Playing with Fire

By Boris Chen

Published on Apr 22, 2023


Chapter 4. Patrick's first visit.

In our undeclared battle for who was sexiest after he sat down I peeled off my shirt explaining that I always dribbled cheese on my shirt, so he got up and pulled off his tiny tank top too. That made us tied again for sexiest guy at the table. I eyeballed his chest while we ate wishing I could use his chest as a plate for my pizza slices. I'm sure he saw me checking him out since he saw my eyeballs staring at his chest while we ate and talked about food. Somehow I sensed he figured out he could control me with rationed views of his bare chest.

Chewing on a huge bite of steamy hot pizza (like a cow) Patrick said: "It's good." I looked back at him and chuckled with a mouth full of pizza too.

We talked over the entire meal, I think he expected me to ask him if he was gay but I never did. I figured he'd let me know (soon) in his own way. I also had to keep in mind that as a recent high school graduate he was still acting like a kid in school because he had very little life experience.

After eating I did the dishes. Patrick still couldn't put his hands in hot water so he leaned against the counter talking and he used a towel to dry and put stuff away. I asked how his recovery was going he said showering was still a major hassle and he had a hard time holding things but it was slowly getting better. He said he wore plastic bags over his hands held in place with rubber bands in the shower and he had to ask people to wash his hair in the kitchen sink. As soon as he said that I offered to shampoo his hair and he said 'Sure!'

"Can I ask a personal question" I asked while I was trying to chisel burnt cheese off the pizza pan.

He never answered but he was standing a few feet from me, leaned against the counter with no shirt on waiting for the next dish to dry.

"So, with your hands can you, you know?" I made a jerking hand movement with my wet hand and flicked water onto both of us. I looked down at the drops that landed on his tummy and had to stop myself from rubbing them away.

Patrick smiled and said it hurt but was getting better. He said when he squeezed things it felt like the back of his hand was going to split open. I said, "Ouch!" after he explained it.

It was an awkward moment because we both knew I held his boner several times at work but now we sort of acted like that never happened, or like I forgot about it. In my mind I could mentally recall images of exactly what his dick looked like erect and limp. While I finished the dishes I started to get hard leaning against the kitchen counter.

I thought our best bet now was to sit on the sofa again and talk. Even though he wasn't 21 yet I thought about offering him a beer but I wouldn't if he was going home tonight. If he spent the night it would be fine with me, he was basically an emancipated minor. I decided to let him ask.

I gestured towards the sofa but never put my shirt on and asked if he wanted something to drink or some snacks, he asked for another 7-Up, I opened a Miller beer.

We sat at opposite ends of the sofa facing each other again and gradually moved our legs into more comfortable positions. Our shoes came off then socks and we sort of played with each other's feet and rubbed lower legs. Over time we sunk lower and our knees rose up and legs spread wider. After an hour we were feeling legs almost all the way up to each other's balls, but we both stopped short. It was very intimate talking on the sofa and rubbing each other's feet and legs. We gradually worked our way into rather intimate positions. Over time I got used to the smell of his teenager feet too.

After my beer was finished I got an idea and went into my room and changed into baggy gym shorts from NTE. I got back on the sofa and he asked if I had another pair, so I went to my dresser and got out my other pair and tossed them at him across the living room.

What happened next surprised me, he stood up and stripped naked by the sofa and pulled on the shorts, now we were dressed exactly the same. I saw he had a 60% boner, same as me. But we both acted like nothing was up.

We got back on the sofa and talked for two hours with breaks to pee. We both went together but took turns because my bathroom was narrow. He went in first and left the door wide open, lights on. He raised the seat and pissed and washed his hands then I went in and squeezed between his butt cheeks and the wall. He stood in the bathroom doorway leaned against the frame and closely watched me piss, then flushed and washed my hands, he smiled when I walked to the sink. I'd never had someone watch me pee before and openly stared at my dick while I did it.

When I hung up the hand towel he softly asked me how old I was when I figured out I was gay. I told him it happened over time because I started to suspect (something in my male development was not as expected) long before I knew where babies came from. I said it happened over years but probably peaked during fourth grade.

I explained how I noticed in popular media there was a constant presence of middle class hetero values, that I should find a girl, get married, buy a house and two cars, and raise a family. But from an early age I had no interest in most of that image, boys (and dogs) were much better companions.

Patrick (finally) said (admitted) he was still unsure about his sexuality but he liked being naked with people generally because he enjoyed being touched (by anyone) and loved to orgasm with people watching. He said unlike most guys in school he was never ashamed to tell people he loved jerking off.

He explained that jerking with people was like casting a spell, they got caught up in it. Then he admitted something really private: "When people watched the boy with girl tits jerk off and come they always got turned on too. I could see desire for me in their eyes. It was like being a God for a few seconds."

Back at the sofa I asked him how many times he could come a day and he said he didn't know but guessed it could be eight times a day. I asked what his record was for doing it himself and he said five or six, but he wasn't sure. I told him my record was five but could have gone higher.

I asked what his favorite sex position was and his answer really surprised me, he said he was a virgin. He'd never come inside someone before. People saw him jerk off but never put his dick inside someone and came before, and never had someone come inside him either. That comment instantly made my dick start to grow, so I had to hide it.

Back on the sofa again we sat at opposite ends but I put a pillow against the corner on my end which shrunk the gap between us on my old seven foot sofa. We got our legs positioned so we sat between each other's legs. I resumed massaging his legs and feet. His legs were firm and hairy below the knee but his thighs were smooth and felt nice. He gently rested one of his feet against my boy parts and smiled and watched me for a reaction but I ignored it. That was our first contact, like the first shot of the Civil War in 1861.

I ran my hands up to his hips and then slid my fingers across his tummy but I had to lean forward a little to reach his belly. When I made one pass across his stomach he wiggled down as if to encourage me to do it again. I slid my fingers under his elastic waistband and rubbed his soft hairless tummy. My other hand was on his knee. He had both arms folded across his chest. I thought he was protecting them from being touched because of his tender skin.

I pulled my fingers from under his waistband and slid up his thigh under his shorts all the way to the crease in his hip then back down. I spread my fingers wide and slid them all the way up and back down, which was basically the same as running my hand all the way down his pants but not touching his schlong. Then I did the same thing on the other side. This time he spread his legs wide apart as if he was signaling me to help myself. After that move I could smell the sweaty flesh around his balls.

I started to get up and Patrick grabbed my arm and asked where I was going, I told him to get another beer and he asked for one too. I put four warm ones in the freezer section and brought us two bottles, then I turned off all the lights and came back to the sofa. While I twisted off the caps and carefully dropped them on the table he reached up and wiped something off my lower belly, but I ignored his palm slide across my belly button a few times. I wanted to tell him he could touch me anywhere he wanted but was too afraid to say it.

This time I lifted his legs and sat in the middle of the sofa so his butt cheeks were against my right thigh. I sat there drinking my beer and set my hand on his belly and strummed his belly button, he took sips of his beer and held it beside him. He leaned one leg against my chest the other was over my knees so his legs were spread apart again.

"You having a good time?" I asked.

"Yep." He mumbled back, but I felt his body tremble with excitement.

I slid my hand around in circles on his baby soft tummy and asked him, "Is this okay?" I gestured with my head to his tummy.

"It's great. What time is it?" He asked.

"Nine thirty five."


"You gonna spend the night here?" I asked then took a swig off my beer.

"If that's okay."

"Yep, you probably shouldn't go home with beer on your breath."

"You sound like my dad." I nervously chuckled at his comment.

"I was just thinking about your safety and mine for giving you beers." After I said that I started to move my hand a little lower on his tummy so my fingers went under his waistband while I moved my hand in larger circles. His flesh was baby soft, like silk. I circled one fingertip around his belly button for a while too. I went over and felt his hip bones and his lower ribs too.

Over a few minutes of not talking we both finished our beers and set the empties on the floor. By then my hand had encountered pubes but no dick under his shorts.

"Y'know you're really teasin' me?" Brad whispered. I replied with, "Uh huh, izat okay?" He nodded yes and wiggled slightly against my leg a little more. Then he reached over and set his hand on my arm while I had my fingertips parked in his pubes.

Then I asked if I could keep going or should I stop and he said something I wished he didn't say, "I'll tell you when to stop."

I almost lost my boner when he said that. Now I knew he had limits but they were secret. So I would have to violate his airspace before he told me where his limits were. I had a guess it meant he didn't want me penetrating his ass, but I'd already seen and held his boner multiple times.

I pulled my hand out of his shorts and slid up to the center of his chest and slid my palm side to side across his chest but got no warnings. So I kept doing that and eventually it turned into circling fingertips around his marshmallowy tits, I ran them around in large ovals and enjoyed the extremely silky soft nipple flesh and sometimes ran my fingers across his teats, which were difficult to feel the actual tip of his tits, they were like puffy oval pillows of silky soft skin. A few times I gently pinched them and stretched them upward, he also had no comment about that. It made my dick rock hard to know I had finally conquered the Homecoming King's puffy tits and now had full access. I couple times I swear it felt like it caused him to thrust his hips a little like he was getting super horny.

Then I went slowly back down to his belly, and pressed one finger down inside his belly button then slid my hand down to the base of his dick then up and over it. He was rock hard but aimed towards his hip, so I rested my hand on top of it and rubbed the underside from end to end. He lay beside me in silence but I heard his breathing pick up.

"You like this? I asked.

His answer was strange but hopefully totally honest. He said no, his dick hurt he needed an orgasm soon or he'd go in the bathroom and do it himself.

"Can I do it for you?"

"Yep." He said with a tone like he was in pain.

"You ever have someone jerk you off before?" And he said, 'Oh boy, lots.' His tone of voice almost sounded like he shared his dick more as a public service than something he shared only with his closest friends or lovers. Then I thought he might have never known love and sex together in the past.

I slid my hand back down his shorts and gripped him and started to stroke him, "I can't take no more." He mumbled as he struggled to get free of me and up to his feet. He stood up and picked up the empty beers (set them on the table) and slid the gym shorts off and got on his knees beside me, so his dick hovered in front of my chest. He had his left hand on the sofa back and he stroked himself with his right.

While he stroked it I raised my hips and slid my shorts below my knees and sat back against his thighs.

While he stroked himself I reached up and gently cupped his balls, which were not yet in firing position.

I moved my right arm behind him and rubbed his butt cheeks and lower back, his nuts rested comfortable in my left hand. Patrick was on his knees beside me with his eyes closed in the dark room. My entire world at that moment was the sofa and his body. I wanted him in my mouth but he seemed to be in charge now.

Eventually he stroked faster and started to whimper softly. I moved my right hand up to his shoulder and down to his chest and gently rubbed his left tit with my thumb, that made him moan a bit more and I felt his nuts pull up into firing position.

As he stroked he started to flex at the hips and sway his body around, then he rocked forward and back like he was fucking the air. He moaned even more and mumbled he was going to come. I moved my left hand in front of his dick to catch it as he let go, his rod pointed out and upward and he shot jizz onto my hand and wrist. After I lowered my hand he dripped on my lower belly while he breathed deeply and slowly lowered to sit on his ankles. I still rubbed his tit and my left hand was full of fresh cool semen.

After a few moments to cool off he leaned forward against me and rubbed his face into the side of my neck and shoulder then he put his arms around me and sort of melted into me.

I told him I needed to get up so he got up too and I made it to the sink and washed my hand and wrist up to my elbow. It sort of bothered me that he was willing to come and could have sprayed semen all over my sofa without warning me first, that was a little rude for a guest to pull, but he was really just an inexperienced kid.

After I dried off he walked over and put his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder and we held each other leaning against the counter. I rubbed his back and his butt cheeks and felt his tits rub against my chest on his front side. When Patrick leaned against you the first thing to contact your skin were his puffy tits, they stuck our further than most of the rest of his body, except his rod.

He reached down and moved his rod so it was sandwiched between our stomachs and he was still fully hard. I felt wetness on my stomach so he was still oozing too. I lowered my chin and pressed my nose into his hair and smelled him. I wanted to kiss him but felt that would be too presumptive for right now.

"That was hot, can you do it again?" I whispered.

Patrick chuckled and said yes, give him a couple minutes to re-charge and he'd be ready. I asked him, "Human milk machine?" and he chuckled and said, "Basically, I can make as much as you want."

Eventually we moved apart, I went into the laundry area and got a king size bed sheet and draped it over the entire sofa, it would feel softer against our skin too. I looked at the clock, it was now 10:25pm and I wished time would totally stop.

I was so unbelievably horny for him just then it was almost overwhelming my brain. The head of my dick had taken over my entire body and I was ready to fuck.

He used the toilet and I asked if he wanted something to drink, he said he wanted another beer so we sat on the sofa in the dark and drank another round of Miller Banquet Beer (classic Miller beer in bottles). He sat in the corner, I sat in the middle, he rested his legs across my lap while I held his dick and played with it while I drank my beer. He had little to say except that the bed sheet felt nicer. Both of us were naked and all the lights were still off but there were a few rays of light coming in windows from the street.

'You ever have a proper blow job?" I asked.

"Uh, not really. There aren't too many high school girls that had any clue how to suck a dick but they all know how to massage their clits." He raised his hand and pressed his fingers flat on my left nipple and rubbed it like a girl rubbed her clit to demonstrate. He said he's watched several of them go at it and kind of liked watching that show.

He sat there rubbing my right tit for a bit but I was already at max horniness.

"So you've never really had a proper blow job?"

"No, probably not." He said in a lower tone as if he was embarrassed about that.

"Would you mind if I demonstrated?"

"Give me a few more minutes and I'll be ready."

I kept hold of his dick and noticed he was no longer fully hard. So I moved my hand around his body. "May I play with your tits?"

"Whatever," was his odd response.

I got up and used the toilet, then came back and moved his legs and set them on the sofa so he was on his back, then I crawled on top of him and lip locked on his right tit. I drew a suction to pull it inside my mouth briefly, then I let go and stuck out my tongue and dragged it slowly across his entire tit. After that I rubbed my lips side to side across it and kissed it again and again. I felt his body relax into the sofa and twisted his body as if to aim his tit at me.

I moved over and did the same thing on the other one then kissed my way down his body and stopped to lick out his belly button then went down and took his entire dick in my mouth and took all of it so my nose pressed into his pubes. That made his moans louder and invoked the Lord's name multiple times.

I moved around a little with the head of his dick pressed between the roof of my mouth and my tongue. I relaxed my head and neck and let my forehead press against his tummy, he put his hands on the sides of my skull and started to move my head around and his moans started up again.

"This is wild, I ain't never had one like this. Oh Jesus I'm gonna come," was what he boasted. About thirty seconds later he came in my mouth and shoved his hips as he tried to fuck my throat by thrusting with his hip muscles. I didn't feel him shoot but he produced a lot of semen again.

I relaxed my body but kept him fully anchored in my mouth, I slowly lowered to the side so I was half on top of him and leaned against the sofa back. Now he caressed the hair on my head, like he was petting a dog. He mumbled that what I just did was awesome, I felt actual passion coming from his soul into mine.

The doorway to Patrick's heart was on the head of his dick and in that moment it was deep inside my mouth. He mumbled something about that being one serious fucking blow job.

He felt like he was now only half hard. He just ran his fingers in my hair, scratching my scalp as if to show his appreciation. I opened one eye but couldn't see the clock but I guessed his second orgasm came twenty minutes after the first one.

When I got up he grabbed my hand and softly told me that was the best he'd ever had. I thought to myself, 'Son, we're just getting started!' I took a sip of his nearly empty can of 7-Up.

The big problem now was I was wide awake and he'd already had a long day, I knew he'd run out of gas long before he ran out of semen. I'd have to keep up the excitement if I wanted more. Giving him beer might make him sleepy sooner. I should have made a pot of coffee instead.

I asked if he wanted a shower and he said yes, but not in scalding hot water. Slowly, I released his shrinking dick from my mouth, it fell to his stomach. I carefully positioned it and got to my feet.

I pulled him to his feet and walked him to the shower, got out two towels (lit two candles) and adjusted the water until he approved the temperature. We got inside and I turned him away from the water and washed his entire back side and his hair, then rotated him around and washed his entire front side and his arms. After I was done I held him and we turned around to swap positions.

When he got to my chest he said my tits were as big around as his but mine were flat and his were three dimensional. I whispered to him that I could lick his tits every day of the week if he'd let me. He leaned in and planted a quick kiss on my mouth, which surprised me. I told him I thought his tits were beautiful and asked if I could take a picture of them for my desktop on the computer. He laughed and said that was really weird.

"Hey, it's not my fault you got yummy tits!" He snickered and told me I could some day but I couldn't share them with anyone. "Hey, what are you worried about, aren't you the guy that never hesitates to show them off in public?" "Alright, you win!"

Then he told me he'd been in newspaper photos of the Niles North Swim Team several times with no shirt on.

During our long shower he started to yawn but since I did him first I got to touch nearly every inch of his body, but I did not linger on his bunghole.

After he poorly washed me we got out of the shower and got dried off, hung the towels on chair backs at the kitchen table. He stood there yawning again and I asked if he was ready for bed, he nodded yes and said he was tired so we went to my room.

I pulled the bedding down and he crawled in first but spread out on the middle of the bed on his back like he did in the burn unit, so I carefully got in beside him and asked him to move over a little more, my ass was almost off the mattress, he apologized.

I was beside him and ran my hand across his chest again and toyed with his tits. He never spoke. I leaned in to his face and kissed his cheek and he never reacted. I whispered how he felt but he never answered, Patrick was asleep moments after his head hit the pillow. I leaned over and kissed his tit then rolled over and fell asleep too.

Morning came early, I got some morning sun in one bedroom window even though my windows were always blacked out, some leaked in around the cardboard.

Patrick was silently asleep on his side faced away from me. I got out of bed and used the bathroom and checked what I had for breakfast. I took a shower since he was still asleep but I jerked off in the shower stall.

I made some coffee and sat alone at the table wondering what to do with him, or how long he'd stay. I knew almost nothing about him, other than I had a tremendous hunger for his body. I couldn't imagine ever getting tired of tasting his flesh. The hospital warned me he got angry easily but I hadn't put him in a situation like that yet.

I went to the bedroom door and watched him silently asleep in bed, if he had been on his back I might have photographed his body but he was on his side facing the wall, his ass was under the sheet but I saw the V-shape of his flank.

So far he was the center of attention, I wondered what he'd do if that stopped for a while. Would he try to get the attention back or treat me like I was king for a while.

I got dressed and went upstairs to talk to my mom about my car insurance, I basically paid dad's policy on my car. I wrote her a check, it cost $700 a year for nearly full coverage, with a high deductable and no towing package.

She handed me my mail, since ours all came together. She asked if I had company and I said yes, a friend from Skokie was asleep downstairs. She said she could tell because I was smiling all the time and my voice almost sounded musical. I laughed, she offered to feed me so I accepted one of her breakfast muffins with Canadian ham, egg, butter, and two sausages. I sat there and wolfed it down then said thanks and went back to my basement lair. As I opened the door to the basement stairs she softly warned me to be careful.

Back downstairs I saw Patrick was on his back so I got my phone and silently took four pictures of his right tit but it was almost too dark in my room.

About an hour later he woke up and went straight to the toilet and peed for nearly an entire minute.

When he came out to the kitchen I saw he was still naked, which was wonderful. Sitting at my desk I asked what he wanted to do, including breakfast or an early lunch. He asked what time it was. "Its 9:55am." He had walked over beside me so I reached out and gently cupped his nuts again, but he ignored that.

"Oh, I got some time. What you got to eat?"

I got up and opened the refrigerator, he came over and leaned into me and rubbed my back.

"Eggs, toast, sausage patties, that's about it. Or we could go out to eat."

"I can't afford that." He replied.

I leaned into him and kissed the side of his face and said, "My treat. When you're with me you don't need any money, okay?"

"Where we goin?"

"We could go down by the grocery store, Walker Brothers, a famous breakfast place."

He agreed and got cleaned up. I shaved and brushed my teeth and realized he basically had nothing with him. My guess was he either didn't plan on sleeping here or he had no clue what to bring along.

I pressured him to use my toothbrush and my electric razor. I brushed his hair, which he said had never been done before except the barber.

We left and drove down Linden Ave to Greenbay Road, then south to Walker Brothers and got right in (no waiting line). He ordered steak and eggs, toast, and bacon strips. I got a plain waffle, and a Denver Omelet. We both drank coffee, and we were back home at 11:10am.

While we sat in the small booth talking I kept getting mental images of him in a tiny school swim team suit, standing on a platform beside the pool with hundreds of people watching the competition. He was poised to dive into his lane in a competition. I wondered how many people in the audience would stare at his gorgeous body and what it was like for them knowing they'd be practically naked in front of a large audience. Those tiny Speedos left little to the imagination.

In the car I told him he could come over any time he wanted, just not on work days, those were sacred and not to be disturbed except in case of extreme emergencies. I basically told him it was a bad idea to call during my brief work week unless it was critically important. I told him sleep was a major problem for people that worked at night, emphasis on: sleep was major problem.

He raised his voice and said, "Alright I got it!"

Then we were quiet the rest of the way home.

When we got back inside I asked him what else he wanted to do and he said he wanted to go home, and suddenly his voice and tone were serious. We checked around for his stuff and I walked him back to the L station and watched him vanish through the front doors, I turned around to walk home wondering if I pissed him off or why he suddenly had a tone.

I walked down the sidewalk towards home. In the distance up the street I could see the big white dome on top of the Baha'i Temple. Something told me that was the last I'd see of him, we seemed to part on a sour note.

I've had previous visits that suddenly turned sour and ended without any explanation.

I had no way to contact him, he didn't have a cell and he never gave me his parent's phone or address, so I had to wait to hear from him.

Contact the author: borischenaz gmail"boris+chen"&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

Next: Chapter 5

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