Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Jul 26, 2024


I really enjoyed the ride to the party at Easterbrook. Danny is a natural-born teacher. I felt like I should have been taking notes on the things he was telling me.

"We're here to have a good time. Relax. Don't be afraid to let them know you're a cool guy even though you're a faggot. They'll be open to it. A couple of their members are also slaves. They'll be barefoot like you, maybe even collared. I haven't been here in a while so I'm not exactly sure what the scene is like now, but my buddy Alan advised me to keep you barefoot.

"One more thing: I'm pretty much gonna ignore you. Don't get bent out of shape about it. I brought you here to show you off and maybe share you with some other Dom. Before anyone claims you permanently you should get as much experience as possible. Every Dom will have something to teach you so you can become a good slave. I have my own reasons to be here. However, when I tell you we're leaving, follow me out of the house no matter what's going on with you. If I end up hooking up with someone, my friend Alan—I'll introduce you to him—he'll lock you up somewhere until I'm ready to come back and retrieve you. Just do whatever the fuck you're told, Mikey, and everything will be cool."

"I wouldn't be surprised if someone there is looking to own a slave. Who knows? Maybe one of the guys there will become your Master. If so, don't sweat the distance; that's problem. They can easily get you transferred to Easterbrook if it turns out that way. I know you think you'll remain single until you graduate, but four years is a very long time. You have no idea what might happen—even though you're a green newbie. I know you think you have some control over your life, but you're gonna find out you have a lot less control over your future than you think. I'm convinced you're a natural born slave. If I'm right, some Master is going to figure it out.

Holy shit. This sounds ominous. Do I really have so little freedom? Anyway, it's gonna be an interesting night.

I get out of the car, so conscious of being barefoot. It hurts to walk on the rocky path to the house. When we get to the door, Danny starts a conversation with the guy guarding the door. I guess they have to be careful; I found out that many Easterbrook guys call them "the FagFrat." They do what they can to keep homophobes from crashing and trashing their parties.

Danny keeps me standing there, waiting to get in. A couple other guys come by. One of them stares at my feet and it makes me blush. "Too stoned to put shoes on, dude?" he asks me. His companion whispers something to him. "Oh, didn't know," he says to his friend. "Interesting way to identify a subs. These dudes have it all, figured out, I see."

"Look at the collar, Pete," his buddy says. "It looks like ordinary necklace but anyone tuned into the scene will know automatically that it's a slave collar, the type the fag can wear all the time because it just looks like a fancy necklace."

Fag. I guess things are the same here: faggot and fag refer to subs, even though the Doms are gay as well. Interesting custom around these parts. I never realized that's how they see things. And now it makes even more sense to me why Danny calls me "faggot" so often. I'm a sub and a slut. I realize I'm excited by the idea of becoming some guy's slave, even though I'm still a little afraid of what that might mean. Damn, the edible Danny gave me before we got here is hitting. I'm already high and that makes me eager to be put under some hot guy's thumb now. Shit, I'd blow this Pete guy right here in front of the house if he wants me to. . . . What the fuck was in that gummy?

Finally we get inside. Nice music. Not the pounding electronic shit that most of the guys at home have blasting all the time. This place seems to have a certain class. A lot of guys are here. Hot college guys, mostly upperclassmen, maybe a couple guys already out of school. Frat alum probably. I really feel like a little boy, a kid roaming around barefoot among all the adults even though it's way past a boy's bedtime.

I'm an easy mark; my bare feet give me away along with my collar. I even heard someone whisper the word "Evanston's" to the guy standing near him. That tells me that some of these guys have experience as Doms and know their way around.

A hot-looking man, probably an alum, gets me a beer and opens it for me. "Drink up, boy," he says, putting it to my mouth, tipping it so I end up gulping down the beer before I get it all over myself. He grabs my ass. I push it into his hand, just like Danny trained to offer my nipples to any guy who wants at them.

Damn. After he gets a good feel he says, "If you're still available in a couple hours, fag boy, I'm gonna tap into that ass." I just smile at him, not knowing how to respond. He runs a finger up my butt-crack, then walks away. HHH! (Three humiliation points to him for the way he just treated me.)

As the evening goes on I realize I'm attracting a lot of attention. Word gets around that I'm "the new kid on the block, fresh meat for the taking." I see two other barefoot guys, a bit older than me. Both of them have leather collars around their necks. I guess they belong to frat members somehow. Wish I could get a chance to talk to at least one of them. But I get distracted. This hot guy with long blond hair pushes me into a corner and gropes my crotch. His eyes open wide when he realizes that I'm caged.

"How long you've been locked up this way?" he asks me, jiggling my cage. I grimace because he hurts me. "Oh, sorry that hurt," he says. "So how long, boy?"

"Just two days, Sir."

"Your first time?"

"Yes, Sir."

"How's it going?"

"Hard to get used to, Sir, to be honest."

"Give it time. You know what it means, right?"

"I was told it means I'm supposed to keep my attention on the cocks I'm ordered to service and not be selfish about my own dick, Sir."

"Good. Glad to know that someone's teaching you how to understand why he caged you."

"Yes, Sir. The man who caged me is very interested in forming the way I think."

"You're lucky, boy. So anyway, that's enough talk. Come upstairs with me, faggot. Let's see how well the cage helps you concentrate on my dick with that pretty mouth of yours." He turns around and heads up the stairs. I follow him. Danny notices. He says something to the guy he's talking to. "Matt? He's cool. Totally safe, but he'll fuck over the kid's mind," A mind-fuck? Just what makes me tremble inside. I follow this Matt guy up two flights of stairs and into his room. Two beds, so he has a roommate. Wonder if the roommate will join in once he realizes that Matt's got a sub up here to use.

"Get naked, boy."

Not much to take off. Jeans, no underpants. The shirt. Voila! There I am, bare, my blood pounding a little.

"Hands behind your neck, faggot."

I take the position. Matt sticks his fingers into my armpit and feels around. "Recently shaved, I see."

"Yes, Sir."

He runs his fingers over my bare pubic area then down to my balls. He toys with them. I spread my legs like a good slave giving the Master access. Danny taught me well: no part of my body is private. Matt smiles approvingly.

"Getting some good training, I see." He kicks off his shoes and drops his pants. His dick is already hard, poking out, very red, cut, thick, dripping. Matt wipes off his precum with his fingers then puts them to my mouth. Without being told, I just open my mouth and lick it off his fingers. He sticks them into my mouth. "show my fingers how well you suck dick, faggot."

I give his fingers the royal treatment. He then takes them out of my mouth and slaps my face a couple times. "Open your mouth."

I do so and he spits into it. Three times. "Now swallow, faggot."

"What do you say, faggot?"

"thank you for giving me your spit, Sir."

He kisses me, slaps my face, backs off and spits into my mouth again. "Swallow."

"thank you, Sir."

He kisses me some more while slapping my face. "fuck I love slapping this pretty face of yours. I like hearing you whimper, faggot." He toys with my mouth with his fingers, making me suck each on individually. He makes me stick out my tongue and he grabs on to it while he slaps my face some more.

"Nice mouth, faggot. Meant to give pleasure to real men." Slap! slap!

He pushes me down to my knees. I've already got tears in my eyes. My dick is trying to get hard and it's getting very uncomfortable. I reach down trying to adjust the cage.

"Get your fucking hand off that cage, faggot. It's supposed to be uncomfortable the first few weeks."

Weeks???? Weeks!!!!! No fucking way.

"Rub your face on my cock, faggot. Think about how much you want it down your throat."

I do that for a while. He slaps me some more. "Open that mouth and bend your head back so I can drool right down into your mouth, faggot." I do so and he practically pours his saliva into my mouth. I discover how much I like drinking another man's spit. What a fucking pig I am!

He puts his mouth to me and drools. "Suck my mouth, faggot," he orders me then puts his mouth to me again and practically drowns me in his spit. My head is spinning, My dick is straining against the fucking cage. I have this overwhelming desire to surrender myself to whatever he wants.

"Hold my cock." I do so. It's about eight inches long and slender. Perfect head.

"Put it in your mouth and go down as far as you can without gagging."

I take about five inches. "that's good, boy. Now I want to hear you to gag for me." He pulls his dick all the way out of my mouth then shoves it in hard and fast until I gag. He pulls it out again and slaps me. "this is just the way I like it, faggot."

The next time he shoves it down my throat, he kicks me in the balls just as I start to gag. I open wider and he shoves himself in farther and kicks me again. There are tears in my eyes now. He slaps me really hard and ends up knocking me to the floor.

"You look good down there, faggot. Open your legs. Give me access to those balls."

I do so and he kicks them. I holler out in pain.

"such a nice sound. Get back up again faggot. Let me hear you gag on my big dick."

I hurry up. He keeps pulling out then shoving himself in until I gag, then pulls out again. He keeps this up for a while until at last he lands me on the floor again with a hard slap. He stands there and looks down on me.

"Look up at me faggot. Shit, you'll make some man a real nice slave. Keep his room clean, drain his pipes, take pain from him every day. Service his friends." He spits on me.

"Know your place, boy?"

"yes, Sir."

"where is that place, boy?"

"wherever you want me to be, Sir."

"I like you just the way you are, down there looking up at me, a little fearful of what I'll do to hurt you next. You need to be hurt don't you, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir, but not too much." I can't fucking believe I just admitted that.

"A little at a time, boy. You'll be taught how to take more and more". He jerks his cock and suddenly he cums on my face. Some of it falls down on the floor. He points to it.

"Lick it up, faggot!"

As I do so, he keeps spitting on me more.

"I like you, boy. I want to buy you from your Master. Who owns you?"

"No one owns me yet, Sir."

"Who brought you here, faggot?"

"A guy named Danny, Sir We're not from this school."

"too bad, boy. I'd like more of you. Spend a whole night playing with you. I'd like to hear you sob from a thrashing. Does the guy who brought you here make you cry sometimes, faggot?"

"Yes he does, Sir."

"Do you like that?"

"Sometimes, Sir."

"Only sometimes?"

"Yes, Sir. Only sometimes."

"When has a Master made you cry and you didn't like it?"

"A guy thrashed me until I was sobbing. It was in a bathroom at school. Then he took my shirt and just left me there sobbing on the floor."

"Not very nice, was he, boy?"

"no, Sir."

"do you think I'd be nice to you?"

"don't know for sure, Sir."

"Are you getting what you need from me now, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"good boy. Get up off the ground. Let me watch you try to stand up."

I struggle to get up but finally manage to make it.

"Put your clothes back on, boy. I'm done with you for now. You're a good boy. You'll be a good slave for the right Master."

I don't say anything. I'm sad he's sending me away. I get dressed—just the jeans and t-shirt.

"You can go back downstairs now, faggot. Maybe I'll have you again sometime. Do you drive, boy?"

"yes, Sir."

"then make sure you know how to get here."

He takes out his phone. "give me your number, faggot."


"I'll call you sometime soon. Maybe invite you out for a weekend. You can service me and my roommate. Would you like to serve us, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir. Please."

"Good boy. Go back downstairs now. Find someone else to suck off."

He swats me on the ass and opens the door to his room. I head back downstairs trying to wipe the tears from my eyes. A couple guys look at me and can see I was crying. One of them walks right up to me "Who just worked your over, fag?"

"A guy named Matt, Sir."

"He's hot. He did you good, did he?"

"Yes he did, Sir."

He hugs me and I bury my face in his chest and moan while he rubs my back and ass. "this is nice. You like it?"

"yes, sir. Thank you."

He chuckles. "I'm Matt's roommate. Name's Jeffrey. We'd like to play sweet and sour with you, boy. I'm sweet. He's sour. Did he get your number?"

"Yes, Sir, he did."

"Good. Come by for a weekend. We'll have a real good time. I promise I won't let him hurt you too much."

"Not sure what too much is yet, Sir."

"Well then, faggot, we'll have to find out. Keep things slightly light than explore how much you can take without using your safe word. You're pretty new at this, aren't you?"

"Yes, Sir. Just a couple weeks Sir."

"then you're got an awful lot to learn, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir. A lot, Sir."

"We'll give you a call. Don't commit yourself to anyone yet. You need to get as much experience as you can from as many Doms as possible. Best way to learn the ropes, faggot."

"That's what Danny told me too. Thank you for the advice, Sir."

"the night is young, faggot. Go mingle. Maybe there's someone else to teach you more about being a good sub. Go with anyone who wants you. You don't have the right to be fussy. Got it, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir, But I think I need a rest right now, Sir. Please, Sir?"

"Okay. that's cool. I tell you what: Come sit over there on the couch. I'll hold you for a while. You can rest that way until I decide to pass you over to someone else."

It feels so good in his arms this way, with him gently stroking the back of my head. I actually fall asleep for a while. He's right: he's the sweet one.

Soon my rest is over. He orders me to stand up and roam around. "Make yourself available to anyone else who wants to use you, boy."

Danny was standing just a few feet away watching Mikey snoozing in Jeffrey's arms. His heart was warmed by the sight of the young sub getting a much-needed rest. Jeffrey saw how Danny was looking at the boy. He wonderes how much longer the newbie would be available. He makes a mental note to get Matt to make arrangements for a weekend before Danny claims the sub as his own permanently.

So that's all for now. Hope you like how it's developing. My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've selected pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt and the sub. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send a couple to you. The more you tell me the more pics I'll send.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

I'm also on Telegram. Email me and I'll give you my account name.

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Next: Chapter 10

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