Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Aug 19, 2024


We walked about the club for a while. I was horribly self-conscious; so far I was the only naked boy there so far. Danny took me to one of the private rooms. He fed me a gummy. "You're gonna need this," he said. Damn, he was right. There were several items of bondage gear hanging on the walls and on tables. He picked up one metal bar unlike anything I ever saw before. It had a leather collar fixed at the center of the bar. First Danny locked it around my neck. Then he made out with me while toying with my tender nipples. "You will be our whipping boy tonight," he said to me before he took each of my wrists and bound them to each end of the bar. (A picture is available to those who request it.) Then he took the key I had given him and removed the cage from my dick, then stroked it back to its usual less-than-average shape.

"There you go, slaveboy. Properly displayed the way you should be. Come." He left the back room and I was really afraid to be seen the way he had bound me. "Go out there and show yourself, faggot. Or are you ready to taste the cane? Don't test me on this. There are several Doms here who would love to do it while everyone watches and hears you scream. Now move!" With that he pushes me out into the main room and several heads turn. I have never felt more naked or more helpless in my entire life and I tried to smile so no one would know how terrified I was.

Soon the effect of the gummy took hold and, if nothing else, it calmed me enough that my inner slave started to enjoy what Danny had done to me. Hopefully, I'd be able to ride the waves of whatever would happen. I kept reminding myself that despite everything, Danny was fundamentally very protective of me. I had to trust that in my helpless and vulnerable state.

He had me stand right in the center of the large room. I really think the most humiliating aspect of all this was the fact that my bare naked dick was on display, and for some reason, it stayed flaccid despite the fact that several men stroked it while they walked around me inspecting me. Some enjoyed taking a whack at it. I kept bending over when they hit my dick. I almost lost my balance once. Finally Danny told them to put a hand on my chest when they whacked my dick or my balls so I didn't bend over. Two guys offered to keep me standing up straight. Each of them held me from behind and tried to hold my nipples. "Very sore," Danny told them, but gave no further explanation. Both of them kept their hands over my nipples but didn't hurt them much. Nonetheless it helped keep me up straight because I kept trying to back away from their hands before they hurt me any more.

Needless to say, all this attracted a lot of attention, most of the attention in fact except for the college boys getting their backsides reddened by the team of Daddies spanking them. A couple Doms congratulated Danny for "how he had arranged the slave's body for their enjoyment." No credit at all to the slave, of course. I'd long ago given up any expectation that I would be praised for anything. I was always the Master who deserved the credit for how he allowed the slave to be treated.

One guy holding a flogger showed it to Danny. "Later perhaps. I want the faggot warmed up first." Relieved! Then I realized Danny was getting me ready for some significant punishment tonight. He had let me know on the way here that he intended to have me well punished "for all the crap you put us through this semester." What could I say? That's just the way the thinking went: although several Alphas and Doms had made use of me and enjoyed training me and disciplining me, Danny turned the tables: I'd been the one giving THEM a hard time, making it necessary for them to have to deal with the disruption I've caused just by existing as a newbie slaveboy. Pardon me for existing! Fuck!

I was forming fists in anger and my body was tensing up. "I'll allow you your reaction until we get to the club. When I let you out of this car you'd better leave it all behind you. Accept the fact that I've decided to have you punished. If my reason for it pisses you off, then realize you're getting punished tonight because I wanted to watch it happen to you. You owe me your submission as a way of thanking me for putting up with you the way I have. Shit, kid. I've even been fucking your hole despite the fact that you're not a virgin. Doing you a big favor. Tonight you say thank you."

Now I'm well aware that I could probably shoot a dozen holes in his reasoning, but it's the way of a Master dealing with a naughty slave whose attitude a needed a lot of training. And, as usual, just the sound of Danny's voice when he talks to me the way he is drives me deeper and deeper into sub space, making me crave what he says is going to happen to me tonight. Disciplined in public by anyone who wants to participate—and many will, knowing Danny's reputation in the community.

Of course, at that moment, I had no idea how Danny planned to have me bound for punishment in the most humiliating way he could have devised. I wish he had blindfolded me but I dared not say anything at all and savde my mouth for moaning and crying out. It's just that some of the guys acted like this was nothing but a big fucking joke and they kept taking me out of the space. God bless Danny! He picked up on it right away. In fact, I bet that their attitudes and joking around demonstrated that they really didn't belong here. He actually told one guy to "shut the fuck up." Then he walked away. "Follow me, Q."

I followed him into a side room about half the size of the room we were in, but still plenty big enough. He parked me in the center again then went to the entrance. "I want this slave warmed up good then punished until I decide it's had enough. Don't come in here if you don't understand this is a real slave getting the punishment it deserves. If you think this is a joke, stay the fuck away. Better yet, go home and don't come back until you grow up."

Holy fucking shit! I actually got hard. The first fucking hardon I've had in weeks. It was driving me crazy. "No. We can't have this," Danny said to me and he slapped the shit out of it. That did no good so he sent one of the men watching to the bar to get some ice cubes. Fuck!

One guy held off and landed a hard slap on my ass cheek. "Thanks, Gordy." I gasped. Danny came over and said quietly "make sure you relax your muscles. let go. I want your flesh punished, not your fucking muscles. Get loose, Q. Surrender. You know how much you need this." One guy gives Danny an ice cube and he eventually gets rid of my hardon and even causes me to giggle a bit. "You have no fucking rights over this dick, faggot. It doesn't belong to you." That sobered me up right away.

Fuck him. He knows me right through to the depths. And he's right: I do need this even though I'm scared about how bad it's gonna get. Not my problem. It's all Danny's decision.

Several more slaps are laid on me and one guy is in front of me giving me an old fashioned "pink belly" right above my cock. Someone shows Danny a bag of stuff. "Anywhere except the nipples," he says. Uh-oh. Clothespins, but before he puts one on me a couple guys call him out. "Skip, this is a spanking party. Put those things away and find a paddle to use on the boy." He's totally cool about it and walks away.

Danny checks out a wide strap one guy shows him. "Yeah, this will be perfect. Give the kid six. Lets find out how he takes it." I'm aware that Danny sometimes calls me "he" and sometimes "it." I might be completely wrong, but I pick up a tiny hint of affection when he sees me as his boy rather than his slave. But maybe the distinction is all in my mind. Still, it makes me feel good. And I'm not as scared now because I realize that Danny is completely in charge. He's the one who had me bound this way. He's the one who wants to get me to take more than I've ever taken before. What a great way to end the semester! I get an A+ in the one subject that counts the most. And I'm gonna get my mark in more ways than one!

Shit, the strap is so warm on my ass, and each lash digs deeper. Danny is so right about what happens when I leave my muscles loose. Gotta make sure I stay this way. Then it stops. Danny looks around. "What do you say, guys? 6 more?"

I can see them lick their fucking lips while they nod their heads encouraging Danny to let this guy thrash me some more. Now the strap doesn't feel warm. Now it feels fucking hot! Burning its way into my flesh. I concentrate on keeping my ass loose but clenching my fists. I cry out for the first time on the last lash. Danny fucking THANKS the guy then takes one of those ice cubes and runs it over my reddened ass. The cold burns worst than the lash and I start losing control. I'm gonna be crying like a fucking baby any minute now. He distracts me by wrapping his other hand around my balls and pulling up, forcing me up on my toes. He takes what's left of the ice cub and puts it in my mouth. I know better than to spit it out. It's fucking salty from being rubbed on my ass.

Danny lets go of my balls. "Your reddened eyes are so lovely right now, just on the verge of leaking your tears. This is good pain for you, baby. Good pain." He kisses me and caresses my cheek. I lean my face into his hand and try to kiss his fingers.

"A lot of so-called Doms don't understand," he says to the men standing around us—or I should probably say Sirs, not men, "is that slaves need affection in order to give a Master their very best. Not mushy or excessive, but a gentle touch from time to time is quite effective. I don't own this slave outright, but I've had a hand in training it, in turning it into what it is today and hopefully what it will become in the future when it's finally claimed by a permanent Master."

Flogger-guy comes back again and shows Danny two different floggers. He takes each one and whips the back of my legs, one on each. The second one makes me cry out and I'm close to calling yellow, but Danny hands the other one over. "Use this first. Warm its back up as well. Take your time. Give it time to absorb each lash, to drink all the pain in small sips."

"Fuck, I like the way you think, Danny," says a voice which I recognize . . . oh fuck! It's Craig! What the fuck is he doing here?

"Craig!" glad you could make it," says Danny. "Wouldn't miss it, dude," he says. "Holy shit, you've got its cock hanging out on display. Haven't seen the little thing in weeks." Craig doesn't say hello to me but rather toys with my nipples and I start biting my lip. "fffffffffff"

"Wow, dude, you really got these things raw," he says to Danny. Again, not a word to me. I guess Craig has noticed that no one speaks to the slave at all but only to Danny. He's observant that way. "I like the way you have it trussed up," he adds. "Very accessible all over."

Danny clears the way behind me as Bill the flogger gets ready to work me over. The first few are just trial lashes. They feel pretty good, as if this could just be a pleasurable whipping. Bill knows what he's doing. He deftly manages to make sure just about every bit of the skin on my back has been caressed with his whip. When he moves down to my ass, however, he hauls off and really hits hard since I've already been warmed up—heated up, actually. He gets a rhythm going for himself and soon is whipping me from my neck to my knees and I start making little noises, most of which are involuntary reactions because he's now hurting me everywhere and some of the bastards watching are encouraging him to lay it on harder.

I wish I could say I stood there like a good slave and surrendered to it, but at a certain point I couldn't stand still and actually started trying to avoid some of it. This gets him pissed and he really starts lashing me hard until I'm crying out all the time and two guys grab the end of the thing I'm attached to and hold it so I can't move any more. I really start hollering then and even end up screaming a couple times in the high female voice that really has me ashamed of the way I'm reacting.

He stops for a bit. "Front?" Danny nods. Holy fucking shit, this is new. This is fucking awful. Not only does he get my chest and groin but he makes sure the flogger wraps around and my sides are lashed as well. That's all I can handle now. The sobs and outcries get louder than ever and sometimes I don't even feel like they're coming from me until at last I start begging for mercy. "I'm sorry, Master, I'm sorry for causing trouble. Please, Master, mercy, please don't whip me any more."

Danny hands Bill the other flogger, the one that made me scream before. "finish off its ass," he tells Bill.

GODDDDAMMMMMM yeow. Then Danny starts stroking my dick as Bill's laying that flogger across my ass and I'm screaming and I'm hard and I just keep yelling "sorry, sorry, sorry, please, sorry" and it continues and I know what it means to be truly whipped, punished, flogged like a real slave in permanent bondage. And just as that thought crossed my tortured mind, my entire body starts trembling and, holy shit, I'm FUCKING CUMMING...again and again and again for the first time in God only knows how long and fuck it feels good but it also hurts somewhere deep within me, the way it sometime hurts when you jerk off after not doing it for a long time—that is, if you've ever had that experience.

The whipping stops. Danny asks everyone to leave me alone for a while. They all walk away, off to find out who's getting the daylights beat out of him in the other room. Danny leaves too. Only Craig stays behind. "That fucking turned me on, dude, Look at my dick!" he says to me. It's sticking out of his pants in all its glory, hard as a rock with a very red head, and it's dripping.

"I'll help you get down on your knees, Q, and I'll let you suck me off. I think you earned it. Besides, after seeing you whipped that way, I understand more about the kind of cocksucker you are. I wanna fuck that mouth of yours, dude."

I nod, and he grabs my waist and helps me down. Then he holds on to the bar on either side of the collar around my neck and inches closer and closer to my mouth and the tears and snot are all over my face and for the first time since I arrived here at college, I get to taste his precum and feel the head of his gorgeous cock in my mouth, and I worship it, this cock of this man who's been teasing me for months now, this cock I've wanted more than any other cock ever.

"I decided that I wasn't gonna give you my dick, Q, until I got to see you get whipped to the point of sobbing. Dunno why. It's just an idea I got into my head. But from now on, dude, you can have it when ever you want. No, erase that! You can have it whenever I want you to service it. There! That's better."

Considering everything, it wasn't long before I got to know what it's like to have my mouth full of Craig's cum. I swallow it all down. "I'm not done, faggot. Put it in your mouth again."

I don't know why, but it made me feel like I'd won a prize when Craig began pissing in my mouth and ordering me to drink it down. That makes three: Jeffrey first, than Danny, and now Craig. This time I'm turned into a urinal for a straight boy. But is he still gonna claim he's straight after all this? I wonder. Danny comes back while I'm gulping down Craig's piss. "Hey, this is great!" he tells Danny. "From now on I won't have to leave our room when I have to piss." Could I possibly be more humiliated ever again?

Danny and Craig get me up on my feet again and help me back to the room where Danny got this stuff. Before he takes it off me, he wipes my dick clean with a rag and then puts the cage back on me and locks it. Only then do the two of them get my wrists free and finally the collar. Each of them massages one of my arms.

I thought that Danny would take me home and treat me sweet now, but he wasn't finished pushing me down into the dust. He asks Craig to bring me back to the dorm. "I'm leaving for home first thing in the morning," Craig tells him. "Thanksgiving with the family."

"Then just do me a favor and bring the boy to the "recovery room" to the side of the entrance. They have cots there and stuff for his back and ass. Someone will take care of him. Meanwhile I'll go out to my car and make a couple calls. I'll find one of the Masters to pick it up and hold it until Thursday. We're having dinner at Zeke's." I guess Craig knows what Danny means when he says "The Masters."

"I'm surprised you're not taking care of it yourself," says Craig, innocently, not really cued in to what Danny's trying to teach me right now—that he has the power to have me whipped but not the responsibility for taking care of me afterwards. I'm not worth that much to him. Or maybe the pain I'm in is making me turn nasty.

"Nah. I'm done for the semester with the boy. Besides I'm not going to Zeke's Thursday. I'm flying home tomorrow as well."

What the fuck?!!! I thought we'd spend the holiday together. Goddam it, when the fuck am I ever gong to learn? Things get hot and heavy and Danny breaks me more than ever then just when I start feeling like I finally belong to him he turns around and makes me realize that I've got no right to anything and that basically, despite the fact that he's really good to me at times—when it suits his purpose—when push comes to shove, I'm just a faggot piece of property in the bdsm world. I have no claim on him. I can expect nothing from him. I barely even matter to him once he's done with me.

Wilson picks me up. He's the nicest of all the Masters and he has his own place not far from campus. We don't talk much. He doesn't even use me before he lets me go to sleep on a mattress on the floor in an empty room. Before I fall asleep, I start wondering if my only option is to go find a permanent Master and surrender my thoughts about just being at least somewhat independent until I graduate.

I guess I just have to get used to the fact that I'm alone. Completely alone. And lonely. Sure, there's a group of guys looking out for me and they're all training me all about being a slave but I have to face it: I guess slaves have no right to any kind of emotional support. I'm just an object. What would Larry say about this, I wonder? Did I create this universe all for myself, a universe in which I have little human value? Couldn't I create something better instead?

THAT'S ALL, FOLKS!. Hope you like how it's developing. My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've selected pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt, Craig, and the sub. AS OF AUGUST 19 I HAVE NEW PICS OF CRAIG AND Q. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send a couple to you.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

I'm also on Telegram. Email me and I'll give you my account name.

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Next: Chapter 28

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