Playing with the School Jock

By Kent Simmons

Published on Oct 7, 1999


The following is the true story of my first sexual experience with another guy. I am presently in my second year of University, but this story takes place two years ago, on a day I will never forget. It was my last year of high school and I had nothing to show for it. I'm what you'd call an "outsider"; a rebel. Back then I was too muscular and unintelligent to be a geek and too "original" to sell out and join any athletic teams. I'd known I was gay since stumbling upon a gay porno movie when I was 16 but had no close friends to tell my secret too and I acted too straight for anyone at school to suspect anything! I never got close to anyone and I didn't want t. Except, of course, when it came to the jocks. You might say that nice, big, muscular men were my passion; my fetish! Broad, smooth pecs, cut, defined abs, rippling biceps, tree-trunk shaped thighs, firm, round, butts. I couldn't get enough! Of course, I loved all the athletes at school with their big hands and equally huge dicks. I'd watch them in the showers after gym class and fantasize of one day having one for my very one. However, there was only one guy who fit my perfect stereotype. Derek Stevenson. Captain of the football, hockey, rugby, and wrestling teams, boxer, weight-lifting champion, the whole package!! The guy gave me a raging hard-on whenever I saw him and the fact that he was in every one of my classes didn't help in the least. I'd have to go from class to class covering my lap with books or school bags or baggy sweaters. Sometimes, I even went to the bathroom between classes and masturbated thinking of his beautiful body. Then I'd go to my next class and he'd be right there! So, it was no surprise that as I sat down at my desk in detention after school, who should be sitting just ahead of me in the next row. Derek Stevenson, fresh from rugby practice. He was still wearing his skin-tight burgundy T-shirt (which showed off his gorgeous muscles to a tee) as well as a pair of super short, tight black shorts! >From where I sat I had a perfect view of his ass! I was in heaven!!

Mr. Heathridge, the teacher in charge of detention, sat at his desk and informed us (it was only me and Derek in the room) that detention would be only an hour today since he had to go to the hospital and visit his pregnant wife. I smiled!! The faster I got home the faster I could release my already stiff cock! I slowly settled into the desk and began to watch Derek's butt in the seat. He had one of those perfect asses you only see in movies; not too big so that it's fat, but not too small so that it's scrawny. In the tight-fitting shorts, his butt cheeks were separated nicely, the crack of his rear-end matching the hem of the shorts! I gazed longingly at it as Derek did his homework. At one point, he leaned over to pick a pencil up off the floor and when he sat back down, I noticed that his shorts had fallen a little and I could see the elastic waist-band of his pure, white briefs poking out over the top. I continued to study his butt and as I did so, Derek leaned further forward in the chair and this time, his underwear slipped a little, revealing the beginning of his beautiful crack and the two mounds that meant the top of his round ass cheeks. I nearly fainted. Derek Stevenson's hot back-side, available for my viewing, and he didn't even know it!! Suddenly, I got an idea.

When I was sure the teacher wasn't looking, I slipped one hand under my desk and into my own shorts. I found my pulsing dick and carefully positioned it so that the sensitve head stuck out of the leg of my red boxer-briefs. Once my erect prick felt the cold air, it shuddered a little.

I continued to watch Derek doing his math homework, unaware that his sexy butt was open for all to see! Slowly, I put my hand on my thigh and began slowly rubbing up and down. The feeling of my dick's tip rubbing against the denim of my shorts sent chills down my spine. I kept rubbing as Derek leaned over further still, exposing a little more of his round ass. When I felt as if I were ready to come I ran one hand up my thigh inside my shorts. I grabbed my cock and pulled it out of it's denim prison. I began moving the shaft up and down. I let out a low moan that even I couldn't hear, but Derek must have heard something because at that exact moment, he spun around. I shoved my dick back into my shorts and pretended to do homework, confident that I hadn't been caught, but when I looked up, Derek was still looking at me, smiling! Gradually, he turned back around. I sighed a sigh of relief. If he had seen anything, he would have killed me on the spot so the fact that I was still alive made me feel optimistic. I was just about to return to my studies and ignore my giant stiffy, when I glanced movement out of the corner of my eye. It was Derek. He had one hand placed on the back of his shirt near the waist. Slowly, he pulled it up a little exposing some of his well-defined back muscles. He kept the shirt held there and then ran his fingers down his lower torso to the waist of his black shorts. In awe, I watched as Derek seductively pulled down his shorts and revealed his tight ass visible through his white underwear. He rubbed it and caressed it and then, finally, he pulled those down too and sitting before me was Derek Stevenson's bare bottom. I reached back into my shorts and found my still hard dick. Slowly, I pumped it as Derek continued to massage his ass cheeks; first one, then the other. He ran a finger down the center and then back up again. I was ready to cum!! I kept moving the shaft up and down, playing with the head with one finger until I lost it! Cum spilled from my body just as Mr Heathridge stood up.

"You boys may now leave." he said, picking up his briefcase and leaving the room. Derek pulled up his shorts and moved towards the door. He paused when he reached it, turned, and winked at me!!

I covered my wet crotch with my biology exercise and then exited the classroom myself. I went directly to my locker and grabbed my gym clothes. I'd wear those home and wash the stained one's when I got there. Slowly, I started toward's the boy's washroom at the end of the hall. When I reached it, I opened the door, rounded the corner, and saw someone standing over by the far wall.

"How was your hand this time, Kent?" the voice asked. "Any better than it's been the past few weeks here in stall number two?' I couldn't see who it was in the dark so I flipped on the light. It was Derek!! I was shocked. Was this some kind of trick? I was sure that at any minute the whole wrestling team would jump out of the stalls and kick the shit out of me for getting off watching Derek massage his beautiful, firm ass!

" do you....know about that?" I asked. It was impossible! No way did he know about my little adventures in the bathroom between classes!!

"Oh please!" Derek sputtered. "Who do you think was making those groaning noises in the stall next to you the other day?" He smiled his gorgeous smile. It lit up his whole face; his short blonde hair, his steely blue eyes, his perfect Roman nose, his full, wet lips. "I like to listen to you jack off. " he continued. He leaned in, whispering in a hushed tone. "Sometimes..... ...I even watch you through a little peep hole!!"

I was blown away!! All those days I'd spent masturbating in the stall by myself imagining Derek.......and he had been right next to me, watching me, and doing the same thing!!!

"I....uh......I....." I couldn't finish. I was speechless. Derek saw this and decided to explain further.

"That's why," he said, "when I saw you rubbing your cock and watching my ass, I decided I'd give you a little show of your own. I was feeling kind of guilty watching you everyday so I figured.....I'd pay you back!" He smiled. "Now we're even. Unless..." He came closer, moving out of the corner and into the light. " want more!"

I did, more than he would ever know, but I had no way of telling him. Finally, I managed a weak nod. That was enough for Derek. He smiled and turned around. He seemed to be in deep thought. I lay down my books and change of clothes and tried to look more relaxed. It was impossible! My knees were shaking, my palms were sweaty; there was no hiding it! Suddenly, Derek turned around. I could tell he had thought of something. He may as well have had a light bulb over his head!

He looked me up and down and then settled his gaze on my crotch. I had forgotten about the stain!! He seemed to be amused with the big wet spot on the front of my jean shorts.

"Looks like we made a little mess. Or rather, a BIG one! Man, your cock must be packedwith cum. How many times have you cum today....three?"

I smiled and held up four fingers. It was the best I could do!

"Well," he said, coming towards me. "Let's see if we can go for five!"

He knelt down on the floor before me. I melted when his big hands touched the button on my shorts. Slowly, he pulled it out of it's hole and found the metal zipper. The noise of an opening zipper has never sounded so erotic!! He peeled back the material exposing the pouch of my boxer briefs. My shorts dropped to the floor and when Derek slipped his fingers inside the waist-band of my underwear, they soon followed. I thought he was going to suck my dick and I would have been more than happy with that but what he did next, shocked and amazed me!! He picked my wet boxers up off the floor and brought the red material to his face. He inhaled the fumes of my sweet jizz and sighed. Then, while I became harder and harder, he parted his pouty lips, poked out his tongue and began licking up the still fresh cum!!

I felt my prick a little as he sapped up the semen like a dog. I knew that I could cum again soon. Multiple ejaculation was my specialty!! Derek continued to lick my boxers where my hard dick had once been. There was cum on his lips and the tip of his nose. I began moving my firm cock up and down. When he saw this, he dropped the red briefs and pulled my hands away.

"Please," he said. "Let me do that!"

To my pleasure, he started pumping the long stem of my penis up and down. I'd never had another guy touch my dick before and I could have came right then and there, all over his hands and face. However, I had a feeling that there was more to come, so I held it in. I was right!! Derek moved in closer, still on his knees, and opened his mouth wide. His teeth were perfect; white and even, and as he shoved my dick into his warm mouth, I felt the sensitive tip brush against his front two pearly whites. Slowly, majestically, he began sucking my erect meat. He flicked his tongue over the head and moved it up and down until he had the whole thing inside him. I was ready to cum and this time I didn't hold back. It was my biggest load all day and it exploded in his mouth, running between his parted lips and down his chin! He swallowed every ounce and then cleaned the excess off my quivering cock!

"Now," he said. "Isn't that better than jacking off in a bathroom stall?"

I smiled and nodded.

He looked at me. "You don't say much do you? Well, I'll have to introduce you to a few friends of mine. The guys are all coming to my house tonight for a sleep over. You wanna come?"

I smiled and nodded again.

"Great!" he said, standing up, "Maybe we can teach them some things. I'm sure they'll love you!"

And with that, an instant partnership was made. The greatest day of my young life!

But the day wasn't over yet. There was always tonight to think about........


Next: Chapter 2

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