Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Aug 11, 2024


Q wakes up in his own bed the next morning. He has no idea how he got there, but Craig tells him that Danny and one of the freshmen named Steven brought him to the room. "It seemed like you were in some kind of trance but they assured me that you were okay and would be fine the next day. They undressed you and got you into your bed. Danny stayed with you a while, lying on top of your blankets and stoking your face. I fell asleep before he left. So how do you feel?"

Q stretches in his bed and takes a few deep breaths. "I feel wonderful, Craig. No anxiety at all and that's a nice change. They gave me a lot to think about, but right now I don't feel like doing any thinking at all. I just want to enjoy feeling so good. And I'm hungry, Craig. So hungry. Come with me to the caff?"

They both skip morning showers and head out. Q gets himself coffee and pancakes and scrambled eggs—unusual for someone who usually only has some kind of pastry. "Need the protein," he tells Craig.

"You still haven't explained why Danny keeps showing up in our room," Craig reminds him. "I mean, he's a senior, right?"

"Yes, but I'm taking your advice and not getting too hung up on him. I promise. Besides, he's introducing me to some other guys—sophomores and juniors and yes, even Steven who's our age."

"He seems to like looking after you," observes Craig. "so that's a good thing. Except for that night he made you show me your ass he hasn't done anything kinky or weird with you in front of me at least. Very affectionate. More so than anyone I ever saw my brother with. At first I was suspicious of him, but I've realized that he's very protective of you and that's a good thing."

The word "protective" resonated with Q. He remembered the Masters telling him that "You are always well protected" and that he should count himself fortunate. Maybe that's why he isn't feeling the anxiety that always plagues him.

"Yes, Craig. I know you're worried about what I'm getting myself into, but I can assure you that the new friends I'm making are really looking after me, and looking out for me. They told me that they have my back so I shouldn't worry about anything."

"Are you getting involved with some sort of cult, Q?"

Q has to think for a while. "I'm not sure. All I know is that . . . "

He's cut off. A tall guy with red hair plants himself at their table without being invited. "Um, I don't want to be rude, but this is a private conversation." Craig is obviously annoyed at the intrusion.

"Nothing involving our boy here is private," he says. "Thanks for being a good roommate for Q, Craig. It's appreciated. But I have to interrupt your chat." He turns to Q. "Brett asked me to check in with you just to make sure you're in good space." He reaches out and puts a hand on Q's thigh, sliding it up until he touches the cage.

"Doing great," Q says, "very good. Craig is my roommate. We're having breakfast together. Usually I don't eat a lot in the morning but I'm very hungry for some reason. Last night was both informative and enjoyable. I learned a lot about myself. I also learned a lot about the guys I was with. I assume you're one of them as well."

"You can call me Stan." He nods to Craig. "I'll leave you alone again. I'll give you a call sometime soon, Q. I have your phone number." With that he gets up and leaves the table.

"That was fucking weird, dude," says Craig. "But everyone who's giving you so much attention seems to be very nice."

"they are, I assure you, buddy," Q admits. "Hey, it's almost 10. I've got a class. Talk to you later."

"Okay, Q. Take care now." Craig gets up and heads off in a different direction as Q heads to his seminar class with Prof. Larry, wondering what he'll have for them all today.

As soon as class begins, Larry hits them with something they all never thought of before. "In a way, gentlemen, each of us lives in a complete different universe. Think about it."

A few of them have trouble making any sense of this. Larry explains further. "I'm speaking about personal universes. Of course we're all on the same planet in the same galaxy, but yet isn't it true that our "worlds" are totally different? I'll give you an example: think of three or four people who are really important to you." He gives everyone time to consider what he's saying. Then: "anyone want to tell me who you're thinking about?"

Roger jumps in. "My Uncle Ted, my high school coach and my roommate Andy."

"Thank you, Roger," says Larry. "So . . . Q: Are those people in your universe? Are they important to you?"

"Not at all."

"Who are your three?"

Right away, Q thinks of last night: "um...Brett, Steven and . . . um...Stan."

Larry looks pleased. "How many of you have them in your world right now?"

No one, obviously.

Larry continues. "Think about that. Consider the possibility that there are an infinite number of parallel universes existing all at the same time. Each one of you has different people. Each of us is building or creating our universe. Sometimes they overlap, but most of the time they do not."

Everyone is intrigued by this point. Dennis raises a point: "But can't they all collapse together and make one big universe."

"Good point, Dennis. Sure they can. But humor me for a minute: Think of that universe of yours that is particularly yours. The one that you're putting together yourself every minute of every day. The one that's the result of choices and decisions you've made and the things you've accepted or rejected. For example, some of you have already decided on your majors, right?"

"Sure," says Michael. "I'm pre-med. There's a lot of things on my mind that aren't on everyone else's mind here."

"Thanks, Michael. Now tell me this: What will happen if, say, when you come back here next year you've decided you're no longer interested in being a doctor but instead decide to change your major to, let's say . . . Information Technology. Over the summer you've gotten involved with a couple friends who showed you some basic things about coding, and because of that, you're now completely fascinated with everything that has to do with computers. So you change your major, and by doing that you slip out of the universe you were in last year and find yourself in a completely new one with new people, new places, new challenges and concerns, new professors, and so on."

He turns to the group. "See what I mean, guys? The decisions and choices you make determine which kind of a world you live in. Get the point? I know it's somewhat weird and blurry, but I'll let you in on another secret: that's what reality is like. Take out your journals. Play around with these ideas. See what you come up with. I'll give you ten minutes then we'll all have a chance to report back."

So that's what they do.

Q doesn't write anything down. He thinks about what happened to him last night. He thinks about the conversation he had with his roommate this morning, and Brett, Steven, Danny and now Stan. The things they did to him. The little world they say he's a part of and how he's under the protection of a group of guys called "Masters" who tell him they're looking out for him and protecting him despite the fact that as a gay submissive he's living in a somewhat hostile world. How they promised him they will make sure that no harm comes to him? He thinks about all his secret desires, about what's already been happening to him since he came to campus, all things he wouldn't want anyone else in this room to know about. Fuck! Yes indeed. He's becoming part of a private universe that he really wants to belong to. Is that what Larry's getting at?

Larry opens up another period of discussion but Q is completely lost in his own head now and has trouble paying attention. Until Larry drops another little bomb into the midst of the seminar room:

"I have one more thing for you to think about, gentlemen: If you wish at any time in the future, you can leave the world you're in and begin building an entirely new world for yourselves."

Austin, the class homophobe, is visibly annoyed. "In my world, he says, this is just a bunch of Quantum Bullshit!"

"Thank you, Austin. You just proved my point," answers Larry.

Q laughs out loud. Austin turns to him and gives him a threatening look.

"That's all for today, guys. See you on Monday." And with that, Larry leaves the room.

"I swear, this fucking guy keeps bending my mind!" says Frank as he gets up and leaves.

Everyone leaves except for Q. He's flabbergasted. "Why the hell," he thinks to himself, "would I possibly want to give up on what I'm finding now—this world, so to speak---when everything inside me is telling me that this is the world I belong in, the world I was made for, the only place where I can ever be happy and at peace?"

His musings are interrupted by his phone ringing. It's a number he doesn't recognize. He knows that he should answer anyway.

"this is Stan. I told you I'd be getting in touch. Put my name in your phone, boy. When's your next class?"

"Not until 2."


"Sorry. Not until 2, Sir."

"Good. Meet me behind Avery in ten minutes. You know the drill. Barefoot."

"Yes, Sir." Stan disconnects the call. "Here I go again," Q thinks to himself, "about to find out more about this world I'm building for myself." But then he catches himself. "Wait. I'm not building it, they're building it around me and I can't get free. And the truth is I don't want to get free. I want to feel as good as I felt last night. No matter what."

As Q makes his way out of the building, Austin comes up behind him and kicks him in the back of his knee causing Q to fall down. Austin spits on the ground next to him. "In my world, faggot," he says, "there's no fucking room for you and your kind," he growls. All of a sudden someone comes up behind him and grabs him by the neck. "I just grabbed that scene on my phone," he speaks into Austin's ear. "If you ever bother this guy again I'll send it to the dean and that will be the least of your problems. Now get the hell out of here."

Austin hastily splits. The man who grabbed him looks down at Q. "As much as I like to see you down on the ground in front of me, this was unfortunate. Just don't forget that we're looking out for you, Q." He extends a hand to help the boy up. "I'm Wilson. Too bad we had to meet this way, but I'm glad I came by at just the right time." He reaches down and brushes off the back of Q's pants and the symbolism of the act isn't lost on the sub.

Q thanks him and then hastens to his meeting with Stan. It takes time to get over to Avery Hall so he has to hurry now.

There's a fall chill in the air. Once Q's standing there barefoot, he hopes he won't have to wait too long. The ground is cold and he keeps lifting his feet and putting them back down.

"I'm sorry. I forgot it's chilly out," says Stan as he comes by. "Go sit on those steps and put your shoes back on."

"thank you, Sir." Q gets himself put back together.

Stan gestures to the woods behind Avery Hall. "Let's take a little walk. Follow me, boy." He leads Q through a narrow path leading into the woods. Finally they get to a clearing. "Take off your shirt," he orders, "just for a little while. Don't worry; I'll keep you plenty warm. I don't want you freezing your nipples off."

Q doesn't hesitate to obey. Stan takes the shirt and wraps it around Q's neck. "Step back. Let me get a look at you, boy." He reaches out and rubs his thumbs over Q's nipples. Q backs off. "sore, Master."

"that's no fucking reason for you to back off, faggot. Those nipples are for your Masters and should be sore. Didn't they tell you that?"

"Yes, Master. Sorry, Sir." Q pushes his chest out, surrendering himself to Stan's hands. "that's better, slave." Stan seizes one nipple and pulls it, causing the boy to bend over and gasp from the pain. Then he lets go and pushes Q upright again. "One more time, slaveboy. Give me the other one." His eyes pierce Q's and he can see the fear in them as Q presses its nipple towards him. Stan simply smiles. "that's better, slaveboy." He gives Q permission to put his long-sleeved shirt back on then takes him in his arms and rubs his back. "Let me warm you up, sweetheart," he says quietly.

"I had planned to strip you naked so I could watch you walk bare-assed though the woods but the weather hasn't cooperated. Be a good boy, though, and drop your pants to your knees so I can get a look at your balls and your ass."

Q does as ordered. Stan rubs his hands over the boy's ass, slaps it a couple times, not too hard. Then he takes the slave's balls in his hand, pleased to see that Q responds by spreading his legs more. "This is impressive for a new slaveboy. You already know how important it is to give your Masters easy access to what's between your legs. Already you're learning the right way to behave." He smiles and gives Q a kiss on the lips. "You can pull your pants back up and let me explore the mouth."

Stan puts his thumb to Q's lips. Q opens immediately and Stan uses just his thumb to open up the space in the slave's mouth. He insets two more fingers and explores Q aggressively, reaching far inside so he can make the slave gag. "That's right, faggot. Gag for a Master. It if weren't so fucking cold out I'd have my cock in there as well. Too bad. We'll have to wait for until later for you to have a chance to admire my red pubes and suck my dick."

He takes Q by the hand and walks deeper into the woods with him. They get through to the other side and come out on the street one block away from the main campus. There's a coffee shop on the corner. "Let's go inside and warm up." He walks inside, taking his hand out of Q's. It's a nice place. Everyone working there greets him. He's obviously popular here. Stan points to where he wants Q to sit. He goes to the barista and gets a cappuccino for him and a hot chocolate with a lot of whipped cream for the boy. "I heard you like whipped cream," he says as he brings their drinks to the table and sits down. "Have at it. Get some on your nose so I can wipe it off for you, treat you like a kid."

Eventually, Stan uses his fingers to wipe the slave's nose clean. "It's always good for others to see that you're a boy who needs to be taken care of. Besides, with me so tall, it's easy for you to look the part. It's good for you to realize you're not an adult, Q. You'll never be an adult. Always a boy. Sometimes a brat. Ever have someone take your pants down and whup your bare ass in public before, boy?"

"No, Master, never."

"Your time will come, Q, your time will come. So anyway, tell me about last night. They said you didn't resist being all bound up. Danny told me it looked like you relaxed right into it. How did it make you feel, boy?"

"Actually, Master, I felt safe."

"Safe. Interesting. Yet another sign that you're meant for this. Of course, it will be a completely different experience when you're bound down to be punished. Then you'll be fighting to get free despite the fact that you know it's impossible. It's all part of the experience. Me, I like a slave not bound when I thrash it. I like watching the way it dances to get away from my strap or whip. One of these days I'll show you what it's like to be down on the ground scampering around trying to avoid the lash. Best way to subjugate a naughty slave, remind it who's in charge. Drink your hot chocolate, boy. Don't let it go to waste."

Q takes a few sips. It's really good and he appreciates it. Stan chuckles to see the boy with a brown chocolate mustache on its lips. "Lick those lips, child. Get `em clean like a good boy." Q obeys and smiles at Stan. "Wow. you've got a fucking adorable smile. I like to see it. We hit the jackpot with you, faggot. First time ever having a freshman slave right here at Dunstun. So tell me more about yourself. We don't know anything about your family back home. What was it like?"

THAT'S ALL, FOLKS!. Hope you like how it's developing. My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've selected pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt, Craig, and the sub. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send a couple to you. The more you tell me the more pics I'll send.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

I'm also on Telegram. Email me and I'll give you my account name.

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Next: Chapter 23

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