Playing for Both Teams

By Scott Patrick

Published on Feb 20, 2016


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Playing For Both Teams Ch.4

I was all over LeSean's cock. I know he was about to cum, but the door flew open and it surprised us both. We scurried as we were in hurry to act like nothing happened, but something did happen. The person behind the door was Brian.

"So? you're a faggot? I never pictured you as a cocksucking fag. We're no longer friends." Brian said.

"Brian wait." I responded as he was leaving the door.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone that you like being on your knees sucking cock. I bet you like it up the ass too."

I saw the pain in his eyes. He turned away from me and walked away. I felt the years of our friendship drain away forever. My heart sunk like an endless void that could never be filled again. I looked at LeSean and I took off out the door.

On Monday, I was sitting at the table for lunch. Brian sat with some other football players. Dustin joined me at the table. He looked at me with a long face. It looked like he had something on his mind. We looked at each other. The sadness was unavoidable. Had he known my new venture?

"Are you gay?" Dustin asked me quietly.

It seemed that Brian had told Dustin of this all. I wondered if he told other people as well? That question was like a heavy burden. It seemed that my life was coming to an end as everything I loved was being taken away.

"I don't know." I responded hesitantly.

"What is there to know?"

"It's complicated."

"Complicated, how? Brian told me you had a black cock in your mouth and you liked it."

Tears filled my eyes as I got up from the table. I left my tray there as I left the lunchroom to the bathroom. Little did I know, Dustin followed me in.

"You gotta let me know."

"Fine! I like cock! My girlfriend drove me to the other side!" I said with tears coming down my cheeks.

That seemed to surprise him because he left me there in the bathroom. Of course, somebody was in the bathroom. It was Mr. Wilson. Greg Wilson was a known out teacher. He was slender and around 55. He looked at me.

"I don't want to tell you what I think, Mr. Baker. If you need anyone to talk to, I am here. This is going to be a hard time for you."

He put his hand on my shoulder. I needed someone because it seemed that I was outed to the school. I left the bathroom. I heard comments from random people that day. It was filled with homophobic hate. My phone was going off the hook with texts and calls. I decided to turn it off. I wanted to turn off right now like a phone.

It was time for football practice. Everybody avoided me like the plague except for Chase Basinette. He was a general nice guy who befriended everyone. He had a different girl everyday. He had brown hair cut short. He was 6'2 175 pounds. He was our Tight End.

"This will pass dude. Don't worry about it. You will have support. I promise. The guys are just shocked right now. You are our fearless leader." Chase said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, man."

A smile developed briefly on my depressed face. He smirked and we got dressed. Coach tapped me on the back as a sign of respect. It seemed that a few knew the pain I was going through now. I felt that going home would be quite hard.

I arrived at home a short time later. I saw my parents standing there. My ten year old sister Jenna was there too. She had a smile on her face. I was ready for a massacre. I was ready to be burned alive and nailed to a cross of immoral lust. Instead, they all gave me a hug. I never cried so hard in my life.

"We are here for you Colin." My Mom said.

"Why didn't you ever tell us that you were gay?" My Dad asked.

"I thought you would be disappointed in me. I thought you would cast me out of your lives." That even had my Mom crying on that one. I felt now that nothing else mattered. My family was something I was proud of at this moment more than ever. The trials and tribulations that I would encounter were nothing since I had the backing of my family and Chase. If you thought that LeSean would stay by me, you were wrong. He ditched me after that because his family wasn't so forgiving. His dad was a pastor. The rest of night went well. We had a family fun night with board games and a movie.

I breathed a deep sigh as I walked in the halls at school. Erica winked at me and kept walking. I went to my locker and 'FAG' was written on it in permanent marker. I ignored it and kept going with my life. Fag is just a word. Words should never distract people from the truth of life. Being yourself is the most important thing and if anybody joins you, it will make the time go by easier.

Lunch came around and Chase joined me at the table. Others decided to join me as well. It was like I was the new kid at school that nobody knew.

"Any plans this weekend?" Chase asked me.

"None? really."

"There is this party at Erica's house. I wondered if you wanted to come?"

"Sure." I smiled.

Friday came along and it was game day. Football wasn't really in my top ten priorities right now. I let coach know that I wasn't feeling that well and to let Darreon Vassell to be QB this time. The Freshman shined as we won 55-14. Darreon is black and has cute dimples when he smiles. He has a nearly shaved head. We are about the same size. He patted me on the butt after the game. I felt that some people were coming around with the fact.

It was party time. I saw Dustin and Brian as I entered. They were still ignoring me. Chase came over and put his arm around my shoulder. He had a beer in his other hand.

"So my man? I know this has been a hard week, but are you ready to party?"

I nodded. There was dubstep now playing. It was Skrillex. I loved Skrillex. I was dancing with the rest of the people in the room. I got pulled into a room. My beer left my hands as I went into the room. I was about face-to-face with Cade Ference. Cade was a cross-country runner. He was about 5'9 and 135 pounds. He had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was wasted as shit. His hand went to my face. His lips met mine. We kissed for a few minutes. Cade was generally a nice guy who was more introverted, but alcohol has that power on people.

He guided me to the bed moments later. He sat me down. I watched as he took off his shirt. He helped me out of mine. He laid me back on the bed. We made out again. Our kissing was getting more passionate by the moment. His hand rubbed the crotch of my jeans. That caused me to moan. The door opened this time and I didn't care who it was. Neither did Cade. It was Chase. He smiled and left closing the door as he did so. My hand went on Cade's tight, sexy, ass. That encouraged him to get out of his jeans and left his Hanes briefs on. His cock was as hard as Donald Trump's head. He helped me get out of my jeans as well.

Our breathing was getting heavy from the kisses. He broke the kiss to look me in the eyes. I smirked at him. This was the hottest thing I ever encountered. I felt free and what was about to happen had me leaking pre cum for ages.

"Fuck me." I whispered to him.

Cade nodded. He pulled his briefs off and there went mine. He found a condom and put it on his hard cock. His cock wasn't that big. It was barely six inches hard, if that. I felt his tongue go my hole and the sensation of his tongue sending vibrations to my leaking cock. I wanted it bad. He stopped and raised my legs up over his shoulders. He guided his cock to my hole. Once he was in, he was relentless. The bed was shaking and I was moaning and groaning loudly. The party had to of heard us. That was six minutes of pure joy for the both of us. We both came instantly after the six minutes.

Cade fell on top of me and passed out. I passed out as well. I woke up the next morning and Cade was still in bed with me. He looked surprised when he woke up and we were still naked together. His body was curled up into mine.

"Did you like what we did last night?" I asked Cade.

"Yes? did you?" He replied nodding.

"Of course. Would it be weird to ask you out?" I asked him.

"No. I always dreamed of being with you and felt that last night was magical. I remembered most of it."

"Next time, we will try it sober." I said laughing.

His laugh was cute and he nuzzled his head into my body. I held him there until we heard a knock at the door. It was Chase.

"Okay lovebirds, you better be decent when I open the door."

Cade and I smiled as we got up. We got dressed reluctantly as we didn't want to. The cat was out of the bag this week. As the door opened, I saw my once girlfriend standing there as well. We didn't have to say anything. I knew she was with Chase and she knew I was with Cade. We both smiled. I guess we could be friends now. No speech was required. There are times when you know exactly what the other person is thinking and feeling. Later will be my date with Cade.

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