Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Aug 23, 2024


I think spending Christmas as the home with all the cast-off gay kids was one of the most wonderful things I've even done. After all, I could have been one of them. I got to talk with a couple of the boys that Craig introduced me to. They were "best friends," they said, Iggy and Mick. Iggy had had it rough. His brother beat the shit out of him when he found out he was a faggot and threatened to let a couple of his buddies fuck him. He managed to get out of the house while his brother was away and ran to the nearby police station. That didn't go very well either, but he wouldn't talk about it.

Mick hadn't had it as bad as Iggy, just the usual bullying in school. Once his very religious parents found out why he was being bullied, they let him pack one suitcase then showed him the door. Mick had heard about KRONOS from a gay podcast he used to listen to. His parents hadn't taken away his phone so he called the place even before he had left the house and they made arrangements to pick him up at the public library in town. So there Mick was, standing there in front of the library with his suitcase and tears running down his cheeks. They brought him back to the house and settled him in with Iggy. Eventually his tears turned to smiles. Damn! These kids were only 13 years old. How could people be so cruel to mere children because of something they can't help.

Listening to their stories I felt kind of sleazy because damn, these guys were like babes in the woods compared to me and all the things I'm into and I've been doing. Fuck! I roleplay at being mistreated. These guys knew the real thing, and there wasn't anything sexy about it at all. It bummed me out, but when Craig noticed, he and his brother Chris took me for a walk and let me get everything I was feeling off my chest. Finally, Craig left me alone with Chris and went back to the house to help out. That's how I got to know Chris and what a great man he is. If he was wise to anything that was going on between me and Craig, he didn't bring it up. He did tell, me, however, that he never saw Craig look at anyone the way he looks at me when he thinks no one else is around.

He also kept telling me how happy he was to see that Craig had "made such a good friend" at school in his first semester there. "My freshman roommate and I couldn't stand each other, and he was gay! Just goes to show you how there's no accounting for bad chemistry. You guys are lucky. You hit a good combination. He didn't need to know that the main combination was my mouth and Craig's perfect dick, every night except for Christmas Eve because we were both too tired when we got back home to sleep before returning there for Christmas brunch that a group of people from the Methodist Church had put on for them. Wonderful people. Not all Christians think we're going to hell. It was good to know that. In fact, that was a nice Christmas gift for Craig and Chris as well as for me.

When we got back home Christmas evening, Mama made hot chocolates and then Chris, Craig and Markus gave me a wrapped Christmas present, OMG. When I opened it I saw that it was one of those writing kits we had bought for the kids at KRONOS. I sat there crying and then Mama took me in her arms and said a couple things to me that were so beautiful that I want to keep them to myself and not repeat them to anyone else so they stay all mine.

Wow, wow, wow! That night before we went to sleep, Craig told me that he was thinking about making love to me some day real soon and he wanted me to promise him I'd show him how to do it in a way that won't hurt me. So there! He was the first one to use the "L" word, not me. That's probably the thing I miss the most now that Danny's gone—the times when he would fuck me gently and not like he was just fucking some miserable slave. Of course, there was a lot of time like that as well, but now I knew that Craig would never ever hurt me that way.

Chris took us to a New Year's Eve party at his frat house. It was a mixed group str8 and gay, and everyone was pretty cool. He said he'd give us some great edibles if we promised not to drink and we readily agreed. Wow. Both of us got a bit carried away before the night was over. I think Craig started it but I'm sure he'd probably say the opposite. My version is that he started getting much more "Dommy" with me than ever before and he was doing it in front of other people. I know it wasn't my imagination because at one point a guy named Mitchell asked how long I've been his slave! Only me could come up with such a quick and flippant reply: "Only since we got here." I could have said a lot more but I decided not to take the bait, either from Craig or from Mitchell.

Some other fellow, just my type, had had his eye on me for a while. I snuck out into the back yard so I could get away from Craig for a while and he (the guy, not Craig) came looking for me and asked me if I was okay. "Of course I'm okay. I usually don't get turned on when so-called Doms humiliate in in public, but he's never acted like that before with me, even when we play Dom/sub games when we're alone together. I'll just chalk it up to the fact that it's New Years Eve and the edibles we had before we got here. But don't worry. Craig is a really nice guy. He just got a little carried away. He's still not used to having a faggot to push around. We just had a wonderful Christmas vacation together, so I'm not going to make a big thing out of it. The best thing is for me to keep my space from him for a while. But thanks for asking, I appreciate it . . . Sir . . . " Fuck! I just couldn't resist, could I?

Next thing I know, we're in the back of his car, shirt off, and he's slapping my face while spitting at me and telling me that he could tell I had to be ruled "with an iron fist" from the very first time he laid eyes on me. "Um, not into fists," I answered fool that I am. The fucking edible was making me feel silly. I really couldn't get into whatever it was he thought he could do to me. I don't think he appreciated my attitude. Not at all.

He started pulling his belt out of his pants when someone pounded on the window. It was Chris. Thank God. He knew the guy that was working me over. His name was Justin. Chris asked him to dry my face so he did, using my t-shirt. Thanks for nothing. Finally, Justin let me get out of the car, all the while telling Chris that I'm a real faggot sub and should get my ass whipped. I was about to tell him that Craig had taken care of that last night but for once I held my tongue. Chris had seen enough.

Anyway, that's how Chris got wind of what's been going on between his brother and me. Actually he took it a lot better than Craig thought he would. Like I said, Chris is even nicer than Craig and I felt completely comfortable with him despite the fact that he knew more about me than I had really wanted him to know. But, after all, stop and think about it: I do get turned on by public humiliation. Jeffrey, Matt, and Danny all knew that from personal experience. Now Chris knows it as well.

Justin was pretty chill about it all. "If nothing else," he says to Chris, "at least I should get a good blow job from the boy before the clock strikes twelve." As it turns out, Justin's friend had a room in the house. After Chris left, Justin brought me up there and I got to suck his rather puny dick and his buddy's as well. His buddy was nicely hung and really enjoyed making me gag on his cock when he fucked my face after Justin was done with me. And oh, yeah: Justin managed to get my pants off and when he saw the way my ass was marked up he decided not to take his belt to me after all.

All of this happened before it was even fucking eleven pm! What next?

I'll tell you what. After Todd—that was Justin's friend—shot his load down my throat there was another knock on the door. This fucking room was turning into Grand Central Station! But it was Chris, and Craig was with him. Craig came in and fell in my arms crying. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, baby. Please don't run away from me."

Shit. I don't know what was in that gummy, but it turned the both of us into sloppy messes. Todd left and quietly shut the door behind him. I fell asleep in Craig's arms and the two of us slept through the ringing in of the new year. When we got back home around 2 am, Craig tenderly washed me in the shower, then helped me clean out my ass, then, for the first time ever, he took my ass. I guess you can say he fucked me but I swear, it felt better than any time Danny had ever made love to me.

I was so moved that after he was finished, I did something that I've only done once before, something that had a highly symbolic meaning for me: I cleaned him off with my tongue and mouth. It wasn't as gross as it could have been. Craig had made sure that I was REALLY cleaned out and the lube on his dick was tasteless.

I have no idea what Craig thought of what I was doing. For me it was an intense act of total submission to him as Master. We'll have to discuss this some time soon.

Needless to say, even though New Year's Eve was a bust, the new year started off on a real high note. We woke up sometime after 12 noon. Craig cuddled me in a way he had never done before, only for a couple minutes. "I think we need to talk," he said and I nodded. "Let's go to the diner for breakfast. We can talk there."

"Yes, Sir," I said with a coy smile. He slapped my face, lightly, then kissed my forehead in what I interpreted as a parental gesture. Fuck, we sure do need to talk! The question is, where do we begin?

We rode to the diner in silence. I decided that it was up to him to decide what we would talk about first. I'm the slave. I don't direct conversations with my superiors. Riding in the car made me very well aware that I'd been fucked last night, really fucked. It will take a while before my hole will return to normal, and that's fine. I'm wondering, though, if he'll keep fucking me or if that was just because it was New Year's Eve and he was in a subjugating mood. I'm really not sure what's up after the way he acted last night. I'm a bit uncomfortable because he's obviously trying to find his way as a Master, but it's not a smooth evolution for him.

What would Larry say about all this? Or Danny?

So anyway, as soon as we get seated in the crowded diner, I pick up my menu. "You don't need a menu," he tells me. "I'll order for you."

I put it down without comment.

Silence. . . . Then,

"Do you always lick cocks clean after they fuck you?" Interesting place to start. Maybe he did get the symbolism of it all.

"I only did that once before and that time I was forced to do it."

"I'd never force you to do something like that. Why did you do it?"

"Why did you decide to fuck me for the first time?"

"Because it felt like the right thing to do. Because I want to claim you as my own and that was the best way to get you to learn your place."

"My place." That's all I said. The waitress—her name is Annie. Craig knows her from high school-- came by to take our order. Craig ordered the same thing for both of us, but then asked for a vanilla milkshake for me. I got lots of "little boy" vibes from that.

"You realize you'll always be a boy, Q?"

I'm feeling obstinate. I'm not going to make this easy for him.

"Will you always be a gay Dom?"

"Only gay for you, Q, only gay for you."

"I see."

"this is a confusing time for me, Q. Please be patient with me."

Okay, it's time to get honest with him. "My time with you and your family since the semester ended has been the nicest period of time in my entire life. I can't tell you how grateful I am and how much it means to me that you've brought me into your family. Yes, I was upset by the way you started behaving towards me in front of people we had never met before, but I was also a little frightened. But we were both pretty stoned on what your brother gave us, so I decided not to make a big thing out of it."

"then why did you disappear all of a sudden?"

"Because I didn't like what was going on and I needed some space from you for a while to let things settle down."

"so you went off and carried on like a slut."

"I am a slut. The Masters keep telling me that. They told me to go get lots of practice serving anyone who wants me."

"It pissed me off. I felt like you were deliberately cheating on me because you were pissed off at me."

"How could that be cheating? I don't belong to you in the first place."

Craig gets silent. The food comes and we start eating. I'm just gonna wait until he say anything else. But then I changed my mind.

"Craig, you've been using me like a slut in our room at school, making me suck off your friends, even sending me a guy we didn't even know just because he put his phone number on our door. That turned out horrible."

"it was a mistake, Q. I never did it again. I always made sure I could protect you. That's why I've been staying in the room when you blow the guys I let have you."

"I know. You've always kept me safe. But not last night it was weird, like you were trying to show off how tough you were in front of guys we didn't even know."

"I'm sorry."

"and it's okay. But you have to make up your mind what you want."

"I think I made that clear last night when I lost my virginity with you. I never fucked anybody before, Q. You were the first."

"I suspected that, but shit, Craig, it felt like you'd had lots of experience making love. I'm probably shouldn't tell you this but that was the nicest time it ever happened in my life. It was awesome. I felt like you really cherished me."

"I do, Q, I do cherish you. But I know you won't handle me just being your boyfriend."

"Wow. First time you ever used that word, dude. Boyfriend."

"But I'm right, aren't I? It's not enough for you."

I suck up the last bit of my milkshake, keeping my eyes on Craig as I suck on the straw. All of a sudden I realize why he ordered me a vanilla milkshake. Same color as cum.

Craig chuckles. "You're such a pig, treating that like cum."

"That's why you ordered it for me, didn't you?"

Craig blushes. "You found me out."

"it wasn't hard. But I guess I'm surprised you didn't order me a glass of lemonade as well. Might as well use all the symbols."

"Holy shit! What a dirty boy you are!"

"Well? That's how things are turning out. And you, my good Sir, are the one turning me into a dirty pig slaveboy even though you're not sure if you can handle being a Master."

"Maybe we should stop with the labels, Q."

"Labels help, especially if we're confused about what we want. You know, I'm having a confusing time as well, Craig. Shit, it really got to me last week with those kids. I could have been one of them. In fact, I kind of am. My father just threw me out into the street with next to nothing. You have no idea what that feels like."

"Oh, honey, I didn't know that was hurting so much."

"It wasn't until I talked to those kids at KRONOS. What does that mean, anyway, kronos?"

"Not sure. I think it was just a made up name. But don't change the subject. Q, are you okay? Really?"

"Yes and no. Shit. The past couple weeks I feel like I've been shown more love and respect than anyone has ever shown me before. It's . . . really nice . . . but it makes me sad sometimes."

"Sad, why?"

"Because it made me realize what I'd been missing all my life."

"Well you have it now, dude, and it's never gonna abandon you or go cold on you. From all of us, but especially from me--in our private way."

"Craig, I didn't know there was such a thing as `our'."

"I think of us as a special unit. Even if we don't have all the details worked out."

"Well maybe, but there are five Doms in my life who all claim a piece of me. They don't want me bound to anyone who would take all of me. Not yet."

"And that includes me?"

"We haven't ever talked about it. I'm sorry I never talked about it all with Danny. I don't know who else to go to now."

"Will you tell them I fucked your ass?"

"Honestly, dunno. Dunno if they would even care as long as they don't think you're trying to get me to give it all up."

"All what up?"

"All what I am. sub, slave, faggot, you know all the labels."

"Yes, I do. Shit! Chris got his mind blown last night. Especially when he found out I had whipped your ass the other night. He's never had any interest in that kind of stuff. He's probably the most vanilla person in the entire gay world."

I giggle. The waitress drops the check. Craig reaches in his pocket and gives me his car keys. "Go wait in the car. You will drive home."

Fuck! He says you will." not will you?'. Despite everything else, Craig is a natural Dom as much as I'm a natural sub."

So I sit in the car and think over everything we said. We're all over the fucking place trying to figure out what works best for us. At least we're talking. That's the most important thing.

When he gets in the car, he's smiling. "I just got a great idea."

"What's that?"

"When we get home, we're gonna draw up some New Year's Resolutions. About what we are and what we're not, shit like that."

"Whatever you say, Master." He growls at me but then sits there with this weird smile on my face. You know something? I think it really turns him on when I use the M word. Right now, I'd rather say that than the L word. for some reason I just don't want to let him think he has that much power over me that he can turn me into anything he wants because I L him and will do anything not to lose him.

Hell, is that how it works? What the fuck do I know about love?

SO MUCH FOR THIS CHAPTER; SORRY IT'S SO SHORT! My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've lifted a few pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt, Craig, and the sub. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send them to you.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

I'm also on Telegram. Email me and I'll give you my account name.

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Next: Chapter 31

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