Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Aug 16, 2024


The next morning I can hardly get myself up off my bed.

Craig feels terrible about what happened because he was the one who set me up with Jason and his homophobic roommate. Jason didn't even know Claude would turn a blow job into a chance to do some fag-bashing.

. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" he keeps saying. I keep telling him it's not his fault.

"You've hooked me up with guys plenty of times and it fine. How would you know that things would turn mean? Besides, it's my fault. I'm the one who decided to go to the room of someone I never met before."

"But it always happened here where I could keep an eye on things. Stupid, stupid, stupid to send you off to someone else's room. What the fuck was I thinking?"

"Hey, Craig, I could have said no. Shit, I should have after everything that happened to me yesterday. I'm just as stupid as you are."

"Well don't you fucking do anything like that ever again, dude." Craig countered.

There's a knock on the door. Shit, it's Danny and Steven. Steven looks really concerned, but Danny looks pissed off! "I shouldn't even do this for you, you stupid fucking faggot idiot! Isn't it enough that several of us are trying to keep you busy? Are you such a fucking sex addict at eighteen years old that you still have to go off on your own looking for someone else to fuck you up this way? Fucking freshmen?!"

What can I say? He's right. "I'm sorry, Sir."

Steven has really worried about what's going on. "Danny, this kid's in a lot of trouble now. He can't stay here, he just can't stay here anymore. It's just not safe. Everyone knows that there's something really weird about him. They saw the evidence and you heard you heard the curses, you saw the spitting? What the fuck are we going to do go to 24/7 lifeguard on the brat?"

"I hear you Steven. You're right, he can't stay here. I guess I'll just have to bring them up to my place."

"but can you do that, man? All freshmen have to live in this dorm. It's always been like that here."

"Don't worry about that. Now it's a question of personal safety. And also a question of homophobia. The administration is not gonna put up with that shit. I'll work it out somehow. You think you could do me a favor gather up the bo'ys laptop and school books and some clothes and bring them over to my dorm?"

Craig jumps in. "As much as I hate to lose my roommate I'm glad you can do something about it. I mean, damn, I sure can't keep the kids safe. He's his own worst enemy. Come on Steven, I'll help you. We can get most of the kid's stuff over there right away."

"fine. Thank you for helping." Danny gives the keys to his suite. Okay. You guys move the stuff there. Just dump it on the floor when you get in the door and I'll handle it from there. Meanwhile, let me do something to take care of the boy's ass."

It doesn't take long for them to get his things together. The kid didn't bring much with him anyway. "Are you gonna be here for a while?" asks Craig.

"Probably. I don't know how long it's going to take for the kid to be able to make the trip. Besides, there's a few things I want to make sure I can get through this brat's head before he destroys himself and brings all of us down with him, this fucking newbie idiot!"

I realize I'm getting used to it, superiors talking about me as if I'm nothing more than an object in the room. Not only that, but Danny is really pissed off and frustrated with me and I'm so fucking afraid he'll just give up on me, even though he's making arrangements for me to be brought to his quarters permanently. What does this mean? Is it just a safety measure, or is it Danny's way to finally claim me as his own? But shit! I'm just not thinking straight right now and I'm so goddam sore and feel like just a piece of crap.

Sure I heard the things they were saying while I was walking to our room. "Fucking piece of trash" "get this sicko away from our school" "cheap whore" "loser" "waste of energy." "disgusting bastard, they should have beaten him a hell of a lot more." And you know something? It wasn't turning me on any longer. This had gone far beyond anything even a slave would be able to get turned on by.

What the fuck is happening to me? Shit. Stop fucking thinking, Q! I wish I could just curl up and go to sleep and get shifted to a different universe.

Then I remembered what Larry was telling us the other day, how we create our own worlds. It that true? Did I create all this? And shit, how now I'm part of most of my classmate's worlds as a naked ass-whipped faggot with a locked up dick and a face covered with tears and snot! Fuck! I've split myself into a zillion pieces and each one of the is a pathetic queer animal. So what can I do to switch all this off and slide into a different world where I can find someone who will love but also understand how much I need to be treated like a slaveboy—but hopefully, maybe a beloved and cherished slaveboy. Can I have that? Is it impossible? Is it too late? Am I stuck here, locked in this miserable cage? Locked in this miserable universe?

Danny comes and kneels on the floor by my bed, next to my head. He speaks kindly to me. First time since he got here. "Listen, Q, you're going to think yourself crazy. Let go, boy. Stop thinking. Pay all your attention to my hand and my voice. Feel my hand on your back, stroking you, trying to calm you down. Baby, baby, baby, what are we going to do with you? Are you really trying to self-destruct? I'll tell you right now I'm determined to prevent it. But you've got to start listening to us."

"Didn't we tell you we'd take care of you, that we'd make sure you got trained to be the type of slave we'd be happy with? Didn't you get the idea, Q that you should only go with guys we approve of? Didn't I tell you that you've not free,, that you need to be controlled. NEED TO, Q, Understand that? For your own fucking good and our own as well. This campus is too fucking homophobic for you to recover from what happened tonight as if it was nothing serious."

"How the fuck do you think you can continue to survive walking the hallways of this dorm after almost every guy who lives here saw you for what you are now? Even straights who were tolerant might start thinking differently about things. Dammit, Q, it is difficult enough to hold our heads high as gay men. You've given everyone a hell of a lot more reason to think the worst of all of us. Your shame easily becomes our collective shame. A lot of gay guys here are going to turn against you as well because they can't handle the scene you've managed to have displayed out in the open."

What could I say? "Sorry" wasn't enough. Maybe I should just give up and transfer to Easterbrook next semester after all. They're a lot more tolerant there. Even the presence of barefoot slaveboys at a mixed frat party didn't scandalize everyone.

Danny caught me. "Stop thinking whatever you're thinking, faggot. You know, I'm looking you over and fuck, kid, you got away easy with those guys. You've taken a lot more thrashing than what they gave you. I don't fucking understand why you turned the whole thing into some kind of dramatic catastrophe. Shit, I beat you a lot worse than that with my bare hands and you managed to walk away with no problem. What the fuck were you trying to pull?"

Again, what could I say? I was out of control. I wanted to make a public spectacle of myself. I remember reading something about boys being put in the stocks in the middle of town and getting publicly whipped—I think it was in Huck Finn or something like that. I fucking wanted to be on display.

"so anyway, here's what's gonna happen. Either you get up off this bed and start walking around the way I damn well know you can or I'll throw you over my knees and finish the job those two assholes started on your ass. Get up, faggot! On your feet!"

I don't dare get him any more pissed at me than he already is. I got up but was so ashamed I wouldn't look at him. I guess he's right. I'm my own worse enemy. I get too carried away.

Then in the middle of all this, my phone buzzes. I didn't even know I still had it with me. Craig must have brought it here for me. It's a text. From my father: "Somebody sent me a video he took of you last night, you sick son of a bitch! Effective immediately your mother and I no longer want anything to do with you. Unfortunately, your tuition and fees were paid until the end of this semester. After that, we don't care what the fuck you do with yourself. Your phone will be turned off first thing tomorrow morning. Don't even think of contacting us again, Q, or whatever the fuck you're calling yourself now."

I turn white as a sheet and have trouble staying on my feet.

"What?" Danny asks me. I just give him my phone so he can read it himself.

"I hate to sound cruel, Q, but you brought this on yourself."

I'm determined not to cry any more. Good thing my car is in my own name. At least I can get away from here, maybe disappear. Fuck college. Fuck all of this. I've got enough money to last me for a while. After that I guess I'll just have to sell my ass on the street.

What the fuck am I gonna do now?

So dear reader, have you ever faced such a dilemma, when the rug got pulled out from under you and you were left alone while life as you had known it suddenly came to an end and you didn't know how you would go on? If so, what happened after that? Obviously you managed to survive; otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this story of a gay boy's terrible misfortune.

So anyway, I just stood in the middle of the room, unable to think, unable to move, unable to know what would happen to me.

In a flash, Danny turned from sour to sweet. Without a word he came and took me into his arms and I lost myself in his warmth. He kissed the side of my neck and spoke softly to me. "Well, Q, now you're going to find out that I meant my word when I said I would take care of you. I know, I know, actually I said you needed to be controlled, but it's all the same thing. Let go, boy, just let go of everything and let me figure out what we'll do about all this. Or rather, how me and the other Masters are going to work things out for you. Unlike those creeps who hang around bdsm play clubs, we take care of our own and you, Q, are ours. You belong to us. We will work everything out as long as you just let go, as long as you surrender yourself to us."

"Baby, you are a nude specimen in a slave market. You have nothing, own nothing, are nothing and can do nothing. We have found you desirable and are claiming you as ours. I'm taking you and bringing you to your new home. Tonight I will fuck you so I can claim you for myself. Tomorrow my brothers and I will begin training you and watching out for you—as long as you are willing to put yourself into our hands and under our direction. Will you do that, Q? Or will you decide how to figure things out on your own?"

Now I sob, and Danny knows I am his. Well, anyway, his and the others as well I guess.

"You have nothing to worry about. You have to believe that. You have to trust us. If you worry, it will just take up useless energy. You are our slave. You are a valuable possession. We take care of our possessions. You will see, Q, you will see."

He takes my phone and forwards my Dad's text to his own phone. I don't know why and I'm too mentally exhausted to ask.

Craig returns and is happy to see me up on my feet but when he realizes that I've been sobbing again he asks what's wrong. I ask Danny for permission and show Craig the message on my phone. "Holy fucking shit, dude, this is bent. That fucking bastard! What are you going to do, buddy?"

"Craig, it's not his concern. We're claiming the boy now. We'll work things out. That's all I can tell you right now. I assure you, things will work out, somehow. I'll keep your posted, but for now just let things be. I'm bringing the boy with me. I'll sort it all out. I know things look terrible right now, but sometimes you got to be lost in total darkness before the light can begin to shine, You'll see, Craig, you'll see."

Craig brought all my clothes to Danny's so he has to borrow something from Craig for me to wear to his dorm. Long pants like pajama pants and a woolen hoodie to hide my face. Heavy socks and a pair of Craig's gym shoes. Craig wants to hug me before we leave. Danny steps back and lets us have a couple minutes together.

"I'm gonna miss you, dude. Don't exit my life, okay?"

"I won't, Craig but I can't promise anything. Everything's up to Danny now."

Danny takes me by the hand. He opens the door to make sure the coast is clear. Shit, it's after midnight already so things are pretty quiet. This is good.

And hour later I'm on my back holding my legs in the air while Danny enters me and claims me for himself. I don't even care that it hurts when he bumps up against where I got whipped with Jason's strap. It just feels so good for him to be inside me, to take possession of me. I promise myself that I won't worry about anything. That's not my job.

Soon after that, I'm put to sleep on a soft mattress in the iron cage he had locked me into once before. I sleep a dreamless sleep. But apparently Danny doesn't sleep. He has calls to make. By the time he manages to get some sleep himself, he's pretty certain that things will be looking up much more quickly than I ever imagined possible.

THAT'S ALL, FOLKS!. Hope you like how it's developing. My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've selected pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt, Craig, and the sub. AS OF AUGUST 19 I HAVE NEW PICS OF CRAIG AND Q. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send a couple to you.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

I'm also on Telegram. Email me and I'll give you my account name.

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Next: Chapter 26

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