Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Aug 26, 2024


I had a NIGHTMARE! I dreamed someone had locked me into a straightjacket then tossed me into a cement hole in a prison. I woke up trembling and crying out "let me out, let me out, let me out!"

"SSH SSH SSH I'm here. You're safe, baby. Everything is all right." Craig kept reassuring me as I woke up still feeling the terror. "It was just a bad dream. Come on, baby, let's go back to sleep." He cuddled me close to him. The next thing I knew it was morning and I smelled coffee. Craig had brought me a cup and handed it to me when I sat up.

"Everything okay now?" he asked me. "Feeling better? That must have been an awful nightmare last night. You looked terrified when I was finally able to wake you up."

I said I couldn't remember it even though I could. I'm not sure why.

"You kept crying `let me out' over and over again."

"Oh yes. I was locked up somewhere."

"Uh-oh. Is it because of what I told you last night about going to look at cages?"

I nodded, not able to look at him. I was ashamed because he was probably right. It makes sense, the connection. Besides, the last thing he told me was about going to Evander's. I don't know why. He tried out a couple cages with me the last time we were there. It didn't frighten me at all. I'm willing to try and see what it will be like. Might be hot. Might be horrible. I won't know until we try it.

Craig washed me when we were in the shower. Put his soapy hands over every inch of my body, even under my feet and in my hole, almost his entire finger. It was like he wanted to make every single part of my body know that I was his and he would take care of me. I remember that he's started calling me "baby" a lot lately as well. I'm really liking this. I'm just soaking it up. He's showing me things I never ever though about before and they're all nice things. Sweet things. Romantic things.

Once again my dumb head starts worrying: Does this mean the fun stuff is over with, that he doesn't want to have me as his slave? No more kinky stuff?

Then he had me eat my breakfast from the bowl on the floor. I guess I had my answer. What a relief! I'm not ready to give all this stuff up. I really don't think I ever will be. But what happens when a Master realizes he's fallen in love with his slave? Would that rob him of his Alpha power, kind of like when Delilah cut off Samson's hair and he lost all his strength?

After I cleaned up after breakfast, I put on the knee pads Craig had gotten for me and crawled to him while he was at his desk in the spare room that he set up as an office. I put my face to his feet and kissed them, then just laid my head down on his feet and wrapped my arms around his ankles. He let me stay there for a while until he finished what he was doing and closed his laptop.

"Feeling needy, baby?" he asks me while ruffling my hair. I just moan my answer.

"Kneel up, please," he tells me. Then he leans over and kisses my forehead. (You know what that does to me!) "We're not going to Evander's today. This whole thing about cages freaked you out. I'm not a shrink, but I really think that's why you had that nightmare about being locked up somewhere."

"But I'm not afraid!" I protested. "I think it might be hot. Damn, just the idea that you can lock me up is hot. Just the idea that I'd let you."

Craig chuckles. "Well now you're going to have to get turned on by the idea that I'm not going to lock you up. I've made my decision. It's all settled. Now climb up here on my lap. I think you need a spanking. I think it'll help ground you. I love you, baby, but I also love being your Master and training you how to be the best slave for me you can be."

"Yes, Sir," I say as I get over his knees. Fuck! He anticipated me again. I was gonna ask him to spank me. That's why I hugged his ankles and kissed his feet. Enough lovey-dovey stuff. I wanted my Master back. The kind Master who isn't afraid to make me cry.

I remember what he told me a while ago, how slaveboys like me need regular spankings. (He doesn't like to use the word "punishment" because it's not accurate enough. Sometimes I need to be spanked not to punish me but to do what he said before, to "ground me."

"A lot of guys need spankings," he told me the night we were at the club, all those preppy guys in jeans lining up to get spanked by big silent men. "They knew they needed it, boy, just like you need it sometimes.. I bet some of them go there every few weeks, whenever they feel things are getting blurry around the edges. They know what they need. They get up and walk away when it's been enough. That's different for you, Q, because you're my slave. I decide when you've had enough. You can cry and scream and howl and beg me to stop but I stop when I know I've done my duty. Sure, you can safeword, but you never do. That's how much you want to submit to my will, especially since you know by now that I really love thrashing the daylights out of you." As he positions me over his legs, all this comes to mind. It helps me prepare for what's about to happen. I love when I'm fearful and excited all at the same time.

And still, I gasp the first time he touches me. It's time.

He caresses my ass and even touches my hole, just because he can. "You know, the reason I want you to be naked in our dorm is because I enjoy looking at this awesome ass, even before I ever began thinking about spanking it and fucking it. Your ass woke up the Dom in me, Q. This ass which belongs to me now. This ass which I'm gonna thrash good and hard." He starts hitting me, and he doesn't start gently but gets right into it.

Holy shit! Ouch! I was crying out almost right from the beginning with my "ow"s and my "ouch" and my "fuck". He covered all of it, all the way down to my legs. He kept up and the burn was going deeper and deeper into my soft flesh. I tightened up a couple times, just as a reflex. "Relax those muscles," he would say to me in his Master voice. "Accept the pain, don't fight it. Slaves like you need lots and lots of spanking." I'd let go. He's keep up. Shit, by now his hand must be hurting like hell, but it doesn't stop him. He never switches hands, either. Not ever.

"You cryin', baby?" He says to me as if I'm a little boy. He knows I am. He just likes to let me know that he knows and that he likes it when he makes me cry. One day he told me how much he likes it and what it means to him. "Don't ever fake it, boy. I want to know your reactions are real. That's how I learn about your limits and threshholds." Fuck! The Master speaks like an engineer sometimes. Amazing attention to detail at all times. God, I love him!

He helps me up when he's done. "don't you dare touch your butt, boy, or I'll get the strap and keep thrashing you."

"Yes, Master," I say through my tears. I know he will do it if I disobey him. I stand there with my hands at my sides, blubbering and dripping tears. Then Craig does something that really blows my mind: He wipes the tears on my face with a finger. Then he puts that finger in his mouth and sucks it off. Sucks off my tears. Tastes them. Fuck, they must be salty as hell!

Why does that get to me so much, what he did? He took my tears and tasted them. What the fuck! Even my tears belong to him? . . . . . . . . . . I guess they do.

"do you see, Q? We are in each other's body. You drink down my cum and my piss. I drink your tears. Make them mine."

Craig sees so deeply into everything in his world. Everything is a symbol of something else. Something more personal. Something that very few people would be able to understand. Craig is teaching me how to see that everything in our life points to the fact that I am a slave and he is my Master. The Master who loves me. The Master who owns me.

Holy shit, what he does to me! Did I tell you that he took my laptop away from me, told me he didn't want me looking at any screens until we go back to Dunstun. He's taken over. He checks my email and FB. Sometimes he tells me things. One time he printed out the email Danny sent me. Hey, thinking of Danny, I guess this would be a good time to write back to him since we're not going to Evander's after all. I ask Craig if it's okay. He tells me to write it out and he'll get it to Danny after he approves what I wrote.

After he approves what I wrote. Consider the symbolism of all that, if you will. Anyway, here goes.



Happy New Year to you too. There have been a lot of developments here. Yes, I'm still with Craig. He brought me home with him after finals were over. I'm now officially part of his family—or now, my family too. And I love it here with them And besides that, Sir. he owns me now. So everything worked out just fine with you leaving a semester early.

As far as selling my ass on the street, I really don't think Craig will go for that, but I guess you should run it by him. And as far as not knowing where you are, that's fine. I'm a slave. I only get to know what Masters decide to let me know. I just hope you're doing well and can find a really good place to begin you career.

Craig hasn't done anything about New Year Resolutions yet, and as far as Zeke goes, Craig reads your mail to me so he knows what you're suggesting. And yes, Craig is teaching me all about spanking. Just this morning, AS HE WAS spanking me, he said, "Slaves like you need lots of spanking," so yes, I got the point now. And I'll keep getting it, I know. And the only part I don't like about it is the end part when it hurts so much that I don't think I can take any more and I panic—but never use my safeword (go figure?). Lately, Craig is getting better and better at getting to that point when he wants to. Not all the time, fortunately. He's treating the act of spanking like it's an art. Investigates many aspects of it all—on my body, of course. He loves it especially when he can keep me turned on for a long time until I'm starting to beg him for mercy.

Something is on my mind, Sir, and I'm wondering if you would give me your thoughts on this. What do you think will happen if a Master falls in love with his slave? That's all I have to say about that. I'm sure you can read between the lines. As for me, sometimes I'm in awe of Master Craig; sometimes it seems that I'm really in love with him but Im trying to pretend it isn't true. Not sure why, though. But it might soon be completely real, I am falling in love with him for good.

You know I've always said I'll stay single until I graduate. Now it's not a concern. Craig knows that if he pulled me out of school it would destroy me. So now it's safe for me. I'm no longer single. Craig owns me now. Every part of me, including an awful lot of my mind. I've never been happier than I am right now.

I only read your email after I licked Craig clean. He's not ever making me clean his dick after he fucks me again. Thanks for the advice. A lot of guys don't seem to care if it gets them sick. Craig cares though.

Speaking of which, do boy urinals ever get sick from it all? I can't google it because Craig has taken all screens away from me until we go back to school. but this is weird because Craig will read this letter before he sends it so he'll know I asked.

Oh, and about that: I guess Craig will type this into my email and send it, but I'm writing this in longhand since I'm not allowed to use my laptop. But do you know something? I feel like this is a lot more personal, writing to you this way. It's taking longer so I feel like I'm spending more time with you, and I have to put more of "myself" into the writing so in a way I'm offering part of myself to you. I know you'll just see it typed, so I just wanted you to know that I'm using my hands to please you.

I guess that's about all.

As far as other matters go, Craig is handling everything now. He told me he'll be meeting with the Masters.

He decided he'll personally take me to Larry's office and make me strip. He said I should always be naked when I'm with Larry, even when we're just meeting to talk and he's not making me grovel.

And I'm not allowed to call Jeffrey. You know why.

I hope you find whatever will give you joy and peace.

So long for now, Master. Thank you for being in this slave's life.



I gave the letter to Craig. He read it and ran his marker over a couple places. I guess he's censoring it.

"It's a good letter, but of course I'm not surprised. However in the future you must retain the quality of your handwriting. It started getting sloppy. Don't let that happen again. If your hand needs a break, take one. I want you to give your best to me, no matter what it is I want you to do. If it happens again I won't spank you; I'll have Zeke strap you."

Of course that just turned me on. It's a good thing I'm caged, because otherwise I'd spring a hardon whenever Craig starts talking to me like this! And I'm damn near right very carefully the next time.

He went on: "I took a scissors to your letter and just cut out a couple paragraphs: the one about love and the one about licking me clean after I fucked you. I don't want him knowing that much about us. And as far as handwriting goes---sorry for bringing it up again---from now on I want you to write things by hand—you know, posts or emails. It's a good exercise for you. Will keep you focused and will also shut out a lot of the crap that keeps running through your brain. I don't know for sure, but I suspect this is true. Anyway, we'll be finding out. Maybe I'll start a trend, making slaves write things by hand all the time."

"But some slaves have terrible handwriting, and some may write badly on purpose to they could get out of doing it all the time."

"Granted. I might have to worry about you, boy. You've got a devious mind and obviously you're pretty good at thinking of ways to get around things. I'm not ordering anything right now, but I want you to realize I would be seriously upset if I ever caught you putting one of your `schemes' into operation. Seriously upset."

"Yes, Master. promise not to ever do that." I'm thinking that "seriously upset" said twice probably means he'd have me whipped for real. Don't wanna go there please.


My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've lifted a few pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt, Craig, and the sub. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send them to you.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

I'm also on Telegram. Email me and I'll give you my account name.

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Next: Chapter 35

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