Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Jul 20, 2024


"Gary, wake up, man!" Craig was shaking my shoulder. "It's 8:15. I'm leaving for class. You better wake up. Don't you have an early class today?"

"No. My first class is at 10," I mumbled into my pillow. I'd been dreaming of some guy sticking his fingers in my mouth, probing, making me gag, calling me "faggot" while someone was holding my hands behind my back laughing at me. "Gotta open up that throat, cocksucker," another guy was telling me while tears were flowing down my face. "You're gonna suck all our dicks, queer boy," someone else was telling me.

I was hard as a rock and grinding the bed. "Must have been a wild dream, dude. Who's the girl you think you're fucking?" said Craig, obviously unaware of what I'd been doing the night before. "I'm heading out," he says. "See you later, and you gotta tell me what crazy frat beat your ass last night. Shit, I didn't know pledging started already."

I started dozing off again. "Fucking cocksucker," somebody shouted at me and spit on my face. Cocksucker. Yeah. That was me I realized as I finally woke up. Crap! My mouth tasted like I'd been munching on roadkill. I tried to roll over but stopped. My ass was so fucking sore. I reached down to stroke my dick. No hair around it. Fuck. Bit by bit I started remembering what had happened last night, the shaving, the spitting, getting my ass whipped, Danny shooting his load in my mouth, telling me to swallow. Scott forcing me to ask him to punish me. "Faggot." "slave." Danny helping me pull my pants up, walking me home, rubbing my sore ass. Queer. Little boy. Corner time.

I slid off the bed. Ended up kneeling on the floor. Remembering sobbing into Danny's pubes, him stroking the back of my head. Wishing he was with me now.

"This is the first morning of my new life," I said to myself, and I felt proud that I'd crossed over a line, broke through a barrier that had always held me back. Afraid everyone would know now. My white briefs lay on the floor. I took hold of them, managed to stand and put them on. When I pulled them up I realized how sore my ass was, how it hurt to have my briefs rub up against it.

Fuck! Gotta clean out my cesspool of a mouth. "Get used to it, faggot," a voice said to me inside my head. Scott's voice. Scott's tough words. Scott making me scream when he hit me with my own belt. Danny watching but doing nothing to stop him. The taste of Danny's toes in my mouth. My mouth. Shit!

I grabbed my toilet kit and my towel. I staggered to the door and made my way to the bathroom. Showers running. Soapy smell. Guys everywhere, some at the sinks, brushing, shaving, tighty whities, boxer briefs, naked cocks flopping around, hanging down, small cocks, big cocks, foreskins showing, cut heads I wished I could put in my mouth. "Don't stare, faggot," Scott said in my head. Can't help it. I'm a cocksucker. Don't care if they find out. Shit! What if they do find out?

I brush my teeth and spit into the sink. Do it again. And again. Cum in my mouth. Brush my tongue too. Spit again. "Was looking for you last night, dude. Where were you?" Andy says, smiling at me. Jack stands next to me at the sink. Hairy chest. Cockhead showing in his briefs. "Who was that guy came in with you last night, went to your room with you? Didn't look like a freshman," he said.

"Just some senior, needed to borrow a book, wanted to meet my roommate." My roommate. Shit! Danny made me drop my pants, show him my ass. Craig freaked. Left the room. Danny rubbing something cool on my ass. Danny. Danny. Danny. "Just the two of us. Friday. Blow me." Danny. "Why would a senior need one of your books?" Jack asked. Suspicious. Oh fuck! "Craig told me someone whipped your ass, man. How the fuck did that happen?"

"don't wanna talk about it, man. Had too much to drink. Got pledged."

"already? Rushing doesn't start until October I thought. Early hazing?"

"Let it go, man," I protested. Jack stands behind me, pulls out the back of my briefs. "Holy fucking shit, man. Who beat you black and blue?"

"Black and blue? Let me see," someone else I don't know says. Jack pulls down them down, shows the other guy. "fucking sick. You oughta report them. It's against the rules."

Blushing. Indignant, I pull them back up. "Back away, cocksucker," I say to Jack. Holy shit! I use it as a curse. Force of habit. But, damn, I SUCKED SOME GUY'S COCK LAST NIGHT then got my ass beat.

I get scared. Don't let them find out. "Hey, don't get fucked up, dude. Stay away from those assholes," Jack says.

Everyone's gone except me and Jack. "Seriously, Gary, you gonna be okay? Need to tell an RA?"

I get a little pissed. "leave it the fuck alone, Jack!"

"Sorry, kid. Should mind my own business." With that, Jack leaves me be. I go check the showers. No one's around. Good. Here's my chance. I slip off my briefs, hang them on a hook with my towel, turn on the water, start to wash. Fuck! It hurts, the water hitting my butt.

Another guy comes in, turns on the water in a corner. I wash quickly. What would be worse, him seeing my ass or my hairless "little boy dick?" He's facing away. Thank God. I get out of there. Wrap my towel around my waist. Carry my briefs. Walk back to the room, dripping water everywhere. Get inside. Shut the door. Dry off. Tears in my eyes again. Fucking tears.

My phone rings. Unknown number. "Hello?"

"Cocksucker." I know the voice. It's Scott. "How's the ass, boy?"

"Black and blue, Sir. Some guys saw it."

"Danny is Sir. I'm Master. Important distinction."

"How so, Master, if I may ask?"

"Sir is a teddy bear. I'm your Master. I'm the one who decides when you need to be punished. So how did guys get to see your ass?

"My roommate shot his mouth off last night after seeing it, Master. Then a guy pulled down my briefs in the bathroom. Showed my ass to others. This sucks. Everyone's gonna know. Had to wait till no one else was in the showers. Didn't want them to see I got shaved."

Scott laughs. "I just posted a pic of your hairless little dick. Don't worry—didn't show your face. Did you see it?

"No, Master. Just woke up."

"Go to on the college system. Take a look. Do it NOW."

I do what he told me. Fuck! I'm bare like an 8 year old. Bare and only 2 inches soft. What makes it worse, there's a caption that says "Cocksuckers aren't allowed to have pubes." Fuck!

"Wow," is all I can say.

"Hey, maybe we'll start a trend. Everyone will want to shave off the pubes of the guys who suck their dicks. So: got any free periods this afternoon, faggot? Don't fucking lie to me. I can always look up your schedule."

"Free after 3, Master."

"Good. Meet me in the humanities building. 3:15. Top floor. I want you to tell me what tastes better, Danny's cum or mine. Make sure you fucking show up. If you don't, I'll post a pic that shows your face, cocksucker. Maybe the one of your face covered in tears and snot. By 3 today everyone's gonna be asking, who's the guy with the bare little dickie. 3:15. Top floor, humanities building. Got it?"

"yes, Master."

"Keep this in mind, cocksucker. There are a lot of ways to punish a faggot slave."

He hangs up. Fuck. They told me there were no face pics. How could I have been so fucking stupid?

First class today is "Freshman Seminar." Required for all first-year students. Prof. Lawrence McLoughlin. Tells us to just call him Larry. Young guy, probably just out of grad school. PhD in psychology. Perfect! Just what I need!

It hurts to sit down but not as much as I thought it would. I guess that stuff Danny put on my ass is helping.

Larry gets started. "So, as I was saying last time, your freshman year isn't simply a continuation of high school. Once you begin college, you cross over a line from the past into a new present reality. Most of you will begin to discover things about yourself that you never realized before. Don't be dismayed at you new discoveries. It's all part of a process that all of us go through. Actually, it's perhaps the most important thing you'll learn this year. The one thing that will stay with you for the rest of your lives. In many cases, the only things that will stay with you for the rest of your lives."

A few guys are nodding. I'm afraid to show anything on my face. What he said is the absolute truth. It's already happened to me.

"In case you've wondered why there are no female students in this section, it's because a lot of the things you're discovering has to do with your sexuality. Right now you might already be finding out things you never realized before, as I said. Right now, many of you are already feeling there are things you want to keep secret, not only here at school but also from your families and former friends. Again, this part of a natural process, so relax, guys."

Larry takes the box he brought into class with him today and passes it around. There are pens in the box. They look like ordinary cheap pens, like bics. After we all have one, Larry says, "these pens are filled with disappearing ink. Anything you write with these pens will only be legible for about ten minutes. So this is what we're going to do: I invite you to write down one of the secrets you're carrying inside. Be bold. Be honest. That secret thing you are so afraid of revealing will prey upon you unless you have a chance to get it outside of your head and out into the real world. Be bold. Be honest. Write it down. Write down the one thing that you fear would destroy you if anyone ever found out. You have three minutes. Take your pens and write. Begin your confession with the words I discovered that . . Proceed. Men."

He sits back. We look at each other nervously. A few begin to write immediately. Most of us hesitate. Me? I take a deep breath and write down. "I like the taste of my cum."

Holy shit! It's true! And as soon as I wrote it down I wasn't afraid of it any longer.

Larry passes another box around the class. "Put your secret into the box."

I let go of my paper and it feels like I've let go of a dark shame.

Larry gets the box back, the box containing our shameful secrets.

"We only have a couple minutes. Close your eyes, gentlemen, as I read out some of your fearful truths. Keep your eyes closed so you cannot see anyone react. There are fifteen of you here. I'll only read ten of them."

"I hate my sister."

"I can't stop jerking off."

"My Dad punches me a lot and I'm glad I'm away from him now."

"I like to stick my finger up my ass and sniff it."

"I took money from my roommate's wallet."

"I'm gay."

"I'm afraid I'll flunk out. I have trouble reading."

"I like the taste of my cum."

"I sniff my roommate's dirty boxers."

"I'm afraid my cock is too small."

"I hate this class."

We can hear Larry rip the pages in half. "You may open your eyes. Good job, gentlemen. I'd like you to notice that you are not alone, that your deepest secrets aren't all that unique. You are not weird. You are not odd. You have no reason to be ashamed of yourselves."

Everyone looks around. Most of them are blushing, but they're looking at Larry, grateful for how much he's teaching them.

"Take out your journals now, boys. Write about what you just learned."

Gary starts writing. "So what did I learn? I learned I'm not the only gay guy in the room. I learned that I have a lot of secrets but I had to choose only one. I could have said I got my ass whipped last night, but that's not a secret any longer. Craig and Jack and a couple other guys saw the marks on my butt. I'm sure the word is getting around now. I learned that Larry the Prof is very insightful and he's going to help us open up more. I learned that writing things down relieves some of the pressure inside. I learned I'm not the only guy ashamed of having a small dick. I learned that we all have things we're ashamed of. I learned that not every guy in the class wrote about sex. I learned that some guy gets beaten up by his Dad. I learned that I was lucky growing up but I'm going to be making up for it now."

Larry tells them to put their journals away. "One more thing before our time is up—well, two more things anyway. The first one is this: if any of you ever feels the need to talk to me about things you're afraid to talk to anyone else about, please consider coming to speak to me during my office hours. And secondly, to the fellow who's Dad used to beat him—please speak to someone in Health Services about this, especially if you have younger siblings still at home. It's quite common that when an abused child leaves home the abuser turns his attention to the remaining siblings."

He dismisses the class. A couple guys remain behind to speak to Larry. Gary is so preoccupied with having to meet up with Scott later that he walks away alone. His next class is French—his favorite subject. He finds himself wondering what the French word for "cocksucker" is.

French goes by quickly and it's time for lunch. He's not hungry but figures he should have something that won't upset his stomach when he has to swallow Scott's load this afternoon. He gets an egg salad sandwich and a vanilla frappe. He usually gets chocolate but he figures that vanilla is more appropriate, considering. He hopes that maybe he'll be able to remember what it tastes like when Scott fills his mouth with cum later.

There are a couple tall tables in the dining hall. Gary goes to eat at one of them so he won't have to sit down again. After sitting on his ass for two whole classes, the soreness is really bothering him. "Hey, dude. Not surprising to see you standing!" It's Craig. "You doing okay after what happened to you last night?"

"I'm managing, Craig. Thanks. And hey, please don't let anyone know what you saw last night."

"don't have to, man. Word is already getting around from the guys who saw your ass in the bathroom this morning. People are wondering what kind of a sick frat you're getting involved with. And to tell the truth, I am as well. Fuck, Gary, it's gotta be an underground group. You could turn them in, the guys that beat you up."

"I'm afraid that will only make it worse," Gary tells him.

"And who the fuck was that dude who made you show me your ass last night? Is he the one who thrashed the fuck out of you?"

"No, it wasn't him. He's a nice guy. He was looking out for me, making sure I made it home okay."

"Is he part of that group?"

"I guess. But please, not a word."

"Okay, but I sure as hell hope you know what you're doing, getting involved with guys like that."

"Well, Craig, it's like this: all through high school I always tried to play it safe, keep a low profile, never take any chances. I promised myself that when I got to college I would force myself to take a walk on the wild side, so to speak. So I had a tough time last night. So what? It was just something to put on my "wild side" list."

"Crazy, man. I'm here for you. Anytime, dude." Craig pats him on the back and walks away.

"I wonder if he'll be there for me when he finds out I'm a cocksucker?" Gary thinks to himself. He sucks the straw in his frappe, hearing the noises it makes when cup is empty.

It's a beautiful day outside, one of the best days of the fall season. He'd love to take a nice long walk before his next class, but, considering, he just goes to a lounge and finds a soft couch to sit on. A couple guys nearby are talking about the pic they saw posted. "Who the fuck would convince that fag to let him shave him down there?" one asks the other. "Fucking sick dude if you ask me. "Hey, I knew a kid in high school who used to suck us off, me and some of the guys on the team. No big thing. He was really good at it. Better than my old girlfriend, that's for sure."

"You let a guy suck your dick? Fuck!!!!"

"Don't knock it till you try it, Barry." Is the reply.

"Well then if you find out who's walking around with a bald dick, let me know and I'll give it a try."

Gary chuckles to himself. He'd gladly suck off this Barry guy. He's fucking hot. Then he things of Scott. He's mean as fuck and hot as the fucking devil. For the first time today he realizes he's actually looking forward to finding out what Scott's cum tastes like. He just hopes Scott won't hit him any more.

History is next. Boring shit. Ugly bitch drones on and on in a lecture about ancient Greek athletes. She looks like she's getting turned on when she tells them how the Greeks competed naked. Gary finds himself wondering whether or not the naked athletes used to suck each other off . . . and gets totally lost in a fantasy about being laughed at by the other athletes because he had such a small dick. But then he thinks of all the Greek statues he'd ever seen. None of those guys was ever hung any bigger than him. Shit! He would have fit right in back then.

Class finally ends. As he walks towards the humanities building, butterflies in his stomach, he realizes, much to his dismay, that probably every guy in the school has a pic of his naked dick on his phone now. His hairless naked dick. At least it's bigger than an eight-year-old's, he thinks, sardonically.

3:10. He's sore climbing the stairs to the top floor. The elevator stops at the third floor. Weird. Why didn't they install one that would go all the way?

He emerges from the stairwell. The floor is deserted. Empty classrooms mostly. Scott is standing at the end of the wall near a door indicating that it's a bathroom for men or women. Probably the only one on the floor.

Scott looks at his watch. "3:14. Not bad, faggot." He opens the bathroom door and gesture for Gary to go in first. Not much of a public bathroom. Just one toilet in an open room and a small sink. Scott follows him in then locks the door. "You'll be spending a lot of time in here, faggot, on your knees. But first, take your fucking shirt off. Show me your armpits. How fast will hair grow back on you?"

"I have no way of knowing, Master. Never shaved myself there before. Didn't have any hair there until I was 15."

"Why am I not surprised? You're definitely underdeveloped in many ways, I guess. And you know something, faggot?"

"What's that, Sir—sorry, I mean Master?"

Scott slaps him across the face. "I'll hit you harder if you ever slip up again, faggot."

So much for not getting hit again.

Scott starts to explore Gary's bare chest. "No hair here either. You're just a fucking little boy. You know what, faggot? I think I'm gonna give you a new name. A name more suitable for a little boy." He rubs his chin . . . I got it! MIKEY!!!! That's what I'm gonna call you. Mikey likey my dick!"

Scott gets his fingers around one of the boy's nipples. Starts to toy with it. "what's your name, little boy?" he asks.

"mmmMikey, Master."

He puts his other hand on the other nipple. "Nice, boy. "See? I even give you a little alliteration. M and M. Mikey and Master. Too bad you're a faggot and will never be a Dom. They could have called you Master Mikey!!! Scott chuckles while Mikey starts whining as the pressure on his nipples increases.

"Well there, Mikey, my boy, you must be starving for dick by now. It's been almost 30 hours since my buddy shot a load in your mouth. Get on your fucking knees and do what I called you here to do, Mikey!"

He pulls Mikey's nipples towards the floor. Mikey falls to his knees and gasps, Please, Master, Please go easy. They hurt!"

"Of course they fucking hurt. They're supposed to hurt. Slaves' nipples should always hurt as far as I'm concerned. So take out my cock and start sucking. The better you suck, the more I'll let up on the pressure."

Mikey nervously opens Scott's jeans and struggles to get his already hard cock out in the open air. He yelps in pain and Scott shoves his hard dick right into Mikey's open mouth. He lets go of one tortured nipple to put his hand on the back of his slave's head so he can control how much of his dick the faggot must swallow.

So that's all for now. Hope you like how it's developing. My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

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Next: Chapter 5

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