Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Jul 22, 2024


"That's good, Mikey boy, real good. Make it a little tighter, baby. Turn that throat into pussy for my man meat, faggot. Show me, Mikey, show me how cock-hungry you are, how you'll go through anything for cock, you'll do anything for cock, my cock especially. Swallow me cocksucker, get it all down your fucking throat. You know what I'd do to you if I could, Mikey? I'd have your throat disconnected from your stomach. Just have my pre-cum and spit empty into your gut and drain out of you like piss. Have that throat be useless for anything except being fucked by real men's cocks."

I knew none of this made any sense at all. I didn't bother trying to make sense out of it, but rather got off on the tone of Scott's masterful voice and his intent to humiliate me more deeply than I've ever been humiliated before. To really turn me into nothing more than some kind of cyborg with a throat that was useless except to get fucked, especially by him, especially the day after he had just whipped my ass and turned it black and blue and purple.

What other purpose did I have in life that mattered, he always seemed to be thinking after he first saw me exposing my naked ass to Danny in the bathroom stall. Pussy. Lower than faggot in his eyes. Pussy. Faggot pussy. Owned by him and his roommate. Blackmailed by them. Either I served them in total slavery however they wanted whenever they demanded, and with whomever they decided to lend me to, or a whole collection of photos depicting my descent into the lowest state of sexual slavery that ever existed. They weren't fucking around. They proved it to me this morning with the first couple pics that the whole school was talking about. Even the women.

I was beginning to fear that the RA's in the freshman dorm were going to start checking all our pubes, maybe just have all the guys in the class stand around naked with their hands behind their heads so everyone could get a good look and find out who the cocksucker, the hairless cocksucker, turned out to be. And then . . . . would I even survive? Would they even care?

He just kept fucking my face faster and faster, harder and harder. Then suddenly, he pulled out and started slapping my face and spitting at me until my tears mingled with his sweat and started pouring down my face. His hands went back to my nipples and when I opened my mouth to scream, he raped me again with his hard, dripping cock. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, he started kicking me in the balls, but I couldn't double over because he was trying to choke me with his cock even though it was almost an inch too short to do the deed the way Danny does to me.

He got really quiet. His fingertips damn near tore off my nipples, grabbing so tightly that they actually just slid off my nipples in the sweat and spit spilling down my chest. Both hands came to the back of my head pounding the shit out of me as I gagged on the slime spilling from the end of his cock in ecstasy. "Gulp it down faggot!" I could hardly gulp. He shot it all too deep down it just slid into my gut. Then he bashed me in the face again while I was still trying to catch my breath. I lost my balance and ended up falling backwards and almost cracking the back of my head on the corner walls.

As he bent to retrieve his slimy cock back inside his pants, he said "I'll be away all weekend. Sure the fuck hope Danny doesn't spoil your ass too much and make you forget you don't count. You're just a fucking slave we found and decided to keep. I'm gonna start selling your phone number to buddies who can afford to pay for good blow jobs. Someone calls you, you make damn sure you show them a real good time. You know what I did do to your fucking ass this time, faggot. Next time I'll use a cane."

With that he unlocks the bathroom door and walks away, without another word. I'm still down on the floor. I don't wanna get up. I just wanna pass out here and hope I'll wake up to a better reality, that this is just an awful nightmare. But fucking dammit! Why the fuck is my cock so hard? Is this how I want to be treated? Maybe I should go talk to Larry about this. Maybe.

I do fall asleep until my phone wakes me up. It's 6pm. It's Craig. I answer and my voice croaks and it's all I can do to stop crying. "Where are you, Gary? What's wrong? You okay, man? Where the fuck are you?" My brain is so fried I don't care what he finds out. "Humanities building 4th floor. Gotta walk up from 3 to 4. Bathroom at end of hall." That's all I can get out.

Craig doesn't come up. He calls security. I can hear the walkie talkies and heavy steps heading for the bathroom. Two men old enough to be my dads but much better looking show up. "What happened to you, champ?"

I just start crying. "It's okay, it's okay. I just need help to stand. I fell and can't get up."

One of them looks around the tiny bathroom. "Where's your shirt, kid? What happened to your shirt?"

"Fuck!" says the other one. "Is that blood on your chest, by the nipple?" He reaches out to check it out but when he touches my nipple I scream. Then pass out.

When I wake up I'm in some kind of infirmary. Not a private room, more like a ward, but I'm the only one here. A male nurse comes in. "You're awake. Good. Got your ID from your wallet. Your roommate's been asking about you. So's some other guy, a senior named Danny? You know him? He a friend?"

I nod, afraid to find out what my voice sounds like. My throat is really sore. The nurse, who's kinda hot actually, sits on the side of the bed and puts his hand on my arm. "Okay to touch you, Gary? Don't want to scare you. I think you might have been sexually assaulted. Whoever did it took your shirt apparently, and really did a number on those perky nipples of yours." He winked at me! Fucking winked at me!

Shit! He knows something he's not letting on to. "Listen, Gary, I got a call from a student I know. Didn't give his voice, but I'm pretty sure I know who it is. Said you had some kind of initiation and things got carried away. He wouldn't tell me who was involved, just said if you needed anything I could call him.. That's all he would tell me. So anyway, Gary, here's what's happening. You've got a couple bad bumps on the back of your head but it doesn't look like you have a concussion. One of your nipples is very sore and I put something on it to prevent infection. Had to put a bandage on it. Keep it there until Friday. There was some viscous slime on your lips and I suspect it's semen. Don't need to know. Don't wanna know. Suggest you get a blood test in a couple days, check for STD's."

Then he gets to the really embarrassing part: "And hey, Gary, I had to take off your pants. I know you were shaved and I saw the pics floating around. That convinces me it probably is semen on your lips. And dude, your ass is a fucking mess. I had some good stuff to put on it and you'll be fine in a few days although some of the bruising will probably be around for a week or so. No other damage other than probably to your pride. So anyway, is there anything you'd be comfortable enough to tell me? Anything you need help with? Any names you want us to check up on? Any accusations?"

I get scared and immediately shake my head no.

"I didn't think so. Listen, kid, I know some of the stuff that goes on around here. I know that folks like us—fuck, I almost gasped when he said that looking straight into my eyes—I know that folks like us need to be very careful sometimes. Don't trust people too easily with things they might not be able to handle knowing, get what I'm saying, Gary?"

I nod.

"Whoever got you alone in that bathroom---which, by the way, we're having closed off---you know who it is. My advice to you is to stay clear of him, or them. Person probably already knows we know something. Keep the fucker guessing. Tell him if he ever goes near you again you'll turn in his name. Sure, I know it's your word against his, but if it comes to that just give me a call man. I'm here four nights a week from 6-6. My name's Elliot. I'm the only Elliot on staff so they'll know it's me. You need anything at all, Gary, you give a call here. I took the liberty of putting my number in your phone—my cell number, not my office number. Feel free to call anytime. But listen, kid, put a fucking password on the phone. Right now anyone can get into it."

"And listen, I gotta report this because security got involved but I can just say you got dizzy and lost your balance then someone stole your shirt after you fell and passed out. We don't know who called it in because whoever it was used a common dorm phone. This initiation shit can be real bad, as you just found out. Be careful who you decide you want to hang with. There are more kinky people around here than you'd think, Gary. Don't settle for anyone who gives you shit."

I'm tempted to tell him the whole story but for some reason I don't. I think it's because if I say anything about Scott I'll probably lose my chance to be with Danny. I just hope he's worth the risk. I just hope that when push comes to shove, I can trust him.

My phone rings. Right away I tense up. It's Craig again. "I just got a call from someone named Elliot. He says you're okay and they're gonna let you leave there and come back here. What's this about losing your shirt? Dude. I think you're need a full-time guardian or something. Elliot said he can give you something to wear back here. Listen, sorry I didn't go when we spoke before, but you sounded so fucked up that I decided it would be better to let someone official come get you in case something is wrong. But dude, what the fuck? I'll come now if you want me to. What do you say?"

"Please, Craig? Sorry to ask, but please just come."

"I'll be there right away. Don't go getting yourself into any more trouble, at least for the rest of the night. Okay?"

I manage a chuckle. "Damn, you're gonna make some one a damn fine husband some day." He mumbles something hard to understand and then just hangs up. What was he saying? Sounded like "sooner than you may think." I must be imagining that.

I doze a little but then hear two voices. Two guys walk into the room. Craig and Danny. Well, no surprise there. They met last night. "So what the fuck is going on?" Craig is trying to get an explanation out of Danny. "Can't say anything right now except to say I had nothing to do with this," Danny protests. "I think I know who to blame and I promise you I'll handle it my own way."

I sit up as they walk over and slip my legs around the side of the bed facing them. I've still got just this stupid fucking hospital gown on, but it's on backwards and open at the front. Before I can think quickly enough I realize that Craig is staring right at my crotch. "Holy fucking shit! This explains everything. You're, you're the ..." "cocksucker in the pic? I am, Craig. Obviously. And listen, if you want a new roommate I'll understand. Don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable? I'm fucking pissed off. Shit, dude, if you had told me none of this would ever have happened. It's cool, dude. My older bother is gay. Been through all that shit before. Just wish I'd have known." Then he turns to Danny. "so you must be . . . "

"Just a friend who promises to keep an eye out for him," Danny replies. "In fact, my roommate's moving out. We had . . . . a disagreement and decided it best to move on. He's away until Monday and is getting a place to live off campus. He's rich. He can afford it. So why don't you come over tomorrow night, Gary, and we'll follow through on those plans we made," he says, winking at me. Shit! I'm getting an awful lot of winks lately.

"So anyway, I just wanted to come see for myself you're okay. I'll leave you in Craig's capable hands and why don't you pop by around 5 on Friday. We can do some of the things we talked about then." He reaches out and ruffles my hair, which I process as an paternal type of gesture, says goodbye to Craig and heads out.

Craig helps me up off the bed. "so the secret's out now, so just shrug this medical thing off. I've got your stuff here and I brought you a sweater to wear from your drawer. It's a little chilly out. This will be good." Craig is really cool. He helps me go from naked to clothed without making any of it seem humiliating even that he knows my worst secrets now. On our way out we stop to say goodbye and for me to thank Elliot. "Don't forget what I told you, Gary. Call. Anytime."

Craig really is cool. It's nice to know he has a gay brother so wasn't totally freaked out about me. Also that he tells me he had to help his brother out a couple times and even went to gay bar with him as soon as he turned 18 and even liked it. I wonder if he's still on the fence himself. To tell the truth, I really wish he was. He's just an all around nice guy. I know I can trust him. He's hot as fuck. So . . . . But I promise myself I'm not gong to make any kind of first move or even drop a hint. No way. Besides, I think he's starting to make some sense out of who Danny is in my life right now.

Craig and I walk slowly and that's fine. I'm not in the best possible shape. "Listen Gary, when we get back I'll play chicken while you have a nice warm shower. I've got some plastic I can tape over your bandaid. I'll make sure no one sees you in the shower. I mean. . "

"I know what you mean, dude. And thanks for being so cool. Your brother is lucky to have you."

"I'm to lucky one, Gary. You have no idea how much he's helped me all my life. So anyway, dude, do you swear to me that Danny isn't one of the guys who hurt you?"

"I swear."

"does Danny know who it is?"

"Yes, and I'm sure that guy will never go near me again. So please don't worry, Craig. You've got enough to deal with being an engineering major. I'll be fine. And I'm gonna spend some days over at Danny's, so you'll know I'll be okay. And I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate how comfortable I feel with you."

"Thanks, Gary. Let's get back to Danny. You're kinda sweet on the guy, aren't you, Gary."

I blush. He chuckles. "dude, never ever try to play poker. Your face broadcasts info in neon lighting. Well go have a good time with your new buddy. Just remember one thing."

"What's that?"

"Danny graduates in May. Don't get so hooked you'll be heartbroken when it's time to say goodbye. That happened to my brother and I had to pick up the pieces for him. I don't want to have to do it for you too—although I will if it ever comes to that. But don't get pissed off at me when I start saying `I told you so!'"

I fear his warning is already a little bit too late. But don't forger that I'm only 18 years old. What do I know about love?

So that's all for now. Hope you like how it's developing. My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

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Next: Chapter 6

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