Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Sep 1, 2024


My creative writing teacher challenges me to come up with something that would shock the eight other students in the class, something they probably never have thought of before. Once again, I'm the only freshman. The others are juniors and seniors. Each of us was asked to "spill our tea" for the others. Dr. Hinckley, the professor, spills my tea for their amusement.

"Notice the lovely necklace," he tells the others. "Actually, it's more than a necklace for those who know how to read the codes on campus. It's a slave collar. Q is a queer bdsm slave. Perhaps you've heard the stories going around. He's the first freshman slave we've ever had. He's well-known to all the boys in his dorm because his Master makes him stay naked all the time. Those of you who are interested in developing any bdsm scenes will find him just chock full of information and true stories to share with you. Give us an example, Q. Tell us something that you have to do as a queer slave that no one in this room ever would have thought about. Something that indicates your humble state without having to resort to tales about sucking and fucking. What do you have to offer us?"

The others stare while trying to look like they're not staring. One of the guys, Stan, a senior English major, looks disgusted. MaryEllen the Lesbian gets ready to hear something outrageous. Phillip is working his way through college as an erotic dancer in a local strip joint catering mainly to horny women, "so he's probably got plenty to tell us," said the good professor. Rudy has a queer brother, he tells us, and plans to write about his bother's exploits. Maggie, also a senior, is a journalism major planning to write erotica under a pen name in order to protect her position on one of the nation's major periodicals.

Q didn't remember anything about the other students in the group because he was distracted trying to decide now to phrase the "bombshell" he planned to drop on the others, something that would give plant a clear notion in their minds of just how he is regularly humiliated. He knows what he'll tell them about and now he's excited to make his offering to the group.

Finally, his time had come. The group grew silent, anticipating something as bizarre as it was erotic, although Stan would most likely have very unkind things to say after Q said his piece:

"My freshman roommate is my Master. This morning, when he came in after his shower, his feet were still wet. He hadn't dried them. He ordered me to bow down to him and lick the water from his shower off his feet." Q trembled after he said this, not knowing what the others' reactions would be. Eddie, Maggie and Rudy actually broke out laughing as they applauded. Stan scowled at him, but it looks like he's more interested than turned off.

MaryEllen wonders if the water tasted soapy. "It had the scent but not the taste. If it tasted like soap I would have safeworded it," Q replies. This set off a discussion about safe words. It was a new concept for Roger and Rudy. Dr. Hinckley was pleased because it is something that they all had to understand. Alexandra (junior theater major) asked Q to give an example of when he's used one.

"Once I called RED because my Master and my faculty advisor were changing the courses I had registered for and it got too overwhelming for me so I freaked out."

"Then what happened?" asks Roger.

"They immediately stopped the discussion. It's that simple. RED puts a stop to whatever is happening. Period. No discussion. Another time a guy tied me down and was going to use a flogger on me. He told me to call YELLOW when it was getting to be too much."

That led to a discussion of why the fuck he would consent to be tied down and flogged. Q got really uncomfortable that they were discussing him too much so, in order to demonstrate the use of a safe word, he called out YELLOW. Dr. Hinckley explained that the discussion had to cease and asked Q to explain why he used the word.

"I got real uncomfortable because most of the discussion is about me and hardly anything about everyone else. I was feeling like I'm under a microscope and I need it to stop."

Point taken. Phillip changes the subject. "That gives me an idea. Sometimes one of the women at the club will get too aggressive with me and I need a way to get her to back off without just pushing her away. that would be a good way to do it."

"Provided they knew up front what it meant," says Cal. "I just say `STOP' and make it clear at the beginning that it really means STOP and isn't just part of the act. But hey, colors might be better because the words wouldn't be misunderstood. Thanks for giving me the idea."

And that was enough for one day. This class meets only once a week. Their assignment is to write a brief description of their first sexual experience and email it by Tuesday evening to the prof.

As I'm leaving the classroom, Cal takes me aside. "I might have an opportunity for you to make some quick cash.," he tells me. "I have a wealthy client who wants to watch me fuck a boy. Would you be up for it? I assume you're used to getting fucked a lot."

"I do, but it's not up to me who gets to fuck me. You'd have to get in touch with my Master. He'll probably go for it. He talks to me sometimes about pimping my ass out but he's never done it before. Maybe he'd let you have me, especially if there's money involved."

"$500 for each of us."

"How are you hung? The most I can take is about eight inches."

"6.5 so you're all set. So anyway, take my phone number. If he's interested, have him call me."

He puts his number in my phone. "just use Cal. I don't have any other Cal's on my list."

"He wants it Saturday night." (It's Thursday now.)

"I'll tell Master about it tonight. He'll call if he wants to let you fuck me. I'll text you if he says no."

"Great. Thanks, Q. I'll do you good, I promise."

Q almost said "please, Sir?" but wisely held back. He was not about to establish that kind of relationship with a guy who was a classmate. But shit! Only one day of this class and already it's gotten to be kinky as hell. And I realized that I was also turned on by the way Stan kept making faces at my as if he were disgusted by what I told everyone. I began to wonder what it would be like to kiss Stan's feet while he cursed me out for being a faggot. Hmmm...

Craig texted me. "If you want any lunch get your ass down to the caff right now, faggot."

I didn't bother answering. Just hustled over to the caff and found Craig already seated eating a couple slices of pizza. "Get yourself a chicken salad sandwich, some cole slaw and a vanilla milkshake," he said to me without even looking up at me. "You have my food card, Sir," I reminded him. He took out his wallet and handed the whole thing to me. "Fish it out yourself. Put it back after you pay."

Once I have everything I bring my tray back to the table. I told Craig about my class and also about Cal and how he wanted to hire me for a scene with one of his clients. "Text me his number," Craig told me and I did.

"You remember I told you I had a surprise for you this morning?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Well, Larry pulled some strings and arranged to have carpeting installed in our room. They're doing it at 1. It should be done by the time you get back from your meeting with Larry. I figured that since you'll be crawling around on the floor all the time now, I wanted you to at least be somewhat comfortable," he tells me and then winks at me.

"I'm grateful to you for the way you're always looking out for me, Sir." Some guy was just passing by and overheard me call Craig "Sir."

"So this must be the freshman submissive everyone's talking about," he said. He reaches his hand out to Craig. "My name's Austin. I get off on using subs myself." Craig invites him to sit at the table with us.

I wince when I hear the name "Austin," remembering the creep who was in Larry's seminar with me. Real homophobic. The one who spit on the ground at me. I don't think this Austin is like that, not if he's talking about using subs.

"You said `subs.' Plural. I guess you've been around," says Craig.

"At clubs mostly," he explains. "Also, I also have a couple buddies over at Easterbrook who throw some really good parties. They're always looking for subs to play with. A lot of guys in their dorm like to join in as well."

"I haven't been there myself, but this slave was one of their party favors back before the break" Craig tells him, "but that was before I claimed Q here and collared him. Is your friend's name Jeffrey by any chance?"

"Yup. that's him. So Jeffrey played with your boy himself last semester?"

"Yes. Broke him in real good. I know Jeffrey would love to have him back there, but I'm still feeling things out myself. I've never been Master to a fag before, so there's a lot of things we still have to figure out. So tell me, Austin, what do you enjoy the most about playing with subs?"

"Slapping them around naked. Ball busting. Just a lot of general bullying mostly."

"Ball busting. Haven't done much of that yet. I'd like to see it before I try it myself. This slave is caged but I've not done anything with its balls."

"You'd probably want to remove the cage first, especially the way I like to beat a boy's balls."

"That can be arranged as long as its hands are bound so it can't touch itself. My goal is for this faggot to never touch its dick again."

I sit there eating my sandwich, realizing that once again I'm being talked about like I'm some kind of object. As usual, something stirs within me when Craig treats me this way in front of others. It's worth a few H's.

"Suck up that white stuff," Craig orders me. "I like watching the boy sucking milk or milkshakes. Good practice for drinking cum."

Austin chuckles. "Damn, you're a big one for symbolism, aren't you, dude?"

"Definitely. It's all about the symbols. Very important to work a slave's mind as well as its body. that's my philosophy, anyway."

"Interesting indeed. Has someone been coaching you about this, Craig? It's obviously that you take all this seriously. I'm impressed. A lot of Doms don't have a taste for the cerebral stuff."

"For me that's the most important part. I'm building it into our way of life. For example, while the faggot's eating its lunch---and I'm always the one to tell it what to eat---anyway I know it's also well aware that you're going to introduce it to forms of pain it hasn't yet experienced. And that you've already become one of the Doms the slave will be servicing in the future. The pecking order has been established here for sure. I'd also like to see you smack the boy around. Like I said, I wasn't at Jeffrey's party last semester and I haven't decided whether or not I'll give my slave (he emphasizes the words MY SLAVE) to them some other time."

"Well, Craig, I live in Gillagan hall. My roommate's a Dom as well. Heinrich. German kid. Very authoritative, if you know what I mean. You'll have to bring the kid up some time and we can have a little party of our own. Heinrich has a thing for clothespins, so there's all sorts of games we can play with your slave. Introduce it to some exquisite pain, if you know what I mean."

"Exquisite pain. I like the way you phrase that, Austin. Definitely curious." Craig types something into his phone and hands it to Austin. Put your number in here. I've already promised the slave to someone else tonight, but have nothing planned for the weekend yet. Maybe we can get together and have some fun," he says enthusiastically.

"Sure thing. Call me tomorrow afternoon. I'll talk to Heinrich. Maybe the four of us can get together maybe even have dinner tomorrow or Saturday night if he's free. That would be really hot, the four of us sitting in a nice restaurant, you in complete control of the slave while we talk about the sorts of things that can really get a sub's mind churning over just how inferior it is to the rest of us. Get it so turned on and humiliated that it will be out of its mind by the time we get to dessert. And, of course, after dinner, your slave can BE dessert. Could be a very interesting evening."

"good idea, but not too nice a place, austin. Funds are limited."

"Not a problem. Heinrich's loaded. We'll work the price of your dinners out of the slave's body and you'll get to have a fancy dinner as well. My roommate's got a taste for elegant meals. And if you want, you can always order a kids' meal for the slave. Wouldn't want it to eat too heavily, not if we're gonna work it over afterwards. Wouldn't want it to have to puke up its supper." Austin chuckles at that. Craig joins in. "I don't know how far you've gotten into things yet, so please excuse me if this is a turn off for you. I'm just wondering if the boy's trained to provide urinal service yet."

I turn bright red and Austin notices and winks at me. "Just for me, Austin. Actually Jeffrey's the first one to get it to drink piss, but that was before I took ownership. I want to reserve that for myself for the time being."

"Hey, that's not unusual. I always crack up at the stuff you see in a lot porn with several guys pissing in a sub's mouth at the same time. I really haven't found that to be very common. They must pay those actors a fortune, unless they're able to find guys who are total pigs."

"Haven't watched that kind of stuff yet. Not sure I want to. I'd have lots of issues about that, sanitary-wise. Nah. I'm keeping this slave's belly for myself, so I know what goes into it. As it is, I`m the one who determines what it gets to eat anyway, so I guess I really have claimed its belly for myself."

"The boy get beat much?" Austin asks. "Regularly" is Craig's answer. five more H's. "it's important, especially since I'm determined to train the boy to think like a slave as much as possible. A sore butt really helps serve as a good reminder. Gets the faggot thinking the right way."

Shit. That makes me squirm in my seat. I'm still somewhat sore and I know for a fact that Craig speaks the truth. I always serve better when I'm sore somewhere. And when Craig whipped my ass in the bathroom the other night, I felt like he'd taken more possession of me than ever before. And then, pissing down my throat while Larry and Steven were standing there watching . . . I hated every second of it at the time it was happening, but ever since it's made me feel happy I could make Craig proud in front of others. it's not the piss that matters. It's the fact that he demonstrated just how much of a slave he's training me to be. Shit, I love all this. Shit, I love him so much, more so every day.

Austin looks at his watch. "hey, I gotta run. Have a 1:30 lab. I'm glad I got to meet you, Craig. Looking forward to some good times, if not this weekend, then surely later on this semester." Once again, I'm just an object. He's glad he met Craig, not me. It's all Craig. I'm nothing. And for some weird reason, that thought feels so damn good to me.


My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've lifted a few pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt, Craig, and the sub. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send them to you.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

I'm also on Telegram. Email me and I'll give you my account name.

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Next: Chapter 40

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