Pleasing My Daddy

By moc.loa@5562B

Published on Mar 9, 2023


Pleasing My Daddy Part 2 by Terry

I hear him pounding down the steps, and I feel a shiver all over just knowing that he's coming. He walks over to me and rubs my ass, which is all sweaty now. He lifts my cheeks and spreads them wide, exposing my hole to the cold air. He flicks his forefinger against my exposed boy pussy and I flinch in response.

"Steady, boy. I don't want a moving target."

He palm swats me hard, right on my gaping hole. My ass lips alternately clench and relax in a natural reflex. My daddy tells me he can see this makes my boy pussy happy, but I'm not so sure. He squeezes my bubble butt hard, steps back and slaps my ass with such force that I jump. He just chuckles, then walks away and tells me to come over to where he is.

I walk over to the middle of the room where he's standing. Again, he just looks at me with a smirk on his face. "It feels good to be standing in front of your daddy, naked and hard, waiting for your punishment, doesn't it, boy?" He reaches out and squeezes the wet tip of my boy cock.

"Yes, Sir." My face reddens at this admission.

He makes a smug grunt and tells me to spread my legs and reach up to grab hold of the beam that's above my head. I have to stretch to reach it and I'm balancing all my weight on my toes. I steady myself by holding on real tight, sweating, naked and hard, and very self-conscious.

He steps up to face me and puts his mouth right next to my ear. "Are you going to be a really strong boy for your daddy? Are you going to be brave and take your punishment like a man?"

"Yessir," I tell him. He's so close to me I can feel his chest rubbing against my nipples each time he takes a breath. His breath on my ear gives me shivers and I just want him to keep standing there touching me. He thrusts his wet tongue deep into my ear, and my whole body twitches in response. He runs his teeth along my earlobe, teasing me with light bites.

He steps back and runs his hand across my chest. I can feel my cock getting harder just from him touching me on my chest like that. He flicks at my boy tits with his fingernails, just testing me. Then he grabs my nips and squeezes and pinches extra hard. I let out a hiss and twist from the pain. But it just makes my boy cock even harder. My dick is leaking all over the place.

He tells me its really gonna hurt and I gotta be very brave or I won't be able to take it. He tells me, "I don't want to tie you up for this, boy. I want you to take it willingly. I want you to show me how you and your boy pussy need this kind of treatment."

"Yes, please sir," I tell him, 'cause I want to be obedient for him. "I want you to make me your pussy boy."

He stands in front of me and shows me a black leather tawse. He says he's gonna whip me with it and it's really, really gonna hurt. I start swallowing as fast as I can, looking at the whip. I already know how much its gonna hurt before he even hits me with it. I just grit my teeth and hold my breath waiting for it.

He tells me to hold on tight, tousles my hair, and then he moves around behind me. Suddenly he hits me full force on my bare ass with the tawse. I can't believe how much it hurts. I can feel pain go all the way down my legs, and I can hardly take it. I just grip the beam harder and start sucking my breath in and out each time he hits me with the punishment strap.

I think I just can't take the pain anymore, but somehow I do. Pretty soon I'm making crying sounds, jerking around trying to get away from the smarting pain, but never letting go of the beam, hanging onto it like it with all my strength. I just keep sucking in my breath, trying not to let him hear my whimpers. The swats just keep raining down on my bare boy butt.

Suddenly the beating stops and I can feel only the fire burning in my ass. I open my eyes and see him standing there in front of me, his face all moist from sweat. He tells me he's really proud of me that I took my beating like a man.

He tells me to let go of the beam, but I falter. It's as if one of my hands is stuck. He reaches up and unhooks my fingers and I can't even stand up. I don't fall down, 'cause he puts his arms around me and holds me up. I practically melt into his strong shoulders, sobbing and gasping.

I feel really weak and just let him hold me. He tells me I'll be okay, and he lets me go. I stand there, sort of wobbly.

"C'mon," he tells me, "let's get you cleaned up." He leads me over to a big shower and makes me step into it, and he starts soaking me with water, washing me with his hands.

I just lean into him, feeling the strong hands soaping me all over, rubbing the pain away. I'm dazed and lost in some sort of trance when he starts to towel me off with a big, scratchy towel.

He steps back and pulls off his boots and then his jeans. He doesn't wear any undershorts, so he's totally naked in front of me, with a huge hardon. His cock is so big it scares me.

But I never such a good looking male body before. Daddy is more than 6 feet tall with short hair all over his chest and a line of hairs than goes down to his pubes. His cock is enormous and sticking out in front of him. He looks at me and sees that I'm staring at his cock.

"Suck it," he tells me.

-- to be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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