Playing with the School Jock

By Kent Simmons

Published on Nov 26, 1999


I could hardly believe that I was sitting here!

The rec room of Derek Stevenson's beautiful house...surrounded by half-naked jocks!!

Now, it may surprise you that up until today I had never even spoken to Derek and now I was invited to his exclusive toga party. All those present (save for me) were members of some sports team that Derek was involved with; football, swimming, boxing, wrestling, rugby, hockey, you name it! They had gorgeous hard bodies and their muscles pulsed and bulged out of the simple white sheets they wore.

There was no shortage of beer and we drank till we collapsed. At around midnight, the entire party was either passed out or quietly relaxing on chairs and sofas around the room. Herb Gibson, one of the best soccer players in our school (second only to Derek, of course) lay unconscious and naked on the floor at the foot of Derek's chair, his toga wrapped around his head like a turban. I laughed as Derek and I met eyes and then looked down at Herb's nude body. Several of the guys got up to go puke, some went to get more beer, until eventually it was only Derek and I in the room.

"You enjoying yourself, Kent?" he asked.

"You better believe it." I answered. Then, looking around to make sure that we were really the only ones in the room, I added, "I've never seen so many gorgeous guys in my whole life!!"

Derek smiled. "Yeah, it's sad when you think about it though. All these hot guys and none of them are gay" he looked down at Herb, still asleep. "But sometimes...that doesn't really make a difference."

I watched, entranced, as Derek raised one bare foot over Herb's exposed back and slowly brought it down. He began to caress the beautiful jocks massive back muscles with his toes. When Herb didn't wake up, Derek got down on his knees next to the sleeping god. He replaced his foot with a soft, gentle hand. Slowly, he rubbed and massaged Herb's back. Running his long fingertips down his spine, he tickled Herb's backbone and, eventually, reached the dark crease separating Herb's perfect, round ass cheeks. Running his palms over Herb's butt he began to moan. The low, rumbling noise stirred something inside me...a deep tickle that caused my dick to harden immediately. Derek ran his finger between Herb's cheeks and grunted. Herb stirred but still he did not wake up! Derek slowly undid his pants and positioned himself over Herb's bare ass. He was about to free his huge penis and run it over the length of that sexy muscle-bound hunk's body when, all of a sudden, there was a noise from the stairs. Derek jumped up and pulled up his pants. He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the laundry room immediately off the rec room. It had a tiny window and Derek positioned me so that I could see through the little pane of glass. He stood directly behind me and whispered in my ear as Chad O'Derekson and Steven Pinton entered the rec room from the stairs. They both wore identical togas. I knew them from school and knew that they were both on the same teams together and that they were almost inseparable. In fact, some people at school even mistook them for twins! They both had short brown hair and brown eyes and they both wore the same brand of clothing. I watched as the two began looking around the room, probably for Derek and me.

"You know how I told you that none of the guys here were gay?" Derek whispered.

"Uh huh" I answered. Derek's dick was still hard and I could feel it rubbing against me.

"Well," he breathed. " I may have been wrong about those two."

I watched through the tiny glass as Chad and Steven continued to search the room. When they saw that they were alone, they looked at each other and smiled. It was at this point that they began walking toward each other and before I knew what was going on, they started to kiss. Chad had his tongue right inside Steven's mouth and Steve was rubbing his hands all over Chad's body. Soon, his hands found the pin holding Chad's toga up. He grabbed it and carefully pulled the clasp open. The crisp, white sheet fell to the floor of the rec room and Chad was completely naked. He did the same to Steven and the two were now free of clothing together. Chad had his hands on Steven's ass and he was squeezing hard and Steve was kissing Chad's neck. Suddenly, Steven noticed the naked boy lying on the floor behind him. He broke free from Chad's embrace and kneeled on the floor. He soon had his hand resting on Herb's exposed, naked butt. He began squeezing it, much like Chad had done to him not too long ago. Soon, Chad joined him and the two rubbed their hands over the tight flesh of Herb's backside. Then, almost at the same time, the two climbed upon the unconscious stud and began rubbing their dicks on his body. They rubbed them over the crack of his ass and they rubbed them against each other. It was very hot!

"You like that?" Derek asked.

"Uh huh," was all I could manage to utter.

"Well you'll love this." he said, reaching around to the front of my pants. He undid the button and pulled down the zipper until my huge bulge was visible in my tight white briefs. He then pulled them down a little--till just below my butt cheeks--and then I felt his own cock rub against my nearly nude ass. He was wearing loose boxers but I could feel that he was hard and that his giant woody was tenting his shorts. He began stabbing at my cloth-covered butt with his stiff dick and he started moaning again. All the while, I was watching Chad and Steven in the next room rub their massive cocks against each other and against the young man passed out on the floor, his toga still tied around his head.

"I'm gonna cum!!" Derek gruffly whispered and I was pretty sure that I would soon as well, until, all of a sudden, a new person entered the room. It was Brad Converse, a member of the weight-lifting and wrestling team. I heard him scream out at the two huddled on top of Herb and I was sure that any minute he'd begin pounding the shit out of them both. Herb was his best friend and I'm sure he didn't appreciate what they were doing to him!!

All at once, three other guys entered the room--Greg Smithville, swimmer; Bobby Clarkner, hockey player; and Wayne Allandale, basketball-player--and they began freaking out too. By now, the two had climbed off of Herb but they were still naked and in each other's arms. I knew that at any minute they'd be beaten to a bloody pulp. Brad was already clenching his fists.

"We've gotta do something!" I whispered to Derek, pulling up my khakis.

He just stared at me, a worried look on his face...and then, all at once, his face lit up and I knew from experience that that meant he had an idea.

He threw the door open and walked into the room. The crowd's attention was diverted for a moment from the naked jocks on the floor to the sudden entrance of Derek and me from the laundry room.

"What's going on in here you guys?" Derek asked, ignoring Chad and Steven.

Brad gestured toward the happy couple. "They were humping on top of Herb!!" he exclaimed. His face was full of disgust!

Derek turned toward Steven and Chad. He mirrored perfectly the look of disgust on Chad's face. He stood there staring at the two.

"Well," Brad finally interrupted. "Are you gonna kick the shit out of them or what?"

Derek turned around, smiling. "I have a better idea," he said. "If they want to be gay, then so be it!" The four boys standing at the entrance to the room dropped their jaws in unison. "But, on one condition," he finished, "They have to suck each and every one of our disk!!"

Brad frowned. "How is that punishment?!?" he screamed.

"Have you ever seen a girl after she's sucked your dick?" Derek explained. "She's wiped. Now, there's ten of us here. That's five ducks each. Imagine how exhausted they'll be. In addition, we each get a blow job out of it"

"Yeah," Greg announced, "But from a GUY??"

"Hey! A mouth is a mouth, right?" Derek smiled.

The solemn group paused, seemingly pondering the situation. There were many more questions, all answered by Derek. To this day I don't know how he did it, but he convinced those guys that his idea was the best solution. And so, they all lined up to dish out there punishment. By now, the others had joined the group. At the end of the line were Ryan Sullivan, Zack Hutcher, Micheal Broding, and Matthew Welsh. Chad and Steven came forward and settled first on Mike and Ryan. They both climbed under the guys togas and I could see their heads bobbing up and down inside the sheets. The guys came but they never made any noise. I guess they figured that having an orgasm from a guy sucking your cock was unacceptable. And so, Steven and Chad moved onto the next two. Steven had some cum dripping down his chin but he didn't attempt to wipe it away. Chad climbed under Matt's toga but Steven, who came to Zack next, decided instead to just take Zack's dick out. Zachary was wearing a pair of tight white boxer briefs and Steven dropped them to the floor and then took Zack's soft dick in his mouth. The drop of cum on his chin came off and attached itself to Zack's dick and it soon began to grow in Steve's mouth. Chad had obviously finished and was climbing out, moving to the next guy but Steven kept going. He almost had all of Zack's cock in his mouth and I could tell from the placid look on Zack's face that he was loving it. I watched as he exploded in Steven's warm mouth and, shockingly, he moaned. The other guys laughed but Zack didn't seem to care.

By now, Chad had moved to Greg and after Steve cleaned up, he moved onto Bobby. They both took their guy's dicks out and started sucking them, massaging them, caressing them with their tongues. The two boys came in their poor victim's mouth and each of them moaned. By now, it didn't seem like such a bad thing to enjoy the act and so they were all grunting and groaning and moaning and squealing with pleasure. Finally, Steven came to Wayne and Chad came to Brad. Steve started to suck on Wayne's nice hard cock and Chad reached inside Brad's toga. Brad wasn't wearing anything under his sheet and so it wasn't long before Chad pulled out the biggest dick I'd ever seen. It was long and fat and pulsing. It was at least 11" long and rock hard. Chad gasped and his mouth fell open.

"You like that?" Brad asked him. He shoved his cock into Chad's open mouth and grabbed the back of his head. Now all the other guys were watching the act between Chad and Brad. Chad could only fit half of the huge penis down his throat and his lips were spread as wide as they'd go. Brad thrust his hips and at the same time, pulled Chad's head into his crotch. It was the hottest thing I'd ever witnessed . . . at that point!

Soon, both Bobby and Brad came and Brad blew the biggest load of all, spraying it all over Chad's face. Much to my surprise, he bent down and started licking his own cum off of Chad's flush pink cheeks and potty lips. It was beautiful!

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it??" Derek asked. The guys seemed to grumble a general approval. All except Brad who was looking at Chad's now clean face.

" about....umm....we try.....something else?" he muttered.

The others seemed up for pretty much anything (it may have been the show they'd just witnessed or the large amount of alcohol they'd consumed) and so they agreed to try whatever Brad suggested.

"How about.....we all suck each other?"

The rest of the guys didn't seem to know how that could be accomplished, but Chad and Steven explained that it was called a "sixty nine" and that they used it all the time in orgies. They said that they would demonstrate with a small group and then everyone could join in.

Brad and Steven rounded up three other guys and they lay on the floor in a circle. They removed their togas and all were completely naked. The only ones not involved were Brad, Zack, Bobby and Derek and I. Chad and Steven started demonstrating the process. Chad began to suck on Steven's dick and Steven in turn sucked on Greg's. When he caught on, Greg reached over and took Michaels' cock between his big, moist lips and started rubbing his tongue against the hard head. Michael started sucking Matthew and Matthew sucked Wayne who, in turn, sucked Chad--it was a giant chain of hot gay oral sex and I was getting horny. Suddenly, Brad took my hand and led me to the circle. I was shocked!! He pulled my toga off my head and when I was naked, he whispered in my ear.

"I once jacked off looking at you getting changed in your room. I live across the street from you and whenever you feel lonely, just come on over!!" He winked and then pulled off his own toga. His massive cock was still half hard and wet with saliva. We joined in the circle and I took his huge dick in my warm, mouth. It felt great having so much weight inside of me and since it was my first time sucking a dick, Brad guided me with his pelvis. He humped my face while Derek, who had joined in the circle shortly after, began licking my hard meat and moistening my balls. When Brad emptied his second load of the evening in my mouth, I came in Derek's mouth, ejaculating like I never had before. I lay with Brad's cock against my cheek, calming down, the room filled with the smell of hot, sweaty men who were thoroughly satisfied. And still, the night was young......

Needless to say, that was the best night of my life. That is until the other night, when I was attending a state football game and happened to stumble guessed it....Derek Stevenson. But that's another story!

Next: Chapter 3

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