Pleasing My Daddy

By moc.loa@5562B

Published on May 9, 2023


Pleasing My Daddy Part 6

I struggle to stand on my wobbly knees and wonder what my Daddy's up to. He motions to the tube of lubricant, and I eagerly unscrew the cap and squirt a generous amount into my palms. I distribute the cream over both palms in order to warm it up. I look over at my Daddy, and he nods his head and gives me the sexiest smile.

"You about ready to put on a good show for me, boy?"

"Oh, yes Sir!" I'm excited at the prospect of stroking off for my Daddy's pleasure.

"Well, let's get started, son. Park your butt on the edge of the table. I want you to give me a good performance, boy -- and make it last."

My heart is still pounding as I begin to coat my boy cock with the soothing cream. I close my eyes and let out a sigh of pure pleasure as I begin to stroke for him. My hand makes loud, slick slapping noises as I polish the length of my dick. I'm not too sure what he wants from this, but I just decide to go with my instincts. I really begin to get into it, even thrusting forward with my hips. I'm beside myself with pleasure. My ass is still tingling from my Daddy's masterful fuck, and my cock is not complaining as I work my grip all the way up and down the stiff shaft. My strokes become more and more urgent as I grab my dick more tightly. I suddenly realize I'm getting close. Very close. I snap out of my daze as I hear my Daddy's voice booming from across the room.

"Not so fast, boy. I told you to make it last, didn't I?"

"Yes Sir!" My hands freeze in mid-stroke. I look over at my Daddy, who is now sprawled out in a chair, nursing a longneck. I wait for some instructions, but he just stares at me intently. My heart is pounding, and I can feel my pulse throbbing in my dick. I let go and drop my hands to my sides. "I'm sorry, Sir. You just have me so worked up."

"You in a particular hurry to cum, boy?"

I don't answer right away, because I have an uneasy feeling about what he's going to say next.

"Did you hear me, boy?"

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir. I just want to please you, Daddy." I hope this is what he wants to hear. My cock continues to bounce and throb in the air, frustrated by the sudden lack of contact.

My Daddy gets up and walks over to me. He has a menacing expression that scares me a little.

"It looks as if my boy might need a little guidance here, wouldn't you say?"

I nod my head sheepishly, as my Daddy reaches for my horny cock.

"Maybe all you need is a little demonstration of how it's done."

I look right into his eyes and practically melt as he starts to stroke my boy cock. He moves in closer and starts to nuzzle my ear. His voice drops to a whisper. "Now you'd better learn to behave, boy. I know you want to please me. Am I right?"

"Oh, yes Sir." My voice quakes as I grip the edge of the table top, trying to steady myself. I still don't know where he's going with this.

"Well, son. What would please me now is to give you a little lesson in obedience." He pulls back and stares right into my eyes. I'm a bit startled and look away, letting my eyes travel down to my cock. He continues to stroke me slowly as he offers encouragement.

"That's right, son. Feel you daddy's fist on your boycock. We're going to go real slow now. Have to teach you how it's done right."

My cock is starting to leak all over the place. My Daddy's hand tightens on my shaft, squeezing slowly all the way from the tip to the base of my dick. His strokes become agonizingly slow, and his grip is so strong that it is almost painful. But my cock just throbs harder than ever, pleased at my Daddy's attention.

"How does that feel, boy? Do you like what we're doing here?"

"Oh, yes Sir!" My breath becomes more and more ragged as I watch his purposeful strokes moving ever so slowly up and down my cock. Then his fist presses down hard right against my pubes, and his index finger flicks out and under to scratch against my balls.

"Feels like these are full of boy cum, son."

"Oh, yes, Daddy!"

"Tell you what, boy. It would please your Daddy if you'd work on those boy nips while I concentrate on the main course. Think you can do that for me?"

I look up with a start. He gives me a cruel smile. We both know that I wouldn't be able to last long if my boy tits are worked on. I could swear my nips are connected directly to my cock, and I always blow a bigger load when my tits are pinched.

"Yes, Daddy. I want to give you pleasure." I gulp as my hands tentatively reach up to my hard, sensitive nips.

"Don't be shy, now. We both know what you like." My Daddy starts to stroke me again, and I resign myself to this form of pleasure torture.

I flick at my hard nubs with both thumbs, and I watch as my boy tits nearly double in size. My cock is purring from my Daddy's strokes, and my ass itches a bit from the cum that is starting to leak out onto the table top. I look right into my Daddy's eyes, and he nods back at me.

"That's right. You know what to do, boy."

I pinch both my boy nips in unison and let out a hiss. My cock throbs harder than ever. Sparks fly across my chest and travel right down to my cock. My Daddy nods again and squeezes my dick harder and harder.

"Excellent, son. That's the way to please your Daddy." He leans in for a gentle kiss, and I think I'll die from the pleasure of it.

"Stay with me now. Just concentrate on working those boy tits. Play with them a little harder now."

I thrust out my chest and pinch hard. Very hard. My Daddy's slick hand strokes me all the way down to my pubes, and he seeks out my balls with the other. He gently scratches at the underside of my ball sac and then squeezes them a little. Then a little harder. Then harder still. I open my eyes and notice Daddy's serious expression. I am slowly going crazy from this erotic combination of pain and pleasure.

"That's my boy. Stay with me now. Keep up the pressure on those tits."

My cock is leaking so much precum that it is discharging at a steady stream. My Daddy reaches down and scoops up a generous portion and brings his fingers to my lips.

"Enjoy it, son. You've earned it."

I suckle his fingertips and taste my own cum. His fingers press deeper towards the back of my throat as the heel of his hand pushes my head back. He activates my gag reflexes, and I struggle to remain calm. A tear forms at the corner of my eye and slowly trickles down my cheek.

Just then my Daddy pulls back and rummages through my clothes. He finds my briefs and roughly wipes at my dripping boy cock.

"Can't have you ruining the floor, boy. You're leaking like a faucet. You're ready to pop, I can see that. But I'm not so sure that's what you really want. I think you like staying all boned up like this. I'd hate to put an end to it."

"Oh, please, Sir! I really want to cum for you. Please let me cum

I'm still sitting on the edge of the table, pinching my tits. My cock bobs up and down in frustration. But my Daddy doesn't resume his stroking. He throws my shorts onto the floor and picks up my jeans.

"Put 'em on."

"-- er, Sir?"

"You heard me right, boy. I said put 'em on. We're going for a ride."

I can't believe it. He has gotten me so worked up, and I need to cum badly. My tits throb, and my cock continues to pump into the air. There is no way I can just stop this.

"Come on, boy. Don't make me angry. You know what it's like if I have to punish you when I'm angry."

I scurry into my jeans and struggle to contain my hardon. My boy cock juts out obscenely even when the top button is finally closed. I panic a little when I realize he is serious. We're going out in public NOW, and anyone can tell I have this huge boner. I start to pull on my T-shirt, but he swats my hand away.

"You won't be needing that, son. We're not through with those tits yet."

He grabs me by the shoulder and pushes me toward the door. He is dressed only in his boots and jeans, but I'm still barefoot. Before I know it, we're out the door and walking toward Daddy's Jeep. He opens the passenger door and gestures for me to enter. He shuts the door and walks around to the driver's side. He reaches through the window and tosses an envelope at me. I catch it and look inside. There's a pair of metal alligator clips and a small chain.

"Hang onto those, boy. You'll be needing them soon."

With that he starts the engine and we back out into the street. We haven't gone three blocks when he asks me why I haven't put on the tit clamps.

"Come on, son. Let's show a little initiative."

I nervously remove the clamps from the envelope and attach the jagged teeth of one end to my right tit. I can't believe how much it hurts. I look over and give my Daddy a worried look. My tit throbs with pain.

"Hurry up, boy. Let's get the other one attached."

It takes all my concentration to open the jaws of this sinister clamp. The teeth are extra sharp, and I've never felt clamps this strong before. I release it as slowly as possible, trying to ease into the pain, but the motions of the Jeep make it difficult to control. The light weight chain that connects the clamps feels cool against my chest, but I struggle to clear my head of the persistent pain.

"That's a good boy. You look much better with a matching set." He reaches over and gives the chain a light tug. My nips ache with pain, but my cock throbs and strains against the confines of my jeans. My Daddy notices my twitching cock and gently squeezes my basket. We drive a few more blocks, and I'm leaking right through the denim fabric -- a telltale dark spot has formed at the head of my cock.

Suddenly my Daddy pulls the Jeep into our neighborhood 7-11 parking lot. I slouch down in the seat, hoping no one will see my tit clamps. Daddy just tousles my hair and says, "Don't go anywhere, boy. I'll be right back."

He slams the door and walks toward the store entrance. But he stops cold and then turns and walks back to my side of the Jeep. I don't know what he's up to. Then he opens the door and reaches behind the seat to fetch a worn T-shirt. He tugs it over his head and pulls me out of my seat. I'm mortified to be standing out in public with no shirt on and clamped tits -- not to mention the damp spot on the crotch of my jeans.

"Changed my mind, son. You're coming inside with me."

He slams the door of the Jeep shut and reaches down to my waist. Before I know it, he's undone the top two buttons of my jeans. The he nudges my shoulder and marches me right up to the storefront. My heart is pounding wildly. This can't be happening!

He opens the door and literally pushes me inside.

"Now behave yourself, son. I don't want you getting into any trouble."

The last thing I see before stumbling inside is a sign on the door that reads, "No shirt, no shoes no service."

-- to be continued Comments? Terry at

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