Playing with Daddy's Tits

By moc.loa@skcoscexe

Published on Jun 12, 2023



Title: Playing with Daddy's Tits Author: Christopher Trevor Story Dedicated to my Facebook buddy, Gael

"Come on boy, let's get this going here, it's time for more training from the bottom up for you," Leather Master Gael said to his leather boy, Anival, with total authority in his deep baritone sounding voice. "What did I say we were going to work on, play with today? What did I tell you boy?"

As he slowly approached his Master, wallowing in the sight of the man in just his jockstrap, his boots, white sweat socks and a baseball cap on his head, leather boy Anival was breathless, and his cock was already erect and a thing of steel in his jockstrap, the only clothing he was wearing.

When he was standing scant inches from where Leather Master Gael was propped up against a wall in their home, leather boy Anival said, "Sir, Master Gael, you said that today I was going to work on your nipples, that I was going to play your nipples, to be totally specific and on point Master Gael, Sir, you said that today I was going to play your nipples as if they were musical instruments."

A smile of satisfaction came over the Leather Master's ruggedly handsome bearded face, and a feeling of elation came over leather boy Anival.

"Get to it then, boy," Master Gael demanded. "My man tits don't have all day for you, you know."

"Yes Sir," Anival replied, reached out and gently took his Master's nipples between his thumbs and first two fingers of each hand...

...and began squeezing, tweaking, pinching and twisting the man's nubs.

"AWWWWWHHH, oh yeah, fuck yeah, love havin' my damned man tits worked over," Gael swooned, his head arching back a bit at the same time. "Yeah, that's it boy, fuck, that's it, work your daddies' nipples, show your daddies' nipples the respect they deserve...FUUUCCCKKK YES!!!"

Gael's nipples felt all leathery and rough between Anival's fingers and thumbs, them feeling that way causing him to work them more vigorously, the way his Master, his Leather Daddy had instructed him to do.

"Yes Master Gael, yes Daddy Sir," Anival panted, wallowing in watching as Gael's nipples seemed to magically begin jutting up on his chest, just from what he was doing to them.

Glancing quickly down at the man's jockstrap, Anival saw that his Master's nipples weren't the only things jutting up at that moment, because Gael was most definitely plumping up in his jockstrap.

"Oh fuck yeah boy, I taught you well on how to work your daddies' tits, his man tits," Gael swore happily and hooked a huge paw-sized hand around the back of his boy's neck, caressing it and kneading it. "Feels so good, feels so fucking good, boy. Yeah, speed it up now, speed up those fingers on my man tits. Makes my cock feel so good in my jockstrap when my man tits are worked just like you're doin' them right now...FFFUUUCCCKKK YESSS..."

Anival grinned and said, "Yes Sir, Daddy, playing your tits as if they were musical instruments...yes Sir..."

"Fucking fucks, yeah, that's it boy, increase the tempo," Gael ordered. "That fucking finger action on my man tits makes my cock all hard and randy in my jockstrap...yeah makes my cock like a flagpole in my jockstrap..."

As Anival went on doing his Master's bidding, Gael strongly caressed the back of his boy's neck, loving the strong feel of it.

Soon, the very tips of Gael's nipples were jutted up like two brand new pencil erasers.

They were hard as pebbles...

...and the Leather Master was gliding his back up and down against the wall, swiveling a bit in his boots as his boy had taken just the tips of his nipples now between his thumbs and the first finger of each hand, and was mashing them HARD.

"AAARRHHHH FFFUUUCCCKKKS YES, FUCKS YES, work your daddies' nipple tips boy, torture your daddies' tit tips," Gael swore, and having let go of the back of Anival's neck, clenched his fingers and thumbs into huge fists and was punching the wall behind him. "FUCK, I love training my boy from the bottom up!!

Looking down again at Master Gael's jockstrap, Anival saw that his Master's erect cock was oozing pre cum through the thin material. He licked his lips and squeezed Gael's nipple tips harder yet, inflicting pain...

...but the pain only seemed to cause the Leather Master's cock to ooze more pre cum...

"YEAH, yeah, learn to torture a man's tits, his man tits boy," Gael went on, sounding all guttural at that point. "Makes my cock all hard and pre cum oozing, makes my balls get all sweaty and smelly for you...for later...AAAAWWWWWW YEAH, amazing, fucking amazing how when worked and played the right ways a man's man tits can become the control knobs for his cock..."

Twisting the tips of his Master's nipples, Anival breathlessly said, "Yes Sir, yes Daddy, especially your man tits...they're so sensitive to the touch..."

After a good ten minutes more or so of Anival's fingers and thumbs working Gael's nipples, the Leather Master said, once more in a commanding tone of voice, "Okay boy, that's enough of that for the moment, you know what's next, or, at least, you'd better know what's next."

The leather boy let go of his Master's nipples, smiled wide and said, "Yes Sir, yes Daddy, you trained me well, and I know exactly what's next..."

"Good boy, but before you get to what's next nipple wise..." Gael said huskily...

He grabbed the back of Anival's neck, pulled his boy closer to him, and meanly and passionately clamped his lips down on his.

"MMMMMMMMMM..." Anival keened at his Master's kiss...

...the kiss of life as the leather boy had come to call it.

When Gael snaked his tongue into Anival's mouth, Anival threw his muscular arms around the man he called Master, the man he called Daddy, and kissed him harder, the sounds of kissing and slurping filling the area...

Before letting his leather boy resume working his nipples, the Leather Master kissed his boy's cheeks, his eyes, the sides and back of his neck and sucked his earlobes as well, sending Anival into what felt like a tailspin of sorts, his head spinning in a reverse orbit...

...and just as his Master's was, his cock was erect and throbbing mightily in his jockstrap...

"There you go boy, got you all nice and worked up for part of your training today," Gael said, while Anival stood there breathless, panting for breath.

"Yes, yes Sir, yes Daddy," Anival replied...

...leaned forward, and slurped Gael's right nipple into his mouth.

The leather boy instantly began sucking it in earnest...

...causing his SIR to cry out, "AWWWWWWWHHHH fuck yeah, fucking A boy! Because of your fingers and thumbs work my man tits are so sensitive to what you're now doin' to them mouth-wise!!"

So as not to let his Master's left nipple feel left out of the erotic fun, Anival quickly took that nub once again between his thumb and first two fingers...

...and as he slurped, sucked, kissed, bit on and even chewed Gael's right nipple he tweaked, squeezed and twisted the left one...

Slamming his boot heel against the wall, Gael roared, "AWWWWWWHHHH, fucking fucks boy, I didn't train you on this, what a great leather boy I have in you boy...fucking magnificent boy, knows how to work and play his Master's man tits...FFFUUUCCCCKKK YESSSSS!!!"

A few tit playing minutes later, Anival switched places and took his Master's left nipple into his mouth and went to work fingers and thumbs working the right one...

"AWWWWWWWHHHH, yeah, that's it boy, play your daddies' man tits, play those man tits of mine like you said, like they were musical fucking instruments, makes my cock all hard and steely, GOD, my balls are fucking churning..." Gael swore. "Got me sweatin' in my socks and boots here..."

As Anival alternated every few minutes back and forth mouth and fingers and thumbs-wise on his Sir's beyond erect at that point nipples, it was obvious the leather boy loved his training. The feeling of the hard nubs in his mouth as he sucked and licked them was magic to him. How he loved training from the bottom up, as his Master called it.

When Gael's nipples were both jutted up and extended far out on his chest the leather boy wound up his mouth-work by swirling the meaty sides of his tongue alternately round and round them, once more sending his Master into a sexual tailspin, his head most definitely spinning into a reverse orbit at that point...and as Anival swirled his tongue round and round his Master's beyond erect nipples, the Leather Master was again caressing , kneading and squeezing the back of his leather boy's strong neck...

"AWWWWWHHH yeah, fucking yes boy, you're doing very well in your training today," Gael moaned loudly.

Stopping his tongue action, Anival gently caressed the erection in his Master's jockstrap, smiled widely at him, kissed his cheek and said, "And I do so love this training, Daddy, Sir..."

Taking a deep breath from his boy's touch at his crotch, Gael said, "Waste no time boy, time is imperative where my man tits are concerned. You know that...get to the next phase of your training...NOW!!!"

"Yes Sir, yes Daddy..." Anival said and quickly stepped over to a nearby shelf, where his Sir had placed the instruments and equipment he would need for the day's trainings.

When Gael saw what he had in his hands when he stepped back over to him the Leather Master grinned from ear to ear...

Holding up the nipple pumps, Anival said, "This is going to drive you crazy, Daddy, Sir..."

"For your training I wouldn't have it any other way, boy," Gael replied....

...and before the Leather Master could utter another word, the leather boy had placed the nipple pumps over his profusely long-drawn-out nipples, what the man called his man tits...

"HOOOOOOOOO, AWWWWWWHHHHHH, FUUUCCCKKK," was Gael's instantaneous reaction as the nipple pumps began doing what they were designed for, literally pumping on his elongated nubs. "FUCK but that hurts so good, boy! YEAH, pump my man tits, pump my fucking man tits!!!"

As Anival worked the nipple pumps expertly so that they pumped on his Master's man tits, Gael plastered himself up against the wall, pressed the palms of his huge hands against the structure, clenched his teeth and bawled, "AWWWWWWWW...ever since I can remember boy, ever since I can fucking remember, I have such sensitive man tits!!!"

Anival, the sounds and reactions from his Master, causing his cock to feel painfully erect in the jockstrap he was wearing worked his fingers and thumbs up and down the pumps, causing the devices to increase their pumping pressures...

"YEAH boy, oh yeah, when I was in high school, in the gym locker room, the boys would grab my big nubbies! They thought they were teasing me. Fucking dudes didn't realize how they were driving my cock crazy when they would do that! AAAHHHHHHH, feels amazing those pumps on my man tits! Then in college it was the same damned story, but at that point I was so aware of how sensitized my man tits could become that I had dudes in my dorm room worshiping them for me, HEH!!!! Man, how those guys loved making me cum via my sensitive man tits!!!" Gael garbled.

Anival smiled lovingly at the man he called Master and as he went on working the pumps on his nipples he marveled at the way they were bubbling up even more.

"Oh Daddy, Sir, I would love to hear those stories about your man tits from when you were younger," Anival said, smiling devilishly. "I'm sure I can garner some inspiration from those tales..."

"Yeah, learn ways to torture the fucking fucks out of your daddies' man tits eh boy?" Gael laughed, leaned down, kissed the top of Anival's head and pressed his head back against the wall he was propped against. "AWWWWWWHHH man, this training from the bottom up is great!"

Then, Anival held the nipple pumps straight out, twisting them a bit from side to side...

"AAAAAAYYYYYY FUCK boy, fuck!!!! I never taught you this aspect where my man tits are concerned!!" the Leather Master bellowed. "JEEZ LOUISE, who told you about this???"

Smiling devilishly, Anival said, "Some things just come naturally I suppose, Daddy, Sir..." and twisted the nipple pumps a bit more from side to side...

...causing goose bumps to break out all over Gael's muscular body, and at that point, the front section of the Leather Master's jockstrap was sodden with his pre cum...

"GAWD boy, I feel as if my knees are gonna buckle," Gael reeled, heaving his chest out and back then, panting, gasping.

"Oh not yet Daddy, Sir, not yet, we still have another set of devices to subject your man tits to, you know that, you wouldn't want me to be lacks in my training now would you?" Anival asked his Master, sounding totally sinister at that point.

"No way boy, I would not want you lacks in your training," the Leather Master stated through clenched teeth...

...and then reeled and bucked crazily as his boy slowly and methodically slid the nipple pumps off his man tits...

"HUUUHHHHHH, FUUUCCKKKK, OH GOD, like that old song said so long ago, what a feeling!!!" Gael heard himself screeching and felt his now hyper-sensitized nipples tingling on his chest.

Once the nipple pumps were off his nipples Anival marveled at the length and thickness of them. The leather boy knew he had done a good job... far...

...because as the man he called Master stood there panting, breathing heavily and oozing still more pre cum into his jockstrap, the leather boy quickly put the nipple pumps back on the shelf and picked up a pair of tit clamps...

"OH YES boy, oh yes," Gael said, sounding almost as if he were pleading...

...and with that, Anival clipped the sharp-teethed clamps onto the beefy sides of his Master's tortured/sensitized nipples...

"HHHHUUURRRRRHHHHH!!!!" Leather Master Gael shrilled through clenched teeth, wallowing it appeared in a mixture of agony and ecstasy.

"OH YES, yes boy, you've done well, and you know what that means..." the Leather Master growled commandingly.

"Yes Sir, Daddy, I know exactly what that means..." Anival replied and as he slowly slid to his knees in front of Gael, he hooked his fingers and thumbs around the sides of the man's jockstrap, and slid it down his hairy muscular legs...

...till it was pooled around the boots he was wearing...

...and the leather boy's eyes opened wide as saucers as he stared at his Master's erect nearly nine inches of cock as it was profusely dribbling pre cum...

Without having to be told to do so Anival slurped the head of Gael's manhood into his mouth and slowly, so slowly took the girth in, inch by blessed inch, caressing his Master's muscular thighs and the tops of his boots as he did so...

"AWWWWWHHH, fuck yeah boy, suck my cock, suck your daddies' cock," Gael demanded, but knowing he didn't need to give his boy orders at that point. "Fuck, gonna make me cum with my jutted up man tits clamped, fuck but they're gonna hurt like a son of a bitch when I cum..."

Anival sucked Gael's enormous girth into his throat, held it there for a few seconds, slid it back up into his mouth, sucked it heartily, and deep throated it again...and again...

"MMMMMM..." was the sound Anival made as he swirled his tongue round and round his daddies' throbbing cock in his craw.

"OOOOOOOHHH GOD ALMIGHTY boy, I feel that shit in my clamped up man tits," Master Gael cawed loudly, arching his back a bit against the wall. "Feels like I'm gonna cum any second now...any fucking second now...beautiful boy I have in you..."

But then, hearing his Master say that he was going to cum any second at that point, the leather boy stopped sucking the man's cock...

...and began licking his low hanging testicles...

"HOOOOOOO fucking fucks boy, it ain't polite to tease your Master..." Gael huffed crazily. "But at the same time you do know how I love my balls tongued..."

"Of course Daddy, Sir..." Anival whispered and alternately sucked his daddies' testicles in and out of his mouth, sucking them at the same time...

...and as he did so, the sounds of sucking and slurping filled the area...

Soon, when Anival knew that he had teased his Master long enough, and he also knew not to leave a man's nipples clamped for too long a length of time he again took his Master's erect cock into his mouth...

...and within a few seconds of sucking him again, the leather boy found himself gulping down his daddies' thick creamy ball juice... the man breathlessly roared like a banshee...

"AWWWWWWHHHH fuck yeah, got me cumming boy, OOOHHHHHH my man tits, my fucking clamped man tits, PAIN BOY, fucking pain..." Gael shrilled... he thrust his spurting cock in and out of Anival's mouth, watching in glory as the leather boy didn't lose a drop, rather he swallowed it all...

When the Leather Master was spent, he was moaning in total ecstasy mixed with erotic agony as his leather boy got to his feet, and gently placed his fingers and thumbs around the tit clamps...

"You know it, boy..." Master Gael whispered through trembling lips.

Anival proceeded to open the tit clamps and take them off his daddies' jutted up nipples...

...which caused Gael to roar once more in a mixture of ecstasy and erotic agony as the blood rushed back into his nubs at what felt like thousands of miles per hour...

" I love and hate that feeling, boy!!!" the man keened, sweating like crazy by then...

...and roared all the more as Anival took his right nipple once more into his mouth...

...and gently sucked and licked it...

...and as he did so his Master caressed and squeezed the back of his neck...

A short while later the two men were showering together, and as Master Gael stroked Anival's erect cock under the warm water he whispered to him, "Excellent training session boy...excellent..."

To Be Continued...

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