumbling at the feeling of that tight, wet throat. The guy comes out, doesn't even look at us, does a quick wash and is out.

Now, it's on.

My eyes follow the shit dumpster out the door. I turn back to my chulo to see what's next, but he's not there. A quick check to the door of the handicap stall shows me just what I want. His hands are holding on to the bar above the door, stretching his torso out and raising his shirt up just enough to give me a nice look at his fine skin.

"You game?!", he asks me. I give him a quick nod and start to put my cock back in my pants. He says, "Leave it," and starts to pull of his shirt as he disappears to the toilet. I mean, dammit man, I'm not stupid. I know my way around the block. I can tell the obvious and figure shit out. But this boy has got something over me that just makes me stupid. I gotta tap that shit NOW!

No more games. This boy ain't gonna control me. He's gonna be my little bitch-assed bottom and do what I want.

I walk in the stall. My boy barely gets out "Shut the...", before I have the stall door closed and locked and I'm standing there with my phat cock at full attention. My eyes and cock are aimed at him and the boys face finally changes. He now knows the game has changed and he's mine for the taking. His pinga bounced as he dropped his pants around his ankles, his ass on the toilet seat, his mouth drooling, signaling he's ready for whatever I can bring.

Part II Papi Chulo's Wornout Culo

The way I see it, this fucker's toying with me all through the mall. So bitch is gonna have to earn his prize. I stride my shit over to him, making sure my cock is only a tongue's length away from his thick lips. Bitch leans forward to start slurpin' all over my snickers bar. So I grab the motherfucker's hair and pull him back, making sure he looks up in to my eyes.

"You're my bitch now. You do what I say, when I say, how I say, or you end up praying for your life on this floor."

I throw his head back and he catches himself on the walls. I swear his dick grew longer on the spot.

"Yeah, bro. I'm yours."

"You're mine, what?"

"Excuse me...?"

I grab his nipple and twist hard enough to make him wince. "You're mine, what??!!"

"Sir! I'm yours, SIR!"

"Damn right, cock-sucking faggot. Recognize!"

He sits, back straight, on that toilet seat, waitin' for my first order.

"I want all your clothes off."

"But, man, if someone walks in..."

I slap his face, hard enough to get my point across, but not so hard I'm gonna have a knocked out papi to rape.


Papi gets up and slow takes off his shirt and puts it on the toilet paper dispenser. I can see in his eyes that I'm not gonna have to break him in much more. He's completely uncomfortable getting naked up in this mall but he's learning better than to cross my thug ass again.

He takes his shoes, pants and drawers off. He stands in front of me, shaking a little, still rock hard, waiting for my next order.

"I said all motherfucker. You wanna die?! And who told yo punk ass you was good enough to look at ma face?!"

Bitch's eyes go straight to the floor. He picks up one leg and takes off his sock, then the other.

"Give `em to me."

He does. I ball the socks up in my hand, grab the back of his head and pull his face to the socks.

"Breath deep, motherfucker!"

He struggles against my hand. Problem is, I can fit nigga's head in the palm of my hand. I squeeze his kneck so hard he hollas.

"Aiight!" he says. And I see his chest puff up as he takes in a breath.

"Deeper." He does just what I say. "Good boy."

I push this motherfucker back on the toilet and throw his legs up in the air.

"Hold em there. I feel those legs come down, I'll break em both and leave you here to crawl home." I take my tongue and just rip I to that boy's ass. He's got a nice pucker. Light tan, naturally smooth. You can see the ring by looking at his hole but it ain't sticking out and all loose like some worn out bitch. I have to work at it to get it loose enough to slip my tongue inside.

When he starts to relax and loosen up, he starts to twist around and moan. I grab his balls in my hand. He takes in a sharp breath of air.

"Don't you make one goddamn sound. I ain't getting caught rappin' yo sorry ass. You keep your ass loose, the rest o' yo body still and maybe you'll keep these pretty balls of yours in tact."

I dive right back in to his hole like nothing happens.

And my boy does it. It takes him a while to get used to keeping his body still but his hole relaxed. But the further my tongue got up in there, the tastier this little conquest became.

But I can't let this boy get off easy. He needs it as much as I do. So I wait until I feel his entire body start to relax. When it does, I take the end of the socks, pinch them together, and shove them up in his hole. You best bet papi's hole closed u p on that shit real quick.

I looked him in the eyes just as quick, reminding him that those legs best not fall. He struggles to keep them up and gets a little tear in his eye, but he obeys. Just what I wanted; to keep this boy scared and at my disposal.

Never breaking my glance, I inform my chulo, "Those socks drop, your ring gets cut. Plain and simple. Now get up."

I push him against the stall wall as he gets up. I want to see if this niggas gonna try and run. He's right by the handle and where his clothes are hanging.

Bitch doesn't move a muscle I don't tell him to.

I sit on toilet and lay my head back against the wall.

I sit there for a while, my king size snickers bar all up in the air, just looking at him. Damn! Got pre-cum dripping all out my shit. Boy's got his back to me and his head hung low. Boys got nice shoulders, broad but not too much, just like some soccer playin' faggot. Naturally smooth all over. Back muscles just layin' under that tan skin. Ass cheeks perfect bubbles just waitin' to be popped by me. A thick-assed, mother fuckin' ass that's disproportionate to every other part of his body. Just big, plump, thick, all juicy and beggin' to be taken.

And Lord knows this boy keeps active. He's got legs without one inch of fat. Pure, thick, hard, tight muscle. I'm gonna have to get that boy grippin' on me fo' long. And, now I've been without attention fo' long `nough, "What the fuck you waitin' fo, bithc?! Just cause you can't look at my eyes don't mean you ain't all over my dick!"

He turns around and accidentally makes eyes contact. Bo musta thought I was standing up and then finds my face where my dick should be. Boy shakes a bit - just like I want -- then drops his head down, drops to his knees and takes my cock in his mouth.

Now, boy has got some talent! Most times it takes me a long while to get off, let alone feel anything on my jones when I got a bitch slobbering on it. First time in this niggas mouth is the warmest, wettest thing I've experienced in a long assed time. No teeth - all tongue, lips and spit, bobbing up and down in a rhythm that I swear matched my heart beat and had me oozing pre-cum all up on his tongue.

Now, I've had some home boys who take that shit out of their mouth the second they taste some salt. Take the toilet paper or towel or something, wipe the pre-cum off my tip and then keep going. This is a test this boy best not pass. I hate that shit! I only deal with it with ma boys out of respect. This bitch ain't getting jack from me but a few hot loads and maybe some bruises.

But boy keeps right on going. His cheeks actually seemed to tighten like he was swallowing and sucking to get as much cum as he could get for the time being.

Got his number and got it good.

And, no doubt, bitch had a fine mouth, but he was only covering half of my stick. And it may be hot to watch his slobber drip all down the bottom half, but it's `bout time he make a home for rest.

"Take it all."

"Never been able to deep throat, man...I mean...sir...sorry...sir..."

"Well, ain't no time like now to learn!"

He keeps my dick in his mouth but looks up with big-assed wide eyes. But ain't nothing he can do. My hands are already on his head, my hips already pushing my cock further in his mouth and I'm pressing on the back of his throat. He's gagging in no time.

"Just relax, bitch. You start gagging and throw up on me, you now yo ass is dead. And I'll make you lick that shit up before I kill ya. Just relax your throat and breath deep."

Take him a second but boy complies. And DAMN! Never got in a warmer throat. This boy must have a furnace in his fucking flat-assed stomach. This heat can't be natural. But he's got it all in, his nose buried deep in my thick black pubes.

"Damn right, motherfucka! That's the way you service yo' daddy!"

I can feel him about to choke, his throat rebelling against my cock, tears streaming down his cheeks as his body fights for oxygen. So I pull his head up off my shit. You would have thought bitch was drowning in the ocean or something with how big and loud he gasped for air.

"Take it like a bitch should and keep quiet. Now get down on my balls and wash `em off. I want all that musk gone and your spit dripping when I pull you off."

He wipes the tears off his face and gets to work. He's lapping on my balls, holding them in his hands, rubbing and licking, taking them in my mouth, trying to get both in. Boy's acting like he ain't eaten in days and my sac is salvation. I'm all in to it, but I gotta keep him on a leash. Boy likes something he best not let it show.

I put my hand on the top of his head, grab his hair and pull him off. He grimaces, but I can tell he's swallowing whatever scream he wants to make. I push at his head and he falls back on his bare ass. I turn around, bend over and brace myself against the wall.

"You ain't done cleaning me off yet."

Bitch knew what I needed and I could tell before his tongue even came close to my chocolate drop that he loved eaten out some ass. His hands grabbed my two ample cheeks, spread those bitches so wide I felt my hole stretch and his tongue made it right on in. And he lapped my shit up. I still don't know how he did it. I don't let all that many cocks get up in my shit. He just knew his way around. But bitch didn't know that was the one way to get me to give up my ass.

When some of my regular boys are slobbering all over my shit and know they're about to get fucked but want my hole instead, they'll slip down and just hold me in place, getting they tongue all up in my shit until I am begging to get fucked. But this mother fucka don't know that...and it's stayin' that way.

This I gotta have my way. "Bitch, spit on that hole, now!"

"Yes, sir!" And he gets spit from down deep in his throat and haucks it so strong I feel it go in my hole. Boys lovin' this and so am I.

I reach my hand back and press the back of his head deep into my hole. Boy didn't even need an invitation. He saw my hand comin' and was buried in my ass so deep I could feel his nose and his eyelashes rubbing up in ma crack.

Then I grab my own ass cheeks and keep them spread open. "I'll keep that shit open for you, boy. Reach those hands around and work my nipples while you're opening that hole up." Boy has no problem obeying me now.

And as much as I love my ass getting turned out, add my nipples to anything and you're getting one fucking hell of a quick and huge load exploding out of me like gang bustas. And I feel my balls get real tight on me and my cock starts to ache. So I stand up and whip myself around so fast, my dripping cock whacks my papi's face HARD. He winces and turns his head away, his eyes closed.

Shoulda kept them open. I reached over, turned his head my way, and slammed my dick all the way in his mouth, right past his tonsils and all the way down his throat. Boy was so stunned he didn't have time to gag or relax and I went right in.

I felt his face pressed against my crotch and that was the last thing I needed. I burst like I hadn't touched myself in a month. My cum shot right down his throat and must have hit directly in to his belly. Bitch was trying to gag and get away but I was holding his head down and pushing my crotch against him to make sure it stayed in place. I am holdin' him down so hard the muscles in my chest, back, stomach, arms, everywhere are just bulging out, trying to keep quiet and keep him in place.

He's draining me fast, with his throat spasmin' from my assault, and his smart ass grabbing my nipples hard, hoping it's gonna make things done and over with sooner. And it did. Boy ain't gonna need to eat for a week with all that junk I just droppd in him.

When I feel that I got every drop in him, I pull out just as fast as I slammed my shit in him. He gasps for breath, trying to keep it quiet but failing. He gets up, looking like he's about to say something. Ain't no time! I'm still rock hard and my cock is dripping wet from being deep in his throat. I whip that boy around, bend him over and ram every inch of my 9.5 in him.

He tenses like a mother fucka...but there's no getting away. I'm takin' what I came for. He starts to wiggle and protest, `til I say, "You dropped the socks, bitch-ass. Be glad I'm not cutting your shit before I rape it." His resistance is shot and he's mine for the taking.

I just hold my dick in there until I feel his ass loosen up. I have his hips sung in the palms of my hands. He's grabbin' on to the rails of the stall to keep his balance. His legs are straight up to get his ass high enough in the air for me to easily access. He's being a damn good boy. One of the best I've had in a long time.

One thing bitch doesn't know is that I have some great power in my cock. I can use the base muscles to make that shit flex. So I do it a few times deep in his hole and just feel his whole body shiver. I know I'm drippin' some drops of pre-cum deep in him and getting that shit wetter for me to slide in as long as I need.

So I pull my cock out slowly until nothing but the head is in. I ain't got some huge mushroom head, but he knew it was still there. Then I hauck up the biggest wad of phlegm I could and spit that shit right on my cock. I watch it drip around the sides of my shaft and right before it's gonna drip off on to the tile, I ram my cock back in. I see my papi's head shake back and forth. I know he's cryin'. But nothing he's gonna do about it.

I decide I don't want no blood all over my shit so I take it nice and easy. Give my papi a break for the real shit about to go down. So I never let more than half my shaft come out of him. I go real slow to get him nice and relaxed. Eventually he's starting to loosen up and I tell him, "Wrap that ass around my cock when I pull it out and loosen it up when I dive in."

Boy starts to do it. I know it'll take him a few strokes to get used to my thickness since his shit is tight. He tries the first few times, but he can't quite get it tight. So I slap him in the back of the head. My boy starts moaning and next time his ass grips my anaconda so tight I have to dive all the way in and hold it there to keep from spraying his latin hole full of my baby makers!

I slap my boy in the back of his head. "I told you to wrap your shit around my cock, not cut it off! Check yo'self!"

And boy gets it. It's like having some self-sucking pussy milkin' my cock for my cum. This shit is good! I know I ain't lastin' long in this fine, FINE hole. Boy don't know though. But he found out. I was able to hold off just enough until I could feel him riding me harder and I knew he wasn't far from cummin'. He's got beads of sweat all over his back and dripping from his hair. Boy is in love with this cock, I can just feel it!

Right before I know this boy is about to blow, I dive my cock in to his hole until I can feel my shit brushing his colon and I rip out my first blast of hot jizz. Boy's shit is gonna slide out like no one's business for the next day! Boy looks back with this look telling me he's in ecstasy but he had no idea I was gonna shoot inside of him; like he wants it but he knows he shouldn't.

Fine...he's been a decent boy...I'll comply. So I rip my cock out of his ass in one move. I can hear it slurping from all the spit and cum and ass wetness just lubing that shit up. But I gotta teach this boy better than to defy his master.

So I take my big man hands, grab the back of his head, whip him around and shove my cock all the way down his throat. I swear this boy is tryin' to spit up but my cock is too fat to let anything past. I'm ripping a few more shots of my cum right down in to his gut. Boy just has tears running down his face but I ain't done with him.

He is gasping for air. Can't have too much noise, though, could I? So I put one hand over his mouth and another on the back of his head. I lean down, look him right in the fucking eyes and let him know, "I ain't done yet."

I take my hand off his mouth and shove my jones right back down his throat. He starts to gag and I warn him, "Don't you dare, you little punk bitch! Take that shit like a man! Now get those hands up on my nipples and squeeze those fuckers hard so you get every drop of my baby makers in your gut."

Boy ain't got no choice but to comply or choke to death. He does as told and I get one more mighty blast down his throat. And that's all I needed from this cock suckin' faggot. So I rip my cock out of his throat, toss him on the ground, put my clothes back on like no one's business, and leave the stall, leaving him on his knees on the floor.

Now bitch knows.

Part III The Ball Drops

I am pimpin' my ass down the halls of Palisaides. I got my cock, still wet from that boy's holes, just slapping on my thighs. I know I'm just radiatin' like a bitch that I am the man and no one is taking me down. I'm just checking out every guy along the way knowing I could have him.

I'm feelin' real high until I catch the eyes of this hulk of a man by the Food Court. This white man has got to be at least 6'7" and a thick wall of muscle. Damn, the fuckin' Incredible Hulk looked small compared to this man.

I'm still struttin' like the man I know I am. I look him right now like, "I could take that ring off your finger, that baby and stroller away from you, bend you over right here and rape the shit out of you." But it's like he knows what I'm thinkin'. Man is just staring back at me, reading my thoughts, and telling me "You go ahead and try, black boy, and you gonna learn what it's like to have a massa!"

Fucker wants a challenge...fine...I'll step.

So I circle back around to another section of the food court and just lean on a pole and stare. If bitch is that good, he's gonna know I'm watching him.

And he does. He turns right around, pushes his baby girl around in the stroller and starts staring at me, playing with his wedding ring! It's on, bitch! I ain't usually up for married guys -- it's not in my morals. But this bitch is out for blood and I'm willing to take it from him.

Now I know it ain't time to make my move. I gotta wait to see if he got his wife along. Ain't many men coming to this big assed mall with a baby and no wife in tow.

And right as I'm thinking this, up she comes. Nice, skinny, short, slim redhead. Bitch comes up, gets on her toes, wraps her arms around him and lays a little kiss on his cheek. The whole time he's grabbin' her, he's looking at me with a smirk on his face, right over her shoulder. This is one bitch who is gonna fight to be taken down.

She reaches in to the stroller, puts her purse next to the baby, and kisses her little girl. Then she picks up her purses, kisses him one more time, and says something. I can't hear what she says, but he makes it very clear when he tells her, "I'll see you at home tonight, babe."

I watch her walk off, her small ass shakin'. Man is just staring at me with this grin - like he knows me and got power over me - on his face. She turns back to wave at him and blow the baby a kiss. This man don't miss a beat! He turned in time for her to not see him lookin' me up, waves back at her, and right back at me. This man has done this before.

And I gotta admit...I'm used to having the upper hnad in all these situations. And I'm second guessin' if I should go on with this. Then I'm thinking, "Ain't no one gonna punk me out...especially not after I done showed that little bitch in the bathroom who's his papi." So I's on.

But no need for this big boy to know. I figure I'll let him THINK he has the upper hand and think he's gonna get some black ass, then cock whip him and rape that fuckin' two-timin' faggot bitch.

As soon as his piece of pussy gets out of view, he grabs the stroller and heads toward the Food Court exit. The ground is fucking shakin' under this man's footsteps. I'm getting all kinds of turned on by the ripples of his muscles through his navy blue short sleeve shift, tight as fuck on his white body.

Funny thing is, I'm not twitchin' in my crotch. I'm twitchin' in my ass! This is not a new thing for me. I told y'all at the beginning of this shit I sometimes had my boys up in me. But that's only when I know my boy and have a thing with him and know where he's been and all. That's when my ass starts beggin'. Not when I see some random assed white man in some mall. But I know I can always sget my mojo goin'. Ain't no thang.

So I proceed with no fear.

Now, the Food Court of this Mall is on the fourth floor. I'm just assuming' this cocksucker is going to take me to some bathroom and go for it with the stroller in tow. But he heads for the elevator, making me think he must be new to this shit. I got to get in the same car with him to follow him. And the whole damn thrill is the following at the distance. There ain't no chase if I'm close enough for you to talk to! Looks like I have a lot to teach this boy.

He pushes the button for the elevator. Than this motherfucker turns to me and just stares me down. No grin, no smirk, no nothin' on his face. Just stares me down.

Motherfucker! He knows what he's doin'. Or he thinks he knows! Challenging me like I can't hang. Fine. I'll out your ass. I hope someone from your little church group sees you and starts talking. That'll teach your fine ass to me so fucking obvious. Hell, not that I'm scared, but I don't need everyone knowing my business. And this faggots being more obvious that Liberace at Crate and Barrel!

The elevator comes in and I decide to one up this bitch. I walk in the elevator ahead of him, stand still with my legs spread nice and fucking wide, cross my arms and stare back at him.

And I gotta give it to him. He never broke a sweat or batted an eye. He just pushed that stroller with his gurgling baby in to the elevator and stood there.

I'll give the boy his props. But all it's tellin' me is this ass ain't gonna be easy to get. The big guns are gonna have to come out before I can get my big gun in.

My soon-to-be boy looks away to see and hit the "P" button and we start to go down, right as he brings his gaze back to me.

He just starts looking me up and down, no pretense, no meekness, no nothing. And I have to admit. Having his eyes all over me did make my ass tingle. I was trying to fight it and redirect hope. Still...ain't no thang.

The elevator slows down and stops on the first floor. I figure this is where he's getting out. His little mini van must be out in the main parking lot.

The doors open but the Hulk here doesn't grab the stroller. Instead, I look out the open doors and see two little kids, had to be about 5 years old at most, standing beside the doors and pushing the elevator button. They're just laughing with no worries in the world until they get a look at Hulk. And I can't blame them! If I was some kid playing around with shit I know I should leave alone and I saw him on the other end of it, I'd probably start cryin' and shittin' myself. But this faggot just starts to smile at them like he's some big old friendly giant or somethin'.

So the little boys just start laughing and jumpin' around, one of them givin' on of those high-pitched shrieks little kids do. My reflexes try to bring my ear to my shoulder to stop the noise from enterin' my head when a woman's voice comes out from nowhere.

"Alexander! Edwin!"

This medium-height Spanish woman with long black hair, a skinny body, tight clothes and small tits comes in to view at the open elevator doors. The smile on Hulks face just gets bigger, his chest pokes out and I swear his dick stirs in his pants. And he looks over at me to toss my a fucking straight man locker room glance, but he's still trying to get with me. WHAT THE FUCK!?

"What have I told you two about running away from me??!! And you know better than to play with these buttons. You're both on punishment when you get home!"

And both the kids start to cry. I can't blame them. I remember being on punishment. It's a bitch.

As she takes both the boys' hands, she looks up at us in the elevator. She does have some fucking stunning features. I can see why this confused little faggot had the reaction he did.

I totally forgot about that animosity, though, for just a second, when she looked at him and said, "Hope my boys didn't keep you too long." He opened his mouth and said, smooth as butter, "Not at all."

The voice that came out of this bitch matched very feature on his body. Rich, full, DEEP, smooth, toned.

Bitch had my eyes poppin' out of my head for a second. That was one of the lustiest voices I've heard in years. It's got me so worked up, I feel like I need to shake my head to get out of the daze. But I know to let him see my bugged out face would make me lose my edge. So I keep my shit together and catalog it, makin' sure to remember to get this faggot to speak when my cock is emptying itself deep in his gut.

The doors close and Hulk waves goodbye. I don't know if it's to the kids, the woman, whoever. But when those doors close, he drops his hand, turns his head to me, drops his smile to a fuckin' cocky-assed grin, and raises his left eyebrow just a bit to me, before turning his face back towards the door. Cocky motherfucker.

The elevator drops down once more, bringing us to the second basement level. Since this is such a huge fucking mall in such an overpopulated area of New Jersey, they got some fuckin' mondo parking. The underground parking lots are usually only used for nasty ass horny folk or for fucking busy days where there is no above ground parking for miles.

When the doors open, I see the lot, which happens to be nearly empty. All you see are a couple of hooptie cars that must belong to employees and a seemingly stacked mini-van. Jackpot! Boy probably thinks I'll go home with him. But I think I'll get this bitch butt naked, dip in to that honey pot right here in this lot, swipe a thing or two (maybe even some cash -- teach this mother fuckin' cheater a good lesson) or go. I may be a slut, but I'm single with no tolerance for cheatin' scum. Doesn't mean I won't tap they shit, too, though.

No doubt, boy grabs the stroller, headin' right toward that van. I wait a second and follow him at a slight distance. He reaches in to his pocket, spreading his pants tighter across his firm ass, making my cock spring to attention. Next thing I hear that all too familiar car "beep, beep". Bitch must have been reaching for his keys and hit the automatic button, cause up in front of me I see this van's parking lights flash on and off, and the side fucking car door opens by itself and slides open.

Bourgeois shit if I ever seen it.

He stops himself and the stroller at the open side door, puts the kid in a car seat -- so I assume; I'm to far back to actually see what's in the wheels yet -- folds up the stroller, puts it on the floor behind the passenger seat, then steps inside the back off the van.

I'm leaning against one of the pillars that reads "Section G3" and just watching. The van is moving slightly and I hear clicking noises, like metal releasing from metal. I have no idea what's going on.

I figure bitch may be getting scared and looking for something to fight me off. I ain't playin' that shit.

I don't need to conquer him that bad.

But then again he might be lookin' in there for some lube and condoms. And that thought gets me goin' again. So, while I'm leaning, I put my hand in my pocket and start to rub my shit nice and slow and soft, just to get it ready to do it's work when I get to spring on this little douche bag.

The van stops moving and the noises stop, and Hulk pops his head out of the car. He must have been expecting me to be waiting right outside the van, because he looked next to his rear wheels and got that little dog look of "My bone is gone!"

He gets out of the van and starts to look around. Doesn't take the big assed cocksucker long to find me.

Black man against a white pillar close to your ain't rocket science.

When he finds me, he gets a big smile on his face. I've been strokin' through my jean pockets, but I stop right away and put my guard up.

This bitch didn't say anything or smile throughout the mall and now he's all shits and giggles? Fuck no...something's up...

I must have got a look on my face like "Now what you up to bitch?!" because he started walking towards me. I figure, in case there are cameras somewhere, I would just play chill. But I took my hands out of my pockets and got ready just in case he pulled some stupid white honkey shit.

"You up for some play time?" the Hulk asks me as he stands a few feet away from me. I got to admit it, that voice just made me drop most of my walls and want to get all up on that shit. I gotta keep this bitch quiet before I'm the one to get my ass tapped.

"What's up with all this smiley shit now?! Up in the mall you was acting like some straight tough guy punk.

I ain't lookin' to play around with no con man," I said back to him with my thickest thug voice. I figure that's what this guy is lookin' for and that's what he's gettin'.

"I have to apologize for that, man. I had to be careful. I live around here and I'm well known. I can't have anyone recognizing me with a strange guy walking around with me. No telling if my wife backtracked to find me or I would run in to someone. It wasn't safe to be civil with you until I knew we were out of snooping eyes way. I'm sorry."

He seemed pretty sincere and heart felt. I could see that there was a larger bulge in his pants then there was before. I figured this guy was probably legit. A fucking scum...but legit.

And right when I'm about to say I was down, he reaches his right hand out to me and grabs my junk. The muscles in his forearm are flexing and the veins are popping up out of that huge, thick forearm, with just a slight dusting of hair.

I look up and catch Hulk with a grin on his face.

"C'mon. Let me make up my behavior to you," he says with a firm squeeze of my cock. "Feels like you're up for it," he adds, with a smirk, as he turns around and heads back to the van.

Fuck this waitin' shit! I'm gonna have this man's van smellin' like cum and ass for weeks!

He stands at the door and waits for me. I'm expecting him to get in first, tell me how to close the door, all that shit. I guess he had some other plans.

"Go on in, man," he invitingly proposes to me. "The baby s asleep and she'll stay that way for a while. I got the back seat pulled down. You just lay back, and I'll take care of the rest."

Talk about luxurious service! I put my head inside the van and, I swear, this shit is more decked out then my apartment! Besides some fly asses upholstery, he's got a tv hanging from the roof, surround sound speakers installed in the doors, and the two seats behind the one the kid was in reclined down to make a flat bed-like surface.

My stopping must have triggered the comment. So Hulk said, "Yeah. It's stacked. I like riding and fucking in style. It even cleans up well afterwards. The wife never knows. Hop on in. I'll close the door and we'll get this started."

I keep my head inside the van but turn back to look at Hulk.

"You clean, man?!" I called back at him.

"Man, no worries. I'm married and she's always around. I never get time to do this, let alone come across a black man as fine as you. And I always make them wrap it up before thy fuck me. No worries, man. We're cool...if you're cool. No pressure."

"Aight. We cool then."

And I stepped in to the van.

No sooner did my foot leave the step leading in to the van, I felt the van dip down deep towards the ground.

I have my hand on the back of the baby's row to stabilize myself, but my foot starts to slip out and I lose my balance. All I'm thinking about is lookin' like some ass that can't keep his shit together and loosin' ground with Hulk.

But that leaves my head in a hot second when I feel a knee and thigh hitting the back of my legs hard, makin' my knee collapse on me. At the same time, I feel a huge hand grab the back of my neck and the lower part of my head.

Fortunately, the hand twists my head to the side. I have lost all my balance and have no chance of holding myself up any more. My chest slams on to the seat, audibly knocking the wind out of me. My face follows, sliding along the upholstery as it hits. It's real good and soft upholstery, but I still feel a slight burn as my face rubs along it, pushed down further from the hand holding me down.

My head is spinnin' and I have no idea what is happening. I can't catch my breath and I am feeling this enormous amount of weight on top of me that is keeping me from taking in anything more than a small sip of air.

Out of the peripheral of my watering eye, I see that same thick forearm that was just grabbing my junk a few moments ago reach up to the ceiling of the van and hit a button. As the proportionately thick finger releases the button, I hear the van door sliding closed, on it's own.

I start to twist underneath Hulk, struggling to get out from under him or to at least get a good hit at him. But he knew what he was doing. He trapped me so one arm was pinned underneath my stomach, the other held by his hand, and my legs pinned by his own.

"Where do you think you're going?!" he asks, as I'm sure he's smirking, and as he grinds his now rock hard cock in to my ass.

As he finishes talking, I hear the door on the van lock. I am nervous like a black man cornered by the Klan.

I take the deepest breath I can manage and start to scream, "Get the fuck off me, you fuckin' psycho cracker!" But I don't get half that out.

The second I start to take that breath, Hulk takes my one free arm, which he still has a mother fucking steel grip on, and starts to twist it behind my back.

As I start to speak, Hulk sharply pulls my arm up while pressing it down in to my back. The sharpest pain I have ever felt runs through my entire body, causing my mouth to open wide and my face to contract in a grimace. But no sound escapes as he is pushing my bent arm in to my back with such force, it presses all the wind out of me once more.

Tears are running down both sides of my face, as I try to catch my breath and take in his words.

"Who told you to speak, nigger?! You will speak when and if you are told to do so. And, if you're smart, you will do what I say, when I say, how I say and not make one fucking drop of noise unless instructed so. You have a new massa now and you will do everything you are told. Besides...I get so pissed off when anyone wakes the baby with loud noises. And you don't want to see me mad."

NO MOTHER FUCKING WAY! HOW THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPENING?! My mind is racing, I feel like a fucking pussy crying like this, I am in such pain, my limbs are starting to go numb, and I don't know if this guy plans to take me off somewhere and kill me, rape me, whatever.

"So what's it gonna be, pickaninny? You gonna be a good coon slave, or you gonna make me beat you in to submission?"

This shit cannot be happening. It just cannot. I know my people still have to deal with prejudice, but there is no way I can be goin' down like this.

My head is twisted in a way that I can see under the seat the baby is in. It's clear and clean for the most part, until I look further to the right and see a pile of rope.

I start strugglin' for my life! All I can think about is that stereotype that everyone is always worried about online and in the bars. I envision myself tied up in some back wood's shack, naked, tortured and abused and raped for hours on end, and killed when my purpose is over, my poor mom getting' a visit from the police and being another statistic.

But there is nothing I can do. I start to struggle, and he's already on top of it, counteracting my attempts at freedom and keeping me his hostage.

"You know," the Hulk starts with conviction, as he's pressing me behind the ears and making my head feel like an overripe melon about to pop, "you jungle bunnies never cease to amaze me. You get all scared, and frightened, and screaming, and struggling, never stopping to think that I'm twice your size, weight, and muscles mass, or that I have been Champion Heavy Weight Wrestler, and that I'm a cop in real life and there is nothing you can do to escape me. It's funny, because you would cause yourself so much less stress and pain and aggravation if you would just calm down, listen to instructions, and do as I say. I'm going to have my way with you. And may be in pain during that, but nowhere near the amount of pain you'll be in if you keep fighting me. There's nothing your fucking nigger ass can do about it. If you scream and cops come, I'm one of them. And whom is anyone going to believe? Some thug ass nigger or a fine, upstanding, upper class guy like myself?"

And I just started to silently cry. Motherfucker had a point. Didn't know if I believed him that I would be let go. But I was trapped and had no way out. He had me. I fell for his lure and he had me. I was gonna have to deal with it and just keep praying that I would survive this one.

As I began to realize my fate more and more, my breathing slowed and my muscles relaxed, letting his weight concur them. He must have felt this and known it was time to start in.

"Alright, boy. That's what I'm talking about. You just keep relaxing. That's what I want. And it's the best thing for you. If you can't keep relaxed during what I'm about to do to your jigaboo self, you're going to be torn up in the end. Just keep relaxed and you'll be close to fine. But, don't forget, just in case you think you're going to pull some little trick on me..."

And Lord knows where he got it from and where he was hiding it, but he pulls out a gun, puts it in front of my now bulging eyes, then points it right between them. Right then and there, I wet myself, just a little.

"I call her Old Faithful. It's corny. But I love her. And if you even knew how many fucking drug addict, raping, thieving niggers, spics, chinks, rag heads, you name `em, I have shot, right there, right between the eyes, right where this fucking gun is taping your smooth dark brown skin. I'm taking you all out one by one, and getting my rocks off along the way."

By this time, he had slid the gun across my face and was laying it along the side of my face. As he had let his weight off me a bit, I had begun to prop myself up on my forearms and brought my head upright. With that gun on him, and this Nazi on my back, how can a brotha keep from cryin'?

I knew my tears were rollin' right on to that gun and he would see that it was wet when he pulled it away. I just tried to stay as calm and relaxed as possible, and, sure enough, he saw the tears.

And I hear the sucking of his teeth.

"Now, you saw my wife. You know she's fine and feminine. And that's fine for me when I'm going to bed at night and need to pop my load inside a nice honey pot. But when I got the likes of you in here, at my disposal, I know I have lured in, captured and will feast on a man, not a woman. Men take the pain inside. They do not cry. They do not show negative outward emotion. And this is how you will conduct yourself while in my command. Am I understood, nigger?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Is that the way a slave speaks to his Master?! If you think so, you are sadly mistaken. You will always address me as Massa. And you will answer any and all questions I ask you. And, whenever possible, depending on your sight capability, you will look me deep in the eyes and answer. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, Master."

No sooner than the word "Master" came out of my mouth, I felt a sharp knock to the back of my head from the butt of his gun. My hand flew up immediately to cover the spot on my head that had been struck.

"I am educated and I pronounce the word as Master'. You are an uneducated, pathetic, weak, and useless - beside your holes -- nigger, who does and will pronounce the word Massa'. You will follow everything I say to the exact letter. Now, once more, am I understood, nigger??!!"

"Yes, Massa." And, with those words, I realized I would never be and could never be more humiliated by anything else in my entire life.

"That is exactly what I thought. Now, get your fucking coal-colored hand off your head. I will strike you when, where and how I please and you will never reach to quell yourself unless you are given explicit permission. You at least smart enough to get that through your nappy head, coon boy?!"

"Yes, Massa."

"Impressive. Half of your kind can't even say `Yes, Massa' clear enough to be understood. I see I have some fine stock in you, boy. Now, it's your job to make sure Massa's gun stays clean. But you done gone and got it all wet with your pathetic nigger tears. So, now you're going to clean that gun up for me, boy.

Open wide."

My ass clenched tight at the command. I couldn't think logically. I wasn't thinkin' that my pants were still on. Then I realized I would have to strip for this sick fuck. I had to get to my belt to take off my pants. I was scared shitless at the thought of having to ask something, but I saw no other way around it. I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Massa, could you let up off of my back so I can take off my pants, please? It would be greatly appreciated, Massa."

"Damn, you are a stupid pickaninny, aren't you?! You clean things off with your tongue and mouth, nigger, not your filthy ass. Now open your mouth like you were taught and clean off my fucking gun!"

My hole relaxed for a bit and I looked at the gun. Black, thick and lord knows it was loaded. This fucker wasn't playin' around one bit.

I convinced myself this wasn't really all that bad. I opened up and leaned my head down. I stuck my tongue out and licked the gun where my tears had fallen. I made sure to lick every spot, giving him the least amount of excuses to make things worse, even though, in my soul, I knew there was nothing I could do that wouldn't give him fuel to rape and abuse me more. Hell, my spit was just making the gun wetter. What could I do...?

I didn't want to stop in case I got pistol whipped again. And my head was aching too much to have that again. But I figured it would be better to be knocked unconscious at this point then to know what was happening. But I knew, if I got away from this asshole, I was gonna find a way to get him. And I wanted to know everything he did to me. Didn't matter if it was a group of my boys or a lawyer or a court that gave it all back to him ten fold. If I had any amount of hope and strength left after this, I would make the short remainder of this guy's life more painful than he has ever made anyone else's.

"My, my, my...look at that tongue of yours, boy. Nice and big and thick, just like that fucking coon nose spread all out on your tar face. I will give you some advice, nigger. You keep that tongue nice and wet, and you won't get whipped too bad by your Massa. You hear me, idiot?!"

"Yes, Massa," I parroted, with my tongue leaving the barrel of the gun no longer than necessary.

"Alright, boy, I'm tired of looking at that faggot tongue of yours; time for you to show me your other tricks. Now, I'm going to get up off of you. And I think you know better than to try anything stupid. Although, one never knows with you stupid ethnic types.

When I tell you to, and not a second before, you will turn over and you will open your mouth, looking me dead in the eyes the entire time. When I put the barrel of this gun in your mouth, you're going to treat it like a nice, big, fat cock and you're going to show me how you're going to please your Master when Master is ready. Have I made myself clear, monkey?"

"Yes, Massa."

"Alright. Let's get to it then."

He let his weight off of me for the first time in what felt like 30 minutes to me. Within seconds my legs and ass started to tingle, finally getting some blood flow.

I had controlled my tears a while back, when he had threatened me about them. But I was struggling to keep them away. In the wake of all this emotional damage and the impending rape I wish he would just get over with, it was almost more than a brotha could take.

"The longer you take, the longer this has to last. And, incase I didn't mention it, I'm one of the most impatient and impulsive motherfuckers on the Squad. Don't waste my time, nigger, or you may be squandering your life. And try and have some fucking grace when you do what I tell you. I don't want this van to rock or bounce once as a cause of one of your actions. Every time it does, you will be punished. Now roll your cunt ass over, bitch."

I rolled over as smoothly and quickly as possible, being so careful to no move the van. But my legs were weak and I still couldn't move them too well with them being asleep.

My right leg came down harder than I expected it to and the van shook just a little bit.

And Hulk didn't miss a beat. No sooner did the van start to shake then his open hand came down hard on the side of my face, causing my head to twist to the side and a dull ache to run through my face. Somehow I managed to not bring my hand up to my face.

There were no needs for word. I knew why he hit me...and he only said his commands once. And I wanted to give him no other reason to hit me. So I lay still on my back, opened my mouth and awaited his actions, praying the gun wouldn't go off while in my mouth.

Without words he shoved the gun deep in to my mouth. It hit the back of my throat immediately and I had to fight every damn urge to throw up all over the place. I knew an action like that would have been the end of my life.

I controlled my gag reflex and tried to relax. I was stupid yet again and thought he would fuck my mouth with the pistol, but this was not the case.

"What kind of stupid fuck are you?! I told you I would put the gun in your mouth and wanted you to show me your skills. I know you fucking coons don't have much brains, but it's not a difficult command. Now blow this fucking gun or I can and will blow your small black brains right through the back of your head."

I immediately wrapped my lips around the barrel of the gun and tried to pull back from the butt so that I had room to go up and down the barrel. I was scared shitless that I would chock on the gun and was hoping to get away easy. No dice.

"When I want someone to just lick the tip of something, I will go home to my wife or find some fucking broad in a bar. Now show me you have some purpose on this earth other than defiling this good, white country, or we can make one less monkey boy in this country."

This mother fucker has done this multiple times before and knew a lot about psychology because he was getting through to my brain and making me feel completely useless and I had no more defenses to guard me against it. I had never in my life felt as worthless as I did at that moment. And my lessening strength and self-worth was fueling this fuck. Nothing has ever happened in my life since of any great worth. And I still cry myself to sleep every night.

But, for that time, I did as told. I opened my throat as much as possible, trained my eyes right on him, waiting until the last possible moment to blink, and deep throated the fucking gun. I've never even been able to deep throat a cock when I'm on my back like this. But, then again, my life was never in my hands like at this moment.

It was fuckin' rippin' my throat apart to have this metal going down my throat. But I seemed to be pleasing him.

"That's it, boy. I knew I picked one of the brighter bitches in the litter," he announced, with a big smirk on his nasty fucking face.

"Enough of that, boy. Get those big assed nigger lips off my pistol. Time to make sure you're sufficiently cleaned out so I can start doing m business on you. Off with your shirt."

I finally had all the blood back to my limbs that I needed. This time I was very careful not to move more than needed in any way, shape or form. I sat myself up so I was sitting straight up. This brought me almost face to face with Hulk. I had never been so fuckin' scared in my life. He just sat there, watching me, never taking his eyes off of me, in complete, utter and undeniable control.

Somewhere inside of me, there was a shred of bravado left, struggling to get out. This piece of me wanted to spit in his face, rip the gun out of his hands, shoot him right through the face, run, and never look back. Or even just give him a defiant glare as I obeyed his orders. But that part never came out of me. I was now his fuckin' punk with no hope left.

I knew my eyes were glazed over in tears but I made sure that none of them escaped my eyes. I kept my lips from trembling and, without touching him, I crossed my arms in front of me, grabbed the bottom of my extra-long tee, pulled it up and over my head, and lead it on the right side of me on the rest of the reclined seat.

Since it's the style, I always wear baggy clothes, ones that are at least a size or more too big for me. People just don't gt that shit these days, but I'm not worryin' about them. The way I look at it, I'm pretty much on the DL, and they don't realize I have other agendas.

When my clothes are all baggy and shit, no one can really tell what kind of muscle I have underneath. All those little bitches walkin' around in tight-assed shit like to show it off. I prefer to keep that shit to myself. I make them think they dealin' with someone weaker then them, someone they can control, then I bust my shit out and get mines.

There is no air in the car and it is near impossible to get a good deep breath. I'm sitting there, sweat startin' to form on my chest, some of it rollin' down the middle of my abs, definin' what I already got.

Hulk's eyes seem to catch a single drop of sweat and follow it from my neck all the way down to the top of my Fubu Jeans. He has this crazed look in his eyes -- crazier than anything he's showed yet -- and his crotch is bulging even thicker.

Without looking up from the top of my jeans his gun-free hand shoots out, hits me in the chest open-palmed, stingin' my shit like no one's business, and forcing me back down on my back on the seat, makin' the top of my head clip the side arm rest before my body thumps to the chair.

The van shakes.

At this point, there is little I can hide from him. I just know I'm about to get my face busted up again. Wasn't my fault but I'm sure that doesn't matter. I feel my face tense, my eyes bug out, and my abs and chest get super tight.

"Relax," I am commanded. "I ain't gonna hurt your nigger ass for that. I pushed you down. Don't you worry your pickaninny head off. You only get punished for the shit that you cause by your own inbred stupidity.

"And you best heed my warnings to stay relaxed. First off, you may be ripped, but I want to see those muscles loose. Second, I know how to hit a man...or that I will tear their shit up but never leave a bruise or mark. Make it easy on yourself unless you want a walk out of this van looking like a leper. Hell, if you even want a good chance at walking out of here."

One that last comment he grabs my thigh and makes like he's gonna bring his fist right down on it. I try my best not to cringe. I do pretty good. My ass just squeezes tight.

As he starts laughing at me, he puts his big assed hand, palm down, on my chest, right on the line between my pecs, and starts mumblin' something about `dumb nigger'.

As I look at his hand on my chest, I realize how far away he is from me. Someone would usually have to straddle a nigga's crotch to lay his hand on him like that. But this man is only at my knees and stretches his long arms to hand his business.

He must have moved his other hand with the gun up to my neck as I was realizing how much bigger this man seems when you're on your back with him. I work every muscle to kee it relaxed as he takes the barrel of the gun and puts it to my skin.

It's not cold anymore like it was going in to my mouth. It's now warm from the heat of my throat and he friction of the object rape.

This man is takin' his time. But he's already broken me! Why can't he get on with it?! Instead, he is running this gun across my left shoulder, down the outside of my arm, up the inside of my arm, on my arm pit, down the side of my torso, on my pecs, tracing his hand with the opening of the barrel, and then running the barrel and the gun over my chest.

He must have been waiting for me to become completely still and relaxed because, the second I did, he whips his fingers to one of my nipples and squeezes hard as shit! I can take pain but damn! My nipples have never been abused this much.

As he twists harder and hard, the pain becomes more and more intolerable. I can't help my back archin' off the sheet, pushin' my chest higher in to the air.

A smirk comes across his face as he takes the end of the barrel, encloses my nipple with it, and pushes me back down on the seat.

"Don't worry faggot. This is going to be more painful then you could ever imagine. You might as well start to get used to it."

I try to find another place in my head to go, to escape. But this pain and my own fear keep me right where I am.

Fortunately, the pressure he uses to push me down is steady. I bring myself back down on the chair at the same speed as the gun demands. It would be easier if he held the gun some other way. But bitch is out for blood. His finger never leaves the trigger and the gun's safety is never on.

He keeps twisting my nipple in every direction that he can think of, pressing my other nipple further down against my chest with the gun. I bite the insides of my cheeks as hard as I can without making them bleed to keep from visibly wincin' and cryin' out at the pain.

I guess he lost interest in my right nipple, because he let it go, removed the gun from my left nipple, and started in on that one, puttin' the gun in his other hand to reach my nipple more easily.

Now, he put the same twists and shit on this nipple as he did on the other one. But damn! Is this bitch certified in torture?!

The achin' I felt pounding through my chest from my released nipple was worse than what caused it. My body wanted to writhe around to escape this pain. But there was no escape. My body didn't even recognize the present damage my left nipple was goin' through. All it could concentrate on was relievin' the burnin' ache from my right nipple.

I began to stare at the gun. I'm sure I had a look of serious longin' on that piece. I knew that it had to have cooled down some and would have felt like heaven if he put it on my right nipple.

Without lookin' away from my left nipple, Hulk croaks, "No chance, nigger boy. No relief for you or your kind. Only the pain and misery your dark, crispy critter asses deserve."

I had no choice but to put my head to the right side, tryin' to get my face as far from his eyes as possible. He's fuckin' readin' my mind through my fuckin' eyes and face. There is nothing that I can keep to myself.

No sooner than I bite my lower lip to help keep some sort of composure, I see and feel his huge white hand firmly grippin' my chin and pullin' my head back up. So much force. I'm amazed my teeth didn't go right through my lip. Thank God. Lord knows what would have happened to me if that had happened.

"Your face stays fucking forward, you little maggot. And your eyes stay fixed on me. No more warnings."

I fuckin' near shit myself with the intensity behind his words. And as they're coming out of his mouth, my cock starts to jump up and get rock hard.

I have never been on the receivin' end of this kind of verbal treatment. Never thought I would be. But turns out it's a fuckin' huge turn on to me. But that's the last thing I need Hulk to see. So, of course, he does.

He's still going strong on my left nipple, but he looks down at the tent starting in my crotch.

"Damn, you definitely are a stereotypical darkie, aren't you? Didn't know you had that much to destroy when I grabbed you outside. But I also didn't know you'd like this shit. You like it when I put you down, boy? You like Massa treating you like the fucking piece of dark African nigger shit you really are? You love being put in your motherfucking place, that much I can see. You like it, boy? Huh?! You like it!?"

All of this he said without any sense of emotion on his face. He started slappin' my face on either side back and forth, seeing how much I liked the pain.

Then he started doing all over my chest and stomach and pinchin' my skin. I was tryin' not to flinch but it was hard.

The more pain he inflicted, the less hard my cock became and the smaller the tent was in my pants.

"Damn. And here I thought I caught a bonified man who could take some pain. You don't like that pain, do ya boy? You're little white woman raping stick isn't so happy when I make you hurt. Shame. Thought you might at least get off on all this. Then again, why should I be so generous? I like to see you squirm, nigger. And, boy, I'm gonna get what I like."

And with that, he game me a few soccer punches right to my ribs and my chest.

I lost my breath, again, after the first few. Then I had no choice. My body took over, my muscles tightened, and I couldn't get them to release.

The tighter my muscles became, the more enraged Hulk became. I could actually see it in his face and body.

He was getting red in the face and his muscles just bulged as each hit had more force.

"I told your fucking nigger ass to stay relaxed, faggot! Take your punishment like a fucking man!"

I relaxed as much as I could. It took a second to catch my breath. But, fortunately, he just hulked over me, fumin', waitin' for his command to be executed.

When I finally relaxed, he eyed my torso up quickly, grabbed my crotch with a vice grip with one hand, slammed his fist in to me one last and firm time with the other, knocking all wind and power, along with a deep, guttural moan, from me, and rested, his chest heavin' up and down.

I could see some sweat had formed on his chest, as his shirt began to get dark water spots. He looked me dead in the eyes and made my insides flip out. There was no maskin' emotion or anything. It was the first time I fully realized there was nothin' in his mind but me bein' some dog and inferior not worth breathin' the same air as him.

Maybe he just needed to ultimate look of fear from my face; I don't know. But, as soon as that thought passed through my head, his mammoth hand grabbed the top of my jeans and my drawers -- at the same time -- pulled them up, held them up with one hand and shoved the gun right down in to my pants with the other hand.

I could feel the coldness of the metal at the base of my cock.

"Unbutton your jeans and undo the zipper without touching my hand. You touch me, you lose your balls."

I looked down at my pants to see how I could possibly get around his thick-assed hands and arms. Right them I received a fuckin' hard strike to my face with the butt of the gun.

I shook my head at the force. I started to see little dots in front of my face and got real dizzy. It took a second for me to get my equilibrium back.

When I was good again and the tears had cleared from my eyes, I looked back down to figure things out. I got hit again, same way as before, just on the other side of my face.

Motherfucker that shit hurt! This time, the strike made me sick to my stomach. I felt like I was goin' to loose my shit all over his car. But that was out of the question, I kept my head to the side for a second and tried to breath deep.

I felt some spit up start to come up my throat. A little came to the back of my mouth, but I swallowed that shit down and willed it to stay in my stomach.

I was more sick then I could remember being in a long time. But I finally knew he was pissed off about me not lookin' right at him.

I stared right in his eyes, not tryin' to mask any of my fear, just tryin' to stay alive.

I shot one up to heaven and went for it. I went slow. I figured that I have no hair on my arms or hands. He has a little bit. He's fuckin' with my head but he still wants what he wants. So, if I went slow enough, I could feel the hair on his hands and arms before touching him.

I decided to try and go up and over. I was fortunate enough to feel the heat radiating off of his body. It made it a lot easier to avoid him. I was able to get the button of my jeans undone. From there, it wasn't so hard. I just grabbed the button, and pulled up. I knew I couldn't touch him if I went straight up. And I knew the zipper would undo itself, which it did.

"Takes quite a bit to get through your ashy skull, but you get the job done when you got a cock to get inside of you, don't you, you like fucking nigger whore. Probably got that from your slut momma, baby poppin' bitch that she is, huh, boy?"

I laid there, fumin' and helpless.

"I asked you a question, nigger. When I do that, you answer. Now, did you learn that from you baby poppin' bitch whore of a bourgeois mama or not?!"

What else could I say and still live to see my mama? "Yes, Massa."

A single tear ran down the side of my face from my right eye in to my ear. I don't know if Hulk decided to ignore it or was too wrapped up in his conquest to notice. But I got away with that one.

My pants were open, and I knew he wasn't gonna go down on me, so I was just waiting to see what was happenin' next. I was lookin' at him dead in the face. And he was just lookin' at my body like a rack of meat.

Then he got the strangest look on his face, like he was conflicted about what he was doin' or something. For the first time since he had me in this van, he looked away from me. He put his hands on his thighs, like he was supportin' his weight, and started breathin' real deep and heavy.

I'm wonderin' if he's gonna snap out and start cryin' or go completely ape shit on me. I have no idea. This is scarier than the shit that has already happened. He looks disturbed. And something inside of me thinks, maybe I can calm him down if I show some compassion. Hell, I was grabbin' at straws here. Anything was worth trying at this point.

I slowly get myself up on my elbows, still tryin' to keep my distance and not startle him. At this point, he's rockin' himself just a little bit -- not enough to move the van -- and a low growl is comin' out from his chest. Hannibal Lector ain't never been this frightenin' to me.

First thing that comes to my mind is to reach out and touch him. I don't give two shits about his mental state except to not make it go AWOL on me!

So I decide to say somethin' instead of talkin' to him.

"You alright, ma..."

Hulk's hand came flyin' out of nowhere. He moved so quickly I didn't have time to react. He hit me right on my jawbone. I heard the crack of my jawbone on his knuckles.

My head reeled and the force of the blow actually lifted my body up off the seat. My head hit the seat his daughter was still sleepin' in, and before I had time to bounce back on to the folded down seat, I felt Hulks hands on my body.

One hand cupped around my left hip and the other dug in to and grabbed my chest. He flipped me over and brought me up in the air. I remember lookin' down and saw the seat and the armrest comin' towards me as I landed on the seat.

All the bumpin' around must have knocked me out for a hot second because, when I came to, my hands were behind my back, Hulk was straddlin' my still clothed ass, and I felt my arms held together with material.

I looked under his daughter's seat and saw the rope was gone.

Hulk was mumblin' more shit about niggers and faggots.

He must have noticed my muscles movin' and my head shakin' to bring me back to consciousness faster.

"Stay still, faggot. Time for you to learn a little something.

"I mean, who the fuck do you think you are? You think you're white? You think you're bigger or better than me?"

He slapped the back of my head with his heavy hand.

"You're not. You never will be. You're a useless nigger bitch that isn't good for anything except making the world a filthier place than it already is.

"If you have an semblance of intelligence, you will never, ever, try to help me again or mind what's going on with me. You will understand that your life is in my hands and it isn't worth as much as the change in my pockets."

I suddenly felt his entire weight on me, crushin' my hands and crackin' my knuckles. Both of his hands came under my neck and grabbed it and started to strangle me. It's still amazing to me how quickly I began to black out.

He spoke in a voice so low I could feel it rumble in his chest and resonate on my back.

"Am I understood, nigger??!!"

I have never spoken so weakly or quickly in my life.

"Yes, Massa."

He lifted his weight off of me, makin' my breathin' easier.

Then I felt him shift his weight and sit on my ass. It was kind of painful having my cock dug in to the seat so firmly, especially when I could feel his crotch resting on the back of my hands, still tied behind my back.

Once he was sat, he grabbed my tied hands and twisted them in one move. The burn of the rope on them was rough. I bit my lip to help with the pain, but my lip must have busted when I got knocked out, because more pain shot through me and I could taste my own blood.

My hands now faced his cock. But the strain of this position was much worse than the other way.

To make it worse, I could feel his fuckin' tree trunk through his pants. It was goin' to rip me apart when he finally got to it. My ass tightened at the thought.

"I can feel that ass tightening, nigger. You don't do anything with it unless I tell you to. That is mine. You are mine. Am I understood?!"

"Yes, Massa."

"That was the correct answer. Now get those dirty hands moving. I know you can feel my cock. Now it's time to get Massa nice and hard and ready to rape you."

I did my best in this position. As I rubbed him through his pants, I could feel Hulk movin' his hips back and forth to give him more pleasure.

The more he rubbed against my hands, the harder I became. For a few minutes, I actually lost myself in it! I escaped the torture and forced bondage and was all about his cock. I was able to get myself in to bottom mode and was actually lustin' for this fuckin' Klan leader, Purple Dragon, sadistic fuck's tool!

And that made the position I was in all the worse! My cock was hard as a rock and Hulk's grindin' on my ass was grindin' my stiffy hard in to the upholstery. I didn't want it to stop. I just wanted to be more comfortable while I serviced him.

I knew that was out of the question.

And that was the moment I heard him pull down his zipper. I froze in my mind, but made a big effort to keep my body loose.

I could feel a little movement and then I felt a thick, firm object plop down in my hands. Nothin' else it could be but the Hulk's manhood.

"You feel that, nigger? Your kinds aren't the only ones that have something to be proud of. That's what you're going to have inside of you, breeding you, same as your bitch grandmother and African nigger great grandmother had in them, breeding them, weeding that blackness out of their children until they became as white and pure as me.

"Now wrap those faggot hands around my cock and get it nice and hard. You better get your ass ready to get raped, boy. It'll only make it easier for you."

I did as he said, tryin' to ignore his comments, takin' nothin' personal, keepin' in mind that any man he had lured here would have gotten the same thing, everyone from the past did, all the ones in the future would. We weren't people, we weren't even faces. We were numbers and objects. That way it can't be personal.

I wrapped my hand around his cock as best as I could, but this dude had to be as thick as a beer can, if not thicker! I put as much tension and pressure on his cock as I could. I figured the better I could do, the more quickly he would cum and the faster this shit would be over.

I tried my best, but we all know, that is hardly ever good enough.

"Damn. Stupid, ugly and untalented; your mama must be proud.

"Now, you know you've done this before. You do it to yourself all the time. It's not rocket science.

"But now you get to be like some ordinary pussy since you can't seem to do what I need you to do. So you're going to lie there, and wrap your hand around my cock.

I will instruct you on how tight or loose to hold it.

Otherwise, just lay there like the useless black hole you are, and I'll do the rest...for now."

I did as he said, and he was soon fuckin' my cupped hand. From time to time I would hear him hauck up some spit. He would spit it on the top of my hand and command, "Loosen your fingers, nigger." I would open them and feel the spit drip down between my fingers. When there was enough spit on his cock to satisfy him, he would command, "That's enough, nigger. Tighten up that cunt." And I'd obey.

This went on for a while. His cock got hard, but I never felt any precum leakin' or anything. Hulk was hung like a fuckin' bull. I guess he's so used to this shit he can hold out. I'm just prayin', if he doesn't cum quickly, that I pass out again while he's doin' his business.

Finally he stops rapin' my hand and gets off me. He s now standing, as best he can, between his daughter's seat and the rape seat, movin' towards me.

"Turn yourself on to your left side, nice and slow."

I did as he commanded, not movin' the van once.

When I turned around, he was starin' right at my face.

I could see that he was still wearing all of his clothes and only had his cock hanging out of the slot in the front of his boxers. He had that smirk on his face when I looked up, but that quickly left. He gabbed my by the throat and dragged me up to him. I could barely get myself on to my butt so I could breath.

"What the fuck is this shit?! Did you bte through your fucking lip, thinking I wouldn't make you suck my fucking cock? What else good are you for fuckin' nigger piece of shit?

"Now I was going to make this easier on you. I was going to get my cock nice and dripping wet with your spit before I plowed your ass. But you had to go a bust your fucking nigger lip and make it bigger than it already is. So, now, you suffer."

He squeezes my throat for a little while, makin' me start to black out again, and right as I start to feel my eyes roll up in my head, he throws me back. He's knocked all fight out of me, and it takes me a while again to get back to relative consciousness and be coherent.

He grabs the sides of my jeans and pulls them off me. My boxers come right along with them. The shock of the air on my skin helps bring me around faster. But I'm still weak and not sure what's goin' on and definitely don't have my balance back.

He throws my jeans and boxers away near the slidin' door and grabs my legs at the knee. That must have given him the leverage he needs to toss me around, because, the next thing I know, Hulk is throwing my legs to the side. This makes me roll over on to my stomach.

Before my crotch can even make full contact with the seat, his hands are cupping around my hips and I'm pulled up on my face and knees.

I try to immediately adjust myself so that my weight is on my chest instead of my face. But one of Hulk's hands comes flyin' down on the back of my bed, while the other brings the gun around and rests it on my temple, accompanied by the command, "Stay right where the fuck you are or you die, nigger."

I freeze and keep myself where I am, trying to shift the weight that's on my left cheek to my knees.

My ass is wide open and I can feel my pucker tensin' and relaxin'. No matter what the temperature, feelin' air on my hole always gets it goin'.

"Fucking nigger faggot. Got that whole just waitin' for it. You're supposed to be humiliated. But you must know you're the fucking scum of the earth and not worth anything. So you get ready to take it just like you fucking deserve to get it. Fucking nigger busting open your big dark coon lips. I'm gonna show you what the fuck it's like to get fucked by a real white man. You aren't even worthy enough to get my cum , but you're going to get it. But, until then, you're going to get dry raped. That'll teach you to bite through your fucking gumby lip."

I brace myself, trying to think and keep as loose as possible. It's been over a year since anyone fucked me, and I'm not sure what's going to happen. I figure I'll have to get this ass to a hospital post haste, but, right now, I'm just tryin' to get through.

I feel him tryin' to force that beer can into my hole with no success whatsoever. I feel the pressure of his head against my hole, but even that is too thick to just go in.

"Open that fucking ass, nigger! I'm getting in one way or the other. Make it easy on yourself. You don't want me to get more pissed off at your coon self than I already am."

I have to find someway to calm him down.

"Yes, Massa. I was tryin' hard. I guess I just have to try harder."

I felt Hulk stop pushing. I think I actually threw him off for a second. Nothin' more I could ask for at this point.

"That's right, boy. That's what I expect to hear. Now open wide."

I dropped my stomach so it was closer toward the seat, archin' my lower back and poppin' my ass out. I knew Hulk liked this because his cock was still at my hole and I felt it jump.

My show of allegiance must have calmed him down, because he became more gentle and less abusive at that point. I was happy for that on multiple levels. The one I'm most ashamed of is the enjoyment level. He may be an absolute fuck of a person, but he was fuckin' hot with a fuckin' stacked bod and cock, and that voice, even when it's debasing me, is still the sexiest a brotha has ever heard. And it would just be easier for me to take all that meat if I could stay calm and actually get off on it myself.

But, like I told y'all, fuckin' beer can cock. It wasn't goin' in dry without tearin' the opening of my hole to shreds. And I know he didn't want no blood on his new upholstery.

Next thing I know, his cock head went away from my hole and it was replaced with his finger. It was a little tight when he put it in, because some guy's cocks aren't as fucking huge as this mans fingers. It was rough going in and out, and my hole was relaxing, just very very very slowly. I'm sure not fast enough for his liking.

And I was right. He was bein' impatient. And I think I got him hot and ready from bein' willin' to give it up.

He haucked again and let loose a ball of spit that hit the top of my ass crack and slide down. As it hit my hole, it puckered and loosened as the spit coated Hulk's finger and helped it slide in and out of my ass.

I expected him to punch my head and abuse me in some way, since he told me to keep loose and I disobeyed. But I knew I got through when I heard him sayin', under his breath, "Yeah, boy. Get that ass open for me."

I did my best. Every now and again I had to get the thoughts of the horrible words he'd said out of my head. They kept comin' back, warnin' me to not get too comfortable with this guy because he could turn on a dim, but I couldn't take the fear anymore. I had to find somethin' good. Though, it was hard with my face wearin' deeper and deeper in to the upholstery.

I could feel him puttin' more and more fingers in my ass. He got himself up to three, which felt bigger than any black cock I have ever had inside of me. I was breathin' very heavy, concentratin' to keep my ass open and receivin'. I was hard as a rock and drippin' precum from my own stiff cock. I was fightin' all the thoughts and recent memories and just goin' for as much ecstasy as possible. I knew no better way to get my hole open wide enough to not hemorrhage from his eventual poundin'.

I guess three fingers and the shit load of spit that he kept assaultin' my ass with was good enough for him, because the second his fingers left my ass his cock was knockin' at my back door, beggin' to come in.

From the spit, fingerin' and, I'm assumin' precum that was drippin' from his tree trunk, the head popped right in. It was an awesome feelin'. It had me stretched open, but comfortably. It was warmer than the inside of my ass and the heat helped relax my entire body as I waited for the rest to get in.

But he was going slow, noticin' my breathin' and relaxation. He would try to go in further when I would breath out. I think he was actually startin' to look at me as somethin' human instead of somethin' to degrade and use.

Hulk only got himself in to me a certain depth with relaxation and spit `cause he was just too fuckin' huge! My ass already felt like it was splittin' at the seams and I knew he wasn't even half in yet. And I could tell that he was only half way inside of me at that point.

"You openin' that ass, nigger?!"

"Yes, Massa," I answer through a strained face.

"Your coon ass best not be lyin' to me, pickaninny!"

"No, sir! Nevva, sir! I's openin' as wide as I can. You's just too much man for me!"

Who ever said watchin' old school slave flicks wouldn't pay off was a damn fool!

Next thing I know, I'm hearin' that low growl I heard from Hulk before. I hear some metal and try not to tense up. I'm here on my face and knees thinkin' I'm about to get a metal chain shoved up in my stuff or worse.

Instead, Hulk's shirt drops right next to my face. His pants, shoes, and drawers follow right behind, his drawers last of all, falling right over my face.

Things were lookin' up for a brotha! Man has been workin' it for a while and his crotch smell was all sorts of ripe!

And I was not complainin'! Even though this was not by my choice, this man's looks were just what I like when I'm bein' a bitch bottom. I need a MAN! Someone who is at least as hung as I am, butch, forceful, musky. Someone to put me in my place and use me like a bitch. This motherfucker was rapin' me, but him getting as naked as I was brought things on a more equal level and helped me calm down and escape to a better place.

"I know your fucking nigger face is smiling under my drawers. Don't think my being naked brings me to your level. You're still my mother fucking slave and are being used for my pleasure and your downfall. Whatever happens from here on out is not to make things easier for you but for me. Am I fucking understood?!"

"YES, MASSA!" I shouted, as loud and firm as I could dare speak, with my mouth muffled by the boxers I was smellin'.

I was sittin' there and half my face was already numb from the pressure of my own weight on it. But I could still smell and I took deep breaths, his musk heavy and strong, like poppers. Hell, if poppers got me this hard, I'd drink the fuckers.

I'm lost in his smell, almost forgettin' what else is going on, when I feel a rush of air go right up my hole. There is nothing I can do to keep from tightenin' up after that. I mean, I had his huge, thick, WARM cock up my ass, and now nothin' but comparably cold air. And his cock was so thick and had me so stretched out, even with my ass clenchin', the walls didn't come back together completely. There was no way for me to keep all that air out.

But I didn't think about that for long, because I could feel the unmistakable feelin' of a tongue on my ass within seconds. Hulk was fuckin' rimmin' me??!! What the fuck?! And he was diggin' for dirt! Not only was he eatin' my ass out, he was diggin' his tongue DEEP inside my hole. I have never felt a tongue so far up on my ass and actually on the walls of my hole. It was fuckin' brilliant, even considerin' the circumstances.

I could hear him rippin' away at his own cock with his man hands while he was slurpin' on my hole. I could feel his spit dripping down from my ass, coverin' my balls, hangin' on them for a second, and then droppin'. I would have given anything to be able to reach my nipples for that. But I probably would have blown my load. And I knew my ass would be pulverized with his fists if I did that without bein' commanded to.

This mother fucker was so crazy, though! He's supposed to be some mother fuckin' Klan founder and shit and he's munchin' out my whole, makin' me so wet, and I hear him sayin', under his breath, "Yeah, man! Open that ass up. Let me in to taste those chocolate walls. Yeah, baby. Give it to Daddy."

No way he thought I could hear him! Never! But that shit was getting' me off. I already had myself in the right mindset to get fucked and rocked and shit. I just wish I could get rid of that fuckin' fear that would not leave my head that this was going to be the end of my life. This fucker was the most racist, homophobic shit I ever met. I didn't care if he was a queer down deep and loved black ass. It didn't matter. He was crazy beyond belief and all I could think of was if someone I knew had been a victim of his before and if they were buried somewhere, never to get fucked or heard from again.

I froze at that very moment, and all joy left me. I didn't know if I had the strength to bring it back. Suddenly I wanted nothin' more than the ropes off my hands, the fuckin' stank ass drawers off my face and to be free and away and fuckin' pump 7 rounds in this mother fucker, let my boys rape the shit out of him, then tie him up to die somewhere. This was not happenin'. But it was. Thank God he was too big to get in. Maybe I could get away with damage that wouldn't require surgery.

He had gotten up from rimmin' my ass and I could hear him goin' through the clothes that were next to my face. The rummagin' stopped and his boxers were suddenly pulled off my face real quick.

"What the fuck is this shit?! I don't know how you did it, but don't you touch one more fucking piece of my clothing. I got this from my wife for Father's Day and now I'm going to have to burn them since you have your nigger coon breath and germs on them. I will kill you if you defile one more thing that is precious and worthwhile to me. If you even think of moving a muscle without my explicit permission, your life will end today. And I will ensure your body is never found and your soul burns in the depths of hell for eternity."

I froze and could not get my cahones back. Even as I felt the thick wetness of lube drippin' down my ass crack and bein' pushed real hard up inside of my hole, I could not relax. When he took his cock and shoved it all the way up my hole, as I felt the rips of my ass and the slickness of his lubed cock and heard the slams of his crotch hittin' my ass hard enough to bruise me, I was numb. There was nothin' else I could feel, which I now realize was a true blessin'.

From that point on in to the rest of the rape, it felt like I was watchin' from above but not in my body. I could feel and, in my mind's eye, see him poundin' my ass, grabbin' my hips hard enough to break blood vessels, pullin' his thick assed shit all the way out ma ass just to flop it back in, even after his cock started comin' out of me shit-caked and bloody, donkey punchin' the back of my head hard enough to make me slip in and out of consciousness, takin' sucker punches to my ribs and neck, spittin' on me, you name any foul thang it was done to me by him.

The only I couldn't know at that point was what he was sayin'. I could feel vibrations from his voice as he spat words out at me. I could feel the vibrations on my back as he laid his heavy self on me, probably cussin' and insultin' and degradin', pinchin' my nipples hard enough to make the skin break. But it's like I could see it and feel it but hear nothin'. Like a rape on silent film.

I prayed that it was over when I felt the warm rush of a flood of his cum fill my ass beyond capacity. The feelin' brought me back to near full consciousness. I could feel again and hear again. The pain all rushed on me at once and I let out a deep, sorry, sad, and tearful moan. To this day I think Hulk's own grunts kept him from hearin' me and goin' ape shit on me.

After forcin' himself deep inside of me and emptyin' himself, he pulled out quickly and pulled me up by my roped hands. My head hit the roof of the car and his cum fell quickly out of my ass and started rollin' down the back of my legs.

With one pull of the rope, Hulk untied my hands. They fell to my sides and, within seconds, started burnin' from the blood that was pumpin' through them after bein' away for so long. I wanted to shake my arms, to grab them, to get feelin' back in them. But I had no strength or will, and wanted to make no sudden moves. I was praying I was near the end of all this and didn't want to prolong my misery.

I was weak with no energy in any part of my body. I remember rockin' real small from side to side, tryin' to keep myself from fallin' back down on the seat.

All fight was gone from me. When I felt his hand wrap around my neck and squeeze, I didn't even blink. When I felt hot breath from his mouth pourin' in to my ear, I just smiled at the warmth. As his drippin' wet -- now soft - cock smacked into my ass and his thick chest pressed on my back, I just sighed. Nothin' else was left to do.

That was the position I was in the last time I heard his voice.

"I am done with your mother fucking nigger self. You are lower than dirt. You are the diseased scum of the earth. You should always be mindful of the fact that all my kind will wipe your dirt race from the face of the Earth. It is merely a matter of time. You always keep that in mind. When you see a white person, you bow. You scrape. You make yourself available and kowtow. Then maybe, one day, just maybe, when we wipe your kind from the earth, you may be spared and still live in absolute servitude to your forever Masters.

"And don't think you can go to the cops about this. I am the fucking cops. Police Sergeant to be exact. And if you even think of reporting anything and the smallest stain mars my reputation I will annihilate you. I will find you. I will capture you. I will hide you away, capture every member of your family, one by one, over a very long period of time, make you watch their anguish at thinking you're dead, and then make you watch as I do to them what I just did to you.

And worse. So, if you think you're going to get brave and report the evil racist raping bastard who did this to you, just think of your grandmother, your nephew, your niece, everyone you love. Because it doesn't matter to me how tar black or coal ashy, how young, how old, how crippled that person is. I will kill your heart and leave you to live with what you've caused for the rest of your natural life."

Next thing I know, I wake up, butt assed naked, with the worse headache I ever had in my entire life. My balls ached, my ass ached so bad it was nearly numb. I had fluid drippin' from my ass, red, yellow and white, bruises was startin' to show on my body...I was just a hot mess.

"Sir...sir?...You awake? Sir..."

I heard the sound of a radio or somethin'.

"Yeah, Dale? I'm gonna need an ambulance down here in the lower lot. I got an African American male down. Looks like it might be an assault of some kind. He's definitely in need of some medical attention. Put a rush on this, huh? This kid looks real messed up."

I reach out to grab the guys pant leg.

"Jesus H. Christ! Kid? Damn you scared the shit out of me. What happened to you?"


"Yeah. You got that ambulance yet, Dale? What?! Caught in traffic??!! Tell them to put their fucking sirens on. They're a fucking ambulance. They're supposed to be able to get through traffic! This kid's messed up, Dale, I'm telling you."

"Nah, man. I'm cool. Just help me get up and get my clothes on."

"You must be insane, kid! Looks like you got pistol-whipped and knocked out after someone beat the shit out of you. You need medical attention. You could have some broken bones or infections or something."

"I'm cool, man. Someone just ganked my wallet. Just help me up and help me get myself decent and I'll be out of ya way. No need to report this shit. And please cancel that ambulance. I don't want no scene."

"Kid, I can't be liable for you. And, besides, you're making a mistake. You look like shit."

"Fine, man. Whateva. I'll get up myself. I am not stickin' around to make some scene out of this shit."

"Alright, kid. Alright. Give me a second and I'll help you get together. KRRCCCSSSSTT Dale? Cancel the ambulance and don't write this one up...You heard me...I know...I know!...the kid came around...he doesn't want an ambulance and we cant' force him...Well, if he refuses to pay the ambulance bill, are you gonna pay for it?...Uh huh...that's what I thought...what?...I'll be fine, Dale...I'll be back in about ten."

The guard took out a pair of latex gloves and put them on.

"Sorry, kid. Nothing personal. You just never know these days, you know?"

Yeah...I know.

The guard helped me sit up first. Every muscle in my body ached and/or spasmed from the move. I was winchin' and could feel the dried blood on the back of my head and neck.

"Damn, kid. They did a job on you, didn't they? Just sit there and relax. Try to get some deep breaths in, no matter how much it hurts. I'll get you dressed and help you outside."

He touched my arm to steady me as he tried to get my shirt over my head. My entire body jumped and coiled away from him. I shifted myself back a few inches on the cement and brushed his hand hard off me. He looked at me like he was scared I was gonna jump him or somethin'.

"Sorry, man. I can't dig on no man touchin' me right now. I'll be aight. Just turn your back while I get myself dressed."

"Alright, kid. Whatever makes you happy."

He turned his back to me, but I could see him checkin' me out in the mirror that was in the corner on the wall. It was all good. I didn't care. I didn't have any more pride or cares about much of anything. I just wanted to get dressed and get out of there.

It took me a long time but I got my shit on by myself.

It even hurt to have the weight of my clothin' on my body. But I couldn't punk out. What was a little clothin' on me when I had just gone through all that shit??!!

I tried to get to my feet but I couldn't. I didn't have any strength left in my legs to pull myself off the ground and putting weight on my arms just made my ankles fall out from under me. I knew I wasn't goin' nowhere without this security guard's help.

"You can stop peepin' me in that mirror and help me get up off the ground," I said towards the guard, tryin' to be as jokin' as possible. I figured if he thought I was in good spirits he would leave me alone easier. But I must have sounded like as much shit as I looked like, `cause he turned around and was all kinds of wigged.

"Now, kid, it ain't like that. I ain't no pervert or nothin'. I was just making sure you wasn't in no trouble and didn't pass out again or nothin', that's all!"

"I know, man. I was just playin' wid you. But I could seriously use a hand up. And, please, be careful. Just grab me under the arms all gentle like and pull me up. I can't do it by myself."

The guard came right over to me and did as I asked. He was tryin' to be real nice. So I tried to hide how much it hurt and how much it freaked me the shit out to be touched by another human, let alone a man. I knew I wasn't goin' to get my freak on any time soon after this shit.

It took him some doin', since it was almost like liftin' dead weight, but the man got me on my feet and held me there until I could hold myself up again.

"Look, kid, I feel bad about all this. I was slackin' today on my shift and I should have been down here twice already before. I feel like this is my fault. You sure there ain't nothin' I can do for ya?! Money?

A ride home? Anything, kid! Just ask it!"

I had to stop and think about it for a second. I didn't need his money; I'm not goin' out like that. I support myself and get my cash flow my own way. But the more I looked down the long parkin' garage and thought about walkin' all the way to that bus, my body ached more. I am a tough assed nigga, but I knew when I was beat. And all a man wanted to do in that moment was sit up in his crib and cry.

"Yeah, man. It be coo' if you could drop me off in my hood. I don't feel up to the bus right now."

"No problem, kid. My truck is up a few levels. Just hang out here. Sit down if you want. Just try to stay awake. I'll be back down here in ten minutes flat."

That cracka flew out of there and was up the elevator in no time flat. I tried to keep myself up and walk to the wall to support myself. But I couldn't make it. I just let my body fall right back down on the ground. Fortunately, I kept myself upright and sat there like some kid who fell down when tryin' to walk across the room to his mama for the first time.

I started goin' in and out of consciousness, but last time I came around this blue Ford truck was in front of me and the guard was comin' out of the driver side, talkin' on his walkie talkie.

"End of discussion, Dale. I'm takin' this kid, I have no idea where he lives...but you know why I have to do this....I don't give two flyin' fucks, cover for me...Do I have to remind you how many times I've covered for your ass??!!...uh huh...that's what I thought....I don't'll figure somethin' out...tell them I got a bad case of diarrhea and got nauseous and shit and had to go one ever questions that...alright??!!...I'll call ya after I drop the kid off...if no one's come questionin', I'll come back right after I'm sure he's safe...alright...thanks, man...out.

"Alright, still with me?"

"Yeah...just get me home quick and safe, aight?!"

"No problem, kid. I'll help you up in the cab."

"Ain't you got a towel or something to put over the seat? I don't want to get no blood or nothin' on your seat."

"It's alright, kid. You should be the one worried about sittin' there. Worse stuff has gotten on that seat than anything you got to offer. Now brace yourself. I'll have to get my arms around your rib cage to get you up safe. It's probably gonna smart something awful."

Bitch wasn't kidding! He wrapped one arm around my back and hung on to my rib cage. It felt like my insides were goin' to explode, collapse in on themselves, somethin'! But I had to get the fuck out of here. So I gritted my teeth and dealt with it.

Lookin' back on it, I was glad to see I still had some remainder of manhood left in me.

We drove in silence. I should say I rode in silence. This dude had some country music shit on the radio, but I barely heard it. He was talkin' to me, tryin' to make me feel betta, I'm sure, but nothin' was registerin'. I didn't know what I would do when I got home. How I would explain this. I knew my boys would be out for some peops if I told them I was ganked by some bitches. And I couldn't tell what really happened.

"All right, kid. The next exit is Hill Side. You tell me where to go from there."

"Look, man. I appreciate all you're doin' for me. But it ain't safe for you in this neighborhood. I'll take you around to some back streets where I know ain't no one gonna be this time of day. You can drop me off there and I'll be fine to get back to my crib."

When I told him things weren't safe for him, he started lookin' around and twistin' in his seat.

"Sure, kid. Whatever you say is cool. As long as you're sure you'll be fine."

I told him where to go. He didn't know I was takin' him to the alley out back of my house. He didn't need to know. I just needed to get in my house and be alone.

I had him pull up right to the alley leading up the side of my house. He started to get out of the truck and help me get out. I stopped him and told him I didn't want no one touchin' me no more. He started arguin'. So I reminded him of how much he did not want to be seen in this neighborhood outside of his wheels. That shut him up real quick and let me struggle to get out of the truck in silence.

When I finally got the door shut, he reached over and rolled down the window.

"You want me to wait until you get out of this alley, kid? I don't mind, no matter what the neighborhood is like."

"Nah, man. I'm cool. Just go to the end of the alley, make a right, and keep drivin' until you get the hell out of this `hood and see the highway. Thanks."

He waited for a second, looked around again, and slowly drove off. I waited until his truck had turned the corner and I couldn't hear it any more before movin'. I started to head down the side alley to my side door, knowin' I could slip right in with no one seein' me.

I didn't hear anythin' hit on the ground, but as I was walkin' toward safety, I saw a wad of cash on the ground. I figured he threw it out the window before he drove off. Nice to know someone was still a good guy. I saw a few 10's and 20's in the wad, but I couldn't take it. Besides being too sore to pick it up, I couldn't take that man's money. He had done enough for me. I left it there for some crack ass nigga to pick up and feed they habit with.

It was a struggle to get up the stairs, but I did, got my key out, got in my house, locked the doors and crumbled to the floor in a heap of tears and sobbin' pain. I had never felt like such shit as I did in that very moment. Nothin' has ever been so horrible. I just laid on the ground and balled until I passed out. I slept right there at my side kitchen door entrance for what must have been 19 hours or more. I knew nothin' was broken; Hulk wasn't stupid enough for all that. But all I know is I keep havin' the same dreams today, 15 years later, that I had when I passed out that night: reliving my rape but dyin' at the end instead of livin' to deal with all the shit and pain that will never stop hauntin' me.

"People need loving the most when they deserve it the least."

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