Playing Tag

By JD Eli

Published on Mar 5, 2015


Author's note: This story is completely fictitious and pure fantasy. It contains depictions of sexual acts between adults. If easily offended or if it is illegal to read such material where you live, please refrain from continuing or do so by your own volition. This story is the work of the author and should not be copied or posted elsewhere in any way without the permission of the author.

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Now, I'm not into guys, but even I had to admit the twenty-four year old new hire was goddamned physically beautiful with his graceful warrior's demeanor, easygoing deep voice, not to mention he was polite, and the way he held your gaze with his iridescent pale sapphire eyes displayed self-assurance and interest without being intimidating.

Eli Nole was everyone woman's fantasy and most guys' envy. A fucking Greek god reincarnated. I know there are many good looking guys in the world, I count myself among them, but I didn't think it was possible for two humans to breed and produce a being as magnificent as Eli. Certainly there must have been a divine intervention. I wondered if he had flaws beneath that snowy white starched shirt, maybe a mole or spot on his chest or back, but I seriously doubted it. It would be a crime for nature to mar him in anyway after creating something so breathtaking.

Shit, here she comes again. This must be the tenth time this morning that Susanne has walked by our cubicle carrying something in her hand, pretending to have business in our area. I've never seen her down here amongst the rank and file before today. Usually she's in her private office doing whatever in the hell it is that she does. With here tits and ass, there is rumor that she's the big boss's plaything. I'd play with her. One of my favorite jackoff fantasies is to have her on her back with her legs in the air and a pair of killer heels by my ears while I'm nailing her.

The only thing that kept most of the guys who work here from murdering Eli out of pure jealousy was that Eli was married and in his first two weeks here didn't pay any attention to the women prancing around like lionesses spraying their scent as an invitation for the young king of beasts to mount them. Though, I had some pretty intense orgasms at home, imagining Eli riding one or all of these women. The unsettling thing was; I was imagining his bare ass going up and down on them as much as I was imaging them naked.

Eli was leaning over, both palms flat on a drafting table, studying a set of blueprints. His summer weight dark wool slacks perfectly draped his fine ass. Sure looked firm. Shit! I need to stop obsessing about the guy and get back to work. Enough.

Eli turned his head my way and caught me staring. I froze unable to drop my gaze, hypnotized by those pale blue eyes. Fuck me! Did he just wink or did I imagine it.

"Seth, can you take a look at this for me?" Eli asked breaking the spell.

"Huh?" I blubbered.

"Take a look at this. What do you think if we extend this wall to make room for a larger closet? I think it would enhance the value and function of this home. I'm pretty sure we can keep it within the client's budget," Eli said.

I went to stand beside Eli and watched him point to the wall he was talking about. I couldn't concentrate. Eli had his sleeves partially rolled back. The dusting of dark hair on his forearms almost looked combed it was so perfect. I had to resist the urge to touch his arm. Feel the soft hair.

"Well?" Eli asked.

"Sure, sure. I think that is a damned good idea," I said, not really looking where Eli was pointing. "Make the modification and let's look at it again."

"Seth," Mr. Rogers boomed rushing in to my cubicle. "I need you to go to Key West and sort out a problem. There seems to be some contention between our local contractor and a supplier. Take Eli with you. It will be good for him to see how you do this. You leave this afternoon."

With that Mr. Rogers was gone and I stared stupefied at the empty opening to my cubicle where he had just stood.

Gathering my wits about me I said to Eli, "Sorry about the short notice. This shit happens occasionally and they always send me. I know it's harder for you being married, but can you go?"

Eli grinned. "Sounds like I don't have much choice if I want to keep my new job."

"That pretty much sums it up," I grinned back. "I'd like to keep you around for a while." Double shit! Did I just say that out loud? Fuck me!

"Head home and pack. Bring a swim suit and some beach clothes. Pack for four days. Sometimes these things take a few days and we'll need to stick around to make sure everything we negotiated is going to work for both parties. No coats and ties needed on this trip. Just casual. I'll get the travel info and documents from the front office and text you where and what time to meet me at the airport."

Because of the last minute arrangements, the secretary wasn't able to get adjoining seats for Eli and me on the flight to Miami. Once in Miami, a budget rental car was waiting for us to drive the four hours to Key West.

Eli was initially quiet as I navigated the traffic away from the city toward the bridges and islands leading to Key West.

"Budget car huh?" Eli chuckled. "Does that mean we'll be sharing a room?"

Shit! I hadn't told him. I just assumed he knew. Our company was frugal and there was no way they were going to spring for two rooms if they didn't have too.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you. You okay with that?" I asked.

"No problem. You didn't mention to pack pajamas and I didn't," Eli laughed. "Hope you don't mind me in my underwear."

"Hell, I don't care. When we're in our room you can wear or not wear whatever you want," I laughed. "There's another thing I forgot to mention. Last minute arrangement. The hotel only had rooms with a king size bed."

"Well, this just keeps getting better and better," Eli chuckled. "Four nights in the same bed with a handsome near naked dude and no wife. I'm used to getting it once or twice a night. More if she would let me. You better stay on your side of the bed. You know what they say, `what you do in Vegas stays in Vegas', Eli laughed aloud.

A little shocked but amused that Eli was opening up to me I wasn't going to let him get away with it. I can give as well as receive. "We're going to Key West, not Vegas," I badgered back. "Maybe it's you who should be wary. I'm usually into blondes but in your case I'll make an exception. You can't not know you are one of the hottest men on the planet with those intense bedroom eyes and your killer ass. And I'm nearly always fucking horny and will fuck ass or pussy. Don't sleep naked. I might just forget I like women for a night and pounce," I teased laughing aloud.

Eli laughed. "I have a fine cock buddy. Makes a nice stabbing dagger to tame women. If I get horny enough and assured of discretion I could probably even tame a guy. Hell, might be fun, sort of like breaking a wild bronco. And don't' think I haven't noticed, you're a fucking hunk with great buns. So that warning goes both ways. Don't sleep naked unless you can handle a nine inch piston moving in and out of you in a steady rhythm. Ass, pussy, or mouth, I don't care. A warm wet hole is a hole to be used. I won't tell if you won't."

My mouth popped opened in surprise and my chin dropped to my lap. And then we laughed so hard we had tears in our eyes. I really liked this guy. A lot! We both knew we were only bullshitting each other, but it was fun.

After checking in to our room and scoping out the place, we walked to a great pizza place not far from the hotel. After three beers Eli really loosened up. But, then again, so did I. When Eli found out I had just turned twenty-seven and had been a captain in the army he stood up and saluted, weaving from side to side, pretending to be full-fledged drunk. I had to hiss at him to sit down because with his looks everyone was watching and smiling. Good looking bastard embarrassed the hell out of me. Grin.

I found out Eli is a twin, paternal, not identical. His wife was his high school sweetheart and he has been tapping her since they were both fourteen. Eli also alluded to some sort of mysterious life they share. I was dying of curiosity but I couldn't get him to spill. He slipped once and said, `I think you might be one of the people who would like it but I'm not sure yet'. And then he laughed, almost like a giggle. That drove me crazy but as much as I pestered him I couldn't get him to spill any more.

After dinner, we took a walk to the beach, removed and carried our shoes as we played tag with the warm surf. A couple of times when a larger swell was rolling in I pushed Eli toward it and it got the bottom of his jeans wet up to his knees. "Fucker, just you wait. Your time is coming," Eli threatened with a wicked grin.

"Oooohhh, I'm so scared," I razzed him. "What are you going to do, stick me with your nine inch dagger? You think I'm just going to lay there all docile and sweet and let you poke me?"

"Fucker," Eli said again and we laughed. "I don't mind the challenge of a moving target."

I was finished in the bathroom and sitting up bare chested against the headboard flipping through channels. I did bring pajama bottoms and had them on. I heard the shower shut off and a few minutes later Eli appeared with a towel wrapped around his waist and the clothes he'd worn today in his hands. Going to his overnight bag, Eli stashed his dirty clothes in a plastic bag and pulled out a pair of white boxer briefs, the upscale designer kind.

Partially facing away from me, I was watching him. The son-of-a-bitch was a demi-god. Tall, defined, graceful and long limbed, hairy chest, arms, and legs; a treasure trail leading to the waist of his towel with promises of delight, and those alluring long lashed eyes.

I've never looked at a guy and felt this. My cock was actually swelling. Turning his back to me Eli dropped the towel. I forgot to breathe. The perfect white alabaster globes of his ass were framed top and bottom by soft tan lines. My thick cock became fully tumescent in about 2 seconds. I grabbed the sheet to cover me.

Eli nonchalantly turned and made for his side of the bed. No matter how I tried, I couldn't look away. The outline of an impressive piece of meat lay dressed right in his boxer briefs. I made myself look up at his face. He wiggled his full eyebrows and smiled mischievously, displaying gorgeous white teeth. Feeling my face flush, I forced my eyes to the TV.

Eli crawled on the bed. Instead of lying down on his side, he continued on his hands and knees to me. His face was just inches from mine. "I know a game we can play," his deep masculine voice was gravely and seductive.

"What game?" I whispered, my mouth going dry.

"What's done in Vegas stays in Vegas," Eli's smile was enticingly wicked.

My heart hammered. He was so close. I felt the moist warmth of his minty breath. "How do you play?" I asked so softly I almost didn't hear myself. Every fiber in me was at war. Brain cells were firing. Do this or don't do this, that is the question? I've never been with a man before. Never really gave it much thought. All of the sudden I'm overwhelmed by lust and it's for the most handsome man I've ever seen. I wonder if he has this effect on other men?

"Want me to tell you or show you how the game is played?" Eli asked moving closer and putting his cool lips to the nape of my neck. Slowly he worked up toward the edge of my lips and stopped, waiting for my answer.

"Show me," I surrendered.

Eli moved his lips over mine, his tongue probing, prodding, and tangling with mine. Fuck, he was an awesome kisser. Better than any woman I've ever kissed.

"Want to see my weapon?" Eli whispered between kisses. "Want to hold it? Want to kiss it? Want to make it shoot?"

"Yeah. Oh yeah!" I could barely get the words out.

Eli jumped up and straddled me, placing his feet on each side of my thighs, the bulge in his boxer briefs inches from my face. Placing his hands on the wall behind my head he moved his hips toward me until the back of my head was against the headboard and my face was trapped in cotton briefs stuffed with pubic hair, cock, and balls. Gently he ground his crotch in my face rotating and humping.

"You like?" he asked.

"Uh uh, yes, fuck yes," I muffled.

"Take my underwear off," Eli ordered me.

Moving my hands up his long hairy legs, I reached the top of his briefs and began to work them down. I saw his dark silky pubic hair first. It was lush and soft. When his weapon sprang free and his unsupported balls dropped, he moved back for me to get a focused look.

Even his fucking cock and balls were stunning. Not impressive, not gorgeous, but fucking STUNNING! Large, rigid pointing almost true north, uncut and peeled back with a prominent lighter flesh colored head displayed, the texture was that of a youthful teen boy, a slight upward curve, it danced, it moved, it jumped, it was created to be adored and worshiped.

He smelled fresh with hints of verbena, cardamom, and subtle oranges. I wanted to fill my lungs with his fragrance. Reaching up I grabbed his ass pulling him toward me. He chuckled when I nuzzled his pubes smelling him. So soft on my nose, lips, and cheeks. I kissed his balls, licked them, and fondled them. He was a fucking young stud.

I heard the rhythm of his breathing change. Excited, demanding, wanting me to make the ultimate surrender and let him inside me; to claim me with his creamy male gift. I would be his, forever marked and branded by his semen. Forever.

More. I wanted more. I wanted it all. To share it with him. Grabbing him behind his knees I pulled until his knees buckled and he tumbled down on me. Taking his face between my hands I kissed him long and deep.

He wanted it as bad as I did. In a flurry he helped me untangle myself from the sheet and rip off my pajama bottoms and briefs. "Beautiful," he hissed when I sprang free. I let him gaze. He stroked. He caressed. I loved his male touch.

Eli's hand went to my face, caressing my cheek. "You need to shave, stud," he teased.

"You need to shut up and kiss me," I hissed. He did until I was panting.

"Seth," Eli said.


"I'll suck your cock if you suck mine?" he whispered.

I laughed aloud. "What are we, fucking school boys? I'm going to suck you until your eyeballs roll back in your head."

Eli laughed. "Ditto."

"I want to play first. I want to kiss and fondle you down there. And then I want to feel you in my mouth, taste you, love you down there until you spew cum. I want your fucking load."

"You got it." Eli swiveled around grabbing me, adjusting my hips so he could get to my junk.

I realized he was positioning us for sixty-nine. Who would have though earlier this morning I would be lying on a bed with another guy's cock in my face and soon to be in my mouth.

We played with each other's junk, nuzzling, kissing, and fondling. I had waited long enough. He was making me as horny as fuck. With a lick to his piss slit, I removed the precum, kissed the head and opened my lips letting my mouth glide down over him. Christ, he was big. I knew what I liked in a blowjob, so I proceeded to do the same for him. I must have been doing something right because in appreciation or maybe over excitement he began to fuck my face.

When I felt Eli's warm slick mouth slide down on me, his tongue stroking me while I was inside his mouth and he was inside mine, I returned the favor and fucked his face.

Even though I knew it was coming, nothing prepared me for the taste of another guys cum, especially when it was spurting right from the cock.

Eli was good. Really good! I was getting close and picked up the pace fucking his face. Eli returned the tempo. Everything happened at once. Eli grunted in warning, moaned around my cock, pushed deeper and stilled. The flood gates opened and he spurted like a wild man with an automatic cum rifle. My mouth was filling fast with warm thick cum. The texture and sensation on my tongue sent me over the edge and I pushed my cock to the back of Eli's throat and unloaded my balls. With a muffled `humph' Eli gently massaged my balls as I was cumming. When we both ceased spurting, each of us held the other in his mouth not wanting it to end.

Reluctantly, I let Eli slide out of my mouth and I swallowed. Tasted a lot like my own cum which I happen to love, so I definitely loved his and was already hoping I would be getting more directly from his beautiful cock.

Eli released me and swung around lying beside me. Both faced each other. I don't know who had the biggest cum eating grin on their face. Probably equal.

"Holy fucking shit!" Eli groaned. "That was fucking intense. My cock is still tingling. Dude, you are fucking awesome!"

"You ain't so fucking bad yourself, stud," I wiggled my eyebrows.

"There's more where this came from," Eli said with a hint of seriousness.

"Fuck, I hope so," I grinned.

"No, I mean there is a whole lot more if you want it," Eli said with and intense solemnity.

"What do you mean?" I was beginning to get an uneasy feeling.

Picking up on my unease, Eli attempted to change the tone. "No, it's not bad. In fact I hope you will love it."

"Just fucking tell me," I snapped.

Eli peered in my eyes as if to latch on to my soul. Without looking away he said, "I want to watch you fuck my wife. I want to lick your beautiful cock and balls when you are riding her. And then you can cum in her pussy or in my mouth. Whichever you want. When you are finished, my brother and I will fuck her. I'd love for you to watch us too if you would. Afterwards you and I can play or you can fuck her again. You are so fucking hot. She will love you. I adore you."

I was so shocked all I could think of to say was, "You mean tag team her?"

"Yep," Eli said. "She's pretty."

I grinned. "Fucking hell yes I'll fuck her. If it means I can get to play with you, I'll fuck her brains out.

Eli grinned, reached out and played with my junk. "My brother plays too. I know he's going to go ape shit crazy for you."

"Your twin?"

Eli nodded.

"Fucking hell yes!" I laughed aloud.

Eli scooted down and like magic made my cock disappear in a mystical magical warmth.

The End

Next: Chapter 2

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