Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Sep 4, 2024


Oh, I forgot to tell you. Schillinger outed me to the entire class as a gay bdsm slave and just let them all be aware of the fact that it's just my condition has absolutely nothing in common with what we'll be studying. Sexual slavery is consensual. Right away, however, one of the guys, probably a senior, raises his hand to object.

"Unfortunately, Sir, we cannot forget that it's estimated that there are millions of people currently enslaved in the world, and many of them are sexually assaulted on a regular basis. None of that is consensual."

Schillinger was delighted! "I was hoping someone would bring that up! And your name, Sir?"

"Quenton, Dr. Schillinger."

"What Quenton's saying is absolutely true. It's a deplorably terrible thing that's as much a part of the world now as it was back before the Civil War in this country. Most of these enslaved persons are women but there are quite a few men and boys who have either been kidnapped or trafficked. Was anyone here aware that this is going on?"

A few raise their hands. "Well, now you all know. But let's use this as a way of setting some ground rules in here. Please do. not. hesitate. to raise any issue for any reason. Those of you who knew about modern slavery perhaps held back because you didn't want to contradict me. That's not an issue, I assure you. The only point I want to make as far as our subject matter is concerned is that what we are going to look at in this course is not merely something historical, something over and done. It's been in the world forever. Consider also, if you will, all those who were worked to death in slave labor camps in Hitler's Nazi nightmare. Yes, this is a history course. But more than that, the subject matter is not merely historical."

Q finds he's fascinated with all this. Not only that, but he realizes that if they were to move somewhere else in some other country maybe in the middle East or Africa or even Asia for that matter, he would be seen as a real slave once Craig could position them among other people who kept slaves, consensually or not. Curious. Fucking hot! Then he gets distracted because Schillinger is pointing to him again.

"Consider Q once again, gentlemen. Boy, (I'm calling him boy' because it's common to call gay slaves boy' to emphasize that they are not full-grown free men. Now Q here is only a freshman and yet this is an upper level elective. By rights, Q should be in the usual freshman survey course. Q, would you please tell everyone how you ended up here?

Q is extremely embarrassed and hesitates a bit.

"I know it's a bit embarrassing, but if you're going to be in this class you can count on being embarrassed a great many times, so get used to it. Now try, boy. What can you tell us about your situation?"

"My faculty advisor knows I'm a slave. He and my Master looked over my course schedule and made a couple changes. The advisor got my requirements waived. My Master decided he wants me to take this class. So that's why I'm here."

One of the guys asks, "Did they discuss it with you and get you to agree with it?"

"No. No discussion. I was simply told I'd be taking this course."

"Why?" someone else asked. None of them seem disrespectful and that's a relief.

"Because my Master is taking control of my life. Period."

"Is that all right for you?"

Q looks to the professor because this could get involved. "continue," he says.

"To tell the truth, I got really pissed off and upset at first. In fact that's the time I safeworded. I was left alone for a while, I took off and walked away be myself, trying to escape it all. thought I'd maybe just say `I'm not willing to put my education in your hands." I ended up in a dangerous part of town. Someone from here saw me on the street and brought me back to my Master. Eventually I caved. Decided that this was a test. Do I really want to be his slave, even if it means this? My answer was yes. So here I am."

"And I'm glad you are, Q," says the prof, kindly. "you add a dimension to our study this semester that never could have happened otherwise. I'm glad your advisor suggested this and your Master agreed to it. But the rest of you have to realize what this means. In an area where you have a lot of freedom to choose, this fellow does not have that freedom."

"I hear that you're always walking around naked in your dorm," says a junior named Teddy.

Q nods, just about a the end of his psychic energy.

"then I think you should be naked in here as well. Give us a realistic object lesson. That way we they could all see him for what he is and not accidentally treat him like we were all equals" This come from an Alpha type guy named Brian.

Schillinger responded by making an important point. "In this class you are all equals, regarding what you're wearing or not wearing. This includes Q, and for that reason I'm really not sure it would be valuable to do what you're suggesting, Brian, although I'm sure some of you might see it as somewhat stimulating depending on your own sexuality and sexual practices.

With that, the one guy in class who I'm most attracted to, a hot Alpha, quips out, "I'm damn sure the kid has done a lot more sexual things than the rest of us." The whole class cracks up, and I think I might have been laughing the loudest because of just how Shaun hit the nail right on the head. Then when he realizes that I'm laughing along with everybody else, he points to me and says, "look! The slave knows I'm right. He's probably done things I've never even imagined." Against my better judgment, I nod my head.

Schillinger tries to redirect the conversation. "As Q for being naked, I'll give it some thought then consult with his superiors. Ultimately his Master will decide what he's to do. Now let's move on. I have just a bit more introductory material to give you."

Q fades out. Enough is enough. Why would it be so fucking awful to have to strip naked in front of all these guys in the middle of a college classroom? Why would that be the most humiliating thing ever, even worse than being put on display in a dungeon club?

He has no idea what the professor talked about after this. When class was over, Schill asked him to stay behind. "I'm pleased with how open you were able to be. I never expected the question of you being naked to come up. I'll give it some thought. As you know, the decision will be made FOR you not BY you. If you want to bring it up yourself with your Master, . . . . I have no idea what arrangement he has for you to tell him what happens in your classes . . . . . I'm going to put the whole matter on hold. I'm not convinced at this point that your being displayed here naked like the slave you are will contribute to my course or not. After all, if any of the men want to see you naked all they have to do is go to your dorm. I'll mention that next class. I'm just letting you know ahead of time. And that's all for now. You may go."

"thank you, Sir," Q manages to get out before leaving the room and running to the bathroom to puke his guts up. Fuck!

The minute I walk in the room Craig knows something's wrong. As soon as I start to strip, he says in a his gentle voice, "Baby, I want to undress you myself so you know I'm always here to take care of you." I almost start crying when he says that because it made me realize how horribly alone I felt all during class and ever since. Alone, unprotected, threatened, even a bit assaulted by the things Schillinger was saying to the entire group about me and some of their comments, especially the one from the guy who said I should be naked in class so they could all see me for what I was and not accidentally treat me like we were all equals. But now is time to let all of that just drip away as my Master tends to me.

Craig puts one hand on top of my head while his other one caresses my forehead and my face. I just close my eyes and lean into his hand. "That's a good boy . . . deep breaths . . . you're here with me your Master who loves you . . . . that's right: lean into me. Let go of everything and just lean into me."

Bit by bit he strips me to the waist continually caressing me with his hands, even my sore nipples without hurting them any more. Slowly he gets down on his knees before me so he can remove my sneakers and socks and in so doing he massages my bare feet. This the first time he's ever done that to my feet, touched them even. He had me wear sweatpants today with a jock over my cage to hide it and make me look like I have a big package. Slowly he stretches out the waistband and slides the pants down my legs and finally off my feet.

He leaves the jock in place for now. "Come," he says, as he pulls out his desk chair and sits down. He taps his legs. "Over me," he commands and damn, I'm so glad he understands me the way he does as he caresses my bare ass. "Say `thank you, Master,' when you've had all you need." I breathe deeply, realizing how rare it is that everyone gets as totally understood as I am by him.

This is an unbelievable experience: my Master is spanking me because He knows I need it. I have to think differently. How much do I need right now? So that's what happens. Funny—I get to take what I need as if I'm in a grocery store taking produce off the shelf. My Master isn't surprised when I give him the signal after a rather light spanking compared to what I usually want or need. I'm surprised, though, that I didn't really need much pain. It's just the feel of Craig's soft hands on my backside and the way he's taking such good care of me that are really all I need.

After that he lays me on the bad and lies on top of me. For some reason I really love it when I'm naked and my skin feels the clothes he's wearing when he holds me, especially the buckle on his belt. Before long, I fall sound asleep. When I wake up I'm lying there alone. Craig has covered me with his favorite blanket and it feels so soft on me.

It's already dark outside so I must have slept for a good long time. He's at his desk working on some problem. He stops the second he hears or feels me stir. I'm drawn to his smile as I get off the bed and practically slide over to him on the new soft carpet. I open my mouth and he leans over me. Droll drops from his mouth into mine. After I've swallowed all he wants me to drink, I bring my lips to his and kiss him.

"Thank you for not making me talk about it," I tell him.

"You will when you're ready, when it won't upset you to talk about it. Right now that's not a good idea. You're beautiful when you're all calm and relaxed and open to me. I don't want anything to spoil that right now. But I'm hungry. So put your things back on and I'll take you to the diner for supper. You can have blueberry pancakes and a chocolate milkshake. And we don't have to talk at all if you want us to just be silent together. I'll talk to the wait person so you won't have to say a single word."

And so, that's what happens. Do you understand why I love him so much?


My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've lifted a few pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt, Craig, and the sub. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send them to you.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

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Next: Chapter 43

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