Playing with the School Jock

By Kent Simmons

Published on Jan 24, 2000


I stood outside the Bobcat's football team locker room door, my hands shaking, my palms sweaty. I was writing a story for my college newspaper and since my obsession was jocks, I decided to make jocks the topic of my article. The Bobcats were on an amazing winning streak and I hoped to catch up with a few of the key players.

However, when I opened the door I saw that the place was empty....except for one guy over in the corner. He was completely nude and toweling off his hair. He had a very nice ass and I stood studying it for awhile until he finally turned around. When he did, I nearly fainted!

"Kent?" the hot jock said, dropping the towel.

"Derek? Is that you?" I managed to squeak out.

Derek ran towards me and wrapped his huge arms around my shoulders. "Man, I haven't seen you in years. Not since high school." He checked me up and down. "You look good!"

I glanced down at his nude form, glistening, still wet. "You don't look too bad yourself!" We laughed and he went over to where he had left his towel. Bending over, I got a great view of his ass. Well-defined, tight......just like I remembered it!

Kent wrapped the towel around him and turned around. "So," he said. "How's the love life?"

I smiled. "Empty." I replied. "College is really stressful and I just haven't had time for fun. After I was talking to you last, Brad and I began to fool around...first once a day, then once a week, then once every two weeks. Finally, we grew bored of each other. He went away to school and so did I. We lost touch.....kinda like you and I."

Derek frowned. "I'm sorry I didn't keep in touch after you left. I got a scholarship here became really important to me!"

"I understand." There was a short pause. "So," I said, breaking the silence. "How's your love life? It must suck being on a football team and being surrounded by hot, sexy, straight guys!"

Derek laughed. "They may be hot and sexy....but straight they ain't! They're all as gay as you and me." He looked at me. "All except one that is. This real beefcake guy, fresh out of high school, sooo hot. But he's as straight as they come!"

Suddenly, Derek got a look on his face that I recognized at once. He had an idea!

"I know how we can solve my problem and yours.... the same time!"

He leaned in closer and whispered in my ear. I melted as I realized that I had found myself wrapped up in another of Derek's schemes. But I wasn't complaining! As long as I was back in Derek's life!

Derek led me to a white door behind the shower room. After he had filled me in on the plan, I watched him get dressed. Together we walked to what Derek called "The Wellness Room".

I opened the door and there, sitting on a massage table wearing a full football uniform (minus helmet), sat the most gorgeous guy I'd ever seen. He had short brown hair, cut caesar style, and it was spiked up in various other spots (an obvious result of helmet head!) As I entered the room, he looked up at me with big blue eyes....eyes full of innocense! He had those little black smudges under his baby blues and they framed his cute, Roman nose perfectly. His chin and mouth were chiseled and defined and his lips were big and pouty! I just wanted to grab him and press those beautiful lips to mine. My thoughts were soon interrupted by Derek speaking.

"Ben. This is Dr. Simmons. He's the physiotherapist you've been waiting for." Kent turned to me and winked.

"Nice to meet you, doc." Ben said, smiling. He extended his hand and I took it in mine. As we shook, sparks flew down my arm and into his. I had a feeling he felt it too because he got an uneasy look on his face and slowly pulled away.

"Well," Derek announced. "I'm gonna leave you two alone. Get better, Benny!" And with that, he was gone.

I turned to Ben and smiled. "Let' s start with you telling me what hurts." I said. I figured that if I was playing a doctor, diagnosing the problem would be my first start.

"Well, doc," Ben began. "I have a torn ligament in my upper right bicep muscle, an ache in my lower back, and I pulled a groin muscle. But I hurt pretty much everywhere...arms, legs, back, stomach, chest, you name it!"

"Sounds like you'll need a full-body massage." I announced. "Now, please remove your clothes and put on one of those towels."

Ben grimaced. "Doc, my arm is killing me. I'm not going to be able to undress. Can't you just do the massage thing with my clothes on?"

I laughed. I had a feeling that Ben just didn't like the idea of being naked and having some guy rubbing him all over. But I wasn't going to let him get away that easy. "Full-body massage requires direct skin contact, Ben. I'll have to take your clothes off for you. But you can leave on your underwear for now. However, when I work on that injured groin muscle, you'll have to take them off."

There was a pause and then Ben shook his head.

I reached down and took one of his cleated feet in my hands. Undoing the laces I pulled it off and then removed his socks. I then did the other foot and moved to his jersey. Carefully lifting it over his head, I revealed to my eyes his hot, ribbed stomach and the mountains of padding on his shoulders. Soon, he was shirtless and I began unstrapping the pads. Once they had been removed, my eyes feasted on his broad, muscular chest. His upper body was a perfect work of art and I could only imagine what the rest of him would be like!

Next, I went for his pants. Ben seemed a little uneasy when I told him to stand and then got down on my knees. I placed my hands on his waist and stuck my fingers into the elastic of his tight football pants. I gently pulled them down off of his body and before I knew it, the bulge of his jock strap hung directly in my face. I brushed his ass as I ran my hands back up his legs and stood up. It gave him goose bumps which caused me to shiver. He was so cute!

"Ok. Lay down here on your stomach and put this over you." I said, handing him a towel and pointing to the massage table.

Ben did as I said and I reached into a drawer and pulled out some oil. Gently, I began to rub it into his shoulders and upper back. His muscles felt so good under my touch...and yet so tight. Whenever I tried to touch him, he tensed up. I could tell he was uncomfortable!

"Try and relax more!" I said. "There's no need to feel embarrassed. I'm a trained medical professional. I've seen a lot of people in their undies!"

Ben laughed and I soon joined him. Already I could feel his muscles softening and melting beneath my oily palms. I moved my hands lower and when I reached his lower back, he moaned. It was a beautiful sound; low and dominating and yet sweet and submissive at the same time. My goose bumps were back!

"This may hurt a little but it'll get better."

I continued to rub and knead the muscles just above the round of his butt. I moved my hands lower until they reached the beginning of his two, perfect mounds. I went lower still until I had located the waist band of his jock. Here I started to rub and caress his ass muscles and run my finger across the top of his crack. He continued to moan and groan as I did so.

"I'm going to work on your legs now." I told him and then lifted the towel a bit to reveal his upper thighs. I grabbed one thigh and, with both hands, began to massage the tight muscle. His legs were as big as tree trunks and they felt so hot in my hands. I began to run my hand up the inside of his thigh. Ben twitched, but I continued my journey. I could feel the heat in between his extreme upper thighs and this signaled my closeness to his loosely covered crotch! Delicately, I tickled and fingered his inner thighs. Ben twitched again and I knew he was really uncomfortable. My finger had reached the highest point on his thigh; the point just before his balls. I ran my finger over the bend in his leg....and then pulled it out.

"Turn over." I instructed, and Ben did. His face was white. He was a little scared of me, I noticed.

I placed my hands on his gorgeous chest and ran my palms over his big pectoral muscles. I paid special attention to his flat male nipples which, when teased by my thumbs, became hard. I could also see from looking at the bulge in the towel, that his nipples weren't the only hard things on his body!

I poured a little more oil on his chest and rubbed it in, spreading it down to his washboard abs. His rippling stomach muscles felt fantastic under my fingertips and Ben flexed as I rubbed them.

"I'm ready to do the groin now." I told him, withdrawing my hands. "Do you want me to help with the jock strap?"

"!" Ben stuttered. He quickly reached under the towel and I watched him root around for a while. Eventually, he withdrew his hands and clasped tightly in them was his jock. He handed it to me and I brought it over to where I had stacked his uniform. As I looked down, I noticed a tiny spot of pre-cum on the clear white of the material. The plan was working!

I turned back around to see Ben lying on the table, the towel covering the part of his body I hoped I could see. A giant bulge was evident in the area of his crotch and Ben was trying desperately to hide it.

"Ok. I'm just gonna reach under this towel and find the right muscle." I said. Ben nodded and closed his eyes. I smiled to myself.

Reaching under I placed my hand over where I figured that little defined hip muscle was located. It was here that I rested my palm. I began to rub this area and Ben started moaning again. My hands were shaking and my heart was beating as I moved my hand lower to the top of his leg. I found the pesky muscle when Ben let out an extra load grunt. It was right at the top of his thigh, extremely close to his balls!

Slowly, I kneaded Ben's hot flesh. He groaned and grunted and all I wanted to do was replace my fingers with my hungry lips. I kept rubbing, caressing and massaging the sore muscles of Ben's groin and every time I squeezed the muscle, Ben's huge erect cock twitched. Suddenly, by "accident" I flicked my hand up and brushed it against Ben's dick. The giant piece of meat jumped and stood straight up for awhile until finally calming down.

"Sorry about that." I lied. "It's just sooo big!! I keeps getting in the way."

Ben laughed. "It's a curse!"

I grabbed his leg again and the cock twitched once more. "Just watch this." I said and with that, I squeezed his groin muscle. Ben's stiffy jumped up and then fell back down. "What a reflex!" We both laughed at that!

"You must have girls lining up for that bad boy!" I teased. Ben smiled.

"Actually, I've never told anyone this.....but I'm a virgin."

A virgin!! A straight guy was hard enough to change...but a straight VIRGIN??

"That's ok." I told him. "You're still young." I smiled. "I bet you shoot quite a load, right? Like when you jack off?"

Ben looked confused. "When I what?" he inquired.

I grinned. Could it be? "You know. When you play with your dick until you cum."

Ben smiled. "I've never tried." he announced.

I nearly fainted. This kid was more innocent then I thought!

"Maybe I'll teach you sometime." I replied. "Right now we've gotta wash all this oil off of you. Do your muscles feel more relaxed?"

Ben grinned. "Yeah!" he said. "You're the best, doc!"

"Please, call me Kent!"

Ben climbed off the table, his upper body glistening with oil and sweat, his lower half barely covered by the small towel.

"I'll need to help you in the shower." I said, reaching in and turning on the water. "It's too early after the massage to put your muscles under too much strenuous activity." Ben nodded. He seemed to trust me more now and that was good. "You get in the shower. I'll go get some shampoo and soap."

I turned away from him and went over to the shelf. I got a sponge, some soap, and shampoo. Then, I went back to the shower. By now, Ben was already inside and the small space was full of steam. I removed my shirt and pants and climbed into the shower stall in my tight white briefs.

All I could see was Ben's face as I entered the stall. He gasped at the sight of my almost nude body. "Where are your clothes?" he asked, shocked.

"I'm in the shower." I laughed. "Do you expect me to wear my suit?" We laughed and I began to lather up the sponge. I ran the porous material over Ben's muscular chest and the whole time I tried to catch a glimpse of his huge dick, but it was too steamy!

"Turn around." I told him and then began to wash his back. Up and down and across I went until his upper back was clean. I had to kneel down to get good access to his lower back and it was at this point that I got my first real glimpse of his perfect butt. The muscles were taut and supple; two mounds of perfect beautiful flesh separated by a thin crevasse. I ran the sponge over it and then, without Ben knowing, I replaced the sponge with my own hands. Ben didn't feel a thing and I gently ran my hands over his ass cheeks and inside the crease between. Now I was getting horny and my hard cock was poking out of my wet, almost clear, briefs. I was ready to make my final move.

"Ok. Turn around again." I instructed and the sight that greeted me next is one that I will never forget!

Ben spun around slowly and his massive, erect, rock-solid cock brushed my cheek and paused just inches from my mouth. It was at least 13" in length (the biggest dick I've ever seen!) and it was just as thick as it was long. His balls hung low in proportion to his penis and they were covered with light pubic hair. His cock was cut, displaying a beautiful, pink tip and it pulsed with every breath I took.

Gradually, after much staring in amazement, I managed to bring the sponge up to meet it. I ran the soapy, wet sponge over every inch of his giant hard on and smiled the entire time. It took both hands to grasp the thing and I loved pulling the skin on it up and down as I rubbed the soap in.

"Is this what you call 'jacking off'?" Ben asked.

"Ummmm....uh huh..." I managed to stutter.

"Good." Ben replied. "What happens next?"

I smiled and looked up at Ben, who towered above me like a god looking down upon an unworthy mortal."Umm.. I put my mouth."

Ben looked puzzled. "Are you sure it will fit?"

"I'll be sure to give it a try!" I assured him and with that, I parted my lips and guided his huge "man meat" into my warm mouth. I licked and sucked on it, running my tongue over it's soft, sensitive tip. Ben moaned and groaned.

"This feels funny." he stated. "Is it supposed to?"

"A little." I said. I ran my tongue down the long shaft and then started sucking on his ripe balls as water from the still flowing shower head ran in rivulets over his body and into my mouth.

"This feels so good!!" Ben screamed.

I found his hard head again and let it brush against my lips. I could feel the pre-cum oozing out of the tiny slit.

"What's going on?" Ben asked, worried. "It feels like I'm going to explode!!"

"It's ok." I told him. "You're cumming now. I'm going to swallow it. You just relax and let it flow."

No sooner had I wrapped my lips around his giant cock then streams of hot, juicy cum blasted down my throat, over my mouth and face, and all over my body. I swallowed as much as I could as Ben rode my mouth like a pony. He was thoroughly enjoying his first orgasm and the shouts of pleasure that escaped from his lips will be forever etched on my mind. Ben's orgasm lasted for almost 20 minutes and jet after jet of jizz flowed from his huge dick until he was empty and I was drenched in his juices. I licked the remaining remnants of cum from his cock and then looked up at him. He was running his hands through my hair and smiling.

"That was fun!" he smiled. "Let's do it again!"

When I brought Ben home to Derek to show him what I had done, Derek was amazed. That night, Derek, Ben and I had the greatest sex I have ever experienced. Derek and I relived many of the memories we had experienced as a child and Ben was introduced to forms of pleasure he didn't even know existed!

When it was all over, the three of us lay in Derek's big bed, our juices spent, our bodies tired, and our minds racing. Ben lay sleeping in the middle while Derek and I lay on his chest, smiling at each other.

"You did a good job today!" Derek assured me. I smiled at him and he kissed me on the cheek.

Suddenly, Derek got an odd look on his face. He had realized something!

"Do you know that we have never kissed? You know, on the lips?" I frowned. After all the things we had done, I assumed KISSING had been one of them, but thinking back, I couldn't remember a time when we had!

"Well....there's only one thing to do!" I said, and with that, Derek leaned towards me and our lips met.

Sparks, music, was all there! I have never felt in my life such passion, such pleasure... ...such love!

But love? Was it possible? I had often fantasized about Derek and I being together sexually....but in love?

I could tell by looking at Derek he was thinking the same thing as me. Studying his face, I realized that he was someone I could love. Someone I could see myself with for the rest of my life, someone to hold, cuddle, talk to, trust.

"I think....I love you." I said, and didn't regret a single word!

"I love you too, Kent." Derek replied, smiling.

We both looked at Ben, poor Ben, sleeping soundly, dreaming of his days of innocense, now gone.

And at the same moment we got up off the bed. Naked, I walked to Derek, held his hand, hugged him, and kissed him once more. We left the room and left Ben to sleep. Holding hands we walked into the spare bedroom and climbed into the small bed.

I feel asleep with Derek behind me, his hands around my waist. I melted into his arms, his chest, his body.....his soul. We were together....this time forever!

And I was happy at last!

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