Playing Possum

By Phillip Cook

Published on Apr 7, 2011



Mickey has just brought another "guest" back to the dorm room we share. He's been doing this for months now, ever since we started rooming together. Two or three times a month he'd cruise the bars for some hunky guy and bring him back to our room and fuck him while I'm sleeping. At least, he thinks I'm asleep. In reality I'm playing possum. It's not like I'm a pervert or anything, but if he has the nerve to bring guys back here to fuck while I'm supposed to be sleeping then I have the nerve to listen to the wildest sex I've ever heard. I don't touch myself, however, no matter how turned on I get. I'm afraid I might make too much noise and they'd be aware I was masturbating to their love making.

The only thing is, lately I've been having feelings for Mickey. It might just be a case of old fashioned lust. After all, who could blame me? He's a tall, dark, and handsome jock. He has the cutest dimples and baby face with the body of a greek god. Of course I've never seen him naked but the way he wears his low rise jeans and muscle shirts, I can tell he has an awesome body. And he has the perfect ass--round and firm.

But I have a feeling that what I feel for him is more than just lust. Dare I say the other L word. Love? I think maybe I really love him. Unfortunately he doesn't even know I exist. Why else would he bring back dates while I'm huddled on my bed a few feet away. We haven't really even talked much since we've known each other.

I didn't get a real good look at the guy Mickey brought home because I covered my face with my sheets. But when they break their kiss and start talking, I know who it is immediately. It's none other than my English Professor, Professor Dawson.

Professor Dawson is extremely good looking. He has shaggy blond hair and a sexy goatee. He's fit and young looking. In fact, he looks almost as young as Mickey and me, but he has to be at least in his early thirties.

"What's bundled up in that bed over there?" The Professor queries.

My whole body stifffens. None of the other dates Mickey has brought home had ever commented on the heaping pile of me "sleeping" on the bed next to Mickey's before.

"That's my roommate, Tim Couric," Mickey answers him.

I'm surprised he knew my name. We introduced ourselves at the beginning of the semester but since then we never hung out and I thought he had long forgotten it. Even though we have been living together for months, we hardly ever see each other.

"Do you think he would like to come out and play?"

I get excited and my dick begins to get hard. I can't believe it. No one Mickey has ever brought back to our room had thought to ask me to join in on the fun.

"Forget it," my heart sank, "he's totally straight," Mickey announces.

I start coughing. Straight! Cough, cough. How the fuck does he think I'm straight? Cough.

My coughing has alerted my roommate and his date that I'm wide awake and the sheets covering me get pulled away from my quivering body. Mickey grabs a pitcher of water on the nightstand and pours it into a cup. The professor helps me sit up while Mickey administers the water to me.

"You OK?" The professor asks, patting my back

After a couple of sips of water I nod my head sheepishly. They both sit on Mickey's bed and stare at me warily. I wonder what they're thinking. If perhaps they're trying to come up with a cover story to explain the professor's presence in our room and then move their love making somewhere more private. They look like two naughty boys who got caught playing with themselves and are now frantically searching for a way to deny it ever happened.

I'm wearing pajama bottoms, yet I feel completely naked the way the two of them keep looking at me. After a moment, the professor gets a sly grin on his face and his eyes roam over my torso and down to my crotch, which is now inflating at an alarming rate and is pratically poking out of my pjs.

I never thought of myself as a stud muffin, but I have a pretty good body--tight and trim. I'm pretty smooth except of course for a healthy patch of crotch hair. The way the professor is now looking at me, you'd think I was Chace Crawford.

"Tim Couric," the professor says, "I thought I recognized the name. You're in my class, aren't you?" I nod my head. "You sit in the front row," I nod again. "You have a nice ass," he says salaciously. I feel myself blush and glance over to Mickey who looks bewildered by this exchange. I wonder if his jealousy is of the attention his sexual prey is now paying to me. "Your roommate is under the impression that you're straight. Are you? Straight I mean?"

I shake my head violently.

"Your're gay!" Mickey shouts with bit more enthusiasm than need be, his eyebrows rise up in surprise. I wonder why he's so surprised. Maybe I'm more butch than I thought.

"Well, yeah." is all I have time to say before they both gab an arm and pull me over to Mickey's bed. Mickey plants his soft, warm lips on mine and his hand wanders down to my hard-on while Professor Dawson nibbles on my neck then lowers his head down to my left nipple and gently tugs the end of it with his teeth. Mickey's hand has found its way into my boxers and he wraps his hand around my aching dick. He begins to jerk it while he continues to deep tongue me.

I can't help but moan. Wouldn't you if you had two incredibly hot guys groping you? They look at each other and I think for a second they're going to make out but then they both look at me. Their eyes betraying lust and they plop down on either side of me with each of them grabbing a nipple and start sucking. Mickey resumes his hand job.

"Oh God!" I say out loud. My head feels like it's going to explode. I never felt in my life the sensations I'm feeling now. I mean, after all, I'm still a virgin. Or was until about a minute ago. Unless it doesn't count until I actually come. And if Mickey keeps up his hand job, that could be any time now.

Suddenly, as if reading my mind, Mickey stops jerking me and his hand travels to the nipple abandoned by the Professor, whose mouth is now pressed against mine. The Professor's hand wraps around my swollen prick and begins moving up and down the shaft. Occaasionally, he swirls his thumb over my piss slit causing me to jerk from the touch. My dick is really leaking now but every time I even get close to coming, the Professor stops his manipulation of my dick.

Professor Dawson gets off the bed and kneels on the floor between my legs. He grabs hold of my dick again and his tongue is lapping up the pre-come leaking from my dick head. He swiftly engulfs my entire prick down his gullet, without so much as a gag reflex (I wonder how often he's done this before). Then he starts bobbing his head up and down on it, at first slow, then a little faster.

After a couple of minutes if intense sucking, The Professor spits out my cock, now slick with his saliva and my pre-come. He points my rod at Mickey like he was offering him a lick of an ice cream cone. Mickey slides off the bed and swipes his tongue around my dick head. I shiver. Oh man, it feels so good to have Mickey's tongue on my rod and even better when he swallows it down to the root and begins sucking in earnest. I've dreamt of this for months. I guess dreams do come true.

Mickey is sucking my cock! Oh Wow!

While Mickey sucks my dick, The professor takes my balls in his mouth, rolling them around gently and tugging on the sac. I know I can only hold out for a few seconds longer when I start to feel my dick tingle and my come bubbling through my nuts and into my dick. Finally, I blast my seed into Mickey's warm, wet mouth. Surprisingly he swallows almost all of it, though some dribbles out of his mouth.

I lie on the bed a moment, having just had the best orgasm ever. Mickey still has my dick in his mouth and he tries to suck out the rest of my come. My dick has become sensitive and I begin to jerk from the sensation of his velvity mouth.

I think they're finish with me and that they were about to devour each other, but I'm wrong. I realize this as Professor Dawson flips me over onto my stomach and buries his face in my ass. Mickey sits in front of my face with his legs spread wide and his dick very close to my watering mouth. I get the feeling he wants me to suck it. So I grab it and put the already leaking tool in my mouth. Mickey responds with a groan. I love giving him pleasure. I'm not sure I can suck cock as good as Professor Dawson and Mickey, but I give it my best shot. From what I gather from Mickey's heavy breathing and squirming, I must be doing alright.

The Professor is meanwhile tonguing my hole. Soon he replaces his tongue with a finger, then two fingers, and three. The next thing I know Professor Dawson is donning a condom and pointing his dick at my hole's entrance. I tense up expecting the pain to be fierce.

"Ever been fucked before, Tim?" I shake my head vigorously, without loosing contact with Mickey's cock. "Well, I'll try to be real gentle," he chuckles. The Professor spreads my ass cheeks apart and slips just the head inside my pucker. I gasp at the touch. He leans forward and kisses my neck, then pushes in more of his dick up my chute. The pain is intense and when I let out a yelp, he pauses and asks if I'm okay. Despite the pain in my lower region, I manage to garble out I'm fine. I'm determined to go through with this in spite of the pain. So he pushes all the way in until I feel his pubic hair on my ass cheeks. "Now I'm going to take it nice and slow. Just try and relax." I do as I'm told even though it's kinda hard to relax with Mickey's massive prick down my throat and Professor Dawson invading my ass.

Professor Dawson starts to fuck me real slow like he promised. After a few ins and outs he speeds up the fucking and it becomes more intense...harder...faster...more pleasurable as well. Amazingly, my dick gets hard again. I can tell that Mickey is enjoying the attention I'm giving his dick. His eyes rolls back in his head and his breathing has become heavier and he keeps saying "Oh GOd" and "sweet Jesus" over and over. I don't have much experience with sex, except for my private masturbatory sessions, but I wonder if he's getting close.

Before I can find out, Mickey pulls his dick out of my mouth and, as if synchronized, Professor Dawson takes his dick out of my asshole at the same time. The Professor flips me on my back, my raging hard-on pointing to the ceiling, and Professor Dawson leans down and kisses me full on my lips and then sticks his dick back inside my gaping hole with my legs over his shoulders and continues to fuck me. Mickey straddles my chest and I once again suck his dick while my hands explore his firm backside.

The Professor wraps his hand around my dick and strokes it. With my mouth being fucked by Mickey and my ass being worked over by Professor Dawson's prick and not to mention the incredible hand job the Professor is giving me, I'm about to blow. Come starts spewing from my cock and onto Mickey's back and ass. I let out a scream of ecstasy, which isn't easy with a mouth full of cock. I guess you could say it's more of a muffled scream. The Professor keeps jerking and squeezing out every last drop of come. He's determined to milk me and I can't take the sensitivity any more but I'm trapped.

Mickey comes next. "Oh God! Oh God! I'm coming! I'm fucking coming in your fucking mouth! Oh! Oh my God!" He screams as his come shoots from his dick and down my throat.

Hearing Mickey's shouts of pleasure must have pushed the Professor over the edge. He shoots his seed in the condom. "Oh yeah!" The Professor enthuses. "Oh yeah, baby. That's the way I like it. Coming in your man-pussy."

What am I? In a porn video all of a sudden?

Professor Dawson and Mickey collapse on either side of me, snuggling close. It hasn't escaped my attention that neither the Professor nor Mickey had even touched each other during our tryst. It seems that I was the center of their attention. I can't help but wonder if it was a fluke. If we went another round would I be completely ignored?

I don't have to wait long to find out. After a couple of hours of rest The Professor and Mickey are ready to go again. They pay an enormous amount of attention to me while almost completely ignoring each other. I didn't mean to steal the spotlight. If Mickey minds he isn't saying a word about it. After all, Professor Dawon was originally his date. This time around I get to fuck Mickey and he fucks me and I suck the Professor's cock. It seems like hours has passed and finally we're exhausted. The Professor leaves just before noon with me and Mickey snuggling close together. Luckily it's Sunday so we don't have any classes.

"Mickey," I ask timidly.

"Yeah," he answers sleeply.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot," he kisses my neck. I turn to face him and he pushes his semi-hard dick into my crotch.

"Why did you think I was straight?"

He sighs. "Honestly? Because you never made a pass at me and you never joined in when I brought guys back here."

"I'm not straight. I'm just shy." I thought over what he said for a second. "Wait, you knew I wasn't sleeping?"

"Of course I did. I was hoping for months that you'd join in on the fun."

"Well, if only I knew."

"You do now."

" want me to join you the next time you bring someone over?"

"Actually," he pulls me closer and gives me a deep kiss, "I was hoping it would be just the two of us from now on. If that's okay with you."

In Answer, I give him a broad smile. Before long, I was coming for the fifth time in less than twenty-four hours. I think this is going to be a beautiful relationship. I know when Mickey is hot and horny that I'll never play possum again.

The End

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