Please, take all control

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Jun 5, 2024


Please, take all control Part 2 By Chaim

This story is pure fiction. This story is a teen's quest and includes bondage, dominance and submission and mild S&M. Many thanks to Roberto M. for this story idea and for sharing with me some of his personal experience in France! Please support NIFTY with your donation to keep this site open and free!

"Okay, stud. Show us what you got!" Roberto flushed but was quite helpless. For some reason his cock got hard as the older guy examined his body with the cold eye of an appraiser. Roberto stood in awe of him as he looked into his eyes. The older man smiled, "You belong to us now. We can do whatever we like with you. You will be our slave boy. You will adore, obey, and worship us." Roberto's whole body got rigid, not only his cock. "You are born for his and you can feel it, don't you? Feel yourself surrender as your resistance crumbles and your fear melts away. You know submission to us is your strongest desire." Roberto felt their power. He knew it was irresistible. Roberto trembled and realized he felt something close to physical joy, that he didn't resent their use of control over him. "On your knees, hands clasped behind your back." The older guy ordered. "Good, now listen carefully and don't interrupt! I am Lion, this is my young brother Tiger. If you do exactly as we tell you, you may come out of this very happy." There was a promise in his words of everything Roberto needed: obedience, submission, peace, joy, and they could give him all that. Roberto felt the tears start to run down his face. Roberto trembled of fear and gratitude, his arms behind his back. Tiger moved directly behind him, taking something out of his pocket. "Tiger will now tie your hands together, blindfold you and we'll take you to somewhere more suitable for what we have in mind. The less trouble you make and the faster you react to my orders the sooner this ordeal will be over, in fact you may get to like it." Roberto nodded, he didn't dare say anything. "Good boy, any attempt to escape, any speaking, unless we ask a direct question or disobedience, will result in punishment. Do you understand?" Lion said stern. Automatically Roberto mumbled, "Yes Sir." Lion laughed, "Oh boy, you are a fast learner, we like that, but remember you are not to speak unless spoken to." Tiger who was standing next to him smiled in victory as he added, "You can moan and groan as much as you like." Lion looked at Tiger, "Gag him, you know how." That very moment Tiger lowered, in a flash, his cut-off sweatpants and boxershorts, took his boxershorts and pulled his sweatpants up again. With is boxershorts in his hand he tied Roberto's hands with rope. Tiger smiled, and without warning Tiger draped his moist boxershorts across his face, making sure to secure the leg loops around each of his ears. "Now we are ready to go," he said. Roberto deeply inhaled his scent. They were still warm and slightly sweaty, the musky scent driving Roberto wild. He inhaled deeply, savoring the musky scent. It was like a raw, intimate connection to the young man he lusted after to submit. A secret desire that both excited and shamed him. Lion praised him, "Good boy. Now just breathe in Tiger's musky scent, he wore them all day long." Roberto let out a strangled, contented sigh, his cock was totally erect, his face wearing Tiger's boxers and breathing in the heady sexual musk of the young guy. He loved it! "Get to your feet!" ordered Lion. Roberto rose shakily to his feet. "One last thing, you can't escape. You're all alone, so don't make us angry. We'll tell you what to do and where you'll do it. Now stand up straight," said Lion. Suddenly Robeto felt Tiger's hand squeezing his balls, and he flinched and lost his balance. "Are you disobeying?" asked Lion. "No, no," stammered Roberto, forcing himself to stand still as the hand roughly got him steady. More rope was wound round the base of his cock, under his balls and tied off tightly. "That is your lead," sniggered Lion, and they set off. Roberto being pulled along by his rope bound cock. As they started walking and Roberto's waving cock oozed pre-cum. This was so degrading! Roberto was in total confusion what was going to happen to him. Adding to his confusion was the fact that his cock was rock hard. Yet the truth was that it provided him also a strange excitement, which was a new and strange experience. This seemed completely surreal to Roberto. He simply couldn't believe that he was actually totally at their power! But, this really was happening. This was no product of his imagination. This was for real! He was walking here, with a dripping cock, tied up securely with Tiger's boxershorts over his face to an unknown destination. Roberto followed them and felt humiliated, but his cock betrayed his excitement and was waving about. The blindfold made everything more intense, and he was leaking more and more pre-cum. Roberto heard them talking and laughing. Suddenly they stopped. He felt a hand milking his cock and a finger run over his glans gathering his pre-cum. "You taste delicious, boy," Lion whispered in his ear. Roberto heard a dog barking quite close, the air turned cool, he supposed they had entered some sort of barn. A door closed. Roberto was pulled forward, causing more pre-cum to ooze out his cock. Again his pre-cum was collected but by a softer hand this time. Tiger he guessed. Tiger turned him around to face him, while at the same time he placed his hands on his shoulders. Roberto loved the feel of Tiger's strong hands on him, being controlled had been only been a jack-off fantasy. This was real. He was touched and about to be used completely. Tiger moved his hands slowly, deliberately down Roberto's smooth back, and he felt him stop when he reached his tight compact ass cheeks, squeezing them. Roberto involuntarily tried to clamp his ass cheeks together. Realizing he wanted to give himself to them, he groaned softly and submitted to Tiger's probing. Tiger lingered, just a moment, feeling his cheeks relax and his ass crack open. Tiger put his middle finger against his sphincter, and felt Roberto instinctively close it. He didn't push inside. Instead, he just drew circles on his boys hole. Roberto sighed and no longer resisted, allowing his body to be touched, used and examined in any way. Tiger pulled Roberto into him until his hard dripping cock was touching his own cock. Roberto felt the his now moist cut-off sweatpants, and got excited feeling Tiger was hard, rock hard, and he knew he was responsible for that! Roberto's mind struggled to take it all in. Tiger began to untie his hands, but immediately stretched his arms out and up and tied his wrists to wooden beams. Roberto's legs were forced apart and a pole, he guessed, was tied to each ankle. The rope around his cock and balls was pulled down and tied fairly tightly to the pole. Roberto was spread-eagled, totally at their mercy! Roberto thought of the many hours he had spent stroking and jacking off, imagining being tied down, and used. They left him there for some time and suddenly the blindfold was removed. Roberto blinked his eyes, trying to take in his surroundings as he got used to the sunlight streaming in through the glass ceiling. Roberto looked around in surprise. This was a full on, sex dungeon! The dark beams across the ceiling gave the impression of an old barn, not a sex dungeon or murder house, but the wall in front of him was fully shelved and he saw dildos, chains, belts, whips and harnesses! Tiger stood there Robeto noticed he had his sweatpants off and he was wearing white very tight boxershorts. "So far you've been a good boy, good boys get rewarded and naughty boys punished here." Tiger smiled and caressed Roberto's smooth chest and stomach, lightly squeezing his nipples. Roberto responded with a vigorous thrust of his pelvis up into Tiger's groin, but Tiger lifted himself up, avoiding too much contact. Clearly, he was in charge! Tiger caressed his own chest and stomach, and with each stroke his hands went further down until he was gently rubbing his groin. The bulge in his white boxershorts his cock grew and grew. Lithe as an athlete, he stood up straight, and proceeded to stroke his cock through his boxers. Roberto's eyes were fixed on Tiger's hands and he moaned, licked his lips and tried to bring his head up towards Tiger's crotch. In vain, Tiger continued to challenge him. Finally, Tiger reached through the fly of his boxers and drew out his cock and what a prize it was! Easily 7", its head clearly defined from the shaft and standing out from his body like a flag pole. Tiger's cock was hard and strong, a piece of meat Roberto would have been proud of. Roberto gasped in rapture, and his mouth dropped open in anticipation of the treat which he hoped was imminent, but Tiger was in no hurry! Tiger looked at Roberto and smiled. He stroked his meat lovingly with his right hand while his left hand played with his smooth balls, still concealed within the satin folds of his boxers. Paying special attention to the magnificent cock-head, he coaxed and teased it until it was so engorged that it seemed it would burst. Suddenly Tiger pulled his boxers down and off. He noticed Roberto was staring at him. He grabbed his cock and started to play with it again and said "I don't have to tell you I have a big cock." Roberto never expected a kid to have such a big cock, maybe he was older than he looked. Tiger asked, "You like my cock?" Roberto nodded, it was impressive! Tiger kept playing with himself. Roberto didn't argue he mumbled, "That's one hell of a piece cock." Tiger grinned and said "I like your little dick, boy. On a little guy like you, the size of your dick doesn't matter, you have my cock to enjoy." Roberto knew he was checking his dick out Tiger said gentle, "You'll get to do what little slave boys do when they're real interested in me and my cock, Roberto," his tone changed from seductive to authoritative, "You gonna need to be a real, real well behaved little slave boy. You gonna need to remember to say to me, "Thank you, sir!" When the three of us are together, there'll be two real men and one well-behaved little boy, starting right now." Roberto felt Tiger's fingertips exploring. They wandered around his cheek and his neck, and now they scratched lightly and playfully at his hairline. Panic mixed with pure humiliation, and Roberto knew he had no choice. He was terrified and humiliated, but his dick was hard. Roberto said, "I'll be your little boy," fear was creeping into his voice. Tiger smiled, "I got you! Now you gonna need to be thinking like the little slave boy you really are. Come on, little slave boy, you will love it!" Tiger reached over and rubbed Roberto's smooth chest. It felt good but awkward. Tiger took his right nipple in his hand and began to pinch and twist it. It hurt and he looked right in his eyes and sternly said, "Take it, little bitch." That scared Roberto a little. Tiger started to twist his nipple even harder. Roberto was gritting his teeth and had his eyes shut tight. "I like seeing you squirm, it's fun." Tiger twisted his left nipple and was twisting it even harder and said, "Oh little slave boy, you love it! Look at your dick, it's a small dripping penis." Tiger laughed. He was right. Robeto was boned up and couldn't control it. "Bitch, you love it all. You love being my little slave boy, being my bitch, you love pain, you love being humiliated and you love to please me. Admit it!" Tiger was right on all counts. He twisted his nipple even harder so Roberto said, "Sir, your right. I do love being your little slave boy and bitch. Please stop, Sir, please." Tiger slapped his nipple hard and laughed. "When you beg, you beg for more, otherwise you better keep quiet! Roberto had tears in his eyes and felt ashamed. Tiger was grinning from ear to ear and slowly stroking his rock hard cock. Tiger looked at him and said "Boy, it's okay that you want to be my bitch. I understand that you have a need to please me. We are a good match. You need someone to tell you what to do and I need a bitch to be in charge of. Lion told me I can make you my personal little slave boy. Sounds good, right?" He continued to play with his cock and slowly stroking it. Roberto couldn't help but to look at him doing it. Tiger looked so young and in a way cute but had a huge raging hard on. "I think you like it, a lot." Roberto felt his face turn red. "I bet you dreamed about being someone's bitch or little slave boy, don't you?" Tiger was grinning. Roberto knew he was pushing and teasing him. Suddenly he asked, "You want to feel what I've got between my legs, boy?" Tiger was smiled seductive, humiliating, and irresistible. "You just a little slave boy who wants it? You can tell me, boy. I'll let you if you want to touch my cock." Roberto swallowed, "Yes sir," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "So you wanna touch me, boy?" he asked sweetly. "Am I hearing right? My little slave boy want to touch his Master's cock, right? Well, look straight in my eyes and say, "Yes Sir, can I please touch what you got between your legs, Sir?" Tiger said. "It's what you got to say if you want to do that." Roberto begged for it now, "Tiger, Sir, can I please touch what you've got between your legs, Sir?" he repeated. "Now tell me you ain't a man but you are a little slave boy, Roberto," Tiger said almost hypnotically, "and then ask me again just like before." Roberto surrendered, "I'm not a man like you, Sir. I'm just a little slave boy, Sir," he said, feeling his humiliation deepen further and his dick got hard. "Sir, can I please touch what you've got, Sir?" Tiger laughed and pointed at Roberto's dick. "Do I see something getting all stiff?" he asked gently, smiling downward. "Is that your little squirt there, little slave boy?" Roberto said worried, "Yes sir." Tiger smiled in victory. "It's alright, boy," Tiger said. "Little boys like get excited all the time as the look at my cock. They want to take my cock in both their holes, and they all come back for more. Just as you will, little slave boy." Lion entered and smiled, he had probably seen and heard everything. The man fondled his cock which grew to at least seven inches. As Roberto's pre-cum started to flow again, Tiger leaned over scooped it up. He popped his finger straight into Roberto's gaping mouth. Roberto hesitated a second, but quickly sucked it clean. "Good boy," encouraged Tiger in a remarkable deep voice. Lion smiled and began playing with Tiger's cock. They were laughing at Roberto's rather small boner. Roberto looked at Tiger's monster and imagined that in a couple of years he probably have about 9". Tiger leaned forward and was slapping Roberto's boner around. It hurt a little and was embarrassing to have to stand there and let him humiliate him in front of Lion. He next reached for his balls. He was playing with his sack and laughed squeezing his nuts. Tiger told Lion, "No wonder he is such a little pussy boy." Roberto just hung his head. Tiger was having fun making Roberto feel inferior to him as he was squeezing his balls even harder. Roberto stood there with tears in his eyes, this was killing. Tiger just laughed and waved his cock at him. "My cock is ready to fuck a hot, little ass!" Roberto gasped and thought, "Oh bloody hell! I can't take his huge cock!" Lion laughed, "I see you're enjoying my young brother's beautiful dick are you? You'll enjoy it even more when it's choking you, or splitting your cute little boyish ass!" Roberto pleaded, "I can't take that," his eyes glazed with fear. "Did I ask you a question boy? Where was the respectful Sir? I think you had better learn what happens to disobedient little boys like you." Lion turned and spoke to Tiger in French. Tiger went to the shelves and returned with Lion's whip. Lion only nodded at Tiger and his big moment had arrived. Tiger got to prove to his brother that he was a dominant man born to be a master himself. It was over in less than five minutes. Five glorious, explosive minutes, watching a slave boy truly be born. Tiger took the whip and did well. Roberto was completely humble and submissive when it was over. He offered no resistance and sobbed in silence. Roberto's ass was red with welts and marks. He had whimpered and throughout his ordeal, but his cock was hard as steel, unwavering. Tiger had never gone that far before, had never used his masculine power over a slave boy with the whip. He crossed a line, broke a boundary, became a true Master and he knew it. Tiger smiled proud! He had finally made a breakthrough with this little slave boy and he had been successful. He also knew it was necessary to do this, and loved it. Tiger got an erection from the experience that stunned him. Whipping Roberto was like a ballet of emotions, it turned him on powerfully, his cock had jolted to life. It took all he had, every ounce of willpower not to fuck Roberto right away. Tiger's cock begging for release, his mind and body were ready to fuck him. Instead, he listened to Roberto's quiet, fearful sobbing. He had to be a responsible Master and said, "You did good boy. You took my punishment and can be proud of yourself. Don't disappoint us again, understand?" Roberto nodded his head, but had stopped short of saying no again, or begging. Tiger took a hard look at his eyes, moist and red from crying. "I'm sorry it had to be this way. I hope you'll always remember this." Roberto's eyes burned with surrender, with acceptance. The eyes confirmed that this slave boy would always remember this moment. Nothing would ever be the same for both of them.

Their roles were clear now. Tiger was a top, a Master and was in control of him. Roberto was his bottom boy. He liked to be submissive and to serve Tiger's need. Suddenly Robeto feel Tiger's warm body press against him. Tiger's strong arms wrapped around his waist. There's pressure on his lips and Roberto realized he was kissed, his mouth was forced open more and more and Tiger's tongue entered him to explore. Roberto whimpered a soft sigh and fell into his arms, giving himself to him. They kissed, passionately and it felt good. Roberto was still sobbing, grabbing what breath he could from Tiger's hungry mouth but they were subsiding. The kissing stopped and he held him tight, it almost felt as though he was giving him affection. "Be brave," Tiger whispered in his ear, "You're not going to die and you will be able to go home soon, I promise." Roberto panted heavily as he caressed back and ass cheeks. Roberto was confused, and unbelievably he began to feel safe in his embrace. Without realizing Roberto buried his head in his neck and Tiger stroked his hair. "You are going to be our slave boy and you will find your destiny," he said, "but don't worry, I will look after you and keep you safe. If you don't you obey, we will punish you. Do you understand?" Roberto felt hypnotized by his deep smooth voice and amazingly he did feel safe in his embrace. Roberto nodded, unable to speak, but it felt strange to accept the power over him from someone so young. "Good," Tiger said, "and from now on you are to call me Master or Sir too. Do you understand?" Roberto nodded again. "Say it." Roberto looked at Lion and hesitated. "Say it!" his tone more threatening now, he didn't like it, it shocked him. "Yes," Roberto replied. "Yes what?" he demanded, "Yes Sir." He said, "My feet are kind of sore. Sit down and give them a massage." Roberto sat down at his feet and removed his shoes and socks. He took a foot in my hand and started rubbing it. Tiger lifted his other foot and put it under his nose making me smell his young masculine scent. He rubbed it across my lips. "Kiss it!" He ordered. Roberto submissively kissed the sole of his foot. He lifted the other one and made Roberto kiss it too. Tiger returned his attention to his brother Lion and winked at him. Roberto loved being ordered around by this powerful young man. Lion moved in lifted his chin and kissed Roberto. "Good boy, We're going to test you," he said. "let's get your training started!" Roberto nodded, still sobbing, but gasped as Tiger gently licked the tears away. "If you are good to Lion and me, we can be nice to you." Now Tiger moved even closer and kissed Roberto full on the lips, pushing with his tongue till Roberto opened his mouth. Lion fucked his mouth with his tongue for several seconds and as he withdrew he gently stroked Roberto's cock until it started to harden again. Tiger reached with his other hand out and wrapped it round Lion's dick, squeezing upwards he gathered the copious pre-cum onto his fingers and placed them by Roberto's lips. "None of our cum can be wasted, got that? All our cum and your own pre-cum will be straight back into that hungry mouth of yours. Be a good boy now and lick it away." Roberto needed no second bidding as he greedily licked the fingers clean of the salty tasting cum. "Good boy, good boy," purred Lion as he knelt and Roberto took his cock into his mouth and straight down his throat in one thrust. Roberto's own cock got rock hard, the sight was absolutely obscene. He didn't even realize that his position his ass was up, left him completely exposed Tiger to see. Roberto's smooth ass cheeks were parted and opened, and exposed his tiny, juicy button that was the his slutty pucker. He started to deep throating the huge cock inside his mouth while licking all over the big pole, twisting his tongue against the dick's veins and lapping and circling Lion's cock-head. Finally acting out on his true desires he moved his butt from side to side unconsciously, in a Fuck-Me manner, and he bucked his hips forward as Tiger put his a finger at his tight boy hole. "We know what boys like you want, and need." Tiger stuck his index finger in his mouth, got is good and wet, and pressed it between Roberto's ass cheeks, aiming at, and making direct contact with, his sphincter. Roberto's tight boy hole almost begging for Tiger to fuck it. "Oh fuck," Roberto moaned. Tiger rubbed his wet finger against the puckered muscle. "You know what I think? I think you want something only a real man can give you. Something we only provide this way." He pressed his finger forward slightly, his expert manipulation of Roberto's asshole had relaxed his sphincter just enough to open it a bit, and his forefinger was soon enveloped by the warm, wet tightness of the his ass. Roberto moaned softly. That finger felt so nice there. The finger dipped in a bit further. Roberto's sphincter relaxed and let it happen. "You see? We always know." The finger poked in a bit further. "Fuck Lion, such a velvet ass, so tight, so wet, so hot it's ready to take a big cock. You're to take the whole thing inside your slutty ass. Fuck! Oh yeah, I almost forgot, talk to me baby, come on, do it, beg for it." Lion groaned, "It's true, it's true, he is a perfect cocksucker! Such a good slutty mouth. I can't take that pleasure. I'm gonna CUM!!!" Lion shouted, and with a loud moan, the older Lion held Roberto's head in both his hands and skull fucked him with such force it made Roberto dizzy. After a series of thrusts, he felt Lion's cock spurting jet after jet of his thick, creamy man-milk inside his mouth and face, completely coating Robeto's eyes, nose, cheeks and lips with his cum. After calming down from his orgasm, he grinned at Tiger and nodded. Roberto couldn't help himself, he begged Tiger now to be fucked, "Yes! I love to have your cock deep inside of me! Pierce me! Tear me apart! Breed me like a bitch!" Roberto started pushing back with his hips. He started moaning in a strange mixture of pain and pleasure. "There, there," Tiger pressed his finger in a bit deeper and he moaned softly. "Just relax, baby." Tiger buried his finger up Roberto's steamy hole, swiping the anal ring to loosen its rigidity before probing for his prostate. He found it. Roberto groaned loudly, and his sphincter slammed down on his finger. Pleasure flooded his cock and pucker like a shaft of lightning. He thrust his hips back at the invading finger as Tiger massaged his responsive prostate. Roberto's cock was rigid, his balls roiling, his feet arched and his toes spread as he grooved on this erotic pleasure. Roberto humped his hot butt up and down, letting Tiger's finger fuck his boy hole, making him shudder. Roberto squirmed with pleasure. Tiger found his prostrate again and began rubbing it furiously. "Oh hell," Roberto screamed as his cock grew bigger than ever before. He screamed out of the blue, not even in control of what he was doing, or understanding it, he was blasting his load of hot boy spunk, and he let it squirt around before he collapsed against his ropes. He never had an orgasm like this before, it was so fucking awesome. "Good boy." Tiger slowly removed his finger from Roberto's ass and patted his bottom. "Get up. "

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