Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Aug 24, 2024


Later on that day I'm sucking Craig's toes under his desk while he's doing things on his laptop. He told me he wants me to ask for permission to use mine and not often. Sure. Fuck him. I won't ask at all. Won't give him the satisfaction. Any mail that comes through is from guys who want a piece of me. Craig monitors my email and that's fine with me. I need a break from screens after this past semester. Craig is a lot more into it than I am anyway. Let him have the fun. I'd rather suck toes or even scrub floors right now. Or blow one of his friends---but that won't happen here. Craig is definitely not out in his home town. Never had to be before. So this is really restful. Only one cock to service. And I don't even mind drinking him any more. I like the way he touches me when I'm doing it—not like a Master making sure I realize how much he likes humiliating me this way. No, when Craig makes me drink his piss, he touches my hair, my face, sometimes even the back of my neck with these feather-light touches that give me goosebumps. And sometimes he gets really dominating while I'm gulping him down. "Everything I touch I own, slaveboy. All mine. Only mine." Also except for the first few times, he never talks about it, never refers to it, never takes advantage of just how much he can humiliate me in addition to the fact that what I'm doing is one of the most humiliating things a sub can ever be made to do. Even worse than licking his ass—especially because Craig is such a germ freak because he would never let me anywhere near his asshole if he hadn't just meticulously scribbed it clean three times before he'd bend over and order me to eat him out.

Now I know he's exaggerating, but sometimes I wonder if he still realizes he is, or is he beginning to believe the fantasy a little too much? Fuck, I don't know why I worry about it. I've just got to stop analyzing what's happening with him. Everything's been pretty nice so far. Stop thinking that it's all going to turn to shit as soon as I give myself over to it completely the way I sometimes wish I could be brave enough to do.

"Oh wow!" he says. "You have an email from Danny." And then he says absolutely nothing. I stop what I'm doing. He nudges me with his big toe. "Who the fuck told you to stop faggot?"

I can't say anything now because my mouth is full again. My blood is starting to rush. "I hope you realize, boy, that can decide you're not going to read it. that's my right." fuck! I want to argue this, but this most definitely wouldn't be a good time for that.

He's printing something. He pushes me away with his foot, gently. My signal to stop and kneel up. Fuck, he's ruling me more intensely than Jeffrey or even Danny.

He takes the page he printed and hands it to me. "You can go inside and read it. If you want, use your new writing kit to compose an answer. I'll check it and if I approve I'll type it into your email program. I don't fucking want you near a screen until we go back to school."

And I just surrender to all this. Shit! I didn't realize it at the party last night, he wasn't coming on strong with me last night. He's been doing it like this ever since Christmas. I just got freaked because he was talking to me like this in front of people I didn't even know. It was bad enough I was standing there naked in front of them and it was clear that I'd gotten a thrashing recently.

"Go, baby. Go spend some time with Danny." Shit, he was so affectionate just then. I inhale it and thank him before I fucking crawl away from him and go lie on the mattress he has on the floor for me in his spare room.



Happy New Year, faggot!

I glad you're doing well. I assume you're still with Craig, or had he sent you out selling your ass on the streets yet? If I had stayed the extra semester I would have had you doing that a lot. It would help you finding out what that kind of life is like. You're such a slut that you'd probably really get off on it.

I've had a great time since I was set free from Dunstun. Slipping into a really good position thanks to contacts I have with other Masters where I'm living—not telling you where that is. It's none of your business. I don't want you checking places out and imagining where I am. I want you putting all your attention where it should: on the cocks of the superior men around you.

By the way, I'm the one who gave Craig the idea about New Year's Resolutions. I gave him some things he could put on your list, but that's between us right now so he can decide what to set down for you.

I'm also glad to see you coming to terms with corporal punishment and realizing just how it has to be a regular part of your life as a faggot slave. I spoke to Zeke before the holiday and suggested he take Craig under his wing and show him some of his techniques. Zeke is a really nice guy. Just remember that when you're on the verge of panicking when he's working you over. No matter what he ever puts you through, he's doing it because it's good for you at that particular time.

You should be grateful to Craig for being willing to have you disciplined by someone else. Actually, you should be grateful to Craig for a lot of things, and I know you know that.

And listen, Q: I'm not in charge of your life and I don't want to be, but if it were up to me, I would absolutely forbid you to put your tongue on the cock that just fucked you. I don't know why, but I have a sneaking suspicion that if Craig ever decides to fuck you, you'll want to show him how much power he has over you and do that for him. So I say NO, faggot. But that's not up to me or you, isn't it?

Wilson and Brett have been asking me if Craig owns you yet. I get the impression that they'd gladly give you up if they thought you'd been claimed by the kind of Master who would treat you the way you need to be treated. You should give it more thought. After all, you know goddamn well that Craig would never think of pulling you out of college to go do some dumb-ass job just as a way of breaking you of any expectations you ever had for your future. Keep that in mind. I'm not saying Craig is moving in that direction. That's up to him and you—well, mainly him. You know how it is, faggot.

One more thing: When you get back to school you won't have Larry's seminar any more. Make sure you pop by his office at least once a week. Grovel naked on the floor next to his desk when he lets you. You know it won't go any farther than that. I'm trying to convince him to book you a weekly appointment—the kind where you have your clothes on and are talking to him the same way you did in class last semester. He's not a fagmaster, but there's an awful lot he can do for you. Besides, he's taken a shining to you. And I've never known him to feel that way about a faggot before. Not that I'm trying to build you up or anything, but that's exactly why you should strip and grovel around him. To keep things in perspective and balance. and to show your humble gratitude to him for all he's done for you and for he probably do for you in the future.

I hope Craig lets you read this. I suggested that he should decide what you can and can't read. I'm sure if he doesn't let you read it, he'll keep you informed of anything he wants you to know. Also about limiting your screen time when you're not in school. I was at a club the other night and the Alphas were talking about what effect it had on subs to be restricted from things ordinary men always freely enjoy. One of the guys never allows his slave access to any media ever. He says the slave is much calmer than it used to be, he says. I think that's a little extreme, don't you?

One more thing: Call Jeffrey.

<<<<<Master D.<<<<<

Holy fucking shit! Danny's been talking to Craig privately. Craig has never said anything about it to me. Yeah, I know, I know, no expectations. But still, this whole situation, what the fuck is going on? Shit, I don't want the vacation to be over, but I miss Larry.

There's an awful lot in that email. I'm gonna have to read it a couple times and think about some things. And shit, my poor little dick was banging on its cage at a couple of things he said, and especially just by the way he spoke to me. Like I'm some buddy who happens to be a faggot and he enjoys coaching anyone who gets to keep him behaving and thinking the right way.

Zeke. Damn, Danny's tentacles reach out everywhere. Zeke doesn't need to teach Craig anything. Craig's doing fine on his own. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Craig won't have some things to show Zeke about the best way to handle me and get the most out of me. Those touches of his. I'm able to focus my entire attention on them when he touches me the way he does, so much so that I completely forget he's using me as a fucking urinal at the same time he's touching me that way. It's all worth it, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm sitting cross-legged right now on my mattress with the email open on my lap. This is much better than screen time. Craig comes by. "You look good right now, Q. Are you enjoying Danny's email?"

"Very much, Master. There's a lot in it. I wouldn't know where to begin if I tried to answer it right now." That's my way of hinting rather than begging him to let me put it off. FUCK. Why am I thinking this way all the time? Like every single fucking goddamn think is under his control, and I'm being a slut for it, drinking it up, letting go of any shred of self-confidence that I can make decisions on my own, thank you!

"We're going upstairs in a little while. Mama's making New Year's Day Supper—a tradition of ours. Chris and Markus are here too. Markus has a little girlfriend of his with him. She's really cute too. So we have to play it really cool. Be friendly with her. Markus will be happy with you if you do. He told Chris he knows you're a fag and doesn't understand why I've brought you to the family. He still isn't close to realizing that you're just mine and that's all he has to know about it. So anyway, very cool tonight, Q. Got it?"

"Yes, Master. Sure. May I ask . . "

He cuts me off. "Yes, Markus thinks he's straight. that's all I have to say about it right now. Oh, and I want you to dress nice. Chinos and that green shirt. Socks even. White. And a small jock over that cage to hold it in. The one I bought you the other day."

I'm having a hard time with Craig buying clothes for me all the time now. I mean, I know they're all loaded here, but still, I just think it keeps him thinking that he already owns me, even though he doesn't have a clue if he can handle it long term.

I present myself for inspection. He messes with my hair a little bit, but basically approves. But then he makes me take my shirt off again. "Come here," he says. "Right up close."

He takes my arms and throws them up over my head and binds them together with this soft rope he's had hanging around for things like this. "If you bite my tongue I'll beat you black and blue then dump you off naked under a bridge somewhere."

Now I know he's exaggerating, but it is a damn good threat, I have to say that. And then, he kisses me, but why am I not surprised, his fingers and thumbs get locked on my nipples and he take me on a journey into pain that has me trying to gasp while he's shoving his tongue down my throat. Then he quickly lets go.

"Fuck! I almost made you start crying. That wouldn't go over well upstairs. Put your shirt back on. I think your nipples will remind you what you are even though I treat you like you're only a friend, not the slave you are. You can cry for me later when we're back here alone.."

He has such a way with words lately! Little did I know what words he'd be using with me a few hours later that night.

SO MUCH FOR THIS CHAPTER; SORRY IT'S SO SHORT! My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've lifted a few pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt, Craig, and the sub. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send them to you.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

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Next: Chapter 32

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